Infamy (47 page)

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Authors: Richard Reeves

Tags: #History, #Military, #World War II, #United States, #20th Century, #State & Local, #West (AK; CA; CO; HI; ID; MT; NV; UT; WY)

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reelection of
Tule Lake protests and
WRA and

Rosell, Chester

Ross, Edward Alsworth

Rossi, Angelo

Rotary Club

Rouveral, Auriana

Rowe, James

Runyon, Damon

Russo-Japanese War


Sacramento Assembly Center

Sacramento Bee

Saijo, Albert

Saiki, Barry

Saipan Island

Saito, Calvin

Saito, Dahlia

Saito, George

Saito, John

Saito, Lincoln

Saito, Mary Yogawa

Saito, Morse

Saito, Natsu

Saito, Perry

Saki, Isaburo

Sakumoto, Matsuji

Salinas, California

Salt Lake City

San Bruno, California.
See also
Tanforan Assembly Center

San Diego

San Diego City Council

San Diego High School

San Diego Public Library

San Diego Union

Sand Island Tough Boys

San Fernando Valley

San Francisco

San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco Examiner

San Gabriel Valley

San Joaquin County

San Jose, California

San Leandro, California

San Luis Obispo Independent

San Pedro Bay

San Quentin State Prison

Sansei (third generation)

Santa Ana Register

Santa Anita Assembly Center

Santa Anita Pacemaker

Santa Barbara County

Santa Clara County

Santa Cruz, California

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Fe, New Mexico, prison

Santa Maria Courier

Santa Monica, California

San Terenzo, Battle of

Sato, Eiichi

Sato, Katsumi

Saturday Evening Post

Schieberling, Edward

Seabiscuit (racehorse)

Seabrook Farms

Seagoville, Texas, prison

Sears, Arthur

Sears Roebuck


Seattle Chamber of Commerce

Seattle Star

Seattle Times

Segawa, Ben

Selective Service Act

September 11, 2001, attacks

Seuss, Dr. (Theodor Geisel)

Sevier Desert

Shanghai Times

Sheldrake, John

Shigekawa, Misako

Shimoda, Ichiro

Shoemaker, Ed

Shoemaker, Kent

Short, Walter

Sierra Nevada

Simms, Ginny

Simpson, Alan

Sinatra, Frank

Sixth Army

Slater, Herbert

Smith, Nels

Smith College

Solomon Islands

Sone, Monica

Southern Pacific Railroad

Spanish Civil War

Spanish consul

Spanish Morocco

Sprague, Charles

Sproul, Robert Gordon

Stagnaro, Mario

Stanford University

Star Trek
(TV series)

State Department

“Statement of United States Citizen of Japanese Ancestry”

Stetinius, Edward

Stewart, Tom

Stilwell, Joseph “Vinegar Joe”

Stimson, Henry

St. Louis

Stockton, California

St. Sure, Adolphus F.

“Suggested Answers to Questions 27 and 28” (Emi brothers)


Sumoge, Fred

Supreme Pyramid of the Sciots

Tachibana, Itaru


Takanashi, Harry

Takasaki, Gordon

Takayoshi, Theresa

Takayoshi, Thomas

Takayoshi, Yoshi

Takei, George

Takeuchi, Hokoji

Takeuchi, Mary

Talbot, California

Tamaki family

Tamesa, Min

Tamura, Linda

Tanaka, Fred

Tanforan Assembly Center

Tanimoto, Jim

Tasaki, Katherine

Tateishi, Ben

Tateishi, Yuri

Tayama, Fred

Teno, Jack

Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals

Terminal Island

Terry and the Pirates

Texas National Guard

Thayer, Mrs. Maynard

Theta Delta Chi fraternity

Thirty-Sixth Division

Thomas, Elbert

Thompson, Dorothy


Tinian Island

Tojo, Hideki

Tokushige, Shizuko

Tolan, John

Tomas, Carmen

Tomas, Rosa

Tomemura, Dick

Topaz Relocation Center

Totalizer, The
(Tanforan newspaper)

travel restrictions

Trebon, Edward

Truman, Harry S.

Tsukamoto, Mary

Tsukamoto family

Tsumagari, Fusa

Tsumagari, Yukio

Tsuneishi, Sally

Tsuruda, Mas

Tsuruda, Yo

Tulare, California

Tulean Dispatch

Tule Lake Relocation and Segregation Center

army recruitment and
Besig visits
citizenship renunciations and
Collins and
deaths in
“disloyals” segregated in
gangs at
Myer visits
protests at

Tully, Grace

Turlock, California

200th Coast Artillery Battery

Uchida, Dwight Takashi

Uchida, Kay

Uchida, Yoshiko

Ueno, Harry

Ulio, James A.

United Nations

U.S. Army

Japanese American service in
Tule Lake Army-WRA rally of 1943

U.S. Army Air Corps

U.S. Army and Navy Staff College

U.S. Army Investigation Committee

U.S. Army Reserve

U.S. Army Signal Intelligence Service

U.S. Bill of Rights

U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps

U.S. Congress

citizenship rights and
DeWitt and
Warren and

U.S. Constitution

First Amendment
Fourteenth Amendment

U.S. District Court of San Francisco

U.S. District Court of Seattle

U.S. House of Representatives

Naval Affairs Committee
Un-American Activities Committee

U.S.-Japan Council

U.S. Navy

Japanese translators and
Terminal Island base

U.S. Senate

Military Affairs Committee

U.S. Supreme Court

University of Arizona

University of California

University of California, Berkeley

University of Chicago

University of Hawaii

University of Michigan

University of Oregon

University of Washington

Uno, Edison

Uno, Kay

Usui, Fuji

Usui, Mitsuo


Uyeno, Tad

Van Vleet, T. S.

Vashon Island

Vichy France

Vietnam War protests

Voluntary Evacuation

voting rights

Wakamatsu, Eichi

Wakamatsu, Johnny Y.

Wakasa, James Hatsuki

Wakatsuki, Bill

Wakatsuki, Eleanor

Wakatsuki, Frances

Wakatsuki, Jeanne

Wakatsuki, Ko

Wakatsuki, Lillian

Wakatsuki, Martha

Wakatsuki, Ray

Wakatsuki, Riku

Wakatsuki, Woody

Walker, Roger

war bonds

War Department

War of 1812

War Relocation Authority (WRA)

army recruitment and
camp closings and
camp killings and
“disloyals” segregated by
Eisenhower and
Interior oversees
Japanese translators and
Lange photos and
loyalty oaths and
Manzanar and
news media and
Poston and
releases for school or work and

Warren, Earl

evacuee returns and

Wartime Civil Control Administration (WCCA)

Wartime Handling of Evacuee Property, The
(report of 1982)

Washington, George

Washington Middle School (Seattle)

Washington Post

Washington State

Washington State University

Washington Times Herald

Washington University (St. Louis)

Watanabe, Grace

Watanabe, Hisako

Watanabe, Richard

Webb, Ulysses S.

Weckerling, John

Weglyn, Michi Nishiura

Western Defense Command

Western Pacific Railroad

Westminster, California

Weston, Edward

(Manzanar magazine)

Whitney, Mount

WHO (Omaha radio station)

Wickard, Claude

Wilbur, George

Willoughby, Charles

Wilson, Mount

Wirin, A. L.

World Trade Center attacks

World War I


World War II.
See also
military service; Pearl Harbor;
and specific battles, countries, and military units

Wright, Frank Lloyd


Yabe, Fumiko

Yada, Jimmie

Yamada, Yoshikazu

Yamaki, Bill Shyuichi

Yamamoto, Hisaye

Yamamoto, Isoroku

Yamashiro, George “Sankey”

Yamashita, Kanshi

Yanari, Ralph

Yasui, Kenny

Other books

The Shadow Sorceress by L. E. Modesitt, Jr.
The House of Seven Mabels by Jill Churchill
Other Worlds by KATHY
Undone by R. E. Hunter
Fear No Evil by Debbie Johnson
Pirates of the Outrigger Rift by Gary Jonas, Bill D. Allen
Beautiful Child by Menon, David
Whispers of the Heart by Ruth Scofield