Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel (20 page)

Read Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel Online

Authors: Nicole Edwards

Tags: #erotic romance, #bdsm, #exhibitionism voyuerism, #club destiny, #public exhibitionism

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Instead of pouting,
McKenna smiled, and then asked, “Which one of you wants to go

Logan and Luke immediately pointed to the
other, and Tag just sat back, sipping his coffee. She could feel
his eyes on her, but she didn’t look at him.

You’re the face of the
club.” Logan laughed, talking to Luke.

We have the same fucking
face,” Luke barked, but he followed it with a smile. “I guess I’ll
go first.”


Intimidating - the first
word that came to mind as McKenna sat down in an empty chair, in
Luke’s office. Luckily for her, she hid her emotions well because
when he sat down behind his desk, he didn’t look at all

Interview away, Ms.
Thorne.” His gruff voice told McKenna the next hour was not going
to be a pleasant one if she didn’t do something about it

Please, call me McKenna,”
she told him as she tried to get comfortable in the hardback chair.
It wasn’t happening. “Do you mind if we move over to those chairs?”
Tilting her head in the direction of a small seating area on the
other side of the room, she waited for his response.

Without saying a word, he
simply stood, then waited for her to do the same.

Why was she so damn nervous? It wasn’t like
Luke McCoy was famous or something? But there was something about
him that just made her... apprehensive.

By the time they were
seated, and she was a fraction more comfortable, McKenna could see
the tension in his strong jaw had only intensified.

I don’t bite.”

Apparently, her outburst
helped to relax Luke a little, at least if his smile was anything
to go by.

I’m just going to ask
some simple questions and feel free to respond however you want. Do
you mind if I record this? It’s only for my notes. I promise, I
won’t publish the recording in any way.”

Luke nodded his head, but kept his eyes
trained on her.

Have you ever done an
interview before?” McKenna was pretty sure she knew the answer, but
she really was hoping to get Luke to loosen up a little.

What do you think?” he
replied smartly.

Ok. For the record, your
answer is no.” McKenna didn’t need to record that, but she hoped it
would make Luke lighten up.

It didn’t. Reaching into her memory banks,
she tried to remember some of the funniest interview questions
she’d heard or asked before.

How many pairs of shoes
do you own?” McKenna kept a straight face as she asked the
question, even when Luke tilted one eyebrow and looked at her

You want to know about my

Me personally? No, not

Finally. Luke cracked a
smile. A genuine one. It was then that McKenna truly understood
what Sierra and Cole saw in the man. He was beautiful. Especially
when he wasn’t brooding.

Ok, now on to the serious
questions.” McKenna clicked on her recorder and focused every ounce
of her energy on Luke.


*** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***

Tag hit the end button on his phone at the
same time McKenna walked through the door. Turning in his chair at
the small desk, he looked up at her and was surprised to see a
smile on her face.

The interview went well?”
Not that he hadn’t expected it to, but Tag was well aware of how
hard Luke could be on people. He definitely wasn’t the most
sociable, but ever since he fell in love with Sierra and Cole, he
had changed. Not that he would admit it.

It did.” Making a beeline
for her computer, she barely spared him a glance, which bothered
him for some reason.

He knew she was probably going to work on
her article, but he had at least been hoping for a minute of her
attention. Didn’t look like he was going to get even a few

Turning back to his computer screen, Tag
tried to pretend that her shrug off didn’t bother him. That didn’t
work, so he opened his instant messenger and found her name in his
contact list.

He typed,
Know what happens when I get ignored?
And hit enter.

No, what?
Was the reply a few seconds later.

I get a sudden urge to...
pull out my toys

Thought you didn’t have any toys

I never said that

You implied it

Want to see my toys?


Tag honestly didn’t expect that answer, so
as he looked at the three small letters glaring back at him from
the screen, he had to readjust his slacks.

Don’t tease me, McKenna

Or what?

The woman was going to kill him.

That’s it

Tag didn’t wait for a
response. He stood abruptly and stormed over to the sofa where
McKenna was sitting. He easily removed her laptop from her grasp
and sat it on the coffee table behind him before taking her hand
and helping her to stand. The moment she was on her feet, he tossed
her over his shoulder and carried her to his bedroom.

Her laughter made his cock
throb harder. And the way she pinched his butt made him

Putting her back on her
feet, Tag pulled McKenna close and pressed his lips to hers. He’d
been thinking about this all day, and now that she was back, he was
ready to give her a brief introduction to a couple of his

Don’t move.”

McKenna’s body went rigid,
and the smile disappeared from her beautiful mouth, but Tag could
see the passion reflected in the multi-colors of her eyes. She was
instantly turned on which only made him want her more.

Tag retreated to the other
side of the room and the armoire where he kept his clothes. Among
other things.

After rummaging around for
a couple of minutes, more for effect than anything, he returned to
her side, not bothering to hide what he had retrieved. “Turn

McKenna turned but not before Tag saw the
hint of another smile at the corners of her mouth.

He set the items on the bed in front of her
while he slowly removed her clothes, placing kisses on her smooth
skin as he went along. Hell, he would’ve been happy to do that for
hours, but he could feel the tension in her well sculpted

They were standing at the
end of the four poster bed, which was perfect for what he had in
mind. Keeping her facing toward the mattress and away from him, Tag
took one of her hands and attached a soft, leather cuff to her
wrist before attaching the clip on the other end to the hook at the
top of the post. He continued to do the same with her other arm,
then he used another set of cuffs to fasten her ankles to the hooks
at the bottom of each post.

He took a step back and
admired his handy work. Truly, standing before him was the sexiest
woman he’d ever laid his eyes on. With her red hair still clipped
at the back of her head, he was able to admire the graceful column
of her neck, the smooth contour of her shoulders, and the slender
curve of her waist. Not to mention her delectable ass.

Are you shaking?” Tag
asked when he noticed her trembling slightly.

No.” She didn’t sound
very convincing, but Tag heard the humor in the one

Have you ever been tied
up, McKenna?”

No.” That did sound

Are you

Nervous, no. Anxious,

Tag moved closer, removing the clip and
allowing all of that glorious red silk to fall around her
shoulders, down her back.

What are you anxious

You to touch

Tag liked that McKenna didn’t hesitate in
answering his questions. She wasn’t shy when it came to what she
wanted, and she obviously had enough experience to know that she’d
get exactly what she wanted if she played along.

Using the tip of his finger, he followed the
gentle curve of her waist, over her hip, then beneath the luscious
curve of her ass. He didn’t go any further, just simply reversed
the motion until he reached the gentle swell of her breast. His
other hand followed suit, performing the same motion on the
opposite side until he had both hands cupping her breasts and his
chest was pressed against her back.

You’re so damn
beautiful,” he whispered in her ear, licking her ear lobe as he
kneaded her breasts.

Glancing down at the bed, he took stock of
the items he’d placed there earlier, figuring he’d give her a
choice. Tag didn’t doubt that she was all too familiar with each
item, but he knew for a fact, she’d never been on the receiving end
of one.

Do you have a
preference?” he asked.

It took a few seconds before she forced out
her answer, but that was likely because he was pinching her nipples
between his fingers, none too gently.


Why that one?” Tag had an
idea she would pick it, although he wouldn’t have cared which

Truth be told, he didn’t
use these toys much. He wasn’t into hard core BDSM, nor did he
experiment with it regularly. He used them for what they were...
toys. They heightened the sexual experience, but it wasn’t
something he had to have.

I like it.”

To be used on you? Or to
use on someone else?”

I’ve never had it used on
me.” McKenna’s voice was just a whisper and Tag detected a hint of
excitement in her tone. He was beginning to think McKenna might
just be his equal in more ways than one.

What he didn’t know was what that actually




McKenna tried to focus on
the cool air caressing her skin, but that wasn’t working. Her mind
was ablaze with images of what might be next in Tag’s little game.
And she had no doubt this was a game. She’d known it the second he
tossed her over his shoulder so easily and when he secured her
wrists and ankles to the bed post.

Maybe she should feel a
little concern as far as the bondage went, but she didn’t. If
anything, she trusted Tag. Why? The way he held her, touched her,
and even that possessive tone she detected – all of those things
contributed to the level of trust they had already developed
between them, even if unknowingly.

She found it interesting the way he put the
toys down in front of her, obviously to intimidate her. She wasn’t.
No, she was turned on like hell, but in no way was she

She didn’t know anything
about Tag’s reputation at the club, but she knew of the reputation
of several Dom’s in the area and he wasn’t one of them. That was
because he wasn’t a Dom. He didn’t indulge in that lifestyle,
although he obviously found some interest in it based on the toys
on the bed in front of her.

A riding crop. A small paddle. A suede

She had several of each in her toy box,
although she hadn’t used them in quite some time. These didn’t look
to be cheap toys, which didn’t surprise her. Tag didn’t seem like
the kind to go cheap on anything, much less pleasure.

But the riding crop, well, in her
experience, it would be the least painful, at least when used by a

As Tag retrieved the riding crop, McKenna
bit her lip. Ok, so now she was getting a little nervous. Here she
was, spread eagle, and secured firmly with the leather restraints
which offered her barely any room to move. There was no way she was
going to get away from the pain he would likely deliver.

When she felt the cool steel tip of the
handle slide down her spine, she shivered involuntarily. He was
going to tease her first, apparently. She smiled. His mouth
followed, the warmth of his lips trailing down her naked back had
her pussy dripping and her nipples hardening painfully.

The anticipation was as exciting as the act.
She knew that much. When Tag’s hands gripped her hips, his mouth
going lower, spreading teasing kisses over her bottom, McKenna
fought the urge to wiggle away from him. Or maybe she wanted to get
closer. Either way, she forced herself to remain still, letting the
pleasure encompass her.

Just as she was getting
used to the soft, light kisses, a sharp sting assaulted her ass,
and she flinched. Barely. Ok, so the riding crop definitely hurt,
but it was an exquisite pain that overtook her entire body. When he
used his big hand to rub the sting away, she pushed her bottom
against him, wanting to feel his hands on the rest of her

That’s not what she got.

Another biting sting
landed on her left butt cheek, and she moaned. Oh, yes, she
definitely liked it.

Who would’ve thought?

For the next few minutes,
Tag continued to tease her, chasing the pain away with his tongue
and his lips, his fingers and his palms, only to deliver another
crisp, sharp, sting followed by several more. By the time he was
finished, McKenna was biting her tongue, trying to keep from crying
out. The tears streaming down her face were involuntary as was the
throbbing need that had taken up residence between her

I didn’t think your ass
could get any prettier.” Tag’s warm breath heated the skin of her
neck as he whispered close to her ear. “I was wrong.”

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