Inside Scientology (65 page)

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Authors: Janet Reitman

BOOK: Inside Scientology
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———. "Tom Cruise Is So Hot—That Is, for Scientology,"
St. Petersburg Times,
July 10, 2005

———. "Spiritual Symbiosis a Surprising One,"
St. Petersburg Times,
October 30, 2005

———. "Scientology Awards Reach Out to Black Community,"
St. Petersburg Times,
February 18, 2006

———. "Scientology Nearly Ready to Unveil Superpower,"
St. Petersburg Times,
May 6, 2006

———. "The Unperson,"
St. Petersburg Times,
June 25, 2006

———. "Scientology Makes It in Classroom Door,"
St. Petersburg Times,
May 20, 2007

———. "Group Fights Church Policies,"
St. Petersburg Times,
March 16, 2008

Fisher, Marc, "Church in Cyberspace,"
Washington Post,
August 19, 1995

Frantz, Douglas, "Taxes and Tactics: Behind an IRS Reversal—A Special Report: Scientology's Puzzling Journey from Tax Rebel to Tax Exempt,"
New York Times,
March 9, 1997

———. "An Ultra-Aggressive Use of Investigators and the Courts,"
New York Times,
March 9, 1997

———. "Distrust in Clearwater—a Special Report: Death of Scientologist Heightens Suspicions in a Florida Town,"
New York Times,
December 1, 1997

———. "Scientology's Star Roster Enhances Image,"
New York Times,
February 13, 1998

Gewertz, Catherine, "Scientology Loses Mistrial Motion," United Press International, May 10, 1986

Goodstein, Laurie, "Anti-Cult Group Dismembered as Former Foes Buy Its Assets; Network Forced into Bankruptcy After Long Legal Battle,"
Washington Post,
December 1, 1996

Goodyear, Dana, "Chateau Scientology,"
The New Yorker,
January 14, 2008

Gorney, Cynthia, "Scientology: Money Maker or Religion?: Scientology Controversial in Many Lands,"
Washington Post,
July 24, 1977

Grossman, Wendy, "alt.scientology.war,"
December 1995

Hoffman, Claire, and Kim Christensen, "At Inland Base, Scientologists Trained Top Gun,"
Los Angeles Times,
December 18, 2005

Jacoby, Mary, "High-Profile Couple Never Pairs Church and State,"
St. Petersburg Times,
December 13, 1998

Kent, Stephen A., "The Globalization of Scientology: Influence, Control, and Opposition in Transnational Markets," Revised Version of a Paper Presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, November 1991,

———."Brainwashing in Scientology's Rehabilitation Project Force," in
Behörde für Inneres—Arbeitsgruppe Scientology und Landeszentrale für Politische Building,

———. "Hollywood's Celebrity-Lobbyists and the Clinton Administration's American Foreign Policy Toward German Scientology,"
Journal of Religion and Popular Culture,
volume 1, Spring 2002

Klinger, Judson, "Playboy Interview: John Travolta Interview,"
March 1, 1996

Kroll, Jack, "Nicole Takes Off,"
December 14, 1998

Leiby, Richard, "Scientologists Plot City Takeover,"
Clearwater Sun,
March 11, 1979

———. "Cult Tried to Control Newspaper,"
Clearwater Sun,
November 24, 1979

———. "Cover Blown, 2 Spies Came in from the Cold,"
Clearwater Sun,
November 27, 1979

———. "Sect Courses Resemble Science Fiction,"
Clearwater Sun,
August 20, 1981

———. "Psychiatrist: Sect Drove Man Insane,"
Clearwater Sun,
August 25, 1981

———. "The Church's War Against Its Critics—and Truth,"
Washington Post,
December 25, 1994

———. "John Travolta's Alien Notion; He Plays a Strange Creature in a New Sci-Fi Film, but That's Not the Only Thing Curious About This Project,"
Washington Post,
November 28, 1999

Maisel, Albert Q., "Dianetics: Science or Hoax?"
December 5, 1950

Mallia, Joseph, "Inside the Church of Scientology,"
Boston Herald,
nine-part series, March 1–5, 1998

Meiszkowski, Katharine, "Scientology's War on Psychiatry,"
July 1, 2005, 1361000

Miller, Laura, "Stranger Than Fiction,"
June 28, 2005,

Nakaso, Dan, "In a Town with No Secrets, L. Ron Hubbard Died a Man of Mystery,"
St. Petersburg Evening Independent,
February 1, 1986

Neuffer, Elizabeth, "Scientology Under Siege in Germany: Church Members Face Surveillance for Roles in 'Antidemocratic' Group,"
Boston Globe,
June 7, 1997

"Of Two Minds,"
July 24, 1950

"Poor Man's Psychoanalysis,"
October 16, 1950

"Remember Venus?"
December 22, 1952

Richardson, John, "Catch a Rising Star,"
September 1993

Rigley, Colin, "L. Ron Hubbard's Last Refuge,"
New Times,
May 29, 2009

Ronson, Jon, "After Stanley Kubrick,"
The Guardian,
August 18, 2010

Sappell, Joel, and Robert W. Welkos, "The Courting of Celebrities: Testimonials of the Famous Are Prominent in the Church's Push for Acceptability,"
Los Angeles Times,
June 25, 1990

Smith, L. Christopher, "Scientology's Money Trail,"
December 2008–January 2009

Sommer, Dave, "State Drops Scientology Charges,"
Tampa Tribune,
June 13, 2000

Stafford, Charles, "Special Report: Scientology, an In-Depth Profile of a New Force in Clearwater,"
St. Petersburg Times,
January 9, 1980

Stanley, Alessandra, "Talk Show Rarity: A True Believer's Candor,"
New York Times,
June 25, 2005

Strauss, Neil, "The Passion of the Cruise,"
Rolling Stone,
September 2, 2004

Strupp, Joe, "The Press vs. Scientology,"
June 30, 2005,

Swiatek, Jeff, "Lilly's Legal Tactics Disarmed Legions of Prozac Lawyers,"
Indianapolis Star,
April 23, 2000

Tobin, Thomas, "David Miscavige Speaks,"
St. Petersburg Times,
October 25, 1998

———. "The Man Behind Scientology,"
St. Petersburg Times,
October 25, 1998

———."A Place Called Gold,"
St. Petersburg Times,
October 25, 1998

Urban, Hugh, "Fair Game: Secrecy, Security, and the Church of Scientology in Cold War America,"
Journal of the American Academy of Religion,
volume 74, number 2, June 2006, pp. 356–89

Verini, James, "Missionary Man,"
June 27, 2005,

Vick, Karl, and David Dahl, "Scientologists Profit from New Members,"
St. Petersburg Times,
October 15, 1993

Waldrip, Cheryl, "Mystery Surrounds Scientologist's Death,"
Tampa Tribune,
December 15, 1996

———. "Scientologist's Death: A Family Hunts for Answers,"
Tampa Tribune,
December 22, 1996

Wallace, Mike, "The Clearwater Conspiracy,"
60 Minutes,
CBS, June 1, 1980

———. "Scientology,"
60 Minutes,
CBS, December 22, 1985

Waxman, Sharon, "Tom Cruise's Effusive 'Oprah' Appearance Raises Hollywood Eyebrows,"
New York Times,
June 2, 2005

Wright, Lawrence, "The Apostate: Paul Haggis vs. the Church of Scientology,"
The New Yorker,
February 14, 2011

Scientology Publications, Tapes, and DVDs

Church of Scientology International,
Scientology: Theology and Practice of a Contemporary Religion,
Los Angeles: Bridge Publications, 1998

What Is Scientology?
Los Angeles: Bridge Publications, 1998

Hubbard, L. Ron,
Advanced Procedures and Axioms,
Los Angeles: Bridge Publications, 2007

———. "All About Radiation," Los Angeles: Bridge Publications, 1990

Clear Mind, Clear Body,
Los Angeles: Bridge Publications, 2002

Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Heath,
Los Angeles: Bridge Publications, 2007

Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary,
Los Angeles: Bridge Publications, 1975

The Freedoms of Clear,
VHS tape, Golden Era Productions, 1987

The Hymn of Asia,
Los Angeles: L. Ron Hubbard Library, 1974

———. "An Introduction to Scientology," taped lecture, Los Angeles: L. Ron Hubbard Library, 1966

Introduction to Scientology Ethics,
Los Angeles: Bridge Publications, 1968

London Congress on Dissemination and Help and the London Open Evening Lectures, Lectures 1–7,
Los Angeles: L. Ron Hubbard Library, 1978

Mission into Time,
Los Angeles: The American Saint Hill Organization, 1968

Modern Management Technology Defined,
Los Angeles: Bridge Publications, 1976

———. "Opinion Leaders,"
Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter,
May 11, 1971

The Organizational Executive Course,
volumes 1–7, Los Angeles: Bridge Publications, 1991

The Original LRH Executive Directives,
Series 1–3, Los Angeles, Bridge Publications, 1983

Philadelphia Doctorate Course Transcripts,
volumes 1–8, Los Angeles: Bridge Publications, 1982

The Phoenix Lectures,
Los Angeles: Bridge Publications, 1968

Science of Survival,
Los Angeles: Bridge Publications, 2007

Scientology: 8–8008,
Los Angeles: Bridge Publications, 2007

Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought,
Los Angeles: Bridge Publications, 1983

Scientology: A History of Man,
Los Angeles: Bridge Publications, 1988

Scientology: A New Slant on Life,
Copenhagen: New Era Publications

———. "The Story of Dianetics and Scientology" (lecture), Los Angeles: L. Ron Hubbard Library, 1978

Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology,
volumes 1–16, Los Angeles: Bridge Publications, 1991

WISE: Your Guide to Membership,
membership packet; WISE International, 1990


This book would not have been possible without the support and encouragement of Jann Wenner and Will Dana, my editors at
Rolling Stone,
who first assigned me a story about Scientology in 2005 and then gave me the time and resources to develop it in a way few editors are willing to do. I am also indebted to the many others at
Rolling Stone
who offered their guidance and support, notably Sean Woods, Eric Bates, Jodi Peckman, Jim Kaminsky, and Coco McPherson.

My agent, Laurie Liss, was the first person to encourage me to expand my research into a book and helped shape the proposal as well as offer her tireless support and advocacy in the years since. Numerous individuals at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt made this book possible, among them Eamon Dolan and Webster Younce, who acquired the book and were early, and enthusiastic, supporters; the amazing Andrea Schulz, who saw the book from first draft to publication and worked relentlessly to make it the very best it could be; Lisa Glover, who managed production, and Susanna Brougham, who provided expert copyediting; and Christina Morgan, who took care of every other detail. In addition, an extra special thanks is due to Will Blythe, a longtime mentor and friend, for being the rare editor who can take a disorganized pile of pages and give them shape, structure, and depth. I truly could not have written this book without his help.

Of the many former and current Scientologists, academics, and researchers who spoke with me, I am most grateful to the woman I have called "Sandra Mercer"; without her insights, encouragement, and guidance, I would never have understood the first thing about Scientology. I am also deeply indebted to Nancy and Chris Many, who, over countless tuna sandwiches and cans of Diet Coke, educated me about the Sea Organization, provided me with a library of Scientology texts and other documents, and offered their house as a refuge and meeting place. A special thank-you also goes to Anne, Jeffrey, and Anthony Aylor; Chuck Beatty; Jason Beghe; Maureen Bolstad; Larry Brennan; Caroline and John Brown; Tanja and Stefan Castle; Neville Chamberlin; Art Cohan; Jana Daniels; Mark Fisher; Steve Hall; Jeff Hawkins; Marc and Claire Headley; Mike Henderson and Donna Shannon; Bruce Hines; Gale Irwin; Don Jason; Jason Knapmeyer; Dan Koon; Sinar Parman; Mat Pesch; DeDe Reisdorf; Glenn Samuels; Amy Scobee; Teresa Summers; Tom De Vocht; Natalie Walet; the late Alan Walter; Kendra Wiseman; Astra Woodcraft; and the many other former and current Scientologists who shared with me their joys, sorrows, fears, hopes, and disappointments during my five years of research into this mysterious and often incomprehensible church. That a number of them still value L. Ron Hubbard's technology, if not the organizational management of the Church of Scientology—and were eager to differentiate between the two—is a testament to the growing number of Scientologists who hope to form an independent, and free, movement. I wish them all the best of luck in doing so.

On the academic front, Drs. Stephen A. Kent and J. Gordon Melton, with their distinctly different views on Scientology, have each spent years painstakingly collecting Scientology's vast trove of doctrine, publications, and other materials; they made that research available to me. I am also deeply indebted to Kristi Wachter, who patiently scanned many of the key documents on the Lisa McPherson case and posted them online, and to Mark Bunker, of XenuTV, for his massive archive of news and video footage, articles, transcripts, and other materials. In Clearwater, Lee Strope and his colleagues in the law enforcement community proved invaluable when it came to understanding the Lisa McPherson case.

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