Read Inferno Anthology Online

Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

Inferno Anthology (84 page)

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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At seven p.m., after not hearing from Chase all day, I finally decided to take advantage of the whirlpool tub. I laid my phone on the counter in the bathroom and undressed. I turned the water on in the tub and pressed the button to turn on the jets before I climbed in. I dumped the entire bottle of expensive body wash I found on the countertop into the warm running water and closed my eyes as I laid back.

“Such a shame to hide such a gorgeous body under all those bubbles.”

I opened my eyes to find Chase sitting on the edge of the tub.

“I thought you had a dinner reservation. Oh, god. Did they not book it? I called to confirm, I swear.”

“Settle down, settle down. The reservation is for eight. I have plenty of time to get there from here. Right now, I had to see you.” He reached for my face and brushed aside a lock of damp hair. “I missed you today.”

“You missed me?” I said. “Does anyone know you’re in here?”

“Of course. I told the mayor you and I are regrouping before tomorrow’s rally.”

“Shouldn’t someone else be here to vouch for you? Maybe, Isa or… Heather?”

“Am I not enough for you?”

I stood from the tub and yanked a towel off the rod.

“Larissa, you don’t have to worry. No one thinks we’re having an affair.”

I struggled to secure the towel around me as I climbed out of the tub. “I don’t think I can do this. I should just go back to L.A.”

He grabbed me around the waist and pulled my back against him. “Larissa, I know what I’m doing. This is not going to fall apart. I promise.”

His lips grazed the back of my ear as his hand pressed firm against my belly. The towel fell as he spun me around so our noses were touching. His lips hovered over mine for a moment before he kissed me tenderly.

I was so lost in his kiss I didn’t notice him carrying me out of the bathroom. He laid me gently on the bed and I tried not to squirm as his gaze roamed over every hill and crevice of my body. He sat on the edge of the bed and traced his index finger from my ankle up to my hip where he laid his hand. He leaned over and took my nipple into his mouth, sucking gently as his hand glided over my hip toward my crotch.

His fingers slid between my lips, gliding easily through the wetness. His caress was as light as a whisper, just barely bringing me to the brink before he stopped. His lips left a light trail of kisses over my chest and collarbone before they fell softly over my lips.

I placed my hand on the back of his head and pulled him closer to me, kissing him hungrily, and he quickly pulled away.

“Not now, baby. There’ll be plenty of time for that when I get back from my dinner with the mayor.”

“But I want you so bad,” I whispered, as he kissed my forehead, the tip of my nose, my lips, and my belly before he laid his lips over my engorged clit.

“Oh, god,” I cried.

He kissed and licked me so softly I had to look down a few times to make sure he was still there. I was about to explode when he finally pulled away.

“You’re leaving?” I asked, as he stood up and straightened his tie.

“Go to my room. Make yourself at home. I’ll be back in a couple hours.” He licked his lips and smiled. “You make a very delicious appetizer, Miss Jacobs. Just wait till you see what I have planned for the main course.”

I called down to room service to have them send up the wine and fruit at nine p.m. instead then I took my time getting ready. When I was satisfied with my understated makeup, I dressed up in the black lingerie I’d purchased for myself yesterday with my “incidentals” money. Though it was plenty warm outside in Baltimore in late August, I brought a trench coat for just this occasion. I got dressed in a conservative pantsuit and grabbed a few files out of my briefcase before I draped the trench coat over my arm and made my way to the penthouse.

I tried hard not to glance around the elevator for surveillance cameras. Chase said he knew what he was doing. I had to stop worrying. If we got caught, it would be the end of his career, not mine. In fact, it would probably propel me to some kind of celebrity status, which may actually give me a leg up when trying to secure acting roles.

But I didn’t want it to be over.

I checked the time on my phone and noticed a message from Chase.


I’ll be there in fifteen.

Wait for me in the bedroom.

I tried not to imagine what would be happening in this bed tomorrow night as I laid on the bed that appeared to be suspended in midair. The bed wobbled a bit under my weight as I removed my stuffy pantsuit and tossed it behind the bed. I decided against the trench coat and instead laid myself out on the bed, waiting for him.

The crotch of my panties was already wet with anticipation of his arrival. The coolness of the linen felt good against my skin. I ran my hands over the comforter then my feet. The friction built between my legs as my feet skated across the fabric until I finally slid my hand inside my panties.

I massaged my clit gently, the way Chase had, and I imagined it was his hand on me. I cupped my breast with my other hand and squeezed my nipple, imagining it was his lips tugging on me.

“Oh, Chase,” I breathed. “Don’t stop.”

I feathered my clit with gentle pressure, easing up as soon as I was about to come. I opened my eyes and Chase was standing at the foot of the bed watching me.

“Don’t stop,” he commanded, and I obeyed.

I continued almost bringing myself to climax then stopping. I turned onto my belly to give him a better view from behind and he stood rapt with attention at the foot of bed, never moving, never making a move to join me, though I could see the bulge of his erection.

Finally, I stood from the bed and grabbed his tie. “I want you to take me all the way there.”

He smiled as I sat back on the bed and pulled him toward me by the tie. “What’s the magic word?”

“Make me come, please, Mr. President.”

He gazed into my eyes for a moment before he hung his head.

“Wrong magic word? Should I have said ‘Sir’?” I asked, as I attempted to pull him on top of me, but he resisted.

“No. This is all wrong.” He sat up on his knees between my legs.

“Is the lingerie too much?”

He chuckled as he looked me over. “No, it’s this whole thing. Having you here the night before Katherine arrives.”

My heart dropped into my stomach as I realized I was about to get dumped.

“No, it’s not you,” he insisted, as he noticed the hurt expression on my face. “It’s me. I need….”

“To focus on the campaign. I understand.” I sat up, but he grabbed my arm to stop me.

“Please let me finish.” He waited a moment before he let go of my arm and continued. “I need to tell you something. I think… I’m falling in love with you.”

I closed my eyes for a moment as I processed these words. When I reopened them I expected to find myself back in my hotel room, waking from some crazy dream, but it wasn’t a dream. This was my life. The senator of California, and almost certain future president, was falling in love with me.

“Please say something.”

I stared at him for a moment, taking in the beautiful curves of his face and the slightly desperate look in his eyes. “I love you. I do.”

His smile flashed for an instant before he grabbed my face and his lips crushed mine. The urgency in this kiss was a stark contrast to the way he had kissed me earlier and it made me want him even more.

“I love you,” he whispered in my ear as his lips brushed my earlobe. “I want to make love to you.”

We hastily undressed each other and stood on our knees on the bed facing each other. He slipped his hands around my waist and a shiver passed through me as he kissed my shoulder.

“You’re so beautiful.”

“Don’t you want to spank me, Mr. President,” I murmured, as his lips moved down to my breast. I didn’t want to sound too eager, but I couldn’t stop thinking of the way he held me so firmly as he swatted my behind. I wanted more and he never finished.

He lightly bit my nipple and I gasped. “Don’t worry. I haven’t forgotten. There’s still plenty more punishment coming to you.” He pushed me back onto the bed and spread my legs open. “But right now, I just want to make you scream with pleasure, no pain.” He kissed my clit hard, the way he had kissed my mouth and I damn near came within seconds before he pulled back. “Turn around, baby.”

I flipped over and he pulled my hips up so my ass was in the air. He licked my clit gentle now as he slid two fingers inside me. He massaged the sensitive spot inside me until I almost felt as if I were going to pee.

I screamed aloud with pure ecstasy as my body quivered. “Oh, my god! Don’t stop! I’m going to come!” I bit down on the blanket as my body released a giant shudder.

Before I could recover, he slid his cock inside me and the sensation of his balls drumming against my sensitive clit sent me quickly into orgasm number two, soon followed by numbers three and four.

Chapter 4

Chase insisted it would look far worse if I left his hotel room past midnight. He said no one would notice a thing if we both headed down tomorrow morning at the same time after having a meeting in his suite. Everyone expected us to be joined at the hip. So I spent the night sleeping in his arms and in the morning I gazed at him across the kitchen counter as I sipped my coffee while wrapped in his shirt.

The rally went off without a hitch and I couldn’t help but stand in awe of the thousands of people cheering him on. Even if I weren’t in love with Chase, I believed him. I didn’t know if he would bring universal health care and strengthen our economy and education system, but I believed he would try. He was extremely good at what he did.

It suddenly became hard to breathe as I realized he could very well have used that same political charm on me last night. As soon as we climbed into the car he leaned in to kiss me.

I pushed him away. “Were you lying to me last night the same way you were lying to those people right now?”

As soon as we got to the hotel I wouldn’t be able to confront him about this. Katherine would be waiting for him and the rest of my trip would probably be spent trying to avoid her the way I used to avoid my creditors.

“About being in love with you? Of course I wasn’t lying. Where is this coming from?”

I glared at him across the cabin of the Towncar unable to read his expression. “Are you using me for sex? I mean, I know you’re paying me, but I don’t want to think there’s more to this if there isn’t. You don’t have to tell me you love me just to make this whole deal easier for me to swallow. I knew what I was getting into. I may not like the arrangement, but I went into it with my eyes open. I would prefer to keep it that way. Please tell me the truth.”

He glared right back at me looking very disappointed. “Larissa, I told you last week and I meant it when I said I’m not going to be president forever. The implication is true. I want to be with you long term. What I said last night is true. I am in love with you. But I can understand if this is too much for you. I never expected you to accept my offer.”

Our car was quickly approaching the hotel where a horde of reporters, including Heather Rodin, waited out front.

“George, take us around the block one more time,” Chase commanded and we sailed right past the gawking reporters.

The Secret Service car followed closely behind us and Chase’s phone rang immediately.

“Everything’s fine. Don’t call back,” he shouted into the phone before he hung up and stuffed it back into his pocket.

“That’s just it,” I began. “I can’t stop thinking of our… arrangement as an offer. It feels cheap and dirty. I feel cheap and dirty.”

“I wouldn’t exactly call you cheap,” he replied with a smirk that quickly disappeared when he saw the shock on my face. “It was a joke, Larissa. The reason I love being with you is because I feel like I can be myself with you.”

“What about Katherine? Don’t you two ever have a decent conversation or laugh at each other’s jokes?”

“I told you Katherine is in love with someone else. Always has been.”

“How do you two keep up this charade? It must be exhausting. I mean, I’ve been with you a week and I feel like I’m going insane, second-guessing myself and my future every five minutes.”

Our car rounded the corner and he didn’t fight the inertia that carried him toward me. He grabbed my hand and I closed my eyes against the swelling tide of emotions flowing through me. I didn’t want to cry. I couldn’t cry with a dozen reporters waiting to ask Chase if he’d chosen a running mate yet. This was all too much.

He wiped the first tear from my cheek with his thumb then he kissed away the next tear. “I don’t believe in God, but every day I thank whatever force, be it the universe, fate, dumb luck, that brought us together.” I opened my eyes and he kissed the corner of my lips. “I’ll tear up that stupid NDA. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you here. But even if you decide to go back to L.A., I’m not giving up on you.”

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, but my voice still sounded a bit strangled when I spoke. “I’ll stay.”

“George, take us on a detour. I need twenty minutes,” he called toward the pane of tinted glass separating us from the front seat.

He pulled me onto his lap so I straddled him then he unzipped his pants and entered me. I kissed him hard as I slid up and down, his hard cock filling me as his fingers glided over my hard nub. He moaned and I gasped as we bucked faster then slower then faster.

“Harder!” I cried.

He put one hand on each side of my waist to hold me steady as he pounded me from beneath.

“You’re so fucking hot,” he groaned, as he approached climax.

I quickly slid off him before he could come inside me then I got down on my knees and took him into my mouth.

“Oh, god,” he breathed, as his cock hit the back of my throat.

He tasted like the two of us and it made me so hot I grabbed the base of his cock with one hand and used my other hand to pleasure myself. I pulled down on the base of his cock to stretch the skin taut as I licked the tip, savoring the taste and caressing every ridge. I took him into my mouth again and pumped my head back and forth quickly, pushing myself to take him in deeper with every bob of my head. I rubbed the tip of his cock over my lips as if I were applying lipstick then I licked it from tip to base as if it were a Popsicle and he moaned with pleasure.

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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