Insects Are Just Like You and Me Except Some of Them Have Wings (15 page)

BOOK: Insects Are Just Like You and Me Except Some of Them Have Wings
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“You’re crazy, you know that? How would you feel if I lost a library book?”

“I understand. It wouldn’t really be my book because I just work here but I understand what you’re saying.”

Kathir was shaking out his hand like he didn’t want it anymore. Prasanna got the feeling that something loud was about to happen and she curled her toes in apprehension.

“Where did you lose him?” he asked.

Prasanna pointed to the road.

“Which way?”

“Either way.”

“Which way?”

“Or you could try that way if you are very particular.”

Prasanna watched him go and figured that if the road ended at the horizon, he would fall off and there was a good chance she would never see him again. If the road came in at the other side of the village he would return; in fact, he would have to pass the library. It could happen either way, she thought.

Anything could happen.





Kuzhali Manickavel was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, lived in various places around Canada, and moved to Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India when she was thirteen years old. Contrary to popular belief, she is not very much fond of insects.

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