Infiltrating Your Heart (13 page)

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Authors: Kassy Markham

BOOK: Infiltrating Your Heart
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“How are you, baby?” I ask when I
break the kiss.

“Great. You?”

“As long as you’re happy, I am too.”

Evelyn giggles, giving me a quick

“Get a room,” Roderick deadpans.
Evelyn looks at him and gasps.

“Sorry. I didn’t realize you were

“We are looking at houses,” I

“Oh, you were? I want to see.”

I close the door. Evelyn and I then
sit on the sofa on either side of Roderick. He shows us the houses.

“I was telling Gabriel here about
this pool house—”

“Rod, you trying to circumvent me?”

He laughs, and Evelyn sees the

“There’s nothing wrong with having a
pool,” she says. “I’d like having one. The heat of the summer just makes you
beg for a nice pool.”

“Do you like it?”

“I like pools, but it’s not a
deal-breaker. If we find a nice house without a pool, it won’t matter that

I nod, and Roderick shows us other
houses. Evelyn likes one that has a nice garden in the backyard, complete with
a tree near the middle.

“I so want to see that one,” Evelyn
says. “I think it’ll be perfect for us.”

“How much is it, Rod?”

“Four hundred and thirty thousand.”

“Not bad,” I say. Evelyn agrees.

“Could you make a list of the houses
we liked and send us a printout?” she asks Roderick.

“Sure. I’ll bring it over tomorrow.”


Roderick stands up.

“If you have any more questions, call
me. And tell me when you’ve made a decision. I can help you get the best deal
on a house.”

“You could make a good realtor,”
Evelyn muses.

“Nah. I’m just good at math. I like
what I do. You call me and I’ll work with the realtor.”

“We’ll do. See you later, Rod.”

“See you, Gabriel, Evelyn,” Roderick
says. I walk with him to the front door, closing it after he leaves.

“Which house did you like best?”
Evelyn asks.

“Any of them would be perfect. If you
like it, then I like it too.”

“I’d still like your opinion.”

“In that case…I liked the one with
the nice front porch. And it’s close to the beach.”

“That one’s nice. It’s got a nice

I give Evelyn a seductive look.

“So you like the bathtub, huh?”

I move closer toward Evelyn,
straddling her in the couch. Her eyes dart to my lips.

“What woman doesn’t?”

I press my lips against Evelyn’s, and
we kiss.

“What are you planning on doing with
the bathtub?” I ask when I lean up.

“I don’t know,” Evelyn says, taking a
deep breath. “We can come up with something.”

“I like the sound of that,” I say,
kissing Evelyn again. I softly squeeze her bottom lip, and then nibble her
earlobe. Evelyn closes her eyes. I then switch to her shoulder, tugging aside
her blouse. It won’t budge much, so I turn to unbuttoning it. Evelyn looks at
me while I undo the buttons. When I finish, I plant my lips right between her

Evelyn lets out a moan when I bite
the side of one of her breasts with my lips. She’s still wearing a sheer brown
bra. My fingers slide inside the cups. Without hesitating, I pull down and free
her breasts. They’re not too big, but I don’t mind that. I waste no time in
bringing a nipple to my mouth. Evelyn gasps, arching her back.

Shortly after, I start moving down
Evelyn’s body. She watches me as I descend. Her eyes look at me with want. I
undo the zipper of her designer jeans and then pull down. She helps me take
them off of her. Absentminded, I put them on top of the sofa.

“You’re aroused,” I say, touching two
fingers to the fabric between her legs.

“Your mouth and hands are like
magic,” she replies. She then pulls my shirt over my head.

Not about to disappoint Evelyn, my
lips lightly touch her sweet spot. Her panties are still on. I move to one of
her thighs, caressing it with my lips.

“Oh, wow. Ah!” Evelyn says, closing
her eyes. I continue trailing kisses down her leg.

“You are one sexy woman,” I say. Then
I tug at her panties, pulling them down. When they’re removed, I don’t go for
the gold straight away. I start with kissing down her other leg. Looking up, I
can see that Evelyn is getting flustered with anticipation.

My lips finally reach her pussy lips.
I take my time teasing Evelyn at first, pleased with the reaction I get. Her
moans get louder as I start to move faster. My fingers find her clit, and I
tease it with my index. I can see Evelyn building toward her climax. I increase
my speed, and then flick my tongue against her folds. That sends Evelyn over
the edge as she screams my name.

Before she’s quite recovered, I move
up and kiss her mouth again. She places her arms around me, and then starts
playing with my hair.

Evelyn then plants a kiss on my
chest, and her hands move down to my pants. I take them off with her help.

“Are you still thinking about all we
could do with a bathtub?” Evelyn asks me with a wicked grin.

“How could I not? I’d love to see you
in one.”

smiles. I move my hand down to her rear, squeezing her buttocks. When her hand
moves down to my crotch, I take it as my cue to go to the next step.


The next day after classes, I stop by
my father’s to have a quick lunch with him. He made potatoes with eggs, plus
refried beans. I love the latter.

My father and I talk about the
Mayor’s ceremony from Wednesday. Just now, Dad has come by a copy of yesterday’s

“Why didn’t you tell me you knew the
Mayor?” Dad asks, leaving the paper on the table.

“I’ve been kinda busy. And we only
exchanged a few words. He had a lot of guests to talk to.”

“You didn’t make the front page, but
at least there’s a photo of you inside,” Dad says. He hands me the paper and I
search. Indeed, there’s a photo taken when the Mayor greeted Mr. Favorable and
me. I’m not mentioned by name, thankfully.

“I must say, he’s quite handsome,”
dad says. I lower the paper, staring at him with my mouth agape.

“You’re kidding, right? He’s at least
twice my age!”

Dad frowns, and takes the paper. He
looks at the photo I was looking at.

“No, not this guy,” Dad says,
laughing. He flips to the next page and hands me the paper back. “Him.”

I look at the photo he indicates. The
Mayor is posing with a trio of big shots. Behind them, just recognizable, stood
Gabriel and myself.

My face reddens a little. Gabriel and
I made the newspaper! Granted, we’re not the center of attention, but we’re
still there. Gabriel is looking at me while I hold half a cookie in my hand. I
think he’s handsome.

“You can barely tell it’s me. My
pinky finger is twice as big as I look in that photo.” That’s an exaggeration,
of course. I’m not sure how I feel about being on the paper.

“Fun-sized or not, I can still pick
you out. I should, as you’re my beloved daughter.”

I can’t help giggling. Dad smiles at

“What did the Mayor speak to you

“Not much. He just asked for my

Dad nods, continuing to eat. After
I’ve washed the dishes, I tell him that I’ll stop by again soon. I’m making a
shopping trip today.

The Westfield San Francisco Centre is
my favorite place to shop. That’s where I buy most of my nice clothes. It’s
been over a month since I last went on a shopping trip like this. My wardrobe
needs new items.

Once I find parking, my smartphone
beeps. I grab it and see that it’s a text from Nadine. She playfully tells me
that I
get her something. I smile, and send her a reply. I was
going to get her something anyway, too.

I put my
smartphone in my purse and then exit my car. I lock it and walk toward the

I return to my apartment with about
half a dozen shopping bags. A bit of the stuff is for Nadine. I’m going by her
place tomorrow to give those to her.

With a sigh, I leave my bags on top
of the sofa. I smile as I think of what Dad would say if he saw me with all
those. He’d be wide-eyed for sure.

At least this little shopping trip
gives me an excuse to throw out some of my oldest clothes. I don’t keep
clothing for longer than a couple years. Depending on the condition, I either
trash it or give it away.

When I’m through putting my new
clothes in the closet, I walk to my window. It’s already getting dark outside.
Almost time for my next assignment. I wish I’d get the day off.

I turn on my laptop and check the
details. The client wants to meet me at a hotel. It looks like he even works at
one. I’m sure he’s not meeting me at one where he works. He wouldn’t want to
get caught.

Before preparing for today’s date, I
decide to take a half-hour nap. I need my stamina back.



Sitting on my desk, I’m staring at my
computer screen without actually looking at it. I’m thinking about Mercedes
again. I feel tempted to call her.

I don’t know what it is that’s
sparked my interest in that woman. I shouldn’t think about her, but I do.
There’s just something about Mercedes.

Before I can think twice, I grab my
phone and dial Mercedes’s number. The first three rings seems long, and I’m
about to hang up. On the fourth ring, Mercedes picks up.

“Hi, Mercedes,” I greet.

“Hi, Gabriel,”
Mercedes replies. Her voice sounds

“Are you sleepy? Did I wake you up?”

There’s a brief pause.

“You did, in fact. But I’m supposed
to be up like five minutes ago. Thanks for being my alarm clock.”

“Anytime,” I saw with a chuckle.
Mercedes laughs, too. I like how she sounds.

“Just joking. How are you, Gabriel?”

“Would you believe it if I said that
I just wanted to hear your voice again?”

“I believe it.”

I find myself smiling.

“I looked forward to talking to you,
too. It’s only been two days since the Mayor’s ceremony, but it seems a bit

“Yeah, I feel like that too.”

There’s silence for a few seconds as
Mercedes and I think of what to say next.

“Mercedes, um, will you be busy

“Yes. I have to work. That’s why I
needed to be awake by now.”

“Oh, you have work. In that case,
when do you have free time?”

“I think I’ll be free this weekend.

“I would like to invite you to

There’s a pause while Mercedes
considers my offer.

“That would be good! Right now, I’m
not sure when I’ll be free, but I’ll call to let you know.”

“That would be great. I look forward
to seeing you again, Mercedes.”

“Me too, Gabriel.”

Is it a bad thing to say that I like
how my name sounds coming from her lips? Even through the phone, I like it. Too

“Okay, I’ll let you go to work now.”


We must appear like awkward teens
right now.

“Have a good night, Mercedes.”

“You too. Bye.”

“Bye,” I say, ending the call. I look
at my computer screen, which is showing my email inbox. Leaving my smartphone
atop my desk, I grab the mouse. I surf to Facebook and log in.

I steal a glance towards the door. No
one lives here beside me, but you can never be too cautious. I’d rather not get
caught doing this.

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