Intimate Whispers (3 page)

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Authors: Dee Carney

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Intimate Whispers
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He spread the fingers of His other hand, as gentle and as cool as the first, against the small of her back, holding her in place. Ensuring she endured what He offered.

She shouldn’t enjoy His attentions. The first night like this, her mind screamed for her to rebel against this sin, but her body had other ideas.

“Why?” she’d cried the third time they’d ever coupled. Why did He extend orgasm after orgasm to her before filling her with Himself? He could have thrust between her legs and finished the deed, but that never happened. Even on the cruel nights He made certain she came again and again, wringing her body dry until she lay gasping and trembling against the bed. Too sated, too spent to move for several minutes afterward.

Release yourself to me, Sabrina.

Her head jerked in a nod. Because He wouldn’t be satisfied until she found release, Sabrina blew out a breath and let go. She used a single hand to cup her own breast, captured the nipple between two fingers and rolled it with the same force He stroked between her legs.

An orgasm raced through her body, escaping with such pressure she cried out, called to a god who bore witness to this lewd act. Her toes curled, her back arched as He toyed with her clit. Dots of perspiration peppered her skin, the violent tremors not strong enough to shake them loose.

Another wave seized her, threatened to drown her beneath a crushing weight, but He caught her right before the decadent crest, pushed His cock into her pussy before she succumbed. If His intent had been to stave off another mind-shattering orgasm, it didn’t work. Her body bucked, accepting His girth and length with barely a pause.

Instead of mellowing beneath the change, He set off a series of detonations that brought with them another explosive orgasm.


Dee Carney

As always, He slowly began to thrust. A methodical withdrawal and push forward that almost made her scream with impatience. He slowed down, manipulating His fingers to match the easy pace, almost making her grateful her clit received a temporary reprieve.

It wouldn’t last. He let her become used to Him, used to another orgasm hovering just outside of her reach before He picked up speed. Not much. Just enough to make Sabrina release her nipple and reach between her legs herself. Their hands met and He let out a soft chuckle, a sound that echoed in her mind.

So responsive…so…mine.

Together they circled her clit again, building up intensity, forcing her heart to pound faster, harder. When she came, it snuck up on her. Caught hold of her lungs and squeezed until she couldn’t breathe. Locked on to her vocal cords until she couldn’t scream. Her body trembled, a throaty moan filling the air, the only things her body could manage.

And still He picked up pace.

If she knew His name, she would have screamed it by now, but He appeared to love her hoarse cries of “Oh, God…yes…please…” Wanton sounds. Decadent sounds.

Sounds of being well fucked.

Her forehead rested against the pillow and she gasped, trying to match His speed now. The bed slammed against the wall, and for the hundredth time she vaguely wondered if the people in the next-door apartment marveled at the prowess of her lover. She did.

He never tired. His hips slapped against her ass, always moving, always rolling.

Always, always wrenching another orgasm from her, each one more powerful than the last. Already she knew tonight would be one of those nights. Tonight He would use her until all sensation left her legs. Until her pussy was raw and sore.

She gave in and let Him have his way. He would anyway, regardless of how much she encouraged or discouraged Him.

Yes, having Him was as good, if not better, than having a boyfriend.

Her eyes fluttered closed, her body braced against the ever-increasing power of His thrusts. Sabrina released herself to Him again. Let Him use her pussy until in another twenty minutes or so, the orgasms would become so intense, bright-colored spots appeared behind her lids. Then once the spots disappeared, on the border of hyperventilation, she would see only blackness. And then, one or two more orgasms later, she’d pass out altogether to wake and find Him gone, but His seed seeping from between her legs. Funny how the sticky fluid always remained.

Still, a little cleanup was a small price to pay to keep the voices away.

* * * * *

“I need a fucking cigarette.”


Intimate Whispers

Jason paced the room, stopping often to stare at the closed front door. So very tempted to throw it open, march across the hall and confront Sabrina. With the exception of his parents, no one knew about Teddy. No one.

Kelly held out a small tumbler of bourbon. Ice cubes clinked against each other as she offered it. They’d been trying to solve the mystery of tonight for the past two hours until Kelly had given up and poured a couple of drinks instead. “You don’t smoke,” she reminded him. “Here, take this instead. And while you’re at it, why don’t you sit next to me and explain why you are so fascinated with her? I don’t get it.” He looked over at the concern on her face and the corner of his mouth lifted in a small smile from the sight of her. She’d probably always have the ability to make his heart pick up speed. Kelly was beautiful. He liked his women petite, and she was the epitome of compact. She wore three-inch heels for almost everything, arguing they were evil inventions of men meant to push out her ass and elevate her breasts. Society forced her to compete with thin, model-types, she’d say, and someone like her needed the extra edge. He didn’t think so. Short blonde hair, big blue eyes. Cute kewpie-doll lips.

She’d caught his attention in a room full of salespeople almost immediately.

Too bad they’d messed things up beyond all hope of repair during their year together as a couple. While she might be willing to give it a third whirl, he didn’t have the heart to try. They just weren’t meant to be and he did neither of them a favor by forcing himself into a romantic relationship with her again.

He took the glass and sat down, staring into the amber liquid. Melting ice formed a widening translucent layer. “You never met my brother Thad, but he would have liked you. Any woman who offered up a drink when a man was feeling down, was a woman after his own heart.”

Her hand landed on his knee. “I’m sorry.”

Jason nodded. She knew about his deceased brother, but not the entire story. Not even Kelly earned that honor. “Thanks.” He let a beat of silence pass. “I know it’s impossible, but Sabrina said something to me that only Thad knew about.”

“What’d she say?”

“Just something from a long time ago. But I swear to you, no one knew about it. No one.”

She respected the way he avoided giving a direct answer and didn’t press. “Lucky guess, then?”

“How does a woman I barely know, out of the clear blue say something my brother used to tell me all the time? She’s supposed to be a nut, but Kel, when she looked at me, she knew exactly what she was saying. You could see she knew I knew what it meant.”

“Now you sound like the nut,” she muttered.

She was joking. He knew it, but a flare of anger rose before he could recall it. “I don’t know why I’m even talking to you.”


Dee Carney

The astonishment that crossed her face made him immediately regret what he said.

This was why they weren’t together anymore. Moments like this when she didn’t get him, evenings together when she admonished him for not understanding her job.

They’d always ended in arguments.

“I’m sorry,” he offered. “I just—” What exactly? He needed an explanation.

Couldn’t shake the feeling he should march back over there and confront Sabrina if for no other reason than to make certain she was okay.

“You’re going back over there, aren’t you?”

He looked up, surprised he’d been staring into the glass again. “What?”

“Thad is a no-go topic between the two of us, but you’ve got it written all over your face. You need to know what she knows about him.” She sounded bitter and he almost winced.

Kelly rose to her feet, looking at the different pieces of furniture in the room. When she spotted her purse on an ottoman, she headed for it. “Thanks for being my date tonight,” she said, slipping the bag onto her shoulder, “but I’d say the evening is over, right?”

He pursed his lips. If Kelly hadn’t bought and paid for the concert tickets while they were a couple how many months ago, they wouldn’t be here tonight and he suspected she knew that. “Look, Kel—”

“Don’t sweat it, Jason.”

“Kelly, wait. Let’s not—”

This time she blew out a breath. “You’ve made it pretty clear that you moved on without me, Jason. You can’t even talk to me about your brother, but you can bet your ass you’re about to head over to that woman’s apartment as soon as I’m out the door.” He didn’t reply but Kelly didn’t need him to. She added, “Thanks for a lovely time and I hope you get out of this whatever it is you’re looking for.” That made two of them.

Despite her light protest, he did have the decency to follow Kelly downstairs first and see her into a cab. She offered him a light kiss, but he turned his head at the last second, forcing her to graze his cheek. That boat had sailed. He knew it; she now recognized it. Time for both of them to act accordingly.

As he waited for the elevator to rise, he realized perhaps agreeing to take her to the concert tonight had been a mistake. He could have just as easily paid for his ticket, or bought them outright. Instead, he’d taken her suggestion that they just go and enjoy the music together and he’d not thought too deeply into it.


Maybe he was being as much of an idiot by going to Sabrina’s apartment. He’d have it coming if she maced him when she opened the door instead of listening to the ramblings of a madman. What did he plan on saying, anyway?


Intimate Whispers

He knocked on the door and rehearsed a few openers in his mind. When she opened it a few minutes later, nothing useful had bothered to surface.

“Yes?” She peered at him beneath the simple gold security chain there more for show than actual security. Any burglar worth his salt could use a bolt cutter or any druggie cranked up on juice could kick down the door without slowing.

“Sabrina, hi.” God, he sounded like an idiot already. “I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m Jason, from across the way.” He held out a hand and pointed to his apartment.

She followed the movement with her eyes, but soon brought her attention back to him. “Yes?” she repeated.

Now what? Asking her about Teddy at once seemed beyond idiotic, but on the other hand, he’d never be able to sleep, much less live with himself, if he didn’t ask.

“I’m sorry, but I was wondering… Oh wait. Are you okay now? You were a little out of it earlier.”

Her brow knotted. “Earlier?”

“Yeah, when I brought you home.” The way she straightened to her full height, barely tall enough to make it past his shoulder, made him wonder a little bit more about the nature of her illness. She acted as if she didn’t remember. “You’re okay, right?” After her tentative nod, he continued. “Anyway, you said ‘I’m not your teddy bear’. Do you remember that?”

Haunting hazel eyes studied him as if he was the crazy one, as he’d predicted. “I’m sorry—Jason was it? I’m sorry, but it’s getting late. Did you need something?”

“Listen, I know you don’t know me or anything, but do you mind if I come in? Or could you come out here?” He took a step back. “I’d like to ask you a few questions.

When you said that earlier, you reminded me of someone. Not just anyone, really. My brother.”

Her hand pulled at the lapel of a satin robe starting to gape. Not before he caught a teasing glimpse of the swell of her breast. For some crazy reason, his mouth went a little dry at the sudden image of her standing naked before him. Of the idea that she stood there in the nude as they talked. There was something so incredibly kinky and simple at the same time about that.

He forced himself to focus on something other than a neglected libido and instead on how she’d managed to turn his world upside down with a single statement.

At once her expression grew hard, wiping away any lurid thoughts he might have.

The door closed in a sudden move, the snick of the chain being released amplifying a few seconds later. Her expression softened by the time she opened the door, but there was fatigue etched deep into her face.

“Come in,” she said. “Tell me about your dead brother.” 17

Dee Carney

Chapter Two

Her body ached, the scent of Him still lingering on her skin as she escorted Jason into the living room. Awakening to insistent knocking on her front door had been a shock to the system. She barely had time to clean up a little before she rushed to answer it.

To her surprise she cracked the door to find herself gazing into the dark-brown eyes of her very sexy neighbor.

Jason, huh? Surprising that she’d forgotten his name after he’d introduced himself back when. He looked like a Jason. Probably played sports in high school and college.

Maybe even made it all the way to semipro before deciding to focus on academics and a future. Still went to the gym a few nights a week to maintain a trim body. He was tall, probably around six feet or so. Once she’d spied him in shorts, dripping sweat down the tanned skin of his bare, broad chest. Must have just come from playing some sort of sport where he was probably team captain, barking orders at other scantily dressed, testosterone-filled men. Even the memory made her want to lick her lips. He’d been utterly delicious that day. The pretty blonde always attached to his arm rounded out the picture, unfortunately.

Despite the weight of the robe’s soft fabric, standing beneath his scrutiny she felt unclothed. Her skin tingled from where He’d spent the past couple of hours caressing her, between her legs still pulsing from being thoroughly used. Walking without a twist in her step took extra concentration.

Worse, in the presence of a real man, an attractive man, she felt dirty.

She lowered herself into a wing chair and tucked her legs beneath her. Static rolled off Jason, his gaze darting around the room in surreptitious peeks at her decor. Still, his attention returned again and again to Sabrina. He perched himself on the edge of the couch across from her, his knee bouncing.

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