Innocence Tempted (13 page)

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Authors: Samantha Blair

BOOK: Innocence Tempted
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“Was it as bad as you expected?”


“I’m not sure,” I answered truthfully. “I don’t have any great desire to repeat it, but it was definitely a memorable experience.”


“You did well.”


“Well enough that you’re going to reward me?” I teased. He owed me after all of that.


He climbed the rest of the way into the tent and zipped it shut behind us. “Don’t push your luck,” he said, but his tone was light and easy. He was pleased with me.
was pleased with me.


He flipped on a flashlight and propped it up in the corner of the tent giving us just a little light to see by.


“Get naked, Katlyn,” he commanded. “I want to touch you.”


He didn’t have to ask me twice. I stripped awkwardly in the small space, trying not to shudder when I brushed up against the cold sides of the nylon tent.


He was on top of me less than a moment after I had shed my last article of clothing. We slid around on the slippery sleeping bag material as he adjusted me into the position that he wanted. He was mostly on top of me, with his left hip on the ground and his right leg between my thighs.


He pinned both of my hands above my head with one of his. The free hand found my breast and tweaked my nipple. I squirmed under him, not really trying to free myself, but working my core against his thigh.


“No way,” he protested. “You will c
m on my cock and no sooner. Stop fighting.”


I steeled up every remaining ounce of patience I had left and forced myself to lie still.


“Good girl,” he praised.


To his credit, he didn’t make me wait long. He moved so that he was fully on top of me, filling the cradle of my body, between my legs. He slid into me missionary style, but lifted one of my legs up over his shoulder before thrusting.


I bit my lip and whimpered. He felt so big like this. I could feel him all the way against my cervix.


“I’m going to fuck you hard,” he growled. “Do you want me to gag you?”


I nodded my head. There was no way I would be able to keep from screaming. Our tent was a little further away from the others, but not far enough. I had suffered enough humiliation for one night. I didn’t need them all to hear me crying out.


He reached into his duffle bag
was above my head
and retrieved a plastic ball gag. I had seen these before, but never worn one. He gave me time to adjust to it as he strapped it on. It was just tight enough to stay in place. I took a couple of deep breaths just to make sure that I could still breathe. It was surprisingly well
ventilated. I could still breath
through my mouth, but it cut down on the noise considerably. He verified that I was still okay before he settled back into place and resumed his earlier mission.


His hips were relentless as he plowed into me over and over. Freed by the gag, I cried out under him. I vented all of my fears and frustrations from the day as I screamed. Cody encouraged me, seeming to know instinctively what I needed.


“That’s right, baby. Bite down on it. Let me hear how mad you are.”


I tried to kick my legs, but I was no match for his muscled body. He simply shifted me like a rag doll and put both of my legs over his shoulders. With his full weight on top of me, I had no hope of fighting back.


His hands circled
pressed into the backs of my thighs
pinning me to the hard, lumpy ground. I could feel every twig and rock through the thin layers of tent and sleeping bag. Still, he pounded into me with an overwhelming power. My back ached, and my legs burned. Pain and pleasure mixed together until I couldn’t tell which was which.


“You ready to quit yet? Had enough?”


I shook my head defiantly, a universal “
” I didn’t want him to stop until I exploded from the inside. He was hurting me, but I wanted it, all of it.


His grip tightened on my thighs, and he spread my legs impossibly f
rther apart. He looked down and watched as he plunged his thick cock in and out. A live coal burned deep in my core.


“You like it rough like this, don’t you?” he asked. His voice had that deep gravel
y quality that always drove me wild. I nodded my head encouragingly. I wanted him to keep talking. I loved the sound of his voice, coaching me through it.


“If I keep slamming into you, you’ll fucking c
m all over my cock. Is that what you want me to do to you? Make you c


I nodded yes, begging through the gag even though I knew he couldn’t understand me.


“Well since you’ve been such a good little girl—”


He pulled back from me slightly, changing the angle so that he could put his hand between us. He rubbed my clit with his thumb as he drove his cock deep into me.


Bright lights flashed before my eyes. I squeezed them shut and clenched my hands into fists. One more thrust and I broke apart into a million pieces. Cody lowered my legs and fucked me through the remaining tremors.


I was still shaking when he pulled out and rolled me onto my side. He removed the gag and I breathed in a deep rush of fresh air that made me cough.


“Are you okay?” he asked gently.


“Perfect,” I murmured. I was sore and exhausted, but I felt amazing. The only thing that I had reference to compare it to was a good hard workout, but it was so much more than that.


He shifted the sleeping bags around so that we were tucked inside together. His strong body curled around me and it occurred to me that this would be the first time we’d slept together.


“Goodnight, Katlyn,” he whispered.


“Goodnight, Sir.”


I slept like a rock.





When I woke I was still curled around Katlyn’s soft, warm body. Her hair had fanned out wildly in her sleep, and I could smell her shampoo all over me. I breathed her in and held on to the feeling for a moment longer. Sleeping beside my submissive was a pleasure that I very rarely allowed myself.


My bladder ached and there was a good-sized rock digging into my hip. I reluctantly released
and made my way out of the tent. I was still naked and had no idea what time it was, but I wasn’t too concerned, and I really needed to piss.


From the sound of it, about half the camp was up. The sun was rising through the woods and someone was cooking bacon. I was starving.


I found the nearest tree and relieved myself.


“Cody,” Gage called.


“Can’t a man take a morning piss in peace?” I replied.


“Oh right, like I’ve never seen your cock before. You can’t keep that thing in your pants for more than five minutes at a time.”


“I’m not wearing pants.”


“Is Katlyn up yet?” he asked, clearly ignoring my witty remark.


“No, I think I wore her ou
last night.”


Gage smirked knowingly. “She okay? She was pretty embarrassed last night. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone blush like that.”


“She’ll be fine.”


“Good. Susan and I talked about it, and we thought that maybe the girls could climb together today. She thought that Kat might benefit from spending some time with a more experienced sub

and rock climber for that matter.”


“I think that’s a great idea. Tell her thank you for me. I’m going to get Katlyn up, and we’ll meet you for breakfast in a couple minutes?”


“Good deal. Put some fucking clothes on.”


I smiled and went back to the tent. Kat had woken up in my absence and was already dressing.


“Morning, beautiful.”


“Good morning, Sir.”


“How’d you sleep?”


“Very well.”


“Good. Are you sore?” I asked.


I expected her to be. I had gotten a little carried away last night. It was unlikely that I’d done any real damage, but she had a pretty high pain threshold, and it was possible for me to get too rough without knowing it.


“A little, but I’ll be okay,” she answered bravely.


“Good. Wanna get some breakfast?”


We met Susan and Gage at the fire not five minutes later. Everyone was eating ravenously. There was something about the fresh air that just made you hungry. I filled my own plate with scrambled eggs, bacon, and a slightly burnt brown sugar


When breakfast was finished, and we had the tent all packed up, we hiked out to the climb site. This morning’s climb was an easy one, and it would be a perfect start for Katlyn.


The club tried hard to be able to accommodate climbers of all skill levels. Some of the more serious climbers had left before sunrise to spend the day on a much harder section of the mountain. I might have gone with them, had she not been with me, but I frequently hung with the “beginner crowd” anyway. You always needed a couple of experienced climbers around for safety reasons. I didn’t mind helping with the teaching.


The trail that we were hiking was heavily wooded
so it was always a bit of a surprise when you got to the end of it and were met with the she
r rock face. It rose up about forty-five feet before the first big plateau. Just the si
t of it got my blood pumping. Katlyn looked like she was going to pass out.


“We’re climbing this?” she squeaked out.


“It’s not as bad as it looks,” I reassured her. “You’re going to love it.”


She didn’t answer, and she didn’t faint, but I could tell that getting her up there was going to take a little more motivation.


“Susan is going to climb right beside you. Gage’s going to go first to show you how, and I’m going to be right behind you. You’ll be fine.”


There was a group of three that had already started their climb on one side, so we opted for taking the other. I helped Katlyn into her harness and did my best to be comforting. Coddling wasn’t really my strong suit.


“Remember the last time I had you in this harness?” I asked. I kept my voice low and seductive. Maybe I could get her mind off of her fear.


“Yes, Sir,” she whispered.


I pulled the straps tight around her thighs and she released a shaky breath. “Well just think about that if you get nervous.”


Katlyn looked up as Gage approached. He and Susan were all geared up.


“Want to climb the crack?” he asked me, indicating a large fissure in the wall. There was plenty of room to climb in there and having footholds on both sides was easier.


“Yeah, I think that would be best. Can Susan take the outside?”


“Yeah, I’ve done that before,” Susan answered for herself.


Kat became even more pale, which I hadn’t really thought possible. “You want me to climb up the middle of that thing?” she asked.


Gage laughed. “Yep.”


In the end, she did pretty well. Gage went up first, and like a true, good
om he didn’t make it easy on Katlyn. He pushed and nagged and called her a wimp when she was giving up too easily.

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