Read Inferno Anthology Online

Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

Inferno Anthology (153 page)

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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“He’s still on the loose for now.” I leave out the facts about Simon’s motive. “I can’t meet for squash tomorrow morning. Too public. How about meeting me at the office tomorrow at nine instead?”

“Sure thing,” Tom replies quickly. “I better get back to Lois. She’s trying to decide between Chinese or Italian for take-out. And in pursuit of domestic harmony, I agreed to watch one of her chick flicks.”

“Have fun,” I say with a chuckle, but mostly I’m laughing at myself. A couple of days ago, I would have made a jab at Tom. Telling him how Lois has him wrapped around her finger, but now I get it. Kathryn has me under the same spell.

As Eddie makes a left off Madison Avenue onto 61st Street, Goliath tries to swivel in the front seat and turn around to see me. It’s almost comical watching his giant frame twist.

“Sir, let’s go over our plan for exiting the car and entering the building.”

Who knew that opening the door and getting out on my own would be a luxury?

“I’ll exit the vehicle first. Do a quick scan of the sidewalk and those standing around the entrance. Once I’m convinced the coast is clear, I will open your door. You need to exit quickly when I do, so be prepared to step out. Skip the revolving doors; we will use the set of doors to the right of them.”

“Sounds simple enough. I have a friend, Kathryn Delcour, meeting us in the lobby. I stayed with her last night when Peters said I couldn’t go home. She’s no danger to me.”

Eddie catches my eye as he looks into the rearview mirror. He gives me a big smile at the mention of Kathryn’s name. He knows what I’m doing with Kathryn is out of the norm for me. Same woman two days in a row is a record breaker.

“Will she be going up to your penthouse with us?” Goliath asks, now facing forward and appearing more comfortable in the front seat.

“Yes,” I say quickly with one simple word. I don’t care to discuss any other matters concerning Kathryn with him.

I can see the entrance for The Pierre through the front windshield. We are almost there. I feel the anticipation building knowing Kathryn is only moments away from my sight, and as soon as the elevator doors close, my arms will be wrapped around her.

Eddie begins to stop the car in front of the entrance, and Goliath is out the door before the wheels quit turning. He’s in full-on bodyguard mode now as he walks around the car to the door closest the sidewalk. He motions one of the doormen away from the car with his arm, indicating he has things covered and needs no assistance from them.

Goliath opens the passenger door after scanning up and down the street. I do as he instructed and exit quickly. With hurried steps, we make our way toward the building’s entrance. Once inside the lobby, I glance in front of me looking for my reward, and I make out Kathryn in the distance. But people are traipsing through the lobby, walking through my line of sight and partially blocking her from my view.

Finally I’ve passed the hustle and bustle of the front desk and our eyes connect. The buzz I feel whenever I’m in her presence begins again. I’m pulled across the carpeted floor to her. Poor Goliath is having a hard time keeping up with me, but I give him no mind at all, because the only thing on my mind now is Kathryn.

Gracefully, she stands and begins walking toward me. She looks stunning in a black wrap dress that hugs her every curve. The gap narrows between us until I’m beside her.

“Hey, beautiful.” My heart races as I extend my arm and take her delicate hand in mine. I feel her fingers enclose around mine and give my hand a gentle squeeze. Who knew a simple touch could help calm me? But it does.

“Hi, Kingsley.” She smiles up at me, and its brilliance dazzles me, leaving me breathless. I run my fingers through the hair lying over her shoulder, righting a strand that’s going astray.

“Excuse me, Mr. Kingsley, but we need to proceed to the elevators.” Oh, yes, I almost forgot Goliath.

“Of course,” I say through clenched teeth, upset that our perfect reunion was interrupted. “We’ll follow you.”

“At your side is best,” Goliath mutters to me. 

“Kathryn, I’d like for you to meet Jordan Hayes, my bodyguard and shadow.” I introduce him with a stab at some humor; it seemed to work when I called him Goliath to his face earlier.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Hayes.” Kathryn reaches out her hand to Goliath. Being no fool, he takes it in his own for a quick shake. It’s not every day a beautiful woman like her is in your presence.

After the quick exchange, Goliath returns to guard mode, looking around the area for good measure. Kathryn and I walk hand in hand toward the elevator with Goliath escorting us. He’s standing awkwardly close to me with his hand behind my back in a protective move. So much for being discreet; his purpose of protecting me is likely clear to everyone’s eye.

We stand before the elevator and wait for the car to descend to the main floor. I rub my thumb gently over Kathryn’s hand as we gaze into each other’s eyes. Even though I’ve had a shitty day, there’s still something primal between us, and I can’t help wanting to get lost in her embrace.

We step into the elevator, and Goliath bugs off a couple that want to ride up with us. He appears obsessed with controlling the situation. I produce the key that overrides the keypad and insert it into its lock. Now I can successfully push the button for my floor. The residents and a few workers are the only ones with access to the floor I live on. It keeps curious hotel guests from wandering around where they’re not invited.

We are standing behind Goliath as he faces the door. He insists on being the first off.  Once the car begins to ascend, I turn my attention back to Kathryn and rejoin our hands. But handholding simply isn’t enough for me, and I sweep her small form into my arms, crushing her to me. I bury my nose into her hair and breathe deeply. Her scent, the perfume I love, fills my lungs, and I feel the day’s stresses fading away for a second.

“Why does it seem like days since I’ve seen you?” I murmur quietly in her ear. The weariness I feel can’t be hidden.

She doesn’t answer my question with words; instead she pushes herself closer against my body, telling me all I need to know with her actions.

We stand in this position quietly embracing each other, rocking from side to side, until the elevator doors open up onto my floor. Momentarily, I almost forget about my troubles.

I give her a quick kiss on the forehead as we reluctantly pull apart and prepare to exit. My penthouse is one of only two residences on the top floor, so we turn to the right and make our way down the long hallway to my door. Goliath, my constant shadow, for once follows behind us.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Kingsley? You seem so different to me. Sad, actually.” Kathryn gazes at me; her brows knitted together in concern.

“It’s been a hell of an afternoon. I’ll tell you all about it once we’re inside my apartment and settled.” I squeeze her hand in reassurance.

As I unlock my door, I see a surveillance camera perched above my door. Peters must have installed it today; another sign he’s doing his job.

We walk into the foyer and are greeted by Peters himself. He’s all grins when he sees Kathryn with me.

“Hello, Peters.” I wrap my arm around Kathryn’s shoulder and draw her to my side in a definite ‘she’s mine’ move. Peters isn’t fooled and chuckles to himself. Likely shocked to see me being openly affectionate to a woman. He’s known me for years, and this type of behavior isn’t anything he’s seen before.

“This is Kathryn Delcour. Kathryn, this is John Peters, my security expert.” I want to say, ‘and pain in the ass,’ but I refrain and keep it civil. After all, he’s doing a good job trying to keep me safe, even if he insists on having a giant follow me around.

“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Delcour.”

“Nice to meet you, too,” Kathryn replies as she stands poised and perfect in my living room. Outshining all the expensive artwork surrounding us.

Peters turns to me and puts on his serious business face, as the introductions are over. “I’m going to get Hayes settled in the guest room off the kitchen. He’ll be staying here for the time being. I’ve set up cameras and a closed circuit television network for your residence, the hotel’s lobby, and the sidewalk in front of the entrance. Also I’ve made sure the hotel’s employees, especially the doormen, as they’re our first line of defense, have copies of Simon’s photo.

“I trust you’ll do what you feel is necessary, but I’d appreciate it if you’d remember I want to have a life of some kind.” I try not to come across bitter, but I can’t mask it. Being a virtual prisoner in my own house upsets me. Fuck, the whole ordeal has me on edge.

“I’ll try to make all the changes as painless as possible. But for now you need to stay out of public places. I’ll handle getting Hayes familiar with things from here. You two enjoy the rest of your evening. Hayes and I will make ourselves scarce.” Peters effectively dismisses us and motions to have Goliath follow him toward the kitchen. I’m thankful to be free and finally have some time alone with Kathryn.

With our hands still joined, I steer Kathryn toward my bar. It’s off the main room on the way to my study. Fuck, I’m avoiding that room at all costs as the memory of today’s interview comes back to my mind.

“How about a drink or glass of wine?” My voice still sounds tight as we stand before my vast supply of alcohol. I grab a bottle of Glenlivet and pour a glass.

“I’d love a gin and tonic. Bombay Sapphire if you have it.”

“You bet. One gin and tonic for the lovely lady.”

I give her a quick kiss on the cheek when I hand her the drink. But she’s observing me with a keen eye, likely wondering what’s up with me. I know it’s time to talk to her about Simon, but I’m apprehensive, a new feeling for me. The confident, I-can-take-on–the-world Adam has seemed to escape me.

“Let’s go to my bedroom so we can talk.” She raises her brow at my suggestion. But for once the word bedroom doesn’t bring sex to my mind. “I’m serious—about talking.”

“And I’m here to listen, Kingsley.” She gives me a quick kiss. “I can tell you have a lot on your mind. I’ve been worried about you since our phone call.” Her eyes are full of compassion, and I realize it’s exactly what I need right now.


Chapter 20



Holding my glass of scotch, I place my free hand on the small of Kathryn’s back and guide her down the hallway to my bedroom. My Italian dress shoes hit the teak wood floors making a heavy sound as I walk, reflecting my mood. I don’t stop along the way to show her the various rooms. One blends into another until we enter my bedroom suite at the end of the hall. I don’t turn on the lights, preferring to speak my secrets in the dark like a coward. The room is full of shadows as the city lights filter through the windows, giving enough light to illuminate our way in the room.

The bedroom is modern and sparsely decorated but large at nearly twelve hundred square feet. My favorite part of the room, and my penthouse for that matter, is the room’s wall of windows, giving me a million-dollar view out onto Central Park.

I take her hand and walk to the glass wall more out of habit than for any other reason. It always fascinates me to see the lack of materialism found in Central Park, especially in a city that’s built on it. The view I have here calms me. It’s so far removed from the hustle and bustle of my life.

“I’ll never tire of this view. It’s incredible,” she says while gazing out the windows with me and placing her palm against the solid glass.

“It’s nothing compared to you.” I draw her closer, careful not to spill my drink, as she wraps her arms around my waist.

“Thanks, Kingsley. That was sweet, and maybe a little cheesy.” She looks up at me with laughter in her eyes. “I haven’t seen much of that cocky, rich player since we met two nights ago.”

Kathryn starts unbuttoning my shirt in the area over my chest. After releasing a couple buttons, she separates the material and lays soft kisses on my exposed skin. I groan at the tingling sensation of her touch.

“Oh, Kathryn, the things I want to do to you. But I swear this isn’t why I brought you in here.”

“I know. There will be time to talk. I want to touch you, and I think you need it, too.”

I can’t disagree. Her touch lifted a weight off me last night, and I need to go back to the same place of peace again. I’m convinced only Kathryn has the power to take away the hollow feeling I have inside. She’s my miracle worker.

I should pull myself away, take her hands off me and tell her what I learned about Simon and myself, but my will to stop her isn’t there. Selfishly, I crave her healing touch more than I need to confess my misdeeds to her.

In complete surrender, I close my eyes and tilt my head back as she removes my tie.

“Let me have your drink.” Kathryn takes my untouched scotch and sets it down on the side table where she put her own drink.

Kathryn turns back to me, her eyes blazing. Even in the semi-darkness of the evening, her blue eyes seem to burn seductively. The same hunger I feel for her is mirrored back at me in her eyes. There’s no denying the chemistry we have; it practically glows like a flame between us.

She places her hands on my shoulders and slips my jacket down my arms. She glances down toward my belt and starts to unbuckle it. Kathryn grabs onto my buckle and roughly pulls the leather through the loops of my pants. My belt is tossed aside, joining my jacket on the floor. Her actions are possessive and hot. My cock stands fully erect as she pulls my shirttail out of my pants.

Needing to feel her, too, I run my fingers through her hair and lean down to press my lips to the top of her head, kissing her silky hair. Her spicy scent swirls all around me. Closing my eyes, I feel the usual rush hit me when I breathe in her perfume.

Kathryn glides her fingers over my chest through my open shirt with feather light touches. She parts the shirt further and takes one of my nipples into her mouth. The sensation drives me wild, and I wrap my arms around her and pull her to me as uncontrollable desire fires through my veins.

I place my fingers under her chin and tilt her head up so she’s looking at me. She glances at my lips, and I answer by lowering my lips to hers. We share a scorching kiss, our tongues weaving and dancing together.

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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