Intercepted by Love: Part 2 (Playing the Field #2) (4 page)

BOOK: Intercepted by Love: Part 2 (Playing the Field #2)
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“There’s nothing to apologize for. You wouldn’t have known.” Andie avoided his gaze and turned toward a bookshelf full of retired movie props. “How’s she doing?”

“Pregnancy’s progressing. I’m not seeing her, if you’re wondering.”

“I’m not thinking anything, Cade. I’m over it. It was a misunderstanding.”

The way she said that, all pinched and dry, clenched his heart. How could she so calmly say she was over it, as if the week they’d shared hadn’t changed their lives?

One step at a time. Game’s not over yet.

Cade rubbed the back of his neck and moved to her side. “I just wanted you to know. That’s all.”

“Sure. Duly noted.” She examined a replica of Dorothy’s ruby red slippers. “Whose house is this? I’m sure I can’t afford the rent.”

“This is my house.” He placed a hand on her shoulder. “And you’re welcome to stay as my guest.”

“But …” Her face turned pink as she figured out what happened. “You waylaid me. I was supposed to go to the hotel.”

“Guilty, but I live here all alone, and it would help you save money if you stayed with me.”

“I, I can’t take you up on this. It’s not right.” Andie clutched her purse to her chest and backed away from him. “I don’t want to owe you.”

“You won’t owe me a thing. I’d like you to stay. Come, I’ll show you around.” He took her hand, interlacing their fingers. “If you’re worried, I promise I won’t be anything more than a friend.”

“Well, maybe …” She bit the bottom of that plump, sexy lip, driving his heart rate to a frenzy.

Had she any idea how crazy she was making him?

“I promise to be the perfect gentleman. I’ll even have a driver take you to and from work. I’ll be busy with training camp and endorsements, and you’ll have your own private wing. You won’t even know I’m here.”

“But, wait. I can’t take advantage of you.” She withdrew her hand from his grip.

“Look, I know why you’re here.” His hand already felt empty, but he couldn’t let her know he’d been in cahoots with Ronaldo to bring her here. “I mean, I can guess. There’s no way you’d leave your parents unless it’s for the money to help them. Rents here in Hollywood are sky high—two to three thousand a month and even then, the neighborhood could be dodgy, especially for a single woman.”

Her shoulders slumped, and her face darkened into a frown. “You don’t need to help me. The admin at Silver Studios had a few leads, and I can room with one of their personal assistants. His roommate moved out to film in Japan and—”

“You’re definitely not going to room with another man. You’ve no idea how men are in LA.”

Andie straightened her posture and her nostrils flared. “You’re right. I shouldn’t room with a man, and you’re doubly right. I have no idea how men are in LA, including you.”

“That came out wrong,” Cade muttered, but Andie was already stomping toward the door.

“Come on, Gollie,” she called while extracting her cell phone from her purse. “I’m calling a cab, Cade, and don’t try stopping me.”

Chapter Five

ndie’s hands
shook as she browsed for a taxi cab. She still wasn’t used to her cell phone, but once she’d agreed to the screenwriter’s research assistant job, she’d had to get one.

Behind her, Cade stood silent. Guess he really wasn’t going to stop her. Their two dogs were still frolicking in his yard full of bushes and flowers, although truth be told, it was unkempt and bare in patches. The lawn was dried up and some kind of succulent ground cover bloomed purple and yellow on the slope.

She connected to a dispatcher.


“Uh, hold on a sec.” Lowering her phone, she asked. “Cade, I need your address.”

“I’ll drive you.”

“No, really. It was awful nice of you to pick me up at the airport, but I can’t stay with you.”


He’d taken off his cap and was no longer bald, sporting a well trimmed haircut, and he’d shaven off his beard and mustache—so different from the lumberjack she’d met at Itasca, but still sexy and totally hot.

How was she going to hold herself together when all she wanted to do was run her finger over the scar on his upper lip and taste his tongue, and grovel at his feet like the women who chased after King David when he cavorted with the Ark of God through the streets of Jerusalem?

Snap out of it!

“Why, Andie? I have all this room.” He beseeched her with his hand, beckoning her to go to him.

She gave her head a hard shake to chase away the tides of lust and desire welling from her nether regions.

“It’s a matter of principle. I’m not a sponge or a free-loader.”

“Then, pay me rent.” He shrugged, looking so cute and rugged at the same time. How was she going to resist not jumping his bones, except he seemed not to want her anymore.

Maybe she could do it. After all, her mother could use the extra money to hire a home health aide, and God knew her father needed the rehabilitation programs not covered by his basic, catastrophic insurance plan.

“Okay, guess we can work that out, but it has to be a fair market rate, and I’ll stay to my one room and bathroom. I can’t afford more.”

“Of course.” Cade wrapped his big hands around her waist and lifted her up easily. “You hide in there and I won’t ever bother you. Promise. Since I’ll give you the smallest room, one shelf of the refrigerator and a single burner on the stove, no oven privileges, it’ll be a hundred a month. Think you can swing that?”

“Bathroom? I’ll need a sink, toilet and shower.” She was already breathless, being in his arms, but she had to keep her nerves steady. No flailing now.

“Oh. You’re a tough negotiator.” He swung her around and around. “Of course, but if you want to use a tub, I’ll charge you an affordable price, per use.”

He wiggled his eyebrows, and Andie couldn’t help remembering the ways she and Cade had used the luxurious bathroom at the Watkin’s Peak ski resort their one weekend together.

“I don’t think I’ll be taking any tub baths any time soon,” she muttered, hoping her blush didn’t give her thoughts away. “A hundred is way too low.”

“I could go even lower.” His eyes glinted as they traveled from her face downward. “In fact, why don’t we go inside and renegotiate over a bottle of wine?”

“I, uh, don’t need to. I mean, deal. Yes, I’ll take it.”

The scar over his upper lips stretched as he grinned. “I’m sure you’ll take everything I have to offer.”

If he only knew the truth how attracted she was to him. Still, he’d promised to be a gentleman, and it seemed he was over her already. Besides, he had that baby to worry about, and she did need to save money.

“Yes, let’s go inside. I mean, not to negotiate, just so you can show me my room and I can get unpacked.” She was babbling now, her heart skipping and pulsing and her single brain cell could not compute why her landlord was holding her in his arms. Wait! Halt. She had to guard her heart, if not between her legs, and no way was she going to be another number on his bedpost.

Although, how thick and long must his bedpost be?

“Red, Gollie, inside,” Cade commanded, his sexy deep voice vibrated through his chest.

He stepped toward the ornately carved double doors and pulled her body against his as he stumbled across the threshold.

Andie grabbed onto him, arms over his shoulders. He took two heavy steps, then regained his balance, slamming her back against the wall.

She lost her breath and her mouth opened in shock, only to encounter Cade’s lips crashing into her. Everything exploded around her, the heat of the summer evening, being inside Cade’s mansion, the lonely nights replaying him in her mind, and all Andie could do was gasp and allow him to plunder her mouth.

His tongue moved wickedly, smooth as silk and rough with desire. His body was hot and hard, especially the rod pressing between her legs. Her open legs. Holy bratwurst. She’d promised herself to guard her heart. Must. Push. Away. Must. Clamp. Lips. Shut. Must not rub against him.

She wiggled and squirmed, her hands wildly grabbing as she supposedly fended off his passion-filled kisses. His skillful tongue darted and flickered, probing and teasing, before he deepened the kiss, his entire head moving to massage her lips.

Andie moaned in sheer bliss. He was rock hard against her, and his hands had crept to her breasts, smoothly and surely massaging her. Her clothes were too tight, too constraining. Even as he politely remained outside of her bra, she gave herself over, clamping her legs around his waist and moving her crotch over his hard-on.

She might not have an idea about how men were in LA, or how Cade lived and behaved, but what better way to find out than to stay with him, as friends, of course. Maybe with benefits. Big benefits. Like Goliath sized benefits.

Cade groaned and broke the never-ending kiss. Panting, she reached for him, and he tipped his forehead against hers. “If you want to leave, say so now.”

Andie’s vocal cords froze. What did he want her to say after that mind-blowing kiss and the skillful breast exam? She definitely didn’t want to leave—not with her body so hot for him. Forget the heart problems, she had other more immediate needs, like rent, a place to stay, and, face it, Cade had invaded all her dreams since the day she’d first met him deep in the bowels of Opp Library.

“Bedroom. You haven’t shown me my room.” Shit. That came out way too sultry. Her chest heaved and she throbbed between her legs. “I need to know what I’m getting for my rent money.”

There. That sounded businesslike and not at all like a come on. She’d sign the lease, fork over her deposit, and unpack. Why would she want to leave when he was going to give it to her for a hundred a month?

“Definitely.” He carried her down the hallway, up a spiral staircase, and kicked a door open at the top.

Twirling her around, he said. “Your room, your walk-in closet, private bath with jetted tub and ceiling fan, balcony with view of the Hollywood Bowl, and California king-sized bed. You need to let me know if it’s too hard or too soft.”

“I’m sure it’s just right,” she said breathlessly. She hadn’t gotten a good look, but the room was dark like the inside of a movie theater. A large window was covered with room darkening blinds, and an entire wall consisted of a giant movie screen complete with velvet curtains hanging on either side. “Is this a home theater?”

“It was until I repurposed it.” Cade laid her on the center of the plush bed. He handed her a remote with a number display and plus/minus pushbuttons. “You can adjust the bed, hard or soft, anything you’d like. You like it?”

“Uhm … yes, thanks.” The words caught in her mouth. “The bed or the room?”

“All of it, babe.” He ran a firm hand up her arm, drawing a line of tingles.

“This isn’t your room, is it?”

The room was clearly a love nest, a man’s room with its clean, stark contemporary look, black and silver, bold. God knew what was shown on the large movie screen that covered an entire wall. Add to that the black ceiling and the panel of mirrors covering the closet at the foot of the bed. The wrought iron bed frame was protected with a padded headboard. It was kind of freaky in a kinky sort of way, and Andie’s blood sizzled at the thought of being tied to the bed.

“Do you want it to be?” Cade answered, his mouth in a suggestive smirk.

“Uh, no. Cade, I couldn’t put you out of your room. This is too much, worth way more than a hundred bucks.”

“Don’t worry about it.” He drew a finger over the seam between her lips and caressed her chin with his thumb. “No one’s using it, so it’s like found money for me.”

The short trip from the entrance foyer to the movie theater bedroom revived a few of her brain cells, and even though his touch was more than tempting, the room scared her.

Andie faltered under his steady gaze and cleared her throat. “I, uh, should unpack and take a shower. Eastern time’s three hours ahead, and I’m really bushed.”

“Sure. Let me get Gollie settled. I have an extra doggie bed. I’ll order takeout. What would you like?”

“You don’t have to. I’m supposed to be the renter.”

Cade stood and glared at her, his hands on his hips. “I’ll let you get unpacked, but you will have dinner with me. I’ll be back at seven.”

Without waiting for an answer, he stormed out and slammed the door.

Sheesh. Was he angry at her? Somehow the scene came straight out of
Beauty and the Beast
, except the talking teapot and feather dusters were missing, and instead of a library of books, Cade had a collection of movies, likely X-rated.

As she showered, she recalled all the good reasons she had for not getting involved with a man like Cade. Somehow it was easy to make resolutions when she was alone, but how was she going to make it through dinner?
One baby step at a time
, she muttered under her breath. Except she wasn’t the one having his baby. Now, she understood the pain David’s first wife had watching all these other women deliver baby after baby while she alone remained childless.

Chapter Six

ade felt
like punching the wall. She thought she was just the renter? What about that stormy kiss and the heavy breathing and the legs wrapped around him? Hadn’t she been grinding up against him, giving him signals?

He wasn’t used to being denied, and he’d been waiting for Andie for five long months. He’d done his penance and had cut off all hookups. It hadn’t been easy, and he was getting tired of having to relieve himself in the shower.

He stomped down the spiral staircase where he was greeted by both dogs.

“Okay, you two, time for some chow.”

Red and Gollie followed him into the kitchen where he filled an extra food and water bowl for Andie’s dog. Gollie thanked him with a lick of his fingers while Red dived into his food. The two dogs acted like they were best friends, so at ease with each other. Why couldn’t it be this way between him and Andie?

Cade went online to a website offering delivery from many local restaurants. He browsed several menus and settled on prawn skewers for an appetizer, filet mignon main course, arugula salad, and berry sponge cake for dessert.

Before taking a shower, he pulled out his best scotch and poured himself a shot. The fiery liquid burned the edge from his anger, allowing him to focus.

Andie didn’t owe him anything. If he kept pushing, she’d pick up the phone and move out. All he needed was his body to behave, particularly that naughty cock of his, the one who’d caused his current troubles.

New Year’s Eve was the only time of the year he’d allowed himself to get drunk-drunk. Even though the Flash were in the playoffs, he was the backup quarterback after Todd Irvin, so he’d allowed himself a little indulgence.

Except he hadn’t been alone. His agent, Rob Cash, had insisted that he do any partying and drinking in his presence to protect his investment, so to speak. He was supposed to be safe at Rob’s house, and he was there when the ball dropped on TV. Except Roxanne and her girlfriends had crashed the party last minute, and when they were ringing in the New Year, and everyone was grabbing the nearest available lips to kiss, he’d ended up lip-locked with his agent’s sister.

He could have sworn he’d used condoms but it wasn’t as if condoms haven’t been known to fail. What was surprising was Roxanne hadn’t been on birth control, given the way she’d thrown herself at him without restraint. Oh well, she’d hit the payoff with the pregnancy, and he’d fulfill his responsibilities. After all, it wasn’t the baby’s fault.

Cade cranked up the shower, but couldn’t let it run too long, given the California drought. He soaped himself quickly, and it didn’t take many jerks before he ejaculated. It was more for relief and to gain the ability to restrain himself around Andie than for pleasure. It didn’t even rate when all he wanted was to be buried balls deep inside her warm, slick channel.

Woman, you’re killing me.

, I’ve already found a place to live,” Andie said over the phone. “It’s just a room in someone’s house, but it’s very affordable.”

“That’s wonderful,” Mom replied. “Can we get the address?”

“After I sign the rental agreement, but let me give you the studio’s address. It’s probably better for you to mail my letters there because I don’t really want my stuff mixed in with my landlord’s.”

“Makes sense. Let me get a pen.”

Andie rubbed her eyes. She hated to be so evasive, but her parents would blow gaskets if they knew she was living with Cade. Besides, she wasn’t sure he’d agree to her terms of being friends only, in which case, she was back on the streets looking for a place to live.

Bottom line. She had to read him the riot act and put him in his place. No kissing, teasing, touching, and definitely no making out. Neither of them could control the chemistry combusting around them, and she was here in Hollywood to do a job, not get laid.

“Okay, back with the pen,” Mom said.

After Andie dictated her work address, she asked how her father was doing.

“He misses you and your talks about David and Michal, but he’s really excited that you’ll get to consult on the movies. Why don’t we schedule a weekly video conference? Are you free on Sundays?”

“Yes, Sunday would work. I miss you two. I’m glad Gollie’s here with me.”

Sunday would definitely work since Cade’s football games were always scheduled then. She closed her eyes and shook her head. She really had to stop thinking of them as a team. Landlord. Tenant. That had to be all.

“We miss you too, sweetie, but we’re so proud of you. Give a kiss to Gollie, too.”

They said their goodbyes and “love yous” and hung up. Speaking of Gollie, Andie ought to go downstairs and see how her girl was doing.

She tiptoed down the spiral stairs and made her way to the great room. She didn’t want to run into Cade just yet, so she peeked around the corner before moving into the room.

Gollie and Red were lying on the floor under the pool table, relaxing. The tip of her tail wagged, and she raised her head, but didn’t come bounding from her comfortable position. Beside her, Red lay with his head on his paws. He too, wagged his tail and his nose moved to take in Andie’s scent.

Andie squatted on the floor, her tight jeans stretching, and patted both of them. Cade’s house was surely better for her dog, since any apartment she could rent would be too cramped for a big dog like Gollie. If only she and Cade could draw the boundaries and keep them.

The evening sunlight slanted through the large windows, and she was drawn to the sunken living room made up almost entirely of sectionals. The view was breathtaking as sunlight reflected off the distant mirrored office buildings.

She felt rather than saw Cade when he moved in behind her. Closing her eyes, she expected him to touch her, to say something, but after a moment of silence, she turned his direction.

He was staring out the window. His sharp nose and high cheekbones gave him a noble look, like an ancient warrior, a mighty man who fought alongside kings and princes. Someone like Ittai, a Philistine prince who came to David’s aid when his own son Absalom had stolen the kingdom from him.

Of course, Cade’s hair was way too short for a Philistine warrior, but he still had the hawk-like profile and proud demeanor of a prince.

They sat side by side, not speaking, but together while the sun slid further down the western sky, golden with orange and purple hues.

Wordlessly, Andie slipped her hand into Cade’s. Even though she’d draw up the rules of engagement between them, she didn’t want to take in her first Californian sunset alone.

Cade’s Adam’s apple undulated as he swallowed, and he held her hand steady, drawing her closer.

Their moment was disturbed by the doorbell. Cade backed away, and she let go of his hand. Hugging herself tightly, she took deep, long breaths. No matter how much she was attracted to Cade, she deserved better. She wasn’t going to trade sex for a room in a house with this awesome view. Besides, who knew how many other women had been in this exact same spot while the sun set over Hollywood?

Cade returned with the takeout in plastic bags.

“Shall we eat here and watch the sunset or in the formal dining room?” His voice was guarded and tight, and his shoulders were hunched, almost like a child caught with his hands in the cookie jar.

Andie snorted at the thought of having his fingers high up inside her “cookie jar.”

“What’s so funny?” Cade skewered her with a sidelong glance. “I thought you were pissed at me.”

“I might be, but I was thinking about a cookie jar.” The giggles rolled from her throat. “Never mind, weird sense of humor.”

“O-okay … Let me set the food out. I hope you like filet mignon and prawn kebobs. Got you a fancy salad too, arugula with goat cheese, sugared hazelnuts, and beets. Dessert’s a surprise.” He pulled the plastic containers from the bag. “I’ll be back with the plates and silverware. And wine, did you want a glass of Bordeaux?”

He was definitely confusing. What happened to the angry man who’d stormed out of her room? Andie watched the sunset glimmer off the downtown buildings as the lights below twinkled to life.

Cade was back, followed by Red and Gollie. The dogs bounded down into the sunken living room and sniffed the food. Both tails flung side by side in a frenzy, and their tongues lolled and salivated at the scrumptious scent of beef.

“This is cruel and unusual punishment for you two cuties.” She hugged and petted both dogs. “You two are best buddies already. You’re so lucky.”

“Lucky? I didn’t get steak for them,” Cade said. “Come on, you two. It’s the backyard for you.”

The awkwardness returned with Cade after he let the dogs out. Silently, he set the food on the plates and lit several candles. They sat on the floor in front of the coffee table, and Andie bowed her head to pray, only because she couldn’t bear to meet Cade’s eyes.

“Let’s enjoy the dinner before we talk,” Cade said, passing her the salad.

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