Read Inferno Anthology Online

Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

Inferno Anthology (302 page)

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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Glancing back toward the window, I wondered if he was out there somewhere, staring at the moon right now, too.


Rolling over in bed, I groaned, grabbing the pillow next to me and placing it over my head, but it didn’t help. Nothing was going to drown out the sounds of Brandon and Bailey going at it in the room next door. That, combined with the fact that my birthday was tomorrow—I glanced at the clock, tomorrow officially being here in about five minutes, I couldn’t manage to get back to sleep or stop hoping that Six would reappear for my birthday.

“To heck with this,” I muttered, tossing the pillow back in its place and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. There was no way I could sleep through all that racket.

Standing, I reached for the short silky robe that went with the mid-thigh length nightie Bailey had given me, and put it on. It would be nice and warm outside in the summer night air. I could lie on one of the padded lounge chairs and stare up at the moon. True, I’d still be thinking about Six, but at least I could ditch the side show going on inside.

Tiptoeing to the sliding glass door that led from my room to the pool deck, I quietly slid it open and stepped outside, closing it behind me. Slowly, I strolled toward a deck chair, staring up at the moon, anticipation filling my heart. I missed Six so badly. I couldn’t wait to see him, again.

Suddenly the gate rattled and my head snapped up. “Who’s there?” I called out in a scared half-whisper, clutching my robe close to my throat.

A man materialized from the shadows, stepping into the moonlight, holding a huge bouquet of wrapped roses in one hand; and for a moment, I thought I was hallucinating.

“Brandon told me you’d be here at midnight when the restraining order ended. I couldn’t wait a minute longer.”

“Six!” I shouted running full speed for him and slamming into him full force. Dropping the roses, he picked me up swinging my around as he hugged me. His face buried in my hair.

“Damn, I’ve missed you, sweetheart!” Setting me down, his lips descended, capturing mine. Sparks exploded inside me and I wanted him right then and there, as close as we could possibly get—no more space between us.

My hands slid under his shirt and he groaned, stepping forward, and walking me backward into the shadows until I collided with the wall to the house. “I need you,” he breathed out. “Right now.” Already his hands were bunching my nightie up past my hips; then, finding my panties, he literally ripped them off my body. Mouth never leaving mine, he kissed me frantically as his hands left me to undo his pants.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, loving the silky feel of his hair beneath my fingers once more, and he lifted me up. I locked my legs around his waist as he entered me with one quick thrust and I moaned, loving the way he stretched me. “I love you, sweetheart,” he said, thrusting again and again. “Holy hell, I’ve missed this.”

I couldn’t reply; the sensations building inside me were too much. I was building too fast—my body intensely craving what he was doing to me. Both of us were panting, unable to take this slow. Clawing at his back, I felt the tremors starting to wash over me. “Oh! Oh, yes!”

“That’s it, sweetheart,” he said in short breaths. “I’m right there with you.”

Wave after wave of intense pleasure swept through me and I moaned loudly, hanging on as he grew even harder, shouting right before warm fluid shot inside me, pumping over and over and coating us both. Giving a short laugh, I leaned my head against the wall as I tried to catch my breath.

“Does it count if I have condoms in my pocket?” he asked, continuing to rock inside me. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t make myself pull out.”

“Good thing I got on the pill while you were gone, isn’t it?”

He laughed. “Well, that’s a huge relief, at least.” Balancing me against the house, he reached for one of my arms, and pulled it away from his neck. Bringing my hand to his mouth, he kissed it. Lowering it slightly, something hard slid against one of my fingers, and I glanced down to see a beautiful diamond ring there.

Immediately, my eyes welled with tears.

“I had this big romantic proposal all planned, but we kind of got sidetracked. By the way, I should get an award for not dropping that thing during sex.” He grinned. “Will you marry me, Brooklyn?”

It started as a giggle, but I couldn’t hold it back, releasing a full-blown laugh attack. I couldn’t stop.

“What?” he asked, still smiling but looking confused.

“I really can see it now. ‘Mom, how did dad propose to you?’” I said, gasping for breath. “‘Well, honey, he was screwing me outside against a wall….’” Images of the two of us together in the shower, the first time he asked me, flitted through my mind.

His laughter joined mine. “I do have pretty sucky timing, don’t I?”

I shook my head, growing more serious. “No, you don’t. It’s perfect. I love that I’ll always remember how amazing this moment was.”

“Is that a yes? That sounded like a yes,” he said, echoing our past conversation. His eyes glittered with happiness.

“Yes, that was a yes,” I answered, again. “I’d even go so far as to say that was a hell yes! I love you! Can I shout it from the rooftops, now?”

“Sweetheart, you can shout it to whoever you want to.”

“I’m getting married to Six Jagger!” I yelled, my voice bouncing off the concrete.

He laughed loudly. “We might ought to carry this party inside before someone comes to investigate and catches us like this.”

“Good idea,” I replied, giggling. “I love you. Have I told you I loved you?”

“I love you, too,” he replied. “So much.” His lips captured mine once more, and I closed my eyes; but not before I caught a reflection of the moon shimmering in the pool.

I will forever swear it was smiling at us.


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I’m going to say it straight. This book tested me to the limits. I never intended for this story to be as steamy as it turned out, and honestly, I had a few freak out sessions over it. So thank you to my best friend, author Belinda Boring, my daughter, author Kamery Solomon, my husband, James, and my editor, Kim Swain, for talking me off all my ledges and encouraging me to stay true to the characters and let them tell their story. It has taken a lot of sidebar discussions for me to reach the point where I can “be brave.”

In spite of all my nerves, I did fall madly in love with Six and Brooklyn, just like I’ve done with all my characters. I hope you enjoy the story too.

Thanks to everyone for all your support! I think you’re amazing!


About the Author:

USA Today
Bestselling Author Lacey Weatherford resides in the beautiful White Mountains of Arizona, where she lives with her family. When she’s not out supporting her children at multiple sporting/music events, she continues to love writing and reading. To learn more about this series, or to contact Lacey, you can visit the official websites at


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Also Available from Lacey Weatherford:
The Of Witches and Warlocks series

The Trouble With Spells

The Demon Kiss

Blood Of The White Witch

The Dark Rising

Possession of Souls

The Chase Walker Series

Chasing Nikki

Finding Chase

Chased Dreams

The Crush Series




The Fringe Novels

Tell Me Why


A Midsummer Night’s Fling

Coming Soon:

Fall For Me Aug. 24, 2014

Smolder Oct. 12, 2014

Let It Snow Dec. 7, 2014

Coven Feb. 8, 2015

Stix & Stones April 5, 2015

Craft June 14, 2015

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