Informed Consent

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Authors: Saorise Roghan

BOOK: Informed Consent
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Way Part II



Saoirse Roghan





2012 Blushing Books Publications and Saoirse Roghan

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Roghan, Saoirse

Giving Way Part II

eBook ISBN:

Cover Design: ABCD Graphics

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Chapter Five


A wise
man would surely stop and think after experiencing the best sex of his life.
But Andrew was a man in love and still too young to be very wise.
He didn’t stand a chance in hell of
keeping his feet planted on terra firma.
He whistled in the shower.
He hummed while he dressed.
He bent over his sleeping wife and kissed her forehead before sinking
down on the bed, his hips near her slender shoulders as he worked on the knot
in his tie.His soul was singing.

The night
before he’d claimed the woman he loved.
Life was good.

“Wake up
Babycakes.” He nuzzled her ear.

Babycakes mumbled.

“I think
you’d better get up.
The boys
won’t make it to school on their own.”

“Uh Huh…”

No man in
his right mind would have taken that as an affirmative.

nibbled on Denise’s ear, one eye searching for the face of the clock he kept on
his bedside table.
He swore under
his breath. He didn’t want to leave his beautiful wife to go to work.
Reluctantly, he swung his long legs over the edge of the bed but he turned back
and stole one more moment of pleasure – her face was so lovely he didn’t
think he’d ever tire of looking at it – before shooting a hand out to
touch her shoulder for a second.

you for last night, Denise.
meant the world to me.” He looked down at her for a moment.
Was she really asleep? Or simply
pretending because she was embarrassed?
A grin split his face.
be embarrassed too if he’d screamed that loudly when he came.
He had been wise enough to shove his
entire face into the pillow next to her head at the same time as he’d thrust up
into her for the last time.

A few
moments later Andrew stood in the kitchen, one arm braced on the door to the
refrigerator while he searched – fruitlessly -- for something

ignored the Chinese takeout. It didn’t matter how excellent the moo shoo had
been originally, no way could he eat it again before noon the next day.
He found several containers of soy
A container of medication
labeled “Keep Refrigerated”. Ketchup. Mustard. Chocolate Sauce.
Hot Sauce. Whipping Cream.

He had a
brief thought about Whipping Cream and immediately banished it.
Whipping cream was not the same thing
as whipped cream, although it probably could turn into it eventually.
Like after you whipped it.

Sauce. Steak sauce.
Pesto. Extra
Hot, Hot sauce.
For the love of
Where was the food they put
all these fricking sauces on?

So yes,
he suffered a twinge of annoyance, but he was a man in love.
Drive thrus clustered on every corner,
Starbucks infested almost every city block, and he graciously refused to be annoyed
by the complete lack of any breakfast food.
He’d mention it sometime soon.
After all, there were growing boys in the house who
certainly needed to eat healthy breakfasts. He could forage on his own, but
should he have too?
Her parents
probably never taught her that breakfast was the most important meal of the

He left
the kitchen through the door that led into the garage, managing to slam his car
door before any of the six thousand dogs succeeded in landing on him.
He set out for his office a happy man.

Denise lay in bed rigid until she heard the sound of his car head down the
drive, and then she relaxed. The room was dim; the sun hadn’t fully committed
to the day yet. She rolled over to go back to sleep because now he was gone she
could breathe easily. But a sudden wave of heat flashed and zinged its way
through her body.
She could
– almost -- feel the warmth of his hands as he’d explored every inch of

pulled the pillow over her head and concentrated fiercely on her falling asleep
ritual: The backwards alphabet. Z Y X W… She wasn’t very good at it, which
meant she always had to start over a number of times.
rstuv… Z Y X W V U T S R.





much later she woke up because a huge weight landed near her back, startling
her into consciousness.
over, she knocked the pillow off her face and squinted.
Sunlight blazed in the windows.
A warm, wet tongue washed her face

Oh my god.

scrambled backwards, fighting her way into a sitting position.
A dog she may have seen before
--probably with her bra in its mouth--sat on her bed, eyes fixed cheerfully on
her face, tongue lolling out.

we going to school today?”
stood in the doorway.

Denise shoved the huge beast off her
bed and vaulted off.
“Get your
brothers moving.
What time is it?”

“I dunno.
Late, though.”

shot out the door ahead of Lucas, and headed towards her room, banging on doors
as she went.

“Move it,

In her
own room an overstuffed chair occupied the majority of a small bay window.
Denise used the chair for clothing storage. She rifled the pile, then tugged at
her jeans while hopping on one foot in an effort to don shoes at the same
She stuck her head out the
door, one hand protectively covering her naked breasts.

Get rolling!”

her head back inside the room she scooted into the bathroom, grabbing a bra
from the dresser as she swept by.
She peed, washed her hands and face, brushed her teeth. She could come
back, after all, and get showered and dressed like a normal human.
Now--now she needed to get the boys to

staggered toward her as Denise stepped back into the hall.
Good, she had 2 out of 3. She tried to
bang the door shut behind her. It didn’t close.
The large dog shoved his head through and pushed by her.
She scowled.
Where the hell did this dog come from and why was it
haunting her?

In an
effort to keep her score steady at 2 out of 3, she yelled down the stairs:
It was a good idea to
make very sure the kid actually kept moving.
He was famous for falling asleep halfway down the stairs or
over his breakfast cereal.

“Yo!” The
word wafted up the stairs.

Denise bee lined for William’s
room, where she shoved the door open and groaned.

was on his stomach stretched across the bed, a tousled head hanging over one
side – her brother’s preferred position for sleeping. Denise worried his
head would explode some night.
She’d come in some morning to find his brains all over the floor.

She made
a heroic effort to wake him.
yelled in his ear while shaking vigorously.
She opened curtains singing
Climb Every Mountain
in a voice that didn’t sound anything like
Julie Andrews.
The kid didn’t
twitch. Knowing William, he wasn’t budging.
Denise left the room, giving the door a great slam behind her.
William had never been a kid you could
wake up one second before he was ready.

Andrew would decide that two out of three was damn good for her first day as a
responsible guardian.

Out in
the garage Lucas and Zander were fighting over the front seat.
Denise froze, her stomach dropping to
her shoes.


The two
boys whirled in surprise so she must have yelled really loud.

All well
and good for Andrew to announce the boys needed to go to school.
How the heck was she supposed to get
them there?
There was probably a
shuttle that picked kids up. However it wasn’t enough to think about the
shuttle, you had to actually remember to call the service and schedule their
appearance. She hadn’t had much chance to think about calling the shuttle last
night while Andrew had been fucking her brains out.

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