Inky (21 page)

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Authors: J.B. Hartnett

BOOK: Inky
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Me too.

Even though our passion for each other had been ignited, he seemed to relish every touch between us, as if he was afraid this would be his only opportunity to have me, to “make love to me” as he put it. But with each slow thrust, each time I felt him sink into me, I felt more and more that this was where I belonged. I was grateful he didn’t let me leave. I held his hips, keeping him still inside, taking my own moment being connected to him in every sense of the word. I ran my hand up his chest, pulled him to my mouth and bit his nipple gently, moving my hips slowly and grinding him deeper.

“Anika, if you don’t stop that soon…” he tensed, little beads of sweet gathering on his throat.

“Don’t worry, Cole, we have all weekend.” My decision well and truly made, I bucked against him, only needing that small amount of friction to send me over the edge.

“Oh, God. Now, Cole. Now!” I cried out, digging my nails into his back, I was sure I’d left marks on him.

“Ah fuck, Anika.” With one final thrust, he was done but apparently not finished. He continued to slowly move while my body quaked with aftershocks, “Do you need a minute to recover?” He smirked.

“Are you serious?” I asked breathless.

“Apparently you’ve never been with a real man?”

“I suppose you’re that man?”

“I am. I also want to give you more incentive to stay.”

“I’m thinking we can work something out.” I grinned, feeling happier than I’d felt…ever.

Chapter 21

I was afraid to open my eyes. I lay there silently, trying to take stock of everything that had transpired since yesterday: Bedazzled Evan’s favorite shirt? Check. Got drunk in public? Check. Sang in front of a crowded bar and stripped out of aforementioned shirt? Check. Had my first physical altercation, otherwise known as a chick fight? Check. Shared my painting process with Cole? Check. Drank beer, had an anxiety attack, bared my soul and had the best sex of my life with Cole? Check. Woke up in his arms?


I didn’t want to break the spell. I was happy. Really happy.

Taking in everything else going on around me, I knew Cole was still asleep next to me and we were both nude. I could hear the ocean. I could hear waves lapping at the rocks. The tide must be high and I could smell coffee; glorious wonderful coffee. I took a deep breath…

“Good morning.” His low grumble morning voice slid across my skin and straight down to my toes.

I turned my head to look at him, his eyes still closed with a huge smile on his face. “When did you get up and make coffee?” I asked.

“It’s on a timer. I do it the night before so I always wake up to coffee in the morning and I don’t have to wait around.” One hand settled comfortably on my hip like a physical affirmation that I was real, lying next to him.

“I think I may be in love with you.” I probably shouldn’t have said that. His eyes popped right open and his fingers dug into me firmly. “I meant that as a figure of speech.” Good going, Anika. Try to dig yourself out of this one and make it worse.

“I knew what you meant. It’s okay. I have two entire days to try to make that happen. In the meantime, how do you feel?”

Whoa. He was serious, I was sure but I decided to just act normal. “I’m not hung over, which is a miracle considering how much I drank last night.”

Looking around the room, I noticed the windows were dark. “I thought it would be brighter in here.”

He leaned over and touched a button on a remote and the large window coverings rose to the ceiling and disappeared. “I bet James Bond is so jealous of you.”

“We have the same architect.” He smiled but I sensed discomfort. “You should see the laser alarm system. Now that’s really something.”

“Can you excuse me for a minute?”

“Of course. I’ll even close my eyes so you don’t get that cute embarrassed thing you do. Plenty more fluffy bathrobes in the ensuite behind us.”

“I’m not gonna forget that you’re teasing me, I just want you to remember that when I retaliate.” I laughed.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

I glanced at him quickly, he really did close his eyes, but what was extraordinary was seeing his golden bare chest with very little body hair, until my eyes drifted down, down to see a trail below his belly button halted by a tangle of sheets; damn.

“Are you still standing there, Anika?” He smiled, his head resting on his hands.

“Sorry, you’re kind of distracting in a male-model sort of way. I’m going now.” I reluctantly walked away.

There were three things I needed to do; number one, pee. Number two, freshen up. I couldn’t imagine what my breath must be like. Number three, I needed to call Aimes. I was happy that at some point Cole had brought my bag into his very spacious, incredible bathroom. I turned on the fan and the water and dialed. It barely rang once when she answered.


“How was it?” She demanded.

“How was what?” I answered coyly.

“You know very well what the hell I’m talking about, hurry up?!”

“I want you to know that his bathroom looks like a day-spa.”

“It sounds like you’re in a car.”

“I have the water running and the fan going. I didn’t want him to know I called you.”

“So, tell me but better make it quick or he’s gonna think you’re doing more than having a pee.”

“Wow, talk about killing the illusion. I have to multi-task then. Oh shit.”


“No, there it is. I thought I forgot my toothbrush.”

“I swear to God, Ink. You better start talking.”

I was doing it on purpose because it was fun to torture her a little. “Aimes, it was…earth shattering, mind blowing, sweet, like nothing I have ever experienced, ever.”

“That bad, huh?” She giggled.

“Yep, that bad. I almost came home though. I freaked out a little bit, after I got in the pool. Everything got really intense and I just…”


“Yeah.” I decided not to tell her I had a full blown attack. It happened. Cole helped me. It was over. “He wants me to stay the weekend. I agreed I would stay and I guess get to know him. But he said…”

“What, and you better hurry up, it’s been, like, four minutes already.”

“He said he’s falling in love with me. He’s known me for five minutes, Aimes.”

“No he hasn’t. He’s known you for a few months. And I would bet he knows you better than I do.”

“What makes you say that?”

“It’s just a feeling I get. The way he scooped you up last night. How he sang to you that day in the bar. Hell, he bought the art he inspired you to create. Just, have a good time. I think you’re in safe hands.”

“I love you, Aimes.”

“I love you too, Inky. Go, now!”

I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face and started digging through my bag for a tank top and panties. I bought three sets of these to sleep in and they weren’t exactly screaming “sexy lingerie” but they made me feel sexy. They were my Sigourney Weaver ala Aliens outfit.

Rounding the corner, I saw Cole had brought a serving tray upstairs with coffee, cream, sugar and two containers of flavored creamer.

“I wasn’t sure what you wanted so I brought everything coffee related. Jesus, you look hot. That was well worth the wait.” I watched him look me over like I was on the menu for breakfast. “And how is Aimes this morning?” He didn’t look at me while he grinned which made it all the more infectious.

“Were you listening by the door or something?” I sat down on the edge of the bed.

“If James Bond and I have the same architect, wouldn’t you assume I have microphones and cameras in every room?”

“Lucky for me I didn’t do anything…else…while I was in there.”

“I wouldn’t embarrass you like that, don’t worry. Honestly, I assumed you would check in with her. You don’t know me that well. I took you home with me and you were pretty drunk. And besides, I’m sure she had a million questions for you. She looks out for you, doesn’t she?”

“She does. I’d like to say we look out for each other, but she has less drama, less baggage and she’s stronger than I am.”

“I doubt that very much. So, how do you take your coffee?”

“Vanilla creamer, two sugars. I’m feeling sweet today.”

“I hope not too sweet.” He handed me the cup with his eyebrows raised.

“Well, no. Not too sweet.” I sipped my delicious coffee and looked out the window to the ocean. There was a slight breeze creating little white caps here and there. It was one thing to admire these homes from a distance, but quite another to be waking up in one. Cole had opened a window, allowing the breeze and the sounds of the ocean fill the room. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to commit each detail to memory.

“You okay over there?” He asked. “I hate to get all chick on you, but in our case I think communication is important.”

I laughed at him as I came out of my reverie. Handing him my cup, I rose from the bed and walked to the windows. “I don’t want to forget anything. I want to remember the smell and the color of those cliffs and the plants growing on that ledge there. I want to remember the shade of turquoise you only see with the swell of white foam. I’ve lived next to the ocean my whole life but I’ve never seen it like this.”

“Have you changed your mind?” His tone and energy changed dramatically. I started to speak but he interrupted me.

“It’s okay, Anika.” He hung his head and was quiet for a moment. “I knew it was too good to be true. Let me get dressed. I’ll take you home.”

He started to get up and sat the cups on a small table. “Hey, no. No, Cole, I didn’t mean it like that. I’m an artist, this is what I do…I’m an observer.” I went back and sat on the bed in front of him. “We had a deal and, truth be told, I kinda like your company. Selfishly, I’d like to stay in this little bubble with you if you still want me.” The insecure, damaged part of me just had to add, “Unless you were just saying that to get the crazy girl you banged out of your place.”

Disgust. The look he gave me was one of disgust. “How could you even think that about me? No, Anika. I’d be happy if you never left and that’s the absolute truth.”


“Well then…” deep breath, “what do you want to do? I mean, besides having incredible sex again. It wasn’t just me, right? That was pretty great. You’re like, one of those professional sex people, aren’t you?”

“You mean like a man-whore?” He playfully grabbed the hem of my tank and pulled me to his naked belly.

“How about, high priced man-whore. I would think someone with your skills would be in demand.”

“You would but, oddly, not so much.”

“Now that I don’t believe for a second but thanks for keeping the illusion alive for me.”

“And I suppose you’re a virgin?”

“Oh, I think we both know the answer to that one.” I met his eyes, then looked down face to face with his erection barely hidden by his boxers. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you have a beautiful penis.”

“Beautiful, huh?”

“Yeah, like, you could probably get modeling gigs for it and everything.”

“Are you always this funny?”

“You bring out the…cocky…side in me.” With that he threw me back onto the bed while we both rolled in laughter.

“Would you like me to show you my cocky side?” He asked.

I answered him with a deep kiss, fisting my hands in his thick dark hair and tugging. “Does that answer your question?”

After we had another round of mind-blowing sex, I regretted not packing more clothes.


“What’s wrong?” He leaned against the doorway leading into his day-spa bathroom.

“I should’ve brought more clothes with me. I wasn’t really thinking clearly.”

“We can take a drive and pick some things up from your place if you want. Or I can take you shopping? Actually, I’d love to take you shopping.”

I stopped purposefully and stood up to my five foot, six inch height and put my hands on my hips, “Okay, that’s it…who the hell are you?” His laughing didn’t allow me to keep up my little attitude for very long. “What man in their right mind offers to take a girl out shopping?”

“Again, apparently you’ve never been with a real man.” His seductive smile almost convinced me right back into bed with him but he put the brakes on that. “Whatever you want to do or wear is fine but I do have plans for us today. I’ll be downstairs. Take your time getting ready.” He gave me his million dollar smile and disappeared. I decided that the grey tank top and a short denim skirt would do fine. Hopefully whatever he had planned didn’t have a dress code. His khaki cargo shorts and V-neck white fitted t-shirt (which looked fantastic by the way) made my outfit acceptable.

“Is that what you’re wearing?” He scoffed when I came downstairs.

“Oh, well, maybe we do need to go by my place and…”

“I was kidding. You look great, really. I don’t know why you hide your legs all the time.” Leaning down, he reached for my ankle and brought his fingers up slowly until he reached my inner thighs, stopping right beneath the hem of my skirt.

“Thank God I shaved.” I said breathlessly.

“You shave? How refreshing.” He didn’t continue his exploration any further but leaned into my neck below my ear, “I’m telling you right now, Anika, I never ever want to hear about another waxing appointment as long as I live. I don’t care if you have a huge 1970’s porn bush sticking out of your bikini, I actually like that. You can tell me you have a big zit or you’re on your period... I don’t care. That’s just part of being human but if I have to hear about a single Botox injection or spray tan, it’s over.”

“Deal breaker, huh?”

“Yes.” He said emphatically.

His lips were moving across my jaw, not quite touching me but making it extremely difficult to speak. “I suppose you’ll want to hear about me bleaching my moustache then?” I tilted my head back slowly, giving him clear access to my neck.

“God yes” he said and continued kissing down my throat but I could feel he was smiling as he went so I decided to keep talking.

“And if we had a dinner of baked beans and blue cheese and cheap beer and…”

“I’d open a window” He was laughing now. I almost stopped him from his slow descent to my breasts.

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