Infected 8: Impulse: A Whole New Day (31 page)

BOOK: Infected 8: Impulse: A Whole New Day
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"Low to mid level healer. I figured that she could field calls when we want people to go away? Sorry..." She didn't know her name, so asked. Finally. "Your name is?"

The girl was about seventeen or so and had a nice hat on, made out of velvet. It was black and floppy. It went with the white and black shirt that hugged her body closely.


She nodded, "Sorry, Phoebe. I shouldn't make fun of you, and didn't mean to. I'm just getting tired. It's been a day and a half."

Everyone nodded, and Chatty Doyle explained for those that weren't there.

"Those words hold truth, beyond the surface. See how even now she is covered with the blood of those that did not heed her words? She entreated all to join her, but those that declined met with swift and certain demise. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, ended their last breath at the magical light of her regard, if not her delicate hands." The others nodded, including the tall bald man.

He looked at Marcia and gave a rugged and slightly roguish smile. He had a British accent, or something close to that, though Bridget couldn't place it to anywhere specific.

"No shite, either. She dropped anyone that didn't stop instantly, in Chicago. I didn't think anyone could have done that. She was facing off with twenty Infected at one point, and they didn't last fifteen seconds, for the entire group. It was frightening. I nearly soiled my pants."

She went to the back, and no one followed her. They didn't have a bath or shower, but she was able to wash up really well in the bathroom sink, and changed into a second set of clothing. It was similar, but had black trousers instead of green and brown. The deep blue shirt had TCC on it in white. Nice big letters too, so everyone would know she was both tidy,
in good with Jesus. When she came out, no one commented on that part of things.

They probably thought she was being a hipster.

She got to eat at least and a few of the others joined her, though no one just
the food like she did. As she finished a cold burrito, skipping the hot sauce since she'd forgotten to get any, Marcia walked over to her.

"Phone for you. The President? He sounds pissed." She was smiling when she said that, but Bridget figured that it was real enough.

Except that it wasn't. When the man spoke he sounded friendly, even.

"Miss Chambers? This is Michael Lawrence. Director Turner mentioned that you wanted to talk to me about something?"

She nodded, then spoke, since even her head full of rocks wasn't going to clank enough to be heard over the phone.

"Right. I handed out about two or three hundred Presidential pardons tonight. It was done to get people to calm down. Not all of them could. I had to kill a lot of people. You'll back that, right? If it becomes an issue, I mean? Give people those pardons?"

There was silence, and she waited to be told no. For a second that seemed real, and like the only thing that could happen, since she had no right to speak for the man, and had overreached so far that her shoulders should have popped from the socket.

"We should be able to handle this in other ways. I understand however, and if it's needed, I'll back your play. What the hell, it's my second term anyway, so I don't have to stand for reelection. Do you have plans for the future?"

She didn't think so, but her mouth loved to talk, so did it anyway.

"Yeah. You need to make a statement and let people know that from now on there
be anything like this. People tried to take advantage of the IPB being gone, but we're
. We'll have a press thing here tomorrow, too. Marcia will do that, so that I don't start cussing on live television. The thing is, this is it. This is everyone's one free pass. No more pardons or miss nice guy. Today people got lucky, since we had a sharp crew with us, but we
afford to let people think that starting a war is a good plan."

"I see. I'll send that basic message to my speech writers and see if we can't make it sound a little less like I plan to use the IPB to assassinate anyone that doesn't agree with me. Now, what do you need? I know that things can't be settled there yet. I saw a clip of that bomb earlier."

The phone was heavy in her hand, and her eyes wanted to close, all on their own. That was just because it had gotten around to bed time. She didn't have one of those, but she'd make do.

"We have seven new Operatives and no place to put them. Um, also we have seven aliens with us. Don't worry, once we pass some messages off to them, they can go back home, I think. Great guys, so not a problem. Alternate reality, not different planet, in case it comes up. I don't know if that's been mentioned to you at all?"

"Does this have to do with the Elcampayn children?" His tone had gone from a bit tired to frigid in a single line. She felt impressed. She could have done the same, but wouldn't have done it as well by half. That was probably why people let him lead, she decided. The man had mad skills. Presidential ones.

"Yeppers. They're gone though, off to find a new source of energy for their world, from
reality. These people need it, in order to save their planet. It isn't really our problem, but they're peaceful, as far as we're concerned. We're getting them hooked up. They'll have to agree not to let bad things happen to the new power sources, but I think that will work. I'll handle that part. I suppose you'll want all this in writing? It might take a few days. I can write, but it takes some time. Editing mainly." She did all right that way, as long as she had a computer. "So, what do I need? A facility? Someplace with beds and food? Showers would be a plus? Other than that, I just need some sleep. How about you?"

The man sighed, and then made a sound she was nearly certain was a chuckle.

"After today? A few hundred more of
? I trust that you're all going to be standing by to help, if anything happens?" It was an order. A politely worded one, but she wasn't fooled. She knew when someone was bossing her around.

She just didn't care, at the moment.

"Yeah. Yes, sir. The IPB is here, and ready." She looked over at Marcia, who really
, and then Doug, who stood a little straighter. The girls all looked either scared or upset, and the rest seemed very uncertain of themselves. Well, not the aliens, who all seemed remarkably pleased, to tell the truth. Whatever that was about.

Mary was smiling hugely, too. It took her a moment to realize why. She'd just told the President, her big boss, that
make sure that the situation in
world would be handled. Fixed. Since they had to be panicking over it all that was probably nice to hear. Of course, she didn't really know what to do that way, other than follow the plan they already had.

Maybe send a note to Morten Wester, and get him on board as well? That family was supposed to be filled with really smart people, and were said to be totally honest. That didn't mean they couldn't make mistakes or still be pricks, but it was the best bet, so far when it came to making an alliance.

The President's voice was right in her ear, and sounded confident. No matter what the man really felt. Again, skills that transcended the moment.

"Let me know if you need anything for your work, Miss Chambers. I'll have people in touch with you in the morning. Get some of that sleep, and make sure you stay sharp. Could you hand me back to Director Turner?" That happened without comment, since it made sense to the other woman. She was in charge now, after all.

There was some murmuring, several yes sirs, and absolutely no speaking about the people from another reality at all. She yawned and looked around, finally noticing that Kenny had a yellow legal pad and a pen, which she borrowed without asking, her face smiling.

Then she flipped for a while, since she needed a clean page.

No one asked her what she was working on, which was an outline of their plan for Hobb's world. She called it that too. Right there in print, and out loud, to the people from there. After all,
was the super villain that had stolen that world's energy source from them. Even if the kids could go back, she doubted that he would. They'd pretty much still have to kill him, for what he'd done. It was the
thing, and not an easy one.

An entire people would also revile his name, for generations, no matter how it all turned out. Especially the leaders that might lose some power now that the Elcampayns were coming back.

She tried not to make it sound fancy, or confusing, making certain that she explained everything she could, and pointing out the places where she couldn't. Her handwriting was neat enough, and small, since her little fingers were good for that.

When she was done with it, still sitting at the little card table, she turned the four pages around and gestured for Mary to read them. She did, her face set, until she got to the end. Zevros went next, then each of the others from that world.

The girls and the bald man were sitting on the floor, sharing a bag of corn chips. The old black woman stood in a corner, nearly vanishing in the shadows. Her friend, Purple Light, wasn't
her personal buddy it turned out. They'd just met that evening, trying to keep a crowd from killing a little girl that looked a bit like a lizard. Two strangers who lost their entire worlds, because they'd tried to do the right thing.

Except that didn't have to be the case. They were IPB now, and had to be, but having most of the people in one physical place was clearly a poor idea. There was really no good reason for them not to keep their own homes if they wanted, and be with their families and friends.
they stuck around, now that the world knew what these people really were.

She muttered that out loud, but the aliens didn't understand. Then, they were also distracted, so other than a few strange looks, they didn't comment on that situation.

It was Chatty Doyle, who turned out to be named
, that read it last. Then he placed the papers back in front of her.

"What of your personal demands, mistress? You ask that succor and safety be assured for the newcomers that seek naught but to aid my people, but you have asked not for riches or lands of your own. Do you wish to add that now?" There was a very strange tone to the words, that she wasn't at all ready to try and decipher. It wasn't a thing she understood. They were from a different reality, so she had no clue what he was getting at. Oh, she understood the part about looking out for herself, but she didn't think this was a situation for her to try and capitalize on. She tried to explain, hoping it wasn't the wrong thing to say.

"Your people
this, Lister. Doing
that would make that harder than it has to be would be... Wrong. Evil. Our only goal in this is to keep the Elcampayns safe, and see that your planet doesn't die. That's it. What more could I want?" Other than a few dozen cheese burgers. Given that she didn't know if they even had cheese, or cows, for that matter, she decided not to scribble that onto the bottom of the letter.

Mary smirked a bit, and when she bothered to look over, Zevros was doing much the same thing.

He looked at the others and took the papers, folding them several times and tucking them into his side jacket pocket.

"I'll take these to Morten Wester directly then. Should your sworn men stay to see to the protections of your lands? For that matter, is this as you wish, my taking this? Perhaps Mary?" He watched Bridget closely, his face not moving much. Nothing was given away to explain what he was really trying for.

It was a thing she'd seen from Elizabeth and Mary before too. It was how they looked when they were holding something close to their chests, to keep them secret.

"Really you should all go, if it's safe for you. I need to get a bigger base, before I take on six new men at once." She smiled about the double entendre, and Lister leaned in a bit.

of us at once?
a bit advanced, isn't it?" It was meant to be a joke, but Zevros jumped in and hit the man in the back of the head.

He didn't go down, or respond in any way, except to duck a little and cover his head.

"Ah! Apologies. I should not have sought there."

Mary sniffed, and seemed offended by the words, but Bridget shrugged.

"No worries. Anyway, let's get that done? We won't get finished sooner by waiting."

Zev bowed to her and patted his pocket. "I shall return with an answer, if one is provided. Thank you all, for your kind welcome here. We had feared instant war between us and instead find friends that already seek to save us in our hour of need." Then with a bit of a flourish, the man was gone.

So were all the Doyles.

Mary covered a smile with her left hand.

"If I make no mistake, it seems that Lister Doyle is seeking to improve his station in the world, do you not think, Marcia?" There was a sly and slightly teasing manner to the words.

Turner was off the phone, since apparently the President hadn't called to chat about what she was wearing or anything that would get them going for a longer conversation.

what he was going for? Here I figured he was just flirting a little." She looked at everyone, including Bridget and nodded. "Now, I think we need some hotel rooms. What do you think the odds are of anyone being willing to let the IPB in right now?"

It was a good point. Still, Bridget looked down and waved at her shirt.

camouflage? No one will ever guess. Actually, if anyone is there, we might try the Ridgemont? They're a bit pricey, but they have great rooms and don't refuse people just because they're Infected. Poor, yes.
is fine, as long as you don't cause problems."

That didn't set very well with her boss though, who suddenly wanted them to grab some tarps and sleep in the lot behind the shop. It would be cheaper, she insisted and let them do some team building on the first day, which was important. Plus, cheaper.

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