InSpire (7 page)

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Authors: April Wood

BOOK: InSpire
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“Bringing a compliment to destroy her entire coven.”

“Certainly. I still have friends. I am not the only Prin to be ostracized from Spire. I have quite a few fellows at my disposal.” He smiled as they buried their heads in the food before them. The next ten minutes were filled with only the sounds of their forks hitting the plate.

“I hope it doesn’t come to that.”

“Me too.”

“Do you think we will be able to head back soon?”

“As soon as you remember where we need to go, love.”

“Good. I want to start living my real life.”

“As do I.” He took her plate and then grabbed her hand. He helped her up and then held her tightly in his arms. This was going to work. He just knew it would.



“How long do we wait?” Whispering wasn’t Athena’s strong point. They’d been sitting in the woods for an hour. Sheila wasn’t late yet, but it was getting close.

“Until she arrives.”

They sat there in silence for another thirty minutes before her stomach started to ache. They knew Sheila had kept her word long before either of them saw her. The amount of rumbling going on suggested there must be at least three witches with her. The strong feeling sucked, but it meant Athena might have a chance at being a Prin again.

“Okay, we’re here.” Sheila wasn’t even trying to be quiet. She probably figured having her sisters by her side would protect her from most. Darian would love to prove her theory wrong, but not today.

“Good.” Darian stood up. He grabbed Athena’s hand and pulled her up beside him.

Sheila threw a spark at the fire and it ignited. The women cackled at the sight. These women were much like the witches found in books. They were ugly, short, fat and cackled uncontrollably.

“What do you need us to do?” Darian was all business.

“Well we need to see her first.”

Darian waved Athena forward. She walked toward the witches slowly. This was her first time feeling this sick. She wanted to double over the entire way. Athena looked a Darian. He was standing rock still. She was amazed at his ability to control the pain. She struggled with every step. The desire to call her sacred sword and eliminate these women in front of her was so strong. She bit her lip. Once she was in front of them the pain subsided.

“You are right.” One of the witches cackled to Sheila.

They stood there just measuring each other up for more than an uncomfortable minute. Athena didn’t back down one bit. She was strong and looked down her nose at these creatures. They weren’t her equal and they each knew it. Darian smiled seeing some of his old love bubbling up to the surface. Athena was a warrior and bred to be a Queen. He couldn’t wait to hold that woman in his arms again.

“This is Athena, first born of Malaicom.” Sheila started with the bowing and then in turn each of the witches bowed to Athena.

“Did you say first born?”


“Does that mean my father has had a more children?”

“You can ask him when you arrive. I don’t have time for a history lesson,” Sheila was curt and she knew it. The time was slipping away from them. This had to be done now.

“Now, now, sister. Don’t be rude to her majesty.”

“I am not, sister. We need to get to work if we are going to make this happen.” Sheila tried hard to change the tone of her voice. Her life was riding on this now. “Now if you wouldn’t mind, Your Majesty, please take a seat.”

Athena did as requested and sat down in front of the fire. There were no chairs or stumps, so the ground would have to do. The women circled her and started to chant some words she’d never heard before. They sang and danced for a few minutes then stopped.

“Drink this.” Sheila put a cup made of tusks in front of Athena’s face. It smelled of rancid garbage and looked even less pleasing.

“What is it?”

“A potion to help you change.”

“It smells disgusting.”

“I can’t help that.”

“Maybe next time you cut with something less disgusting?”

“Next time.” Sheila was placating Athena. She was never going to perform this again. Once was enough. Tempting fate too many times was lethal even for a witch.

Athena chugged the potion. Their expressions suggested they were surprised by her action. The witches stared at her intently for a few minutes. Athena was working hard not throw up. It was obvious as she wretched forward she was losing the battle. The vile potion and her dinner came out in one fluid motion. Then she collapsed on the ground.

“What have you done to her?” Darian had his sword drawn and at Sheila’s throat before Athena ever fell.

“You knew this would be painful. I explained the risks to you in great detail. So put that sword away.”

“I didn’t think you would try to kill her.”

Athena could still see them dancing around the fire. Sheila was holding her own against Darian. She wasn’t backing down. For some reason that gave Athena comfort. If she backed down Athena would surely die. No matter how bad it hurt, she was going to wake up from this.

“I am not. Let the potion work.”

Athena let go and let her world crash on top of her. Darian could do nothing but pray this was the right thing. His heart hammered in his chest with every second that ticked by.



“Do you think it’s a boy or a girl?” They were walking through the gardens of Spire again. He was holding her right hand and she was using her left to rub her belly.

“I don’t know. It’s too early to tell.”

“You know we won’t be able to hide this long.”

“I know.”

“What are we going to do?”

“We are just going to have to tell my father we are in love. He will have to understand.”

“You obviously don’t know your father.” Darian let out a chuckle. The things he had seen the King do over the years gave him great pause.

“Why would he object to you?”

“Because I am not noble or royal. You are.” Darian couldn’t keep the sadness out of his voice, even for her. He knew this would mean his banishment or worse. He just didn’t know how to tell her.

“I don’t care.”

“I hope you know what you are doing.”

“I do.”



“Athena.” He was on the ground beside her now. She felt comforted in his arms.


“Are you alright?”

“Where am I?” Her eyes were only open a sliver. Darian doubted she knew what was going on. He knew. Her wings had ripped through her shirt. The moment they appeared he knew his love was back. It was all he could do not to cry. This was the moment he had been waiting for.

“You are still in the woods.”

As her eyes opened further she looked around. Athena wondered why she was in the woods with witches. The last thing she remembered was walking through the garden with Darian. His face was familiar, but nothing else was.

“How did I get here?”

“We came together.”

“Where in Spire is this?”

“We aren’t in Spire, my love. We are in the human plain.”


“What’s the last thing you remember?”

“I was walking with you in the garden. We were discussing the baby.” She put her hand down to her belly. She frantically searched for the bump that had been there. There was nothing. She turned her head into Darian’s chest and began to cry. He remembered that day well. Had he known this is where the potion would take her, he might not have agreed. Their child was lost when she plunged out the window. It wasn’t her fault. She had no memory of the child growing inside her. What her father did to her was evil. The hate grew inside of Darian as he stroked her hair and beautiful white wings.

“She’s confused, Darian. Her mind will clear. Give her some time.” The witches were stunned. They stared at Athena while she cried.

“Who is that speaking to me?” It came out of her mouth like it would a true Queen. This woman was beneath her and as such had no right to address her or speak of her.

“Her name is Sheila. She is the witch that brought you back to me.”

Athena turned her head and looked at the woman. She was not impressed with the sight before her. If she had the strength she would remove the woman’s head right now. She was too weak.

“Here, Your Majesty, drink this. It will clear your mind.” The woman bowed deeply as she handed Athena the cup. It smelled of roses and lavender. It reminded Athena of the garden once again. Slowly she drank, forcing it passed the lump that was forming in her throat.

“I don’t feel any different.”

“Give it some time. You need your rest before you complete your journey home.” Sheila bowed to Athena and then left quickly. Darian scooped her up in his arms. She felt very weak and cold.

“Why am I naked?”

“Your wings tore your t-shirt off when they appeared. You were writhing so much and kicking your jeans tore.”

“Where had they gone?”

“It will make sense soon.” Darian kissed her cheek as he carried her toward the motorcycle. His joy was tempered by an equal amount of fear. His love was back, but that meant she could be tracked by others now. He wasn’t sure how much time they would have. For tonight he could keep her cloaked with the little magic he knew. It wouldn’t be much, but they could at least rest.

“I can fly, you know.”

“No. It isn’t safe to do here. We will go back to the farmhouse and rest.”

“What farmhouse?”

“I hope your memory comes back soon.”

“It’s all fuzzy right now. I’m sure once I rest I will remember something.” She wiped a tear from her eyes and looked down at her belly again. Gone was the pudgy woman, in her place was an elegant Prin. Her body was still curvy, but it was more in shape. Prins were athletic by nature. She rubbed her belly again. Darian could see she was missing her child. It had been the one thing to bring her the most joy.

“Can you remember how to ride?”

“I think so.”

Something about the bike seemed very familiar to her. She straddled it and wrapped her arms around him. She kept her wings tight to his body. Neither of them bothered with the helmets. Now that she was Prin again it was completely unnecessary. There wasn’t much on this plain that could kill either of them.

The tires spun and dirt flew the air as he took off. Athena felt the wind on her face. It was like she was flying. The feel gave her so much joy she forgot for a moment the sad events that had led her here. He turned down a dirt road toward a farmhouse. She was hit with déjà vu when she saw it. Something about the place was familiar, but she had never laid eyes on it before. She walked up the stairs behind Darian. He opened the door and let her walk in. In front of her was a set of stairs. There were doorways on either side. It reminded her of the palace, but on a much smaller scale. She chose to go to the left, it was the direction she would have gone at home. She found a table and several chairs. She took a seat as Darian walked passed to the kitchen. There were dishes in the sink and the air smelled of fresh food. He went to the sink and washed the dishes quickly. She never thought she would live long enough to see Darian do anything like this. In Spire they had servants for this kind of task, but she had been taught by her ladies maid how to do it. She wanted her to be prepared for everything. Davina was the best friend Athena had always wanted. When she was appointed to her it was the best moment in her life. She could finally be herself with someone. Darian even loved Davina. The tears were starting to come again. 

“Maybe I should show you to the bedroom.”

“Trying to have your wicked way with me.” She wiped her eyes and winked at him.

“If you recall I have already had my wicked way with you.”

“That is how I found myself pregnant.”

“I have a lot to explain.” Darian grabbed her hand and sat beside her. He knew she was feeling so very lost right now. He felt the loss of their child as much as she did. He was certain it was going to be the first white wing male ever born in Spire. He hoped it would be returned to her when they went back. It was possible for the child to be suspended waiting for her to return. It wasn’t a human thing, it was a Prin thing.

“What happened to our baby?”

“He left with you.”

“What do you mean?”

“You died, Athena.”


“In a nutshell, your father banished me from Spire. He put a spell on you to forget me, but your body couldn’t. You gave up hope one day. You cut off your wings and slit your throat.” Darian knew that was a rapid explanation, but he didn’t want to overwhelm her again. Just the basics facts was all she needed right now.

“Why?” A lump was forming in her throat again and the tears were forming.

“Because you couldn’t forget me no matter what your father did.”

“Well I guess that would explain why my wings are so angry with me. I can’t believe I cut them off.”

“Me either.”

“I’m so tired.” She put her hand up to her mouth to hide her yawn. She was taking the information better than Darian thought. Maybe the potion had done more than to help her remember. She was processing things faster than expected. He wasn’t sure. Either way he was going to take her upstairs and let her sleep. He took her hand and led her to the bedroom. He pulled down the covers and let her climb in naked.

“I know.”

“Do we sleep together now?”

“Of course.”

“Good because I need your arms tonight.”

Darian stripped down and climbed into bed beside her. He spooned up against her back. Out of habit her wings split so their bodies could touch. He smiled and kissed them. Even her wings loved him. He unfurled his and covered them both. They wouldn’t need blankets tonight. She nestled up underneath them and sighed. It was a sigh of contentment. Darian was thrilled knowing this was actually the first time they ever slept together as Prins. It had been a dream of his for hundreds of years. Now he would never be denied this right again. He closed his eyes happy to have his love in his arms and under his wings.

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