Insatiable (15 page)

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Authors: Ursula Dukes

BOOK: Insatiable
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"Now let's see what you brought me," she purred and opened up the box.

"If you don’t like it I can bring it back and get something else I just thought…"

A devilish grin came over her face as she pulled out the spicy lingerie. "So you want me to put this on right now?" She teased.

He wasn’t sure if she liked what she saw.

"Only if you want to," he mumbled.

"Oh yes, I more than want to," she said. "I love it. Be right back and when I come back I expect you to be naked," she commanded. The two pieced red velvet bustier and short black lace skirt barely covered her breasts and ass, and she loved the way they fit her. She took one more approving glance in the mirror before going out into the bedroom. When he looked at her, his cock immediately grew hard. She reminded him of a sexy ring master.

"You like?" She asked while spinning around.

"Yes," was all that he could mutter.

"Do you know how beautiful you are?" He leaned in to kiss her.

He could hear a sensual moan in her throat as she kissed him back. Her hand slipped behind his head, and she tugged at his hair pulling him into her, her tongue probing between his lips, darting in and out of his mouth. When she pulled back, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. His eyes followed the lace around the short skirt to the wonderful curve of her ass. "Do you really want me Liam?" She moved closer to him now, and he reached out and touched the satiny smoothness of her thighs. He couldn’t believe that she had no idea of how much he wanted her. Any man in his right mind would want her. She was the sexiest woman he'd ever met, and he wrestled with how to tell her that.

"What do you want Liam?" She asked. Her fingers making small circles back and forth against her body.

"I want to fuck you." He took his hand away from his throbbing cock and ran it between her legs. When he reached her wet pussy, her eyes closed half way, and she moaned. "Yes Liam, fuck me," she whispered. She kissed him deep before working her way to his chest following the line of dark hair that led her to his throbbing cock. Her breath was hot as she ran her tongue over him. She pushed him flat on his back and while she had him in her mouth, she shifted her leg.

She positioned herself over him and soon gave his mouth what he'd been aching for. The wet, sucking sounds that she was making drove him far beyond crazy. His arms wrapped themselves around her hips, and he pulled her closer to him. Liam could feel the heat of her as he let his tongue ride up and down her clit. Aurora followed suit and began licking and sucking his cock, and balls faster and when she ran her tongue underneath his balls and along his ass he felt dizzy with lust. Not being able to take it anymore, he wrapped his hands around her body and playfully tossed her onto her back. "You are amazing."

Aurora laughed, and Liam watched in awe as she unhooked the bustier and let her exquisite breasts tumble out. He reached for them, licking and sucking at her nipples as she put her arms around him. She whimpered when his fingers found her wetness again. "Fuck me now." She demanded, and Liam was more than willing to gratify her. Their eyes locked as he inched his cock into her awaiting pussy.

"I want you," she whispered just as his cock worked its way between her slit. He felt his cock pressing deep inside the softness of her. "Aurora."

"I want you to fuck me like this." She wiggled out from under him and got on her hands and knees. She lifted her ass in the air. "Fuck me from behind."

His cock throbbed, and he wanted nothing more than to shove it back into her. His cock took on a mind of its own then, and he released a masculine groan as he sunk deep inside of her. Liam squeezed her hips and fucked her harder; the wet sound of her pussy along with her withering and moans only spurred him on to fuck faster and harder. It was as if all sensibility had left his brain and something primal had taken over. He felt her muscles pulling him, squeezing him tight. Feeling that made his cock jump, and his balls tighten. "Do you like fucking me?" The tone in her voice almost drove him over the edge, he was so close. "Liam, tell me how much you want me." She panted. Their bodies grinding against one another now in wicked passion. "Yes, oh god yes! I love fucking your hot pussy!"

Neither could hold back as their bodies bucked and spasmed inside each other. He felt the fluttering of her as she orgasmed around his shaft. Being with Aurora made his body quiver, and he felt dazed. "Jesus," he muttered as he slid out of her and watched his hot come ooze out of her. He flopped back against the pillows and pulled her close to him. "Are you alright?" He asked and kissed her.

"Mmmm." She moved closer to him and rested her head on his chest. "Better than just alright."

"Me too," he said and closed his eyes. "Me too." The more he had of her, the more he wanted.

"I'm going to let you stay the night," she said. "But only because you've been drinking."

Liam sat up and forced her to look at him. "You've got it all wrong Aurora. I wasn’t planning on leaving." His voice so incredibly firm that it left her wordless. At least until the morning when she'd awoken at the crack of dawn and told him that he had to leave. She didn't want to admit it to herself, but she liked having Liam sleeping next to her. Still she wasn’t ready to give in, not yet. She wasn’t sure if she'd ever be ready, but when and if the time came she would want Liam to be the one.

But for now she had more important things on her plate. An attorney was coming over to help Mari get her divorce papers filled out. Mari was a nervous wreck, and Aurora knew that she had to be there for her. She had no time to deal with Liam and his complaints about being forced out at such an ungodly hour. After a hot shower, Aurora got dressed and made her way over to the house. The sun was just rising and to her surprise she saw Nick making his way to his truck. "Ahem," she cleared her throat. Nick spun around nervously, he felt like a teenager caught sneaking out of his girlfriend's house and Aurora was the parent. "Ah good morning Aurora," he stammered. "I had a little too much to drink last night and Mari insisted that I sleep on the couch."

"Uh-huh," Aurora grinned and stood with her arms folded.

"I swear, nothing happened."

Aurora laughed. "Nick, we're all adults here and there's no need to explain. I was just busting your chops. Just do me one favor though huh?"

"Anything Aurora."

"Just don’t forget that she's getting out of a really bad situation and needs some time to get to know herself."

"I know she does, and believe me when I tell you that both of us are taking our time. Nothing happened last night I promise."

"Well good, now get going!" She joked and shooed him away.

She could see Mari and Rosie sitting in the kitchen. They smiled when she walked in. Aurora could see the worried look on Mari's face. She went to her and gave her a reassuring hug. "Everything is going to be alright Mari, you'll see. Once you fill out the papers, you'll feel a hell of a lot better, I promise. I want you to think of this as another stepping stone in getting your life back." And by the way, I caught Nick trying to make a hasty getaway." She patted her on the back.

Mari smiled. "We had such a good time last night. All we did was talk and cuddle but it was a feeling that I haven't experienced in a very long time. We'd both been drinking but I didn’t want him driving home so I told him to crash on the couch. But I have to admit ladies," she said with a grin. "Just the thought of him right there sleeping was enough to almost send me over the edge." Mari teased.

Mari placed her hand on top of Aurora's. "I don’t know what I would have done if your friend Renee hadn't suggested that I come here, I really don’t."

"Now come on, no more what ifs. You made the right decision and that's all there is to it. No more thinking about the past, it's time for the two of you to count on all the good things that are happening now in the present. When you can do that, you'll find that your life will just fall into order."

"Okay, enough about me and my divorce papers. Was that Liam I saw leaving early this morning?"

"Yes it was. He wasn’t too happy about the hour of his departure though." Aurora chuckled.

"Why did you kick him out so early? I'm sorry its none of our business," Mari said.

Aurora shook her head. "It's fine guys, really. I don’t know why I asked him to leave. I guess I am so used to being by myself that I just take him in spurts you know? Here and there."

"You want to know what I think?"'

Aurora grinned. "Yes Mari, what do you think?"

"Well I think that you're afraid to fall in love, and I think that you're even more afraid to fall for Liam because he is your match in every way and that scares you. That's what I think, and for the record might I just say that you need to follow your own advice and stop living in the past, it's time to get on with your life Aurora. You've done quite well for yourself, and you certainly do well by others so now take some time to enjoy it and live a little."

"You're right Mari but let me think about it a little alright? It's a big step for me, and I don’t want to mess things up."

"Fair enough Aurora, but just don’t think about it too long because you don’t want to lose a good man like Liam Hunt, that's all I'm saying." Mari threw her hands up in surrender.

"Okay, okay point taken." Aurora smirked at her friend.


Chapter Nine


Liam sat in his office thinking about Aurora. He'd gotten so angry at her for kicking him out so early. She was very good at frustrating him, and he started to think that maybe she needed a dose of her own medicine. His assistant Gary knocked on his door before making his way inside.

"How goes it?" Gary asked. "You look tired. Long night with your new girlfriend?"

So far, Gary had been the only one that Liam had confided in about meeting Aurora. They spent more time together than he did with any of his other friends so in a way, Gary was more than just an assistant, he was a friend. A friend who when it came to matters of the heart, was quite happy to give Liam advice. He was after all married with two kids at home. So Liam found himself going to Gary for advice more and more. Gary closed the door and sat attentively on a chair in front of Liam's desk.

When he'd finished telling Gary about Aurora kicking him out of her bed, Gary frowned. "Well it's not the best way to start the day buddy but she must have had her reasons."

Liam shot his friend an antagonizing look. "I need to know what those reasons are," he said and began pacing. Gary leaned back and rested a hand behind his head. "Well this may be a dumb question but have you asked her what the reason is?"

"Of course I've asked her, but she just tells me that she's not sure if she's ready for a relationship."

"And you are?"

"I am. At least I think I am. Look, I've never met a woman like her, I can't stop thinking about her Gary. She dominates my mind in ways that you cannot imagine. All I want is her."

"In ways that I can't imagine huh? Well gee buddy, if I didn’t know you any better I'd say that you were falling in love. Just be careful, you just met the woman, what do you really know about her?"

Liam rolled his eyes. "What does anybody know about anybody these days? But that's just it; she draws me in and then throws me back out. I don’t know where I stand with her."

Gary got up from the chair and stretched. "It sounds to me like she just needs some reassurance and a little bit of time. Tell you what, the wife and I would love to meet her, bring her over for dinner one night this week. Why don’t you give her a call and find out what day works for her and then we'll set the date. Sound good?"

Liam dipped his head in agreement.

"Good, now how about you let me get some work done?" Gary teased and made his way back into his office.

Mari was in Aurora's office going over paperwork with an attorney when Aurora took the call from Liam.

"How are you this morning?"

"I'm good thanks and you?"

"I want to spend more time with you Aurora." Liam blurted out.

She couldn’t help but chuckle. "What did you have in mind?"

She's doing it again, Liam thought to himself. She's being all open and suggestive. But then, just when I think that she's ready to give in, Wham! She throws me a curve ball.

But those curves are so damn sexy, he grinned devilishly.

"My assistant Gary has invited us over for dinner. What day works for you?"

"What?" She swallowed. Did he really want to introduce her to his friends?

"I said what day works for you? We're going to dinner so that I can introduce you to my friend Gary and his wife. So what day are you free?" He fidgeted nervously with some papers on his desk. He was glad that she was on the phone and not standing in front of him. He was all nerves and didn’t know why. He hoped that his tone would let her know that he wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

"I'm free tomorrow night but beyond that I'll have to check my schedule," she grinned. She liked that he'd taken the initiative and asked her out, she thought his persistence to be very sexy.

"Aurora, I need to put you on hold for one minute," he said and quickly buzzed Gary.

"Tomorrow, she's free tomorrow."

"Great then it’s a dinner date, the wife and I will see you at our place at around seven."

"Sorry about that, okay I'll pick you up tomorrow at six o'clock."

"Sounds good," she said then lowered her voice.

"So what are you doing right now?" The low, seductive tone in her voice made his cock twinge.

Whenever she spoke to him like that, he felt like a love sick teenager.

"I'm at work trying to concentrate and your voice is not helping."

"I'm sorry, I'll let you get back to it handsome. Have a delicious day." His cock was almost at full erection when he took notice of how she stretched the word delicious. In less than five minutes she'd managed to give him his first hard on of the day and over the phone no less. If he didn’t have a showing in an hour, he would have gotten in his car and gone to her.

"That was easier than I thought it would be." Mari had just finished saying goodbye to the attorney and was pleased when she found out that the divorce proceedings would be underway in a day or so. The attorney did tell her that even though she is a victim of domestic violence that it would not expedite the actual divorce but that it would speed up the time period for filing and that if she wanted, she could file a civil protection order that would grant her exclusive use of the home. "No thank you," she told him. "I'm fine right where I am, there is nothing there that I want or need." Her tone told the attorney that she was solid and in control.

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