Innocent (10 page)

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Authors: Aishling Morgan

BOOK: Innocent
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Babalyn took the cup, her hand trembling, and threw the dice out onto the rug. A total of fourteen spots showed, and Babalyn's lips moved in what might have been a prayer. Lai-Kasae took the dice, shaking them in the cup and throwing them out. Only seven spots showed, and to Cianna's surprise she gave a little drunken giggle. Cianna exchanged a look with Babalyn, but said nothing, taking the cup herself. She rolled, her heart sinking to see only five spots showing.

‘Quirt her, Babalyn,' Lai-Kasae ordered. ‘Six cuts. Stick out your breasts, Cianna.'

‘I should whip her?' Babalyn queried.

‘Do as you are told,' Lai-Kasae answered.

‘Yes, Elite Mistress,' Babalyn answered, picking up the quirt.

Cianna had placed her hands behind her head, thrusting out her bare breasts towards Babalyn. The quirt came up, and down, a light blow, barely stinging.

‘Harder,' Lai-Kasae ordered. ‘Make her cry out.'

Babalyn nodded, again bringing down the quirt across Cianna's breasts, now harder, making them quiver and leaving a pale red line across the milky white surfaces.

‘Harder, I said, much harder,' Lai-Kasae demanded. ‘Come, I want passion. I want pain.'

The quirt smacked down again, and Cianna gasped, the leather tip catching one nipple. Both were erect, sticking proudly up from the crests of her breasts, one now marked with an angry red line.

‘Better,' Lai-Kasae said, ‘now underneath. Make them jump.'

Babalyn obeyed, planting a firm cut on the undersides of Cianna's breasts to make them bounce and wobble. Cianna gasped at the pain, feeling the tears start in her eyes. Again Babalyn cut, higher and harder, and again Cianna squeaked in reaction, then again as the sixth cut fell, full across her nipples.

‘Enough,' Lai-Kasae stated.

Cianna sat back, hugging her whipped breasts. Her breathing was fast, and ragged, her sex warm, and she knew that even if she was broken, she was likely to reach a climax first.

‘Again,' Lai-Kasae said. ‘Twelve cuts this time. Cianna, throw.'

Cianna took the cup and threw, her mouth coming open in horror and all three dice settled to show a single spot. Babalyn giggled, Lai-Kasae giving a faint click of her tongue. Taking up the cup, Lai-Kasae threw, scoring twelve, then Babalyn, with eight. Cianna already had her breasts pushed out as Lai-Kasae reached for the quirt.

She was trembling, her breasts quivering as Lai-Kasae bent the shaft of the quirt back, eyes glittering with pleasure. It snapped in, hard across Cianna's breasts, drawing out a cry of pain. Lai-Kasae laughed, again drawing the shaft back, and again letting go. Cianna was watching, and saw the quirt smack into the flesh of her breasts, high up, making them quiver and bounce as she gasped in response.

A third cut was laid in, and a fourth, until Cianna was trembling hard and mumbling prayers, struggling to keep her chest pushed out and not to beg. Lai-Kasae kept on, stroke after cruel stroke, until Cianna's breast flesh bore a mess of scarlet welts, wet with sweat, the nipples straining to attention. Yet she held herself, until it was over, taking a hurried swallow of wine. Lai-Kasae was plainly excited, her eyes bright and her mouth slightly open, her full lips quivering slightly as she once more picked up the cup.

‘A cunt whipping,' she said softly. ‘Six strokes.'

Cianna swallowed hard, watching as the dice rolled out, to show six spots. Lai-Kasae gave a little sob, to Cianna's surprise, and passed Babalyn the cup. Babalyn rolled, scoring ten, then Cianna, with a full fifteen, looking up to find Lai-Kasae wide eyed and trembling.

Without a word, Lai-Kasae turned, pushing out her bottom. Cianna and Babalyn exchanged looks of surprise, but Lai-Kasae was already pulling up her gorgeous robe, exposing a slim, naked bottom, the dark cheeks spread wide.

‘Am I to beat you?' Cianna queried.

Lai-Kasae nodded. Her eyes were closed, her lower lip trembling hard, but her bottom was flaunted, lifted high enough to show the pouting lips of her sex, with white fluid glistening at the mouth of her vagina. Cianna glanced at Babalyn again, who shrugged and passed her the quirt.

Cianna took it, bending the shaft back as she moved it close to Lai-Kasae's trim sex lips and letting go to smack the tip down onto the soft flesh. Lai-Kasae screamed, then sank face down onto the rug, sobbing, but still with her bottom lifted. Cianna smacked her again, on the mound of her sex, wringing fresh cries, to leave Lai-Kasae shaking and panting on the floor. Again Cianna applied the quirt, and again, leaving the dark flesh of Lai-Kasae's sex criss-crossed with purple lines. She was clutching at the rug, and making little snivelling noises, but she stayed still, for Cianna to finish off the whipping, with two firms cuts, full between the lips of her sex.

Lai-Kasae sank face down, in tears, her swollen, puffy sex pushed out towards the girls. Cianna reversed the quirt, and slid the handle into the wet hole of Lai-Kasae's sex, provoking only a low moan. Slowly, Cianna began to fuck her, moving the quirt handle in and out. When Lai-Kasae made no protest, Cianna became bolder, reaching under Lai-Kasae's sex to stroke the welts and rub the big, glossy clitoris that was poking out from between her sex lips.

Babalyn moved closer, reaching out to stroke Lai-Kasae's bottom, then to plant a timid, experimental smack on one trim cheek. In response Lai-Kasae gave a tiny, broken sob and lifted her bottom. Babalyn smacked again, more firmly, making Lai-Kasae's bottom quiver. Again Lai-Kasae gave a muted cry, unmistakably of pleasure. Gaining confidence, Babalyn began to spank, slapping Lai-Kasae's bottom with firm, open handed swats. Lai-Kasae moaned, pushing her bottom right up, and she was coming, under Cianna's fingers, her sex contracting on the quirt, her anus winking, calling out in ecstasy.

‘Tie me. Use me,' she sighed as she rolled over onto the floor. ‘Debase me, anything.'

Cianna took the cord, still uncertain, but Lai-Kasae said nothing, only lifting her arms as Babalyn reached out to pull off the robe. Nude, Lai-Kasae seemed younger, and smaller, her pert body no different from that of any other girl, slave or not. Her chest was heaving, her eyes glazed, and as Cianna began to tie her ankles together she merely sighed. Babalyn joined in, pulling Lai-Kasae's arms down to her ankles, to allow Cianna to tie them off. More bonds followed, in a pattern Cianna had herself been put in more than once, knees tucked up to her chest, wrists bound to ankles, thighs tied to the upper body, helpless, with her sex vulnerable, also her bottom.

‘Now use me,' Lai-Kasae sighed as Cianna tied off the last knot. ‘Make me learn how it feels to be a slave. Punish me, debase me, make me lick you both.'

‘She is like me,' Babalyn said, ‘before I was taken. I used to come over how it would feel. Not now. Her need is genuine though, use her.'

‘I'm going to sit on her head then!' Cianna declared gleefully. ‘To make her lick my tuppenny, and to put her tongue well up my bottom, as that fat woman made me the other night.'

Babalyn clapped in delight as Cianna rolled Lai-Kasae onto her back, face up, eyes wide, full mouth a little open. Giggling, Cianna took a draught of her wine, then cocked a leg across Lai-Kasae's prone body, settling her bottom down onto the bound woman's face.

‘Lick me!' Cianna ordered, rubbing her sex in Lai-Kasae's face. ‘Tuppenny first.'

Lai-Kasae obeyed immediately, probing Cianna's sex with her tongue, in the hole, then onto the clitoris.

‘She's doing it!' Cianna sighed. ‘Oh lovely! Yes, like that. Fuck her, Babalyn. She's sure to have a dildo for her slaves!'

Babalyn went to the chest, laughing, rummaging briefly before pulling out a great wooden phallus with a system of straps attached to it. As Cianna rode Lai-Kasae's face, Babalyn fitted the dildo, fumbling the straps in her haste. Cianna turned, eager to watch, settling her bottom on Lai-Kasae's face once more, only now with her anus against the woman's nose. As Babalyn squatted down, Cianna wriggled her bottom, squirming her bottom ring against Lai-Kasae's snub nose so that the tip went up. Babalyn took the phallus, pushing the head to Lai-Kasae's sex, and up, laughing as their erstwhile Mistress' vagina filled. Lai-Kasae was shivering, her whole body tense, moving on the fat dildo inside her and licking at Cianna's sex.

For a moment Cianna moved forward, pressing her bumhole to Lai-Kasae's mouth and laughing aloud as a little sharp tongue poked up her bottom ring, licking the hot, wet hole.

‘She's tonguing me, Babalyn!' Cianna called. ‘Right up my bottom ring! Right in the hole!'

Babalyn laughed in response, and leant forward, taking Cianna in her arms. They kissed, mouths open, tongues entwined. Cianna put her hands on Babalyn's breasts, feeling the meaty globes and stroking the big nipples, each with its twist of wire. Babalyn was squirming, rubbing her sex on the base of the dildo, and all the while fucking Lai-Kasae. Cianna moved once more, pressing Lai-Kasae's nose back up her bottom. Once more her clitoris was being licked, urgently, and she was starting to come, holding on tight to Babalyn, kissing hard, wiggling her bottom into Lai-Kasae's face, her whole body going taught as the climax hit her. Babalyn was still trying to get there, and Cianna held on, cuddling her friend and stroking her breasts, until with a gasp she too came.

They climbed off, giggling. Lai-Kasae lay still, breathing deeply. Her face was a mess, smeared with Cianna's juices, her sex open, gaping for entry. She said nothing, but as Cianna put the goblet to her lips she swallowed, spilling some wine to add to the white fluid around her mouth.

‘Do we untie her?' Cianna asked.

‘Only if she orders it,' Babalyn answered. ‘Meanwhile, she said she wanted to be used, and I need to pee.'

‘To pee?' Cianna demanded.

‘Why not?' Babalyn answered. ‘She made me drink hers the other night, from a goblet, with everyone watching, including the other slaves. It's probably her favourite thing to be made to do it herself.'

Cianna shrugged, but Lai-Kasae made no move to resist as Babalyn squatted over her, plump, dark sex directly above Lai-Kasae's face.


Babalyn merely shrugged and let go, sending a spray of urine out into the woman's face. Immediately Lai-Kasae's mouth came open, taking the pee in and struggling to swallow, but failing, leaving it bubbling out at the sides of her mouth. Babalyn laughed, and squatted lower, directing the full force of her stream in Lai-Kasae's open mouth. Cianna put her hand to her mouth, giggling to see the woman who had always been cruel to them drinking her friend's piddle in obvious pleasure.

‘Do it up her tuppenny!' Cianna laughed, and Babalyn responded, rising, with pee still spurting from her sex.

For a moment the thick stream of yellow fluid was splashing over Lai-Kasae's bound legs, then onto her sex, filling the open hole to gush out and run down between her buttocks. Cianna laughed aloud, wondering what further indignities they could inflict before the game came to a halt. Lai-Kasae was drunk, very drunk, and it seemed likely that in the end both Babalyn and Cianna would suffer, but for the moment they had their victim helpless and highly aroused. It was too good to hold back.

Taking the quirt, Cianna began to flick as Lai-Kasae's sex, sending Babalyn's pee spraying in every direction. Babalyn giggled and squatted lower, pissing directly onto Lai-Kasae's clitoris as Cianna flicked at the little bud with the quirt. At that Lai-Kasae called out, in ecstasy, coming a second time.

‘Oh do look!' Cianna called, in mocking imitation of Lai-Kasae's voice. ‘She's had a climax, how funny!'

Babalyn giggled again, standing to empty the last of her pee into Lai-Kasae's face. Wiggling her bottom to shake free the last few drops, Babalyn climbed off Lai-Kasae, and jumped onto the bed, beckoning Cianna to follow. They came together, kissing and stroking, laughing as they petted each other, with the woman they had used so well looking on meekly from the floor. Before long they were head to tail, faces sunk in each other's tuppennies, licking and stroking. Cianna was going to come, lost in the pleasure of her friend's body, her face buried in the plump black sex lips, when she heard the thump of a closing door. She was coming, holding tight to Babalyn and licking desperately, telling herself it was the wind, only to see new light flare, flickering on the ceiling.

A voice sounded, male, calling Lai-Kasae's name. Babalyn jumped up, Cianna too, making for the doorway in desperate hope of putting the newcomer off, but too late. He was already on the landing, a young man in the fine robes of a Makean Elite, looking into the room with his mouth open in amazement.

‘Help me,' Lai-Kasai quavered, ‘they've violated me.'

Chapter Four

Cianna lay huddled in the bottom of the cart, sore, miserable and furious. Her buttocks and thighs were sore from the vicious whipping she and Babalyn had been given for the supposed ravishing of Lai-Kasai. It had been done with them strung up by their hands, face to face, in the courtyard of the house. Their pleas and protests had gone for nothing, Lai-Kasae's word accepted without question, theirs dissmissed, only earning them slaps and curses.

Once thoroughly beaten, the girls had been tied hand and foot, gagged and thrown into a cellar. All night they had lain there, terrified, until in the morning the fat steward who worked for Assivetes had arrived, with two male slaves. Without a word, their questions ignored, the girls had been bundled into the back of a cart. Old blankets had been thrown over them and they had left Lai-Kasai's house, and Ketawa itself, until as the dawn light penetrated the thin weave over her head, Cianna found that she could glimpse trees to either side of them.

She stretched, trying to free her head. A voice warned her to stay down and a whip cracked against her leg. She lay still, confused, wondering where she was going, wanting to struggle and try to spit the foul tasting gag from her mouth, but knowing it would only earn her further blows of the whip.

The cart moved on, bumping along an uneven road. Three times it turned, before it finally stopped and Cianna heard the creak of a gate being opened. Her interest rose, her fear too, as the cart moved in under an arch, then out of the sunlight. She heard the driver dismount, and a moment later the blanket was pulled from her head. A man was standing over her, hugely fat, in leather trousers like the ones Gaidrhed had worn, but dyed a brilliant scarlet and held up by a thick black belt.

He was grinning, with no anger or malice in his face, just satisfaction, and Cianna felt an immediate wave of relief. Looking down on then, he reached into a pocket, extracting a long tube that appeared to be made of leaves. In shape it looked uncomfortably as if it might be made to go up girl's tuppennies. Cianna felt her apprehension rising again. Digging in his pocked once more, he produced a small stick with a yellow tip, which he struck smartly on the wall, causing a puff of flame and an odd smell. Cianna's apprehension turned to fear as he lit the end of the roll of leaves, only to fade as he stuck the other end into his mouth and took a long suck on it, blowing smoke out through his nose. Stepping closer, he tweaked the gag from Cianna's mouth, then Babalyn's.

‘Twenty standard the pair!' he said with immense pleasure as his eyes wandered down their naked bodies. ‘Now that is a bargain! Well, I'd better untie you then, if you're going to behave?'

‘I will, Master,' Babalyn said immediately, Cianna nodding agreement.

‘You will indeed,' he said, ducking down to start on Cianna's bonds.

He hummed to himself as he untied them, happily, then helped them from the cart. They were in a high room, open to the air at one side, through which a courtyard could be seen, with a wall beyond, trees and distant hills beyond that. The man attended to the cattle which had pulled the cart as Cianna and Babalyn rubbed the circulation back into the limbs. Finished, he came to lean on a squat wooden frame, on top of which had been fixed a broad leather saddle. Cianna glanced at it with new apprehension.

‘A horse and saddle,' he said, gesturing with the roll of leaves, ‘both for the sake of discipline and my entertainment.'

‘Have mercy,' Babalyn answered. ‘We've been whipped, terribly!'

‘Oh I've no mind to whip you, he answered, just to introduce myself, to your cunts. Up on the saddle, both of you.'

‘Both?' Cianna asked, looking doubtfully at the thing.

‘Just do as he says,' Babalyn said quickly. ‘You first.'

Puzzled, Cianna climbed onto the saddled, parting her legs around the broad seat to leave her thighs well spread and her bottom pushed up, the highest part of her body. The man watched, puffing smoke and grinning as Babalyn climbed on in turn, mounting Cianna and pushing her down onto the soft leather. The man laughed at the sight and put his hand to his belt, pulling it free. Cianna winced, expecting her thighs beaten again, only to have him wrap it around the horse, herself and Babalyn, buckling it to fix them firmly in place.

‘That's to make sure you stay were you're put,' he said. ‘Now, some cock for you to share. Get me hard.'

His trousers had fallen, and he kicked them off, lifting his smock to expose a huge, hairy belly and an ample set of genitals. Stepping to near their heads, he pushed his cock at Babalyn's face. She took it, sucking as Cianna reluctantly began to kiss his balls, then to lick at them as he grew in Babalyn's mouth. As they sucked he fondled as much of their breasts as he could get at, and also Babalyn's bottom. In no time he was hard, and after making perfunctory use of Cianna's mouth with his cock, he stepped behind them.

‘What a sight!' he crowed. ‘Two fat cunts, one above the other. Arseholes too, and all with a fat cigar! I don't know where to put it first.'

Babalyn gave a little gasp and the man chuckled. A moment later Cianna felt something firm press to her sex and up, oddly warm, until she realised that he had put the unlit end of the cigar in her tuppenny. The smoke was filling her sex, hot enough to have her gasping until he took the cigar out and substituted the head of his cock. She sighed despite herself, but the attention was immediately transferred to Babalyn.

In no hurry, he amused himself with them, rubbing his cock against their sexes. Again and again the head of his cock was popped into one hole or the other, smacked in the wet flesh of their vulvas, or pressed to their bottom rings to taunt them with sodomy. He used the cigar as well, poking it into all four holes, ever deeper as they became more slimy. After each instertion he took a puff, enjoying the taste of the their vaginas and bottom holes. As he did it he masturbated, tugging at his big cock left handed.

At last, when Cianna was wondering if she was actually going to get fucked at all, he had put the cigar down and put his cock in properly. It was big, stretching her tuppenny, and she sighed despite herself, taking a firm grip on the horse as he began to fuck her. Her welts smarted, but her pleasure was rising, the pain growing dim with the feel of the cock inside her. Again she sighed, relaxing, only to have it pulled out and put up Babalyn instead, fucking her, with his balls now slapping on Cianna's flesh.

He began to grunt, then to gasp, slamming into them, his fat stomach squashing over and over against their flesh. His cock went up Cianna again, hard, unexpectedly, but was pulled out after only a few thrusts. An instant later wet, hot sperm splashed across her buttocks, and between them, on Babalyn too, to drip down and pool in Cianna's anus.

‘Fine,' he grunted, ‘fuck them well on the first day and they'll eat out of your hand, that's my way.'

He undid the belt, allowing the girls to climb off. Feeling stiff and sore, Cianna went to sit on a pile of sacks, to which the man made no objection. Leaning on the cart, he waited until both of them were ready, then spoke.

‘I am Jelkrael, your new owner. By profession I am an impresario, of a specialist nature. I run fighting girls for pits both public and private, a sport you may know something of?'

‘A little,' Babalyn admitted carefully.

‘It is not important,' he continued. ‘What is important is that both of you are now part of my stable, and will shortly be taking part in a tour. Cianna, you are to be a fighting girl…'

‘Who do I fight?' Cianna asked. ‘And what with?'

‘Other girls, nude, with nothing but your bare hands, this is entertainment, not some barbarian brawl,' he answered. ‘Babalyn, you will announce the rounds and assist me with the books. You can do math, I trust? Good. All will go well, I am sure, but above all things I require the loyalty of my staff and girls. Is this clear?'

‘Naturally,' Babalyn said, ‘we are your property. Yours to command as you please.'

‘Exactly,' Jelkrael replied, ‘but in case of doubt, note that the horse and saddle over which you have just been fucked can work equally well when girls need to be whipped. The rules are these. Obey me, and the staff also. Speak to nobody outside the camp, ever, and if somebody should attempt to speak to you, report it immediately. Dalliances with outsiders are forbidden, absolutely. I and the staff will fuck you as we please, but if you want sex at other times, amuse each other. Now come, I wish to introduce you to your stablemates.'

They followed as he made for a low door, into the interior of the building, a structure much like the house of Assivetes but plainer. Passing along a short passage, he pushed his way through a beaded curtain to where three people sat on mats around a low dais.

‘Here,' Jelkrael said, indicating a thin young man, ‘is the crafty Yufal, adept in all matters pertaining to the placing of bets. And here, Klia, my seasoned warrior, and here, my last acquisition, who I intend to make a champion.'

Cianna turned to the last person indicated, finding herself staring at Yuilla.

For two days Cianna remained in Jelkrael's house, never once stepping outside. Jelkrael himself had gone, to arrange a contest, leaving the house to be managed by Yufal, the two males slaves he kept as guards and the girls. Of these, Klia was friendly, Yuilla cold, issuing orders as if she herself were free until she became put off by Cianna's failure to respond. Sexually, they were left largely unmolested, Yufal generally preferring Klia and Yuilla apparently determined to keep both the male slaves permanently satisfied. Glad of the respite, both Cianna and Babalyn spent much of their time on their pallets, allowing their bruises to heal.

On the third day the girls found themselves growing bored, and determined to explore. It had been made clear that they should not leave the compound, and Babalyn had managed to convince Cianna that escape was pointless, but there was a substantial garden, which seemed likely to contain fruit trees. Leaving by a side door, they came out into a yard, bathed in bright sunlight, and empty except for a squat kennel, outside which a large black and brown dog lay dozing. Cianna gave a delighted exclamation and walked quickly over. The dog looked up, eyeing her suspiciously, then snuffling at her hand as she bent down beside it.

‘Do not touch it!' Babalyn urged. ‘It is a horrible thing!'

‘No,' Cianna answered, stroking the dog's huge head. ‘He is lovely. Aren't you, boy?'

‘You do not know what you do!' Babalyn insisted. ‘That is a cunt dog, trained to run down girls and mount them! They do it for sport, and to punish runaway slaves. Leave it, Cianna!'

‘He wouldn't hurt me,' Cianna answered, tickling the dog behind one ear. ‘Look, he's just a big baby!'

The dog had rolled, a huge pink tongue lolling out of its mouth as it showed off its belly. Cianna continued to stroke and tickle, laughing as the pink head of the beast's penis emerged from the hairy sheaf. Babalyn gave a gasp of horror, backing against the wall.

‘He'll fuck you, Cianna!' she gabbled. ‘One chance and he'll fuck you! Quick, come inside!'

‘No he won't!' Cianna replied, rubbing the dog's belly, which made its cock extend yet further from the prepuce. ‘Well, perhaps he would, but it would be no worse than old Assivetes.'


Cianna laughed, and continued to tickle the dog, only to rise as the compound gate swung open. Jelkrael appeared, smoking a cigar and grinning more broadly than ever as he waved them over.

‘I see you've met Glaucum,' he said, ‘who is trained to provide naughty slave girls with a punishment I find more effective than even the saddle and whip. Run, and he will track you down, should you flee to Kea itself. And when he does… But we need not talk of such things, need we? No, you are loyal slaves, both, and you at least, Cianna, are to play an important part in my coming venture. Inside, and gather the others, I intend to explain.'

They went, calling out for Yufal and the other slaves, who quickly gathered in the main chamber. Presently Jelkrael entered, rubbing his hands in satisfaction.

‘Attend carefully,' he began. ‘I have arranged bouts in Port Utis and in Ioto. The first will introduce Cianna, who will win against Klia, thus sparking her reputation. The second will be for Cianna to be beaten in turn by Yuilla, whose victory will then seem all the more spectacular. From there, I intend to build her reputation as we travel around the coast towards Kea, with a series of victories over ever more redoubtable opposition from other stables, bought, naturally. Presently, the bookmakers will realise that she is being built up to challenge Moloa, the champion in Kea itself. They will know the matches are being thrown, although the majority of the public will not. Odds on Yuilla will become prohibitive, those on her opponents increasingly long. Now, and here is the clever part. Instead of building her up to a challenge with Moloa, and taking a sixth share of a good gate, I will allow another impresario to buy the last match before we challenge Moloa, probably in Kea itself. Thus I will recoup my expenses in providing Yuilla with her opponents and make a true fortune by the judicious placing of bets. For now, she needs an initial and spectacular victory to set matters afoot. Cianna, is this clear?'

‘Yes,' Cianna answered, quickly snatching her attention back from where she had been watching clouds drift past the high windows. ‘I am to fight Klia, then Yuilla.'

‘And you will lose,' Jelkrael went on. ‘You should know, as well, that each fighter has a trademark humiliation to inflict on her victims, a signature. Moloa, for instance, shaves their cunts, lights a splint on the rough bristles and smokes a cigar while sat on their heads, which is effective but somewhat slow. Yuilla, I have decided, will pull her victims up by the hair and urinate in their mouths, then make them lick her to show that they are truly conquered.'

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