Ingenue's Choice (13 page)

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Authors: Gracie C. Mckeever

BOOK: Ingenue's Choice
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She was Patryk’s guardian angel, not Keir’s, and wasn’t supposed to communicate with the latter in any way shape or form according to her own guardian angels. But she hadn’t seen any other way to ensure he agreed to Patryk’s proposal other than talking to him. It hadn’t been all that much, just a couple of nudges here and there. Maybe that was why Micah and Jamaereh let her get away with it.

It wasn’t like she had jumped into his body and pushed him into anything like she had with her brother, after all. Micah and Jamaereh had to give her credit for exercising some restraint, a fairly new concept for her. Because she had sorely been tempted to resort to drastic measures and to intervene any way she could to get Keir to agree to Patryk’s plan. She was as desperate, in fact, as Patryk seemed.

Poor guy. He really was a sweetheart who only wanted to do the right thing and to help people along the way in any way he could. It wasn’t his fault he had been born to holier-than-thou parents who prided themselves in appearances more than the emotional well-being of their only son and who didn’t consider him successful unless he worked in the field
had chosen for him.

Ingenue’s Choice


And Zara used to think her parents were bad. The Andrews had her parents beat.

She watched as Keir handled the bill for the meal, and she stood to follow him and Patryk as they left the café.

She had to keep a close eye on those two. She knew her work with them was not over by a long shot.

Indeed, child.


Gracie C. McKeever

Chapter 11

Patryk went back to work after lunch, counting the minutes until he could be with Keir again and start their partnership off on the right foot…or on any other appendage Keir deemed appropriate.

He sat at his desk, leering just as Chaz breezed into his office, just barely got busted chuckling.

Patryk wasn’t surprised to see him, just wondered if Dharma had sent him or if his own curiosity had driven him to pop by.

“So, how was lunch?” Plop went Chaz on the edge of Patryk’s desk.

“Okay, and yours?”

“Cut the crap, Andrews. Did you meet up with the bartender or not?”

“He does have a name you know, and I’m sure since you and Dharma have had your little heads together gossiping about me, you know what it is.”

“So did you meet Keir or not?”

“I met him.” Patryk eyed Chaz, intentionally being dense and wondering how far Chaz would go to get the dirt.

And just as Patryk thought it, Chaz sighed and leaned forward, taking Patryk’s fuchsia silk tie in one hand before smoothing it down against Patryk’s chest with an unusual and suddenly serious air about him.

When he aimed his concerned dark gaze Patryk’s way, Patryk’s stomach suddenly bottomed out. “What is it?”

“I know Dharma and I kid and tease you about your seriousness and your sex life, or lack thereof, but the truth is, I worry about you, Patryk.”

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“Worry? Why?” Where the hell was this coming from?

Chaz cocked a brow in a you-have-to-ask manner that had Patryk’s heart skipping. “You’ve been hurt before, and I don’t want to see you get hurt again.”

Was he that pathetic, or did he just give off the helpless victim in distress that everyone thought they needed to protect him? Or, worst of all, did Chaz know something about Keir that Patryk didn’t? The man had been so busy on the dance floor with his hot leather-clad pair, Patryk didn’t think Chaz had noticed him and Keir at the bar.

How much had Dharma told him? Did she have to tell him anything when it seemed Chaz knew Patryk, knew things
Patryk that no mere acquaintance should know? “How do you know I’ve been hurt?” Patryk murmured.

“No one escapes their childhood without being hurt. And we definitely don’t get out of our teens emotionally unscathed. So since you’re way passed your teens, I have to assume that you’ve been hurt a time or two in your life.” Chaz looked at him, smiled, and reached out a hand to squeeze his shoulder. “Besides, I didn’t get to where I am in my personal relationships that I can’t recognize a kindred spirit.”

Patryk swallowed, simultaneously appreciating and embarrassed by Chaz’s concern.

Wait a minute! Did he say kindred spirit? Was Chaz a sub?

We’re too much alike to ever get along sexually.”

Chaz’s words from last Friday came back to haunt and make Patryk wonder if Chaz had had a Derek in his life.

Before he could mull over it any further, the phone rang, filling the heavy silence between him and Chaz. Patryk quickly reached for it, relieved for the interruption. “Presidio and Hall

“Hey, baby.”

Patryk sat back in his seat, suddenly aroused and hot listening to Keir’s smooth, bone-melting voice. He didn’t think he’d ever not be excited hearing his deep baritone. “Twice in one day. I’m honored.”

“Have to take care of my investment.”

“Shouldn’t that be my line?”

“Hey, at this point, we’re each other’s investment.”


Gracie C. McKeever

That was true enough and he couldn’t deny that Keir had invested his trust in Patryk’s ability to get his career going again.

Chaz hopped off his desk, whispered, “Don’t move too fast, hun,” and turned to go.

Patryk had almost forgotten Chaz was in his office. Keir called and the rest of the world didn’t exist. That was scary.

Patryk watched Chaz’s back as he closed the door behind him, wondering what sort of light and dark forces were working against each other overseeing his love-life. First Zara pushed him into Keir’s arms every chance she got, and now the usually footloose and fancy-free Chaz had made a sudden 180-degree turn to warn him away from moving too fast.

Was it that he had something against Keir specifically or something against Patryk getting serious and involved with anyone so soon after meeting him?

“I called to see what you’re doing this Saturday?” Keir asked.

Patryk smiled against the mouthpiece, determined not to let Chaz or any other naysayers ruin what he had with Keir. Keir wasn’t Derek and Patryk was more than free to walk away when he wanted
, if
he wanted, and he didn’t.

“Couldn’t wait until tonight, huh?”

“Gotta get my bid in before some other guy does.”

“There isn’t any other guy,” Patryk admitted, beyond hedging his bets now or playing games. He liked Keir, might very well love him. If he was going to move forward with this as he’d already decided, then he was going to do it with his eyes and heart open. “Just you.”

“I like the sound of that because I’m not seeing anyone else either.”

Too used to having his own desires turned on him, Patryk’s heart stuttered at Keir’s confession, not sure what he had been expecting, but knew it hadn’t been reciprocation.

He was going to have to work hard to shake the specter of Derek’s influence.

“So, about Saturday…are you free?”

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“I’ve got a golf date with my parents.” Patryk winced at Keir’s imagined reaction until he heard the man chuckling on the other end. “And what’s so funny?”

“I’m being stood up for your parents?”

“It’s like a monthly thing. I can’t get out of it.” Truth was, as much as he and his parents butted heads, he didn’t want to get out of it. The sooner he told them about his career plans and what he wanted to do with Keir’s, the better.

“Why don’t you come along?”


“Ever hear of Tiger Woods?”

“Don’t be a wiseass. I just meant are you sure your parents won’t mind?”

“They might. But they’ll get over it. They’ll have to.”

“My, aren’t you the pushy little son-of-a-gun when you want to be.”

“I’m trying out my hard-sell tactics. You like?”

“I like everything about you, Patryk. Don’t you know that by now?”

Patryk had no comeback for that one and just breathed heavy in the phone, wanting and needing to be near Keir, cuddled close and in his arms for the rest of the day—safe and protected.

“Is this still Patryk or did some obscene caller take the phone?”

“A little of both.”

“Do I make you horny, baby?”

Patryk licked his lips at Keir’s sexy murmur. “Oh yeah.”

“Let’s do something about that.”

“I’m at work, Keir.”

“You’re in your office right?”


“Make sure the door’s locked and we can get started then.”

“I don’t know about this…”

“It won’t take too long. You’re halfway there. I can hear it in your voice.”


Gracie C. McKeever

Keir was right. Patryk only needed the slightest impetus to send him right over the edge of titillation straight into a full-fledged climax.

Patryk got up to lock the door, hands shaking when he reached out to turn the latch, dick aching and hard as a rock behind his zipper.

He went back to his desk and stood staring at the phone, taking several deep breaths before sitting down. He couldn’t believe he was about to do this.


“Does that mean you’re ready?” Keir asked.

“Are we going to do this together?”

“You’re going to come because I want you to. That’s as together as we’re going to get right now. Do you have a problem with that, Patryk?”


“Unzip your pants.”

Patryk cradled the receiver between his ear and shoulder, gladly reached for the front of his pants, eager to free his throbbing cock, but froze at Keir’s next command.

“Just unzip and nothing else. Don’t touch yourself yet.”

“But why?”

“Do as I say, Patryk.”

“Okay,” he whispered, voice wobbly as he unzipped his pants and waited.

“Where are your hands?”

“Where do you want them?”

“Good answer, baby. I can’t wait to put my mouth on you and reward you for your exemplary behavior.”

“Oh God…”

“Hold the receiver with one hand and put your other hand on the arm of your chair.”

Patryk did as he was told, breath coming in short gasps.

“Close your eyes.”

Ingenue’s Choice


Patryk closed his eyes, swallowing hard as he listened to Keir’s deep, steady breathing on the other end of the phone. He visualized Keir’s milk-chocolate face, his generous lips and intense dark eyes that could make Patryk come with just a glance. “Please,” he begged.

“I’m on my knees between your legs, Patryk.”


“I’m reaching for your belt, slowly unbuckling before I unbutton your pants.”

Patryk squirmed in his seat, groaning against the mouthpiece.

“My mouth is at your crotch. You feel my breath blowing against you?”

“Yes. Oh Christ…”

“I’m sliding my hands under your ass to bring you closer, gripping your cheeks tight as my finger teases your asshole.”

“More, Keir. Please, more.”

“Don’t let go of the armrest.”

“No. I won’t. Just please….”
Get me off. Let me come. Please…
Patryk held onto the receiver and armrest so tight, his fingers ached.

“My mouth is on you now, teasing your slit, tasting your come.…Mmmm, you’re so good. Do you know how good you taste, Patryk?”

“Tell me.”

“Very good.” Keir moaned. “Touch yourself now.”

Patryk’s hand flew to his crotch then paused at Keir’s voice.

, Patryk. Gently. That’s
hand taking pleasure in the feel of you, caressing you, grasping your thick cock in one hand. I’m in no rush even though you feel
damn good.” Keir growled, an animal in heat that sent shivers of anticipation and excitement riding down Patryk’s spine and leaving him momentarily speechless.

“You feel good too,” he finally whispered, heard the dreamy quality of his own words, spellbound by the hypnotic timbre of Keir’s voice, his lazy tone putting Patryk under, deeper.


Gracie C. McKeever

He reached inside his fly and exposed his cock to the cool conditioned air in his office. His erection trembled and throbbed right before he wrapped his fingers around himself.

“What’s my hand doing to you now?”

“Stroking my cock…teasing the slit with your thumb…”

“That’s good. Let me taste you, Patryk.”

Patryk knew what Keir wanted him to do and shuddered when he thumbed the pearl of pre-come from his own slit and brought it to his mouth.

The musky aroma of foreplay and sex permeated the air as, with eyes still closed and Keir’s breathing in his ear, he tasted himself.

Patryk moaned at the sample of himself, imagined Keir’s essence mixed with his as he stuck his thumb in his mouth and licked off the pre-ejaculate.

“Do you see how good you taste to me, Patryk?”

“Yes. So good…”

“Yes. So good and so right.”

“Touch me, Keir.”

“I’m fisting your cock right now, Patryk. Do you feel my hand?”

“Mmmm…” Patryk gripped his dick, the velvet smooth flesh pulsing against his fingers, hungry for release.

“I’m pumping your cock, nice and slow, and my tongue is circling the head of your penis, sucking the shiny smooth top into my mouth.”

Patryk’s heartbeat sped, breath hitching in his chest as he firmly thrust into his fist, writhing in his chair to Keir’s mesmerizing direction.

Full and hot, his balls tightened against his body, ready to burst as he alternately stroked himself and drove his cock into his fist again and again.

Within seconds, Patryk released a guttural groan, coming in his hand to the distant sound of Keir’s hoarse shout on the other end of the line.

After a long moment of silence, Patryk opened his eyes and dazedly glanced around him, surprised that he was alone in his office and Keir wasn’t kneeling between his legs.

“Did you come, baby?”

Ingenue’s Choice


“You know I did,” Patryk gasped.

“Don’t feel bad. I did, too. I think harder than I’ve ever come in my life.”

Patryk could believe it because he didn’t think he had come harder in his.

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