Intimate Strangers (12 page)

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Authors: Danielle Taylor

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: Intimate Strangers
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She blinked. Once. Twice.


Chelsea opened her mouth but all that came out was a strangled moan that shredded his.

“Let’s get her the fuck out of here, Carstens!” Mac called, chucking an empty clip on the ground and reloading.

Tiaan nodded. First he took out a knife, methodically sawing through the plastic ties around her wrists until they snapped free. Next he pulled her into his arms and held her for the slightest fraction of a second before hauling her upwards. Her stiff form draped over his shoulder, Tiaan moved swiftly through the tunnels and he didn’t stop until they reached daylight. As he placed her feet on the ground, her fingers enclosed around his sleeves tightly and he knew that she needed him now more than ever.

“Jesus, Chelsea, I was so worried…” Tiaan let his voice trail off as he scanned her sweet face, streaked with dirt and stained with tear-trails. His fingers were itching to touch her and he didn’t hold back. Her face fit perfectly in his hands. Staring into the depths of her eyes, he came to a startling conclusion, one which shocked him as much as it did her. “I love you, my darling. I never want to be apart from you. Ever.”

Chelsea’s mouth dropped open, hands hung limply at her sides. For a moment, he wondered if he had said the wrong thing, or perhaps now wasn’t the time to make such an admission. Tiaan decided to give her another moment to respond, or he’d have to assume that she didn’t feel the same. The mere thought shook his world off balance and caused nausea and self-doubt to mingle in his gut before exploding like vinegar and baking soda. On what planet did he think a woman like Chelsea could ever love a man like him?

Christiaan was fucking kidding himself. They had a child together and, in the throes of passion, she agreed to marry him. But a woman like Chelsea was far too beautiful, far too kind, and too damned bloody beautiful for a mess of a man like him. His heart was breaking and he wanted to curse God and everyone around him for this cruel twist of fate, but held his tongue. The last thing Chelsea needed at this moment was for him to get volatile.

She kissed him then, throwing herself at him with enough force to knock him back into the side of Mac’s SUV. He remained still, terrified of frightening her away. When her legs wrapped around his waist and she gripped onto him for dear life, Tiaan knew these weren’t the actions of a woman who wanted only friendship.

Chelsea kissed her way along his jaw and ended up nibbling his earlobe. “I thought you’d hate me…” she whispered, her tears wetting his neck.

“Never.” The word came out a little harsher than he’d have liked. “I could never hate you, ever. Why would you even think such a thing?”

Breath trembling in her throat, Chelsea grabbed her chest, wearing a look of pure anguish. She held it for a fraction of a second before exploding in a choked-up mess of sobs. His heart ached for her as he realised what she meant.

“Oh, my darling…” To show her that he didn’t hold her accountable for actions forced on her, Tiaan brought this sweet woman to him and held her firmly. “It wasn’t your fault.”

She sobbed even harder, tears seeping through his vest and combat jacket.

Looking to the others for help and receiving only nods, he knew what he had to do. Their roles had once again been reversed. He was now the strong one and needed to prove that he didn’t blame her for something completely out of her hands. “Chelsea,
I love you
. I know I’m not some great poet. I can’t sweep you off your feet with my words. But for me to give you my heart, that’s a big thing. I could shower you with diamonds and buy you expensive things, but that doesn’t prove what I feel for you.

“Look at me, Chelsea, darling.” He cupped her jaw in his palms, drawing her away from his shoulder. Her ochre eyes slowly flitted up. “You’ve got me forever, my sweet, lovely Chelsea. Not a thing in this world could ever change how I feel about you. Until my last day on this earth, you’re it for me, Chelsea.”

It was the words she whispered while placing a sweet grazing kiss to his jaw near his earlobe that shook all doubt from his mind. “Oh Christiaan, you have my heart. You always will.”

Simple words that held so much meaning instantly healed him. In one swift move, he spun their bodies around so she was pressed against the passenger side door, and held her there. Chelsea, here in his arms, forced all reality into a faded dream. Chelsea, loving him, it made everything better.


Two days had passed since Chelsea’s return. She did little more than sit and stare, her face a blank slate, as if waiting for someone to tell her how she was supposed to feel. Tiaan struggled to find composure in her presence. He wanted for her to forget the traumatic event, however he knew such a thing was nearly impossible. One didn’t simply fail to recall capture and torture – it remained hidden deep within the psyche, tendrils curled around vital organs, making removal a near impossibility.

It took nearly three whole hours of convincing Chelsea that Ruan would be fine with Mac, Hannah, and Kayla, for Tiaan to get her buckled in to the front passenger seat of Mac’s armoured SUV, but she was finally there and soon they’d be on their way. At first the idea of taking Chelsea to a secluded cabin in the mountains close to Helm Lake felt like the perfect way for them to reconnect and spend some time together, just the two of them with no interruptions. As their departure time drew ever closer, Tiaan wished he’d planned things better.

It feels like I’m missing my heart,
” Chelsea had said to him, cheeks slick with tears. “
I can’t be away from him – please don’t make me leave my baby behind!

Now he understood that sentiment. He hadn’t even gotten into the driver’s seat yet and Tiaan wanted to postpone this trip and all others as well. Staying here with his woman and his son, that sounded like a much better plan. The three of them, holed up in her bedroom, only leaving the room to acquire sustenance or to use the facilities. Secluded cabin vacation be damned; when he was looking at his baby, fast asleep in another woman’s arms, Tiaan had to resist the urge to snatch him from Hannah, grab Chelsea’s hand, and run into the house.

He reminded himself of everything that Chelsea had been through over the past few days and listened to his conscience – finally – when it said how much she needed this. Mac’s gruff voice reinforced that very thought while guiding Tiaan around the back of his vehicle and over to the driver’s side.

“Just in case, anything and everything you could possibly need is in here.” He patted the side of his SUV with a large, meaty palm. “And I mean

Just considering the need for weapons on what was meant to be a relaxing getaway sent fury through his veins. “I’d better go before I change my mind,” Tiaan muttered, fumbling with the keys.

Mac stopped him, one hand over Tiaan’s. “I uh, I forgot to mention…no, I didn’t forget, I just…” He shoved a hand through his dark hair which, Tiaan noticed, had the beginnings of silver showing in it. “I uh, I let Blitz take one of them alive. Says he knew the whole plan and even named Reynolds on tape. I uh, I called a friend of mine and the bastard is done, Tiaan. He can’t hurt you anymore. Can’t get Chelsea either. I sent all the info necessary to the only man I could trust to see this through. They’re going after him, Christiaan. He’s finished.”

Those words nearly sent him over the edge. Tiaan looked up at Mac, knowing full well he had unshed tears in his eyes, and he didn’t give a damn. There was nothing he could say in return, nothing that would equate to a big enough thanks. He owed the man his life, twice over now. Thrice if he counted what Mac had done to help him get Chelsea back.

Sensing this, the larger man grabbed Tiaan’s shoulder and squeezed. “Just love her, Carstens. Love her and cherish her, and just…be.”

Eyes prickling, Tiaan swiftly threw himself at his mentor, his brother, slapping Mac on the back hard in a show of respect, and love. He’d never admit it aloud, but he bloody well loved the man.

They both grunted and backed away from one another, uncomfortable in the display they’d just put on. Tiaan nodded, eyes on the driveway, and found his way into the vehicle.

“Drive safe!” Hannah called, waving.

“Have fun!” Kayla chimed in, her smile almost contagious.

Mac, having already said what he needed and wanted to, took a moment to examine Chelsea through the open driver’s side window. He offered a nod of his head when Tiaan pushed the key into the ignition and turned it, then he stepped back when the vehicle began pulling out from the driveway. A cursory glance in her direction and he caught the few streaks of moisture down her face.

Just get there as quickly as you can
, he told himself.

The sooner they were there, the sooner they could begin the healing process. He didn’t expect any kind of sex on this holiday, or at all for that matter, and as long as she was happy and – at the very least smiling – he wouldn’t dare take that from her.

She had been checked out by Wordy, who was also their medic, and he said that aside from bruising and a swollen throat from inhaling too much dust, Chelsea didn’t seem to be suffering from any other injuries. He sighed in relief at this, thanking whatever power above, if any, for that small miracle. It wouldn’t have made him love her any less, but he was glad that she didn’t have to go through that.

Still, what he had seen Sewell about to do to Chelsea when he rescued her was enough to tear a hole in his heart with no hope of being able to mend it. Knowing that the son-of-a-bitch was about to take advantage of her killed him. His sweet, lovely woman had been through something so awful become of
. What she suffered at this moment in her stoic silence was his fault and he didn’t know what to do to make it better.

Tiaan drove without stopping. Thanks to Hannah, they had enough food to last almost twelve full days, and when he asked Chelsea if she needed to stop and use the facilities, she didn’t respond. In that respect, it helped to cut down their travel time immensely.

Pulling up to the small, rustic cabin, Tiaan instinctively examined his surroundings. There was nothing to search for though. Reynolds would have to be insane to come after him again, and no one could possibly know where he was at the moment.

“Shall we?” He risked an extended glance at her and was relieved to see that the tears had run dry.

A slow breath later and she nodded, reaching blindly for her seatbelt.

Space. She needed it and he gave it, making himself useful by carrying their belongings inside the cabin. He did it all in just two trips.

No sooner had he shut the door behind him when Chelsea launched herself at him, arms clinging to his neck and legs thrown around his waist. Stumbling back into the wall, he steadied himself and held her by that gorgeous backside she possessed, too stunned by her actions to consider the possibility that she might not want him touching her there.

Amber eyes glistening, she searched his face for something he didn’t understand. “You have to tell me now – if I’m…if you don’t…o-or can’t…”

Her pain obvious, Tiaan stepped in, speaking as he turned their bodies until she had her back to the wall. “My darling Chelsea, nothing has changed. I still love you. I still want you. Those two things will
change. I want you forever.”

“Then take me. Right here. Right now.”

There was no other option.

No other choice for him.

And even if he did want to hold off, his body had other intentions.

In an awesome move he never could have even imagined, Tiaan somehow hoisted Chelsea up as he knelt down, until her thighs were draped over his shoulders and his face was in line with the barely-there lace panties she had on beneath her skirt. That scent engulfed him, took him back to every time before that he had tasted her.

Rather unceremoniously, he tore the fabric that covered where he wanted his mouth and tongue the most, leaving the garment in tatters around her waist. A sharp gasp drew his gaze upwards and into her angel’s face, astonishment etched in her features.

“You still want this? Want me?” If she said no, Tiaan thought he’d die.


Of course she wanted him. Each time Christiaan touched her, he somehow managed to obliterate the memory of that horrible man. It wasn’t the same – with Tiaan, she felt loved, treasured. That’s what she wanted, what she needed to feel now. And forever.

He had spoken that word just moments ago.

I want you forever.

He had asked her to marry him, but that was before. Now, Chelsea wondered if he’d only do so out of some form of pity. So she put forth this test and planned to watch his eyes. If they held her gaze often, as he usually tried to do during their lovemaking, she’d know this was for real.

“Yes, God, yes, Tiaan. Just…touch me. Do something. Please.” This begging tone unfamiliar, Chelsea merely watched his whiskey eyes on their downward appraisal of her body, hidden only beneath the thin cotton blouse and skirt.

When his blazing scrutiny settled at the apex of her thighs she swore she felt it.

“Don’t worry, my darling,” his heated breath tickled her desire, causing Chelsea to clench with need. “I’ll do lots of ‘somethings.’ First…”

Tiaan broke off just as he caressed the entire length of her folds with his talented tongue. A crazy, half-witted thought entered her mind and Chelsea wondered, for a second, if a person could die of pleasure.
This one doesn’t count
, she lied to herself. In this position, Chelsea couldn’t see his eyes. She’d have to wait until he was inside of her to make that judgement.

With each scorching kiss he gave her, gently sucking on the bud crowning her sex, her legs shuddered, breath caught in her throat. He knew her body so well that soon her eyes were rolling back in her head and swirling heat began low in her belly.

“Jesus, Christiaan,” she spoke between panted breaths as the last wave of release shuddered through her. “I love you!”


She loves me,
his brain cried out.
She still cares, even after what she’s been through!

When he finished lapping up her juices, Tiaan rose to stand again while keeping Chelsea in place, holding her firmly against the wall. He swapped his body for the freedom of one hand to release the button and fly of his trousers, and yank them down.

Jeans and boxer shorts pooling at his ankles, Tiaan examined her face as he pushed into her, slowly. He marveled at the magnificence in her eyes alone; twin pools of gold, filled with more than the value of currency could ever hope to know – love.

Those cinnamon waves framed her face, pastel pink lips open in invitation. But he wouldn’t accept that invitation, not just yet. Tiaan especially enjoyed watching her eyes as he entered her, pushing deeper until they were fully connected. Though her body expressed much, it was in the depths of her eyes that Chelsea bared her soul to him.

Christ, she felt so good, inner muscles surrounding him perfectly. One final thrust and he reached the hilt. His own body tensed with the need to go hard and fast, while his brain reminded him to take things slow. In this inner war, he found the perfect solution and rocked against her, hitting all the spots she needed him to. She shifted frantically, hips swaying seductively to get more friction.

“You are mine, sweet Chelsea,” he murmured as he swooped in to take the offering of her lips. The hunger he felt for her was evident, he knew, in the possessive kiss they shared. “And I am yours.”

“Yes!” her answering cry was sibilant as she came apart in his arms.

Tiaan gripped her tightly, keeping her with him. Only once she had finished shaking did he begin the dance his body wished him to perform. Her second orgasm brought him to the brink of his control and flung him off the edge of a cliff, crashing into her with the force of the ocean attacking the dangerous and craggy rocks at the end of the Cape of Good Hope.

It wasn’t just his release spilling inside her, but his hopes and his dreams too. A life with Chelsea and Ruan, perhaps even more children. It didn’t matter much to him though, not when she had given him her heart, and he had done the same.

He knew then, holding this sweet woman in his arms, that love
enough to conquer all.

After he set her feet on the ground, Chelsea placed her head on his chest, slid her arms around his torso, and proceeded to fall asleep in his arms. She needed it, he knew, and he didn’t disturb her. He carried his sleeping love to a massive and very soft-looking rug in front of the fireplace, removed the last of her clothes, and wrapped her in a plush blanket.

Before lying down next to her, Tiaan placed the food in the refrigerator and on the shelves in the pantry, then he lit a small fire to keep them warm up here in the mountains. It didn’t take long and by then, exhaustion had taken its toll on him as well, so Tiaan locked the door, stripped down to bare, and rested behind her, moulding her body to his. Sleep came swiftly.

A sexy
moan roused him from slumber. It took a moment for Tiaan to remember where he was. Blinking a few times, everything came into focus and his memory hit him in the heart like an arrow from cupid.





Making love against the wall.


Lounging next to
woman on the rug, wrapped in a heavy, soft wool blanket, Tiaan uncovered her and observed how the light from the fire waltzed over the bare curve of her thigh, down to her slender calves, and finally flicked off the edge of her toes.

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