Read Into the Fire Online

Authors: Ashelyn Drake

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Love & Romance, #Legends, #phoenix, #Paranormal, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Folklore, #Mythology

Into the Fire (3 page)

BOOK: Into the Fire
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I’m at a slow jog when I reach the entrance. Only one car is in the parking lot, a red Mazda 3. It’s not exactly the kind of car a retiree drives, but with school in session, who else would be around at this time of day?

The falls are tiered and staggered, with stone steps leading up the sides. Between that and the “Swim at Your Own Risk” signs posted everywhere, I can tell this place is sort of a hotspot. Unfortunately, it’s probably
hotspot in a town like this. I shake my head, and that’s when I see her: a girl about my age. She’s sitting on a ledge behind the second waterfall, and she looks lost in thought. I don’t mind. It gives me a chance to stare. Long legs, long blond hair—wait, are those red streaks dyed into it? Hmm… maybe that means she has a wild side. She must be skipping school if she’s here. Promising.

Her eyes meet mine—actually, they catch me looking about twelve inches south of hers. Who can blame me, though? She’s wearing a bikini that doesn’t leave much to the imagination. And she’s hot.

Chapter Three




I notice his leather jacket first. I’ve never seen anyone wear a leather jacket in June. For a minute, I think I’m hallucinating. Jeremy had hallucinations when his temperature got too high, and after the morning I’ve had, I think I may be losing my mind. I could be imagining this guy. He fits the tall, dark, and handsome mold. Most guys in Ashlan Falls get two out of the three, but this guy…

He won’t take his eyes off me, and I’m suddenly very aware of my bikini. This is supposed to be my alone time, my try-to-pretend-my-brother-still-remembers-me time. But here’s this guy, staring at me like a complete perv.

I dive off the ledge and into the water below. I’ve done it thousands of times, but now I’m worried I’ll lose my bikini in the process. I check everything twice before surfacing to search the shore.
Always be alert.
Mom’s said that a million times.

He smiles at me, and from this close I can see his eyes are a bluish gray. “No fear, huh?”

I shrug. “My brother had to push me off the first time.” Another memory Jeremy no longer has. Damn it. Not even the falls can take my mind off him.

“So you aren’t a daredevil then.”

Why did I say that? I should’ve let him think I’m tough, not some weak girl he can prey on.
Stupid, Cara. Stupid.
“You lost?” I say, trying to change the subject.

“Sort of. Sorry if I sneaked up on you. I was going for a run and thought I’d check out this place.”

God, his voice is sexy. Scary and sexy is a dangerous combination. Who is he? And why is he still standing there gawking at me? I already caught him looking at my chest. Doesn’t he realize how obvious that is? Or does he just not care? I hug my midsection, trying to cover up. He stares at me, waiting for a response. “It’s okay. I just wasn’t expecting anyone.” I wish I had his jacket to cover myself. No, I don’t want his jacket. Why did I even think that? I want my towel.

“Me either. I thought everyone our age would be in school.”

Great. I’m already making him suspicious. I should be better at blending in by now. Doing anything out of the ordinary might draw the attention of a Hunter. Hell, this guy could be a Hunter. I can’t really trust anyone I don’t know. That was part of the reason Mom moved us to such a small town. We got to know everyone quickly. We could relax a little, knowing there weren’t any Hunters in Ashlan Falls. “My brother has mono, and I wasn’t feeling well this morning.”

“Mono. That sucks. I got it last year.”

I’m not surprised. He looks like a player. Bet he’s kissed his share of girls. “You vacationing?”

“No such luck. My dad and I just moved here.”

“Really?” He doesn’t seem like the small-town type. Could be a Hunter, trying and failing miserably to fit in. I’ve never seen a Hunter, only heard about them. This guy could easily be hiding a Phoenix dagger under his jacket. Even though I haven’t gone through my rebirth yet, the dagger would still kill me, and he’d get my essence, which would add years to his life.


So he doesn’t want to be here. That doesn’t ease my nerves any. I don’t want to be talking to him, but he isn’t showing any signs of leaving.

“Is diving off the falls the only daring thing to do in this town?”

“Pretty much.” Of course there’s bursting into flame and being reborn, but I’m not about to mention that. “I’m the best diver around, though. I make Jeremy look like he’s jumping into a kiddie pool in comparison.”


“My brother. He’s sixteen. People say he looks like me, but don’t tell him that.”
Oh, shut your mouth, Cara!
This is against everything I’ve been taught.
Don’t engage if you don’t know who you’re engaging with.
These rules have been ingrained in me since I was four. What the hell is wrong with me? He could be a Hunter, and I’m telling him my life story. Worse, I’m telling him about Jeremy, who is now a full Phoenix!

“What about you? What’s your name?” He steps closer to the water’s edge, where I’m still frozen in the spot I surfaced after my dive.

Fake name. Give him a fake name.
“Cara. Cara Tillman.”
Damn it!
This fever must be messing with my ability to think rationally.

“I’m Logan Schmidt. You a junior?”

“Senior in a few days.” I have to get out of here, but if I leave, he could follow me right to Mom and Jeremy. Okay, leaving is out of the question. I have to keep him talking, act normal, find out if he’s a threat or not. “How about you?” I swim closer to the water’s edge, but he follows me, heading toward my car. Crap.

“Same, except I finished out the school year back in New York.”

“You’re from New York?” Most people around here grew up in Ashlan Falls. My family is one of the few exceptions.

“Lived there all my life.”

Must be nice getting to live in one place for so long. “We’ve been here for four years now.” It’s the longest we’ve lived anywhere. “This must be a culture shock for you.”

“Yeah. It’s…different, but Monique makes a mean Western omelet.”

He’s met Monique? That’s a little comforting. Monique is a good judge of character, and she happens to be a Phoenix. If she made him a Western omelet, her signature dish, then she must have liked him. I relax a little. “Yes, she does.” My arms fan out around me, and I watch the water bubble at my fingertips. This is not the time to let my emotions send my temperature out of control. I have to get out of the water.

“You like the water, huh?”

“Yeah.” I move toward the shore. “Plus, it’s kind of hot today.” More so now that he’s here, making me all sweaty and uncomfortable.

He holds his arms out. “You’re probably wondering about the jacket.”

“A little.”

“It’s stupid.” He takes it off, and I immediately check his waistband for a dagger. Nothing. My eyes rise to his toned biceps. “It was a gift from my mom.”

“Are your parents divorced?” I should be making a quick exit. So why am I lingering, prolonging the conversation? At least the water around me isn’t bubbling anymore.

He looks away, twisting the jacket in his hands. “My mom died in a car accident about three months ago.”

“I’m sorry.” Now I really hate myself for not leaving. He isn’t a Hunter. He probably isn’t even a bad guy. He’s grieving. That’s enough to make anyone act weird. I suck it up and step out of the water. I walk slowly, making sure I’m still covered by every inch of my tiny bikini.

Logan turns back to me and takes me in. I move quicker, wanting to get to my towel. He picks it up and holds it out for me. I’m careful not to touch him because I know my temperature is crazy high. No need for him to know it, too. “Thanks.” I wrap the towel around me, feeling a little more at ease.

Logan looks out at the falls. “My mom would’ve liked it here. She always said she wanted to go back to the country where she could be surrounded by nature instead of traffic and smog.”

“She grew up in the country?”

“Yeah. After she died, Dad moved us here. I think it makes him feel closer to her.” He turns away again, and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I’m not about to hug a complete stranger who was eying my boobs not too long ago. Not that touching is an option at all right now. With my fever, I can’t even offer him a pat on his shoulder. I settle for standing awkwardly, waiting for him to say something. Instead, he sniffs the air. Oh, crap. Cinnamon. Another Phoenix trait: we all smell like cinnamon. I step back. Normally, I chew cinnamon gum so I have something to attribute the smell to; but I forgot to bring some.

“Damn, I just swallowed my gum.” I rub my throat, hoping I sound believable.

“I might have some in my pocket.”

“No, that’s okay. I only chew cinnamon. I love the taste.” I cough, pretending the gum is lodged in my throat.

“Oh, sorry, then.”

I nod and clear my throat. “I think I’m okay now.”

After a few moments of silence, he looks at me. Well, at my hair, anyway. “Do you always dye your hair like that?”

I self-consciously reach for my hair, pulling it to one side. “No. It’s natural. Everyone thinks I dye red streaks in it, but I was born this way. My mom’s is the same. It’s like my hair couldn’t decide if it should be red or blond, so it compromised.” It’s the story I came up with in elementary school. A lot of Phoenixes dye their hair to cover up the fiery red streaks, but Mom and I never have.

“I like it.” He reaches forward but stops before he touches my hair. Good thing, too, because I’m not about to let him touch me. Not with how crazy my temperature’s been. “When the sun hits it, it looks like it’s on fire.”

Just what every Phoenix girl wants to hear. I suddenly wonder why I’ve never dyed it. It’s too risky keeping my natural color. “I’m thinking of dyeing it all blonde.” I step toward my car, but Logan is blocking the door.

“Why? You’d look like a million other girls then.”

“That’s kind of the point.”

He shrugs. “I don’t know. I think it’s good to stand out.”

“Like wearing a leather jacket in June?” I tense up immediately. I shouldn’t have mentioned the jacket after he said it was a reminder of his mom. And where did the flirty tone in my voice come from?

He surprises me by smiling. “Yeah, like wearing a leather jacket in June.” He puts the jacket down on the ground and pulls his shirt over his head. This is my chance to get in my car. I start for the door, but my breath catches in my throat. Logan’s stomach is as tight and toned as… well, it’s hot. “Want to turn around for a second?”

“Why?” Oh God, am I gawking? Or is he really a Hunter who’s going to jump me the second I turn my back to him?

“I want to go for a swim, but I didn’t bring a suit. I don’t want my shorts to get soaked.” He’s going to skinny dip? I must look terrified because he laughs and says, “I’m planning to swim in my boxers, but I have a feeling you’ll be more comfortable if you don’t see me strip down to my underwear.”

My cheeks burn, and this time it has nothing to do with my fever. I turn around, biting my towel to keep from screaming. A seriously hot guy is stripping down to his underwear three feet from me.

“In case you’re wondering, they have ducks on them.”

I pull the towel out of my mouth. “What has ducks on them?”

“I think you know.” His voice is playful, flirty.

“Your boxers?” I can’t keep my laugh in. “Manly.” Logan doesn’t look like the yellow duck type.

“Hey, I didn’t buy them. My grandmother did.”

Now I’m laughing so hard my stomach hurts. I can’t help it. I need to feel normal after everything that’s happened—and is going to happen. “Your grandmother buys your underwear?”

“No! Well, she sent them to me last Christmas. Okay, can we please talk about something else? Anything other than my underwear?”

I bite down on the towel again because I can’t stop laughing. Tears are filling my eyes, and it feels so good to be happy, even for just a few minutes. I hear him step into the water.

“You can turn around now.”

I let the towel fall out of my mouth and take a deep breath before turning around. Logan is in up to his shoulders. I’m relieved and disappointed at the same time.

“You up for another swim?” He flashes a smile, and I feel my towel slip from my fingers. He laughs. “I guess that’s a yes.”

What the hell am I doing? Jeremy is at home going through the toughest time in his life and I’m here drooling over the new boy in town? I can’t do this. I bend down and grab my towel. “Actually, I have to get home. Maybe some other time.” I get in my car before my crazy mixed-up emotions can convince me to stay.

I drive slower than necessary because everything inside me is tugging me back to the falls, back to Logan. I told him too much. I opened up when I should have run away. Something about him got to me. Even now that I’m away from him, I can’t think about anything else.

About halfway home I realize why I didn’t leave the falls sooner. “Oh no. It can’t be.” But it is. It’s the only explanation. Mom said it happens once a lifetime. It’s a bird thing. Someone comes into our life, and without being able to explain it, we’re drawn to them.

This couldn’t happen at a worse time. I’m about to be reborn. Jeremy needs me to help him remember who he is. And yet, I’m convinced that I just imprinted on Logan Schmidt.

Chapter Four




It’s official. I’m losing my mind. As if it isn’t bad enough that Jeremy needs me and I bail because I’m too weak to handle what’s happening to him, I almost go swimming with a guy I don’t know at all, a guy who might be a Hunter. No, I don’t really believe he is, but Mom taught me not to trust anyone new. It’s too risky. I’m putting more than just myself in danger being around Logan. And now that I’ve imprinted on him, I won’t be able to stay away from him. He’ll invade my thoughts until I give in and see him again.

I should go home and see Jeremy, but my stupid aching heart won’t let me. I’m not ready to face him. I’ll go see Monique. I doubt Mom’s had a chance to tell her about Jeremy yet. She’ll know what to do and help me get through this.

I drive to the café and park right in front. The place is empty, so I take my usual table near the door and tap my foot impatiently while I wait for Monique. I’m about to burst when she walks through the door. With one look at me, she knows. At least about Jeremy. I hope she can’t tell I’ve imprinted.

BOOK: Into the Fire
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