Intimate Equations (13 page)

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Authors: Emily Caro

BOOK: Intimate Equations
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The sky was quite black by the time Sam got in his
truck to drive the short distance to campus. He had cleaned up a bit in Mrs.
Steber's bathroom. She was an older lady with a heart of gold. She always had
baked goods and cookies for him after he worked in her yard. Sam promised her
he'd be back right after class and she'd pressed a small package of big
cinnamon rolls into his bag before he took off in his truck. Mrs. Steber's sons
rarely came to visit and she was lonely. Sam felt sorry for her and always
brought her a little something in return: a small, potted tomato plant, a solar
outdoor light to set up near the front porch, a sun catcher for her kitchen
window. He munched the roll while he drove; they were still warm.


Jules was absorbed in writing equations on the white
board and did not see Sam come to class. He sat in the back of the lecture
hall, as usual.

Jules was very good at her job. Everything was laid out
with perfection, both in her mind and on the white board. Her task was clear - all
she had to do was guide the students through the concepts. The hour of lecture
sped by before she could even blink; the bell rang and the students rose to go.

After class ended she couldn't help but feel tired and
depressed. The heaviness of her heart was beginning to drag her down and she
was losing direction.

How could this have happened? I thought we
had something remarkable between us.

The only relief she seemed to have from the awful
weight was during her lectures. At least then she could force her own brain to
focus and forget for at least an hour or so. She sighed and gathered up her
materials. Jules headed out the door and down the hall towards the elevator.
She didn't have the energy to take the stairs right now.

Jules was surrounded in the hallway by students
hurrying both ways in the corridor. Some of them were gathered at the windows
while lightening flashed outside followed by a thunderous boom. There was going
to be a big storm. Jules hurried to the service elevator and stepped inside
hitting the button. A man's figure jumped in as the door closed. Jules turned
shocked to look behind her.

It was Sam. His face was drawn and a wild fire
flickered in his eyes. Jules gave him an incredulous look. A moment or two went
by with the two of them staring at each other in paralyzed limbo. Neither of
them was breathing.

The elevator jolted as it headed downwards. Sam jerked
to attention, snapped out of his immobility and hit the stop button with some

Jules looked at him bewildered. “Sam, what are you

I need to talk to you. I need to talk to
you right now.” There was a determined, fierce quality to Sam's voice.

Sam, we can go somewhere and talk. Let's go
to my office.” Jules tried to keep the fear out of her voice. She didn't know
where Sam was headed with this; she had never seen him so agitated.

Sam hesitated, struggling with his emotions. He took
one step towards Jules in the tiny space and he was right on top of her. She
could feel his breath on her face. His dark eyes were blazing with heat. She
could not look away. They stood like this for some moments, then his right hand
planted itself on her thigh until it came to rest under her buttocks. Sam
pulled Jules even closer and kissed her hard. She dropped her laptop case and
threw her arms around his neck, kissing him back. His mouth was hungry and his
face was rough with a two day old stubble. He lifted Jules up off the floor and
pressed her to him.

I’m going to take you now. I’m going to
take you right here. You've no idea how I want you.”

Sam pulled back a little to unzip his pants. His cock
emerged swollen and large. His eyes burned with heat. He lifted Jules'
short-sleeved blouse and his hands sought out her nipples pushing up her bra
until her breasts were free. He massaged them with both hands and bent down to
take them in his mouth, sucking on them hard and taking the nipples between his
teeth but not biting. All the while he pushed with his desire against her leg,

Sam, no. We can't do it here. Workers use
this elevator for moving supplies.” Jules pulled herself free with both feet
back on the floor.

They can wait.” Sam did not back away; he
stood over her and shook the legs of his jeans down until they hit his knees.
Taking her hand he pushed his freed cock into it and Jules gasped. It was very
warm and as hard as the floor under her feet; yet the skin smooth and taut. It
quivered when she touched it and Sam visibly reacted to each finger which
stroked him. She watched his reaction and her heart jumped in her chest. She
tightened her fist around him pulling and stroking as her desire rose.

Oh god, Sam. I've missed you so much. Why
didn't you call me?” Sam was kissing her neck; touching his lips to her skin.

“I'm sorry, Jules. I wanted to talk to you but I didn't
know how to begin.
I had to think about things first but it
didn't help.” He stood up straight to look at her. His eyes sparked and his
expression was rigid.

“Thinking is highly overrated sometimes. Especially
now. Don't think Jules, just touch me. I've missed you every minute.”

Sam groaned again and pushed himself against her hand,
wanting more. Her hand gripped his erection and he moved with her. She stroked
the length of it up and down slowly, pressing on the head with her thumb. Sam

He felt under Jules' short skirt pulling down her
panties until they were free and then he lifted her to himself, spreading her
legs until he could feel her wetness against him. She was breathing hard and
her mind had gone blank. All she could feel was Sam pressing himself against
her seeking entry.

This is crazy; what if someone finds us?
There will be hell to pay.

Jules remembered Amanda's words about risking a
dangerous rendezvous in public buildings but Jules dismissed the warning in her

The danger of the moment only excited her more. She had
never, ever done anything like this in her life. She'd been moping around for
days at home only hoping against hope that Sam would finally break the silence
and here he was next to her ready to make love.

She could feel his erection pressed against the inside
of her thigh. The heat of it sent a current up her spine. The deep ache inside
her was unmistakable. She knew in her mind that this penetrating need would

She widened herself and yielded to him. He entered her
slowly and sighed as his cock pushed into her folds. She was so very wet. Jules
was pinned against the elevator wall as he slowly pulsed in and out; his breath
quickened. He spoke her name as the warm folds of her surrounded him. He held
her firmly against the wall while he slid in and out of her, sighing.

“All I could think about was your sweet pearl and
touching it with my cock. You make me crazy.” Sam increased the motion of his
movements on her.

He made Jules ache inside with new fire. Each thrust
pressed against her clit. She was wet and he slid easily in and out. They were
by now both panting hard. All of her trigger points were set newly aflame as he
rose and fell inside, pushing her tighter against the cool metal.

Sam, there was so much I wanted to say to
you. Why didn't you come by…”

“Oh god, you feel so good.” Jules surrendered to the
moment and her mind relaxed.

At that second the lights went out in the elevator.

Sam hesitated; his body tensed and he stopped moving.
Jules could not see him though she felt his rough face against her. They both
froze and listened. There was silence everywhere. And it was very dark. All the
electrical hums had quieted and there was no movement or noise above or below.
Jules slid to the floor.

Sam knelt down beside her. “I think the electricity has
gone off; there was a big storm brewing when I drove over here.”

I can't hear a thing. Are we between

We must be. I doubt anyone is even
considering using the elevator right now.”

Jules thought about this for a minute. She listened
again but there was nothing to hear. She could feel her own heart beating like
a drum.

Then make love to me here in the dark.”
Jules whispered. “Take me from behind.”

Sam knelt behind her. She bent down on a plastic crate
one of the janitors had left on the lift. Sam reached around from behind and
felt the smooth skin on her belly. He slipped his hand down between her legs
and felt her vulva swollen and wet.

Feel what you do to me, Sam. You take me to
the edge every time. I’m so close to coming right now. Please, please take

Sam positioned himself against her and his cock pressed
into her again; this time on his knees with Jules leaning over the crate. His
excitement of taking her from behind was obvious as he drew in a sharp breath.
Sam leaned into her with effort, groaning as he pressed inside. The muscles in
his arms strained with desire. He bent over her, his cock was completely rigid
in her sending small currents of pleasure to each sensitive place. He whispered
into her hair words that Jules couldn't hear very well or understand but she
knew what they meant in her heart.

After this he did not hesitate any longer. His strong
hands held her hips as he took her. His rhythm quickened as he spoke to her
secret words of his heart. He breathed in uneven gasps as his cock plunged into
her. Jules cried out as her own desire heightened.

She reached back between her legs to feel his balls
against her and touch him at the base as he entered her over and over again.
She loved feeling her wetness on his taut skin. Sam tightened his grip around
her hips as she did this. They both fought for air as the intensity of their
desire increased.

“Oh Jules, you are going to make me come.”

Sam hastened his rhythm and they became more fevered.
He hesitated withdrawn for a split second and then he mounted forward deep within
her and Jules could feel his lava erupt. At that moment his fingers felt for
her, rubbing her clit as he came in hard, long spasms. Jules heart skipped into
overdrive and she gasped as her orgasm sparked and grew sending tremors down
her legs. She pressed into him meeting his pulsing weight with her hips as the
fire grew in her and spread. He released into her and Jules cried out in her
sweet agony.

Oh Jules, I love you...” and they slumped
to the floor spent with desire.

They both lay in the dark for some time. There was
still no sound from anywhere except their uneven breathing. Jules' heart
pounded in her ears. She lay still listening. There was nothing to be heard; no
movement anywhere around them as they hung suspended between floors in the
Science building.

Great. Now we're trapped in here and the
electricity is out. We can't hit the emergency button and I'm not sure I want
anyone to find us here together like this anyway

Jules was already taking mental note of their
predicament. A sudden thought brought her back to the present, stuffy elevator.

Wait, did Sam say to me what I think he
just said?
She turned over to Sam and touched his face.

Are you still there? Hello, I can't see

Sam laughed softly. “Yes, I’m still here. I think we
might be dead though and passed on. I can't see or hear a thing. Either that or
all the circuits are blown in my brain.”

I believe all your circuits are fully
functional, my friend.” Jules kissed him tenderly as they lay side by side in
the pitch dark. Sam stroked her forearm with his fingertips.

I meant what I said just now, Jules. You
have to know I speak the truth: I’m in love with you, I want to be with you
until we grow old. I want to live my life by your side - be your partner and

Sam shifted in the tight space and raised up on his
elbow trying to get a hint of her face; sense her reaction.

I'm sorry it took me way
too many days to tell you all these things. I've had a lot of time to think.
I'm way to too slow on the uptake when it comes to emotional stuff. It all felt
too complex and I just got scared. I'm an idiot for getting upset.”

Sam's tone was sincere though she couldn't see his

“I don't care that you loved Cora. I don't care that
you two were together. All I care is that you want me too. Everything else we
can figure out later. Will you forgive me for not telling you this sooner?”

Jules listened to the voice of the man she loved say
these words. She couldn't read his face while he spoke, she could only gauge
the authenticity of his words with her own heart. She knew this final equation
of love was solid. The calculations one's heart made were much more complex
than any math equations she could do in her head or scribble out on the white
board for her students. In the very least, she recognized this truth.

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