Interregnum (28 page)

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Authors: S. J. A. Turney

BOOK: Interregnum
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“Want me to set watch, captain?”

Kiva shook his head. “Hardly worth it. There’ll be two dozen assassins out there in the shadows. If his highness wanted us dead, they’d have jumped us on the way in.”

The prince laughed. “How little you think of me. Perhaps I trust you implicitly and my men are carousing and taking advantage of local hospitality.”

Kiva smiled now, but with little humour. “And perhaps the winged horse on your cloak will take flight and drag you across the rooftops my Prince. How did you know we’d be here? Even we didn’t know we were making for the village until an hour ago.”

Ashar placed the glass on the table as the innkeeper brought over a tray of varied bottles, some of surprisingly high quality wine. “You are about as difficult to follow as a camel train of bells and gongs. You move slowly and noisily. We’ve been tracking you since your battle at Bergama’s lands and I must say that if even your friend Tythias can find you with his one eye, then be sure we will always know where you are.”

Kiva nodded. “You’re absolutely right. Enough bantering. What do you want and why did you attack us outside Acasio?”

“Straight to the point as always” the prince smiled, pouring himself a glass of wine and motioning for everyone to help theirselves. “Refreshing after dealing with my countrymen for so long. I yearn for those days I spent in Velutio with you and the boy’s uncle.”

Quintillian stopped in the middle of pouring a glass and interrupted. “You keep referring to my uncle. How do you know who I am?”

Kiva answered before the prince could speak. “The prince here knows everything that goes on everywhere. Hell, I’d bet he knew you were leaving Isera before you did.”

Ashar nodded. “It was his escape that brought me back, it’s true. But it is good to see old friends also. Very well.” He drew a deep breath. “We had to have a little go at you on the road; I was intrigued. I haven’t seen you all in twenty years. To be honest, we weren’t sure it was even you until I spotted Athas; you’ve changed rather a lot, you see. I wondered whether age had slowed your wits and your blade. I was pleasantly surprised to find that you’re as good now as you were back then.”

Kiva nodded seriously. “And you haven’t changed at all. Shit, you even look younger than you did then. Why were you tracking us then? Tell me you don’t want to claim the boy for Velutio. I can’t imagine you working for him.”

A laugh, rich and deep. “No. No I can’t see myself allied with that man either. He’s less trustworthy than any of ours. No.” The smile dropped from his face. “I do want the boy, though.”

Quintillian stopped, a glass of rich wine almost at his lips. Thalo and Marco rose and moved to the door and other window without the need for orders. Indeed, the whole company moved up to the alert, Mercurias playing with his knife on the table top and Bors with his longsword in his hands, point down on the floor. Kiva shook his head. “The boy’s not going anywhere and you’ll have to kill all of us before you can harm him.”

Trying not to betray his surprise at himself, Kiva wondered when that had happened. When had Quintillian become such a focus of concern that he would consider placing the Wolves in jeopardy to save him? Curious the effect the boy had on people without them even noticing, but then his uncle had been much the same.

Ashar smiled again. “You misunderstand me, Caerdin. I don’t want to harm the boy. In fact, quite the opposite. I want him to assume the title that is his birthright.”

Kiva blinked. “What?”

The prince looked around the inn at the readiness of the company and shook his head sadly. “It’s such a shame that the years have turned you over-cautious, Kiva. You don’t trust me anymore. I tell you your men can stand down. My soldiers and not within a mile of us at the moment.”

Kiva snorted. “Don’t flatter yourself highness. I never trusted you, even in the Palace when Quintus ruled. I liked you, but that’s a whole different matter; I never trusted you. And I still don’t. Why is the boy any of your concern? What’s in it for you?”

Ashar shrugged. “The Empire was ever a good neighbour to Pelasia. Our trade has declined; we have to suffer the stings and bites of small raiding parties from your petty lords on the border that would never have happened under Imperial rule. And of course, there’s family. Don’t forget that my grandmother was of the boy’s house.”

“Sentimental crap” announced Kiva, taking a slug of something expensive and refilling the vessel.

“Alright” answered the prince with a curious smile. “You tell me why I want him.”

A voice from the other side of the room interrupted. “You’ve lost your position, haven’t you, highness?” They turned to Mercurias who’d put down the knife and was peering at the Pelasian. Ashar grinned.

“Your doctor was ever the most perceptive of the Wolves, Caerdin.”

Kiva raised an eyebrow at the medic and Mercurias shrugged. “His uncle’s been usurped. Why else would he be interested in the power struggles of the Empire? Why else would he leave his lands and come this far on a fool’s errand like this?”

Ashar nodded. “He’s quite right. Very bright for a man who shuns the learning of our own doctors. You know we’re centuries ahead of you in medicine, Mercurias.” He turned his attention back to Kiva and Quintillian. “Yes, my uncle is no more. His head now graces the tip of a lance over the Moon Gate at Akkad and the twins are buried in an unmarked grave somewhere in the desert. I am the last of the Parishid dynasty. Pelasia is slipping away into chaos in much the same way the Empire has.”

Athas shrugged. “That means nothing; you have no small power yourself. You should be able to take the throne back without too much effort.”

Kiva turned and wagged his finger at the sergeant. “Not that simple though,” he turned back the prince, “is it? You could take it back, but you couldn’t hold it. Not now that the Satraps have seen how possible it is to remove a King. It’s not easy to kill a divine power, believe me, but once you do everyone gets ideas.”

The captain patted Quintillian on the shoulder. “That’s why he needs you. Got to put the Empire back together so that he can have Imperial support when he retakes the throne. No Satrap would stand against him then. Otherwise he’ll stay on the run out here.”

Quintillian frowned. “I still don’t understand. Velutio’s close to becoming an Emperor himself now and I’m the perfect bargaining chip, yes? From the prince’s point of view, giving me to Velutio would get him the support he needs anyway.”

Ashar grinned. “Don’t believe for a minute that I didn’t consider it either.”

Kiva shook his head. “Velutio would never ally with a Parishid ruler. They were close to the Imperial family; they even share the blood. No; Velutio wouldn’t stand for Parishid interference.”

Mercurias piped up once more. “This is getting us nowhere. The fact remains that he wants Quintillian and he can’t have him…” he turned and gazed questioningly at Kiva “can he?”

The captain sighed. “I’m afraid not, your highness. I appreciate the fact that you’re the first person we’ve come across that wants to support him and not to kill him, but I’m not actually ready to let go of him just yet. We might be able to come to some arrangement though, if you tell me your plans for him.”

Ashar frowned. “I’m not in the habit of revealing my strategies before they’re carried out, Kiva. You know that, for you were ever the same.”

The captain smiled back at his opposite number. “Just for once, it sounds like we’re working to the same end. Let’s not spoil it.”

“Very well” the prince replied. “For all your harsh assessment of my people, you are correct that we have the finest assassins in the world, and I intend to use them against your old nemesis. Velutio has the most powerful army in your empire, but that won’t help him if his head wakes one morning next to his body.”

Kiva shook his head. “That’s bad planning, Ashar, and you know it. You’re more desperate than you let on, otherwise you’d have thought this through further.”

“Explain.” A simple demand from the Pelasian.

“If you kill Velutio,” sighed Kiva, “all you do is take away the incentive for the lesser lords to behave themselves. If Velutio dies, the chaos will increase, not decrease.”

The prince nodded. “I realise that that is a possibility, but it would be easier to put down the smaller lords than the master himself. Besides, what other choice is there?”

It was Athas who picked up the conversation now. “Did you ever play ‘towers’ when you stayed in the capital? It’s a very good strategy game that the captain and I used to play regularly. The objective is to destroy enough of the opposition’s towers that the remaining ones are too far apart to support each other. I was never all that good, though the captain was better… but Quintus was the best player I ever saw.”

The prince narrowed his eyes. “I believe I see where you are going with this, but do go on.”

Athas smiled. “He’s the only player I ever saw completely demolish the opposition. He left not a tower standing. The game was nice and evenly balanced one minute and then he pulled a trick I’d never even thought of and in only three moves I had no pieces left. It was unbelievable.”

Ashar nodded. “But this is no game and we have no Quintus. We have Quintillian and the towers are real and filled with armies and hungry lords. A nice story, but how does it apply?”

Athas coughed. “I’m not actually sure yet. The captain and I have discussed the future a few times though and it always comes back to the game. All the towers have to go at once, as we only have a couple of pieces ourselves.” He glanced across at Kiva. “There’s only one man here with the kind of tactical genius that Quintus had, so we’ll have to wait until the captain here has a flash of inspiration.”

The prince nodded. “It’s up to you then Caerdin. If you have plans for the boy, I will not interfere. Perhaps we will work together when the time comes? I will wait upon your magnificent brain and when you think the time is right and your plans become clear, call my name. I will never be very far away.” He smiled at the boy. “And we’ll drink to the health of your future ruler and my future ally.”

Raising his glass the prince stood, saluted Quintillian, and drained the amber liquid. Dropping the glass back to the table, he reached into his surcoat and spun around. A chisel-tipped throwing knife whistled through the air with an accuracy that surprised even Kiva and entered the innkeeper’s throat just below the chin. Turning back to the table, the prince refilled his glass and smiled. “I told him price would not be a problem” he joked as behind him the innkeeper slithered down the wall leaving a trail of red.

Quintillian blinked. “Why him?”

Kiva patted him on the shoulder again. “If his highness hadn’t have done it, I would have. Within a day Velutio would know you’ve been here and the barman would be able to retire a wealthy man.”

The prince laughed loudly. “Unless you’ve undergone some miraculous training in the last two decades, you’d not even have hit the wall, let alone the barkeep!” Taking a sip of his drink and replacing the glass, he wandered over to the bar to retrieve his knife. Returning and wiping the blood on a bar cloth before sheathing the blade, Ashar raised an eyebrow and regarded Kiva as he sat. “What are you planning to do then until your miracle comes to pass? Remain on the move? In hiding?”

This was of course a question Kiva was ill-prepared to answer, having only the loosest idea himself. He watched the prince suspiciously. Still, the Pelasian would know what he was doing as he did it if not before and had as much at stake here as anyone. Sometimes the least trustworthy of people became the ones you had to rely on.

“We head for Serfium. I’ve friends there from the old days who’ll keep us out of the way of Velutio’s hunters. Quintillian wants to return to Isera though I’m loathe to walk into the bastard’s hands like that.”

Ashar nodded. “Foolish indeed. Perhaps some of my information will be useful to you, at least in preventing such insanity.”

Kiva pricked up an ear. “You know about what’s going on in the capital then? Anything you can tell us might help. I’m stuck at an impasse at the moment.”

The prince laughed loud. “When was I ever in the dark about current events, Caerdin?” The smile faded and with another sip of wine he placed his hands on the table. “Very well. Velutio is well aware of how the three fugitives escaped Isera. He now has a chart showing the old Imperial escape route as his commander spent a week on the island with everyone there. I believe some harm came to the minister, though no report yet has suggested that he has passed away, so I presume he still runs the island. There was some altercation between the commander of Velutio’s army and the captain of his personal guard and I believe a man called Sabianus is commanding both units. Other than that events on Isera are a bit of a mystery. It was hard enough gathering intelligence on the island before Velutio’s troops landed there and my source on the island stopped signalling once Sabianus landed. All the information I have now has been gleaned from sources in the city.”

As Ashar took a breath before continuing, Kiva held up his hand. “What kind of man is this Sabianus? Do you know anything about him?”

The prince shrugged. “Only a little. He has a good reputation as a commander and very highly paid. He’s been sent to deal with insurrections by some petty lord to the south at the moment. Velutio’s left a small garrison on the island and it really would be ridiculous to go there. Now that he knows about the escape route, you can be sure there’s no secret way in any more.”

Kiva smiled. “There’s always a card up my sleeve, highness. There’s more than one secret passage through the reefs. Just have to know them, that’s all. Still, I agree.” He turned to Quintillian. “Going back to the island is nothing short of surrender and probable suicide. We have to find another way forward, and I think I’m getting an idea.”

The prince raised a questioning eyebrow. “Your mind works fast general.”

“Sometimes.” He drummed his fingers on the table thoughtfully. “Though this relies on stirring up a lot of trouble. Can you find out about this commander Sabianus for me? If he’s a good commander, he might be someone from the old days. There were an awful lot of lesser officers I didn’t know, but if he commanded in the Imperial army, you can be sure that I’ll know someone who knew him. On the whole Imperial officers would tend to be more sympathetic, but I don’t want to push anything until I know more.”

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