Inferno: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance (16 page)

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Authors: L. Wilder,Brooke Asher

BOOK: Inferno: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance
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“The names on the skulls are for the members of my father’s club. They were my family, and I wanted to always have them close to me. When The Lost Souls fell apart, I knew I would return to the club life at some point. The Devil Chasers gave me the chance to do something that would make my father proud. I haven’t always been on the right path, but I’m trying my best to change that. At first I wanted to make things better for Myles and the club. Now,
make me want things to be better.”

Bishop reached for her chin, pulling her attention from his chest. His lips were so close she could feel the warmth of his breath. His eyes raked down her chest and came to rest on her breasts. She could hear his breathing getting deeper. He reached behind her for the clasp of her bra. As it fell to the ground, he slid his hands down to her denim skirt. He slipped her skirt and panties down past her hips and onto the floor. She stood looking at him with hooded eyes. He bent down and slid his hands under her knees. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he cradled her up to his chest.

“Where’s your bedroom?” Bishop whispered.

“It’s down the hall on your right,” Tessa purred.

In her room, Bishop gently laid her on the bed. He began kissing her on her neck and slowly made his way down to her breasts. His calloused hands cupped her breasts as his thumb roughly brushed across her nipple. She whimpered when he drew her nipple into his mouth and sucked. Her nails dug into his shoulders as he released her breast and began kissing and licking the small curve of her stomach. His hands reached behind her, lifting her closer to him. She didn’t resist as his head lowered between her thighs.

, Tessa. No one is going to have this pussy again. It’s mine, now and forever.” His tongue circled and tormented her clit as the room filled with the sounds of her pleasure.

“Oh god, Cole….. Don’t stop. I’m almost there,” Tessa begged.

Bishop owned her with his mouth. She was surrounded by a cloud of need as he inched his fingers inside her. Her legs began to quiver as he thrust his fingers deeper. Her head fell back and her body shuddered with her release. He licked her clit one last time before he made his way back to her mouth. His body pressed against her breasts as his lips brushed against hers. He groaned into her mouth as her hands began moving to the button of his jeans.

“These need to come off!” Tessa cried. “I need you now.” She quickly freed him from his jeans, pushing them down below his waist. He stood to remove them, and her body shook with anticipation. His eyes met hers as he knelt above her.

She placed her hands on his chest, stopping him from moving any closer.

The room fell silent as Tessa said, “Cole, I need you to know that I have fallen in love with you. I’m not sure exactly when I figured it out, but you’re all I can think about. It’s a little overwhelming.”

“Tessa, I think I fell in love with you the first night you got on my bike. When your arms wrapped around me, I knew you were it for me. I’ll never want any other woman on the back of my bike. Only you.”

She watched as he moved slowly towards her, resting his body between her thighs. He rubbed his cock against her clit, and she gasped. He let out a breath as he thrust into her hard and deep. He stilled, giving her time to adjust to his thickness. She clenched against his length, encouraging him to move.

“I’ll give you what you need, love. Tell me again…” Bishop ordered.

“I love you, Cole,” Tessa whispered.

She ground her hips into him, reassuring him that she was ready. He began to move slowly and intently.

“More…” Tessa cried.

His hips rocked into hers, each thrust harder than the last. She could feel her body tighten around him as her climax continued to build. His mouth crashed into hers as her orgasm took hold. She moaned into his mouth and felt her body tremble beneath him. He continued to pound into her as he reached his own climax. His muscles tensed, and he found his release with three final strokes. He fell to her side, pulling her to the crook of his arm. Her head rested on his shoulder.

“You’re amazing. Your piece of shit car is the best thing that ever happened to me,” Bishop said with a smile. He kissed the side of her head and said, “I love you, Tessa. Heart and soul.”

Tessa smiled as her eyes began to close. His fingers lightly brushed up and down her arm. The rhythm of his breath began to slow as she snuggled closer to him, drifting off to sleep.

When the early morning light began to creep through the blinds, Bishop pulled the covers back and got out of bed. He had plans to pick up his new bike in less than an hour. He needed to get dressed if he was going to be on time. He pulled on his jeans and began to search for his shirt. Tessa rolled over when he stumbled on his fallen boots.

“Cole Bishop! Are seriously trying to sneak out now that you’ve had your way with me?” Tessa asked playfully.

“I was trying not to wake you. I told you about picking my bike up this morning. I’m gonna go meet him in McKenzie, but I should be back in a couple of hours. Get some sleep, and I’ll bring you back some breakfast.”

“Deal…. But, before you go, kiss me. I always want to feel your lips on mine before you leave.”

Bishop knelt his knee down on the bed as his hands cupped her face. He pulled her in for a quick but passionate kiss. He pulled away and smiled.

“Now that’s more like it,” Tessa told him as she rolled over on her pillow. “Be careful and hurry back.”

“I will. Love you,” Bishop told her as he moved towards the door.

“Love you more.”

Tessa closed her eyes and smiled. Her time with Bishop was better than she ever imagined. For the first time in years, she was simply happy.
It’s about damn time.
She quickly fell back to sleep, looking forward to his return. She planned to show him later just how happy he made her.

Tessa awoke to a strange noise coming from the living room. Tessa rolled over and listened closely. She was still trying to make out the sounds coming from the next room, when a strange odor suddenly filled the room. It reminded her of gasoline.
Why does Bishop smell like gas? What the hell is he doing in there?
She was feeling a little agitated when she pulled back the covers and eased out of bed. She quickly slipped on one of her old t-shirts and a pair of jogging pants. She was pulling her hair into a ponytail when she walked into the living room.

She stopped in the doorway, stunned by what she found. There was a man with a gas jug in his hand walking through her living room. His back was to her as he poured gasoline all over her floors and furniture. When he finally turned around, she couldn’t move as she watched the man she once knew and loved destroy her home. When she took a deep breath, she drew his attention towards her.

“I was wondering when you’d wake up, Sis. It’s just about time for us to go.”

“What? Sam, what the hell are you doing to the house? Have you lost your mind?” Tessa demanded.

“Well, aren’t you full of questions this morning? I came to pay a little visit to your new boyfriend. And the name’s Duce now. I haven’t been called Sam in years. Once I finish this, you and I are gonna take us a little ride. It’s time for your man, Bishop, to pay for fucking with my club,” Duce sneered.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,
. Bishop has never mentioned anything about you or your club, and I don’t know anything about him fucking with your club. There’s no way I’m going anywhere with you.”

“Sure you will. That niece of mine is a real pretty little thing. I’d hate to see anything happen to her. And my nephew could make a great addition to the club. He could help with our distribution. Hell, no one would ever suspect him as a dealer.”

“Oh my god! You
gone insane. Stay the hell away from my children. I’d kill you myself before I’d ever let you hurt them!” Tessa yelled.

He gave her an evil glare, and she realized he was serious. There was no getting out of it. “Please, just leave them alone, and I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll go with you.”

“I knew you would,” Duce replied with sarcasm. He poured the remainder of the gasoline on the sofa and threw the jug on the floor. He reached into his side pocket and pulled out his lighter. Tessa watched in horror as he set her home on fire. Everything she owned was in that house, and it was all going up in flames. She couldn’t believe her own brother could care so little about her. He wasn’t the same man she used to know. The drugs had changed him into someone she didn’t even recognize.

As she turned towards the door, she noticed her phone sitting on the edge of the kitchen table. She was slowly backing up to reach for it when he grabbed her arm. “Time to roll out. This whole place is about to be an inferno.”

She reached out her free hand and grabbed the phone as he continued to pull her toward the door. She managed to slip it down by her hip just inside her underwear. She hoped that Courtney had been right about being able to track people by their cell phones. She knew it would be her only chance for Bishop to find her.
Dammit, why didn’t I wear pants with pockets?


Chapter 24



This bike is badass!
Bishop loved his new Street Glide. He didn’t think he would like it as much as his old bike, but the new ride was pretty cool. It had a ton of power, and it rode well. He knew Myles would love it.

He had just made his way back into Paris when his phone started ringing. He pulled it out of his back pocket expecting it to be Tessa. He was surprised to see that it was Bobby.

“What’s up, Crack Nut? Didn’t expect to hear from you this early in the morning.”

“Bishop, we got a problem. Where are you?” Bobby asked with concern in his voice.

“I just got back in town. Went to pick up the new bike. What the hell is going on?” Bishop demanded.

“It’s Tessa. I noticed that her video stream from her surveillance camera went out, so Sheppard rode over to check it out.”

“What the fuck? I set the alarm before I left this morning!”

“I’m not sure what happened, but when he got there, her house was on fire. It’s bad, Prez. The whole place was up in flames. The fire department is over there now trying to put it out. Sheppard did what he could, but he didn’t think that she was in the house. There was no sign of her anywhere.”

“Find her!” Bishop shouted. “I’ll be there in five minutes.”

Bishop sped over to her house. A thousand thoughts coursed through his mind as he pulled into her drive way. The house was still burning when he got there, and several firemen were still working to put it out. He jumped off his bike and ran towards the front door.

A fireman stopped him just as he was about to rush into the fire. “Are you out of your damn mind? You can’t go in there!” he barked.

“My girl might be in there! I gotta get her out!” Bishop roared.

“We’ve already been in. There’s nobody in the house. It’s been cleared,” the fireman explained.

“Then, where the hell is she?” Bishop shouted at the man.

He walked toward his bike and pulled out his phone to call Bobby. “The fireman said she wasn’t in the house. She has to be somewhere. See if you can pull up the GPS on her phone. If she has it with her, you should be able to locate her.”

“Give me five minutes. If she’s got it, I’ll find her,” Bobby assured him.

Bishop was distraught. He couldn’t lose her now. She meant so much to him, and he couldn’t live with himself if anything happened to her.

There had to be an explanation to all this. Fury consumed him as Duce sprang to his mind. He wondered if he could have anything to do with this.
I’ll kill that motherfucker if he hurts her. There’s no way he’ll get away with this.
His phone rang, breaking him from his thoughts.

“Hey man, I got a hit on her phone. It looks like she’s about five miles down the road in one of the old cabins at Buchanan’s Campground.”

“Send the guys over. We need to check it out. Tell them to be careful and keep their eyes open. I’ve got a gut feeling that Duce has something to do with this.”

“We’ll be there in 10.”

Bishop put his phone in his back pocket and got on his bike. He took several deep breaths in hopes of calming his temper. He needed to pull himself together so he could focus finding Tessa. 


Chapter 25




Tessa’s heart raced as she surveyed her surroundings. The old cabin was right by the lake, and the only light came from the little window in the living room. It was one of the smaller rentals with a tiny kitchen, living room, and upstairs loft. Most of these cabins were pretty dated with rundown furniture and worn out floors.

Her brother was pacing back and forth in front of her. She was hanging with her feet barely touching the floor. Her arms were bound and tied to the one of the support beams for the upstairs.
All that’s missing from this picture is the creepy music. What happened to the Sam I used to know? When did he get involved with a damn motorcycle club?
He stopped pacing and looked directly at her with a vicious glare.

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