Inside American Education (64 page)

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John H. Bunzel, “Living Together: Ethnic Theme Houses at Stanford,”
The Stanford Magazine
, Summer 1985, p. 54.

“This Year’s College Freshmen: Attitudes and Characteristics,”
The Chronicle of Higher Education
, January 30, 1991, p. A30.

Claude M. Steele, “Race and the Schooling of Black Americans,”
Atlantic Monthly
, April 1992, p. 78.

Mary Gibson Hundley,
The Dunbar Story (1870-1955)
(New York: Vantage Press, 1965), pp. 75-78.


National Science Foundation,
Selected Data on Science and Engineering Doctorate Awards: 1990
(Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1991).

Archie E. Lapointe, Nancy A. Mead, and Gary W. Phillips,
A World of Differences: An International Assessment of Mathematics and Science
(Princeton: Educational Testing Service, 1989), pp. 1011.

Chester E. Finn, Jr.,
We Must Take Charge: Our Schools and Our Future
(New York: The Free Press, 1991), p. 36.

John Hood, “When Business ‘Adopts’ Schools: Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child,”
Policy Analysis
(Cato Institute), June 5, 1991, p. 5.

Thomas Toch,
In the Name of Excellence: The Struggle to Reform the Nation’s Schools, Why It’s Failing, and What Should Be Done
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), p. 5.

Joyce D. Stern and Mary Frase Williams,
The Condition of Education: A Statistical Report
, 1986 Edition (Washington, D.C.: Center for Education Statistics, 1986), pp. 36, 69.

Karen De Witt, “Verbal Scores Hit New Low in Scholastic Aptitude Tests,”
New York Times
, August 27, 1991, p. A16.

Chester E. Finn, Jr.,
We Must Take Charge
, p. 36.

“The Myth Debunked—Spending Not the Cure-All for Schools,”
Education Update
, Vol. 13, No. 4 (Fall 1990), p. 1.

Diane Ravitch, “Scapegoating the Teachers,”
New Republic
, November 7, 1983, p. 28.

Thomas Toch,
In the Name of Excellence
, pp. 44-55.

“Public Schools Enroll 41.5 Million,”
NEA Today
, October 1991, p. 8; Thomas Toch,
In the Name of Excellence
, p. 158.

Mary Ann Seawell, “Union Leader Shanker Urges ‘Market’ Approach to Bringing About Major Changes in Education,”
Stanford University Campus Report
, January 3, 1990, p. 5.

Thomas Toch,
In the Name of Excellence
, pp. 240, 270-271.

“High School Dropouts: How Much of a Crisis?”
(The Heritage Foundation), No. 781 (August 3, 1990), p. 9.

, p. 5.

“Sources of Voluntary Support for Higher Education, 1989-90,”
Chronicle of Higher Education: Almanac
, August 28, 1991, p. 35.

“College and University Endowments Over $60 Million, 1990,”
, p. 36.

“Revenues and Expenditures of College and Universities, 1987-88,”
, p. 35.

Anyone who doubts this is referred to Thomas Toch,
In the Name of Excellence
, pp. 151-193.

Chester E. Finn, Jr.,
We Must Take Charge
, p. 195.

, pp. 100-104; Thomas Toch,
In the Name of Excellence
, pp. 205-232.


ABC Network, 36

Aborigines, 81

Abram, Morris, 135

Adams, Ansel, 94

Administrators, 173, 220-221

Admission to college, 103-131

athletes, 130, 131

criteria, 122-131

preferential admissions, 130-131, 133-141, 280-281

“Affective education” (see Brainwashing)

Air Force, 210

Altbach, Philip G., 171

American Association of University Professors (AAUP), 225-226, 227

American College Testing (ACT), 1, 24, 127, 128

American Federation of Teachers (AFT), 8, 22, 247, 290

American Humanist Society, 59

American Indian students, 141, 142, 149, 159, 172

American Psychological Association, 180-181

American students, xii, 1

cheating, 2

compared to foreign students, xi, 1, 4, 9, 269-270

compared to past American students, 1, 3

ignorance, 3, 5, 6

thinking ability, 4, 6, 286

work habits, 6

Amherst College, 112, 119, 122, 184, 282

Annapolis, 96

Anti-intellectualism, xii, 25, 32-33, 68-69, 286, 289, 290

Antioch College, 163

Anti-Semitism, 156, 157, 167

Arizona State University, 208-209, 211, 243

Asian Americans, 73, 83, 143, 155, 161, 172-173, 280


athletes, 130, 131, 238-244

coaches and athletic directors, 232-233

economics of college athletics, 233-238, 239

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 233, 235, 240-241

professional leagues, 234

Atlantic Coast Conference, 243

Auburn University, 187

Australia, 12, 71, 74

Bar examination, 140

Barnard College, 120

Barnum, P.T., 104

Barzun, Jacques, 13, 123, 226, 231

Bates College, 128

Bell, Derrick, 154

Bennett, William J., 71, 264, 267

Bennington College, 108, 109

Big Ten, 243

Bilingual Education, 74-82, 96

educational policies, 75-79

political objectives, 75-76, 80-81, 82

Black faculty, 149-150, 151, 154

Black students, 9, 91, 132, 134, 138-139, 140-141, 142, 143, 160, 259, 283-284

background, 282-283

ideological orthodoxy, 160,161, 162-163

opinions, 163, 261

organizations, 160, 162

self-segregation, 160-161, 162

Bloom, Allan, 162, 267

Bok, Derek, 249, 261, 262, 264, 267, 270, 277

Bowdoin College, 104, 116

Boyer, Ernest L., 9

Brainwashing, 34-69 71, 177, 183

“affective education,” 33, 34

agendas, 16, 47-62, 94-95

cross-examination, 42-43, 67-68

“death education,” 33, 36-38, 65-66, 253

“decision-making,” 34

desensitization, 36-41

diaries, 43-44

“drug prevention,” 33, 35, 65

family relationships 37, 45, 46

“Holocaust studies,” 47

incentives, 60, 61

isolation, 41-42

“nuclear education,” 40-41

peers, 53-54, 55

promoters, 56-62

results, 62-65

“residential education,” 197-199

role-playing, 37, 46

“sex education,” 33, 34, 35, 38-40, 48-49, 60, 63-64, 180-182

stress, 36-41

stripping away defenses, 43-47

techniques, 36-47

trust, 48, 55, 56

“values clarification,” 33, 34, 47-48, 49, 65-66

Brandeis University, 9

Brawley, Tawana, 168

Brigham Young University, 109

Britain, 3, 71, 74, 83

BrookingsInstitution, 27, 227

Brown University, 107, 121, 122, 158, 174, 187

Brubeck, Dave, 208

Bryn Mawr College, 167

Buckley, William F., 221

Bucknell University, 149

Bunzel, John H., 135

Burke, Samuel, 182-183

Burns, Robert, 302

Bush, George, 212

Calero, Aldolfo, 175

California Institute of Technology (Cal Tech), 9, 172, 236, 271

California State University

at Los Angeles, 268

at Northridge, 159-160

Canada, 12, 83, 123

Carleton College, 9, 153, 161, 195, 196, 205

Carnegie Foundation, 6, 9, 109, 122, 151, 205

Carter administration, 75

Case Western Reserve University, 172

Catholic schools, 10

Catholic University, 185

Chile, 115

China, 42, 43, 46, 92-93, 192-193, 212

Chinese Americans, 77, 97

Chowchilla kidnapping case, 37

City College of New York, 157

Clark, Kenneth B., 162-163

Cleaver, Eldridge, 176

Cogswell College, 268

Colby College, 272

Coleman, James S., 259

College of William & Mary, 178

Colleges and universities (see also Admission to college; Athletics; Professors)

administrators, 218-221, 302

admissions, 103-131

admissions criteria, 122-126

“costs,” 114-119, 230, 235

curriculum, 221

disciplines versus “interdisciplinary” courses, 279, 301

postgraduate education, 286

quality, 106-113, 267-271

rankings, 109-112

research universities vs. liberal arts colleges, 107-109, 293

tuition, 113-114, 117, 118,119-122, 262-265, 272

Columbia Teachers College, 24

Columbia University, 24, 123, 157, 168, 176, 206, 207, 226, 231, 236, 283

Communist Party, 42, 46

Congress, 60, 75, 79, 271, 291, 198

Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, 172

Cornell College, 107

Cornell University, 104, 107, 122, 162, 170, 178, 184, 194, 271, 282

Cotter, William R., 272

Council of Graduate Schools, 269, 270


cultural hegemony, 172-173

cultural relativism, 48, 68, 71

multiculturalism, 70-89, 197

Dartmouth College, 2, 107, 113, 118, 126, 159, 161-162, 163, 181, 185, 189-191, 194, 211, 212, 213, 215, 250, 271

Dartmouth Review, 118, 188-191, 272

Davidson College, 9, 107, 108, 172, 205

Davis, Bernard, 275

“Death education” (see Brainwashing)

Deception 34-35, 66,73, 254, 280, 296-297 (see also Newspeak)

“expertise,” 25

grades, 2

secrecy, 8, 34-35, 145, 254

spending, 12-13

test scores, 105

words used ex post with ex ante meanings, 266

Decline, 1, 6, 73

“dumbing down” textbooks, 7

excuses, 8-15

standards, 7

test scores, 1, 3, 8-9

Defenses against critics of American education, 199-201, 247-284

“bashing” charge, 249

demands of others, 251-252, 254, 261-265

“golden age” charge, 250, 281

Delgado, Richard, 154-155

Dewey, John, 32, 93, 98

Diaries (see Brainwashing)

Dogmas, 15-18, 70-99

“critical mass,” 282-283

multicultural diversity, 70-89, 198

racial, 132-173

“role models,” 95-97, 281-283

self-esteem, 3, 5, 6, 97-99

test bias, 127-129

Double standards, 169

academic, 144,-145, 147-148, 159, 284

behavioral, 155-169, 176-177, 188-194, 200

ideological, 174-201, 261, 277-280

Dreyfus, Captain Alfred, 193


“Drug-prevention” (see Brainwashing)

Duderstadt, James, 267, 280

Duke University, 107, 108, 123, 209, 215, 250, 271

Dunbar High School, 96, 282

Duster, Troy, 170, 171

Eckerd College, 111

Education Code for California, 291

Education schools and departments, 23-26, 288-290

credentialing power, 288, 289, 298

effect on teaching, 27, 28

filtering function, 26, 289

reputation, 23-24

substandard quality, 23-26

Edwards, Harry, 241

Einstein, Albert, 124

Elsenhower, Dwight D., 5

El Salvador, 213-214

Electrical Workers, 247

Emory University, 168

Employers, 1, 6-7

England, 115, 254

Europe, 3, 12

“Exciting” education, 91-92, 144-145

Exemplary Center for Reading Instruction, 41

Falwell, Jerry, 175

Farley, Reynolds, 177, 274

Farrakhan, Louis, 153, 157

Feminism, 96

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