Infamous Lady: The True Story of Countess Erzsébet Báthory (40 page)

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Benedikt Desëo Court Master

Gergely Páztorny Sárvár Judge

Janós Ficzkó Personal attendant, Csejthe

Ilona Jó Nagy Nursemaid, Sárvár; personal attendant, Csejthe

Dorottya Szentes Personal attendant, Csejthe

Katalin Beneczky Personal attendant, Csejthe

Anna Darvolia Personal attendant, Sárvár/Csejthe

Ilona Zalay Lady in Waiting

Jacob Szilvassy Administrator, Leka and Keresztúr

István Martonfalvy Castellan, Leka

Janós Desëo Castellan, Keresztúr

Janós Zamabory Provost and paymaster, Keresztúr

Lady Barbara Bixi Attendant to the Lady

Ferenc Symanoffy Castellan, Beckó

Michael Herwoyth Provisor, Csejthe

Mátyás Sakathyartho Cellar Master, Csejthe

Michael Horwath Castellan, Csejthe

Janós Andachy Castellan, Csejthe

Martinus Gablyowych Staff

Dániel Vas Stablemaster, Csejthe

Benedict Bicserdy Castellan, Sárvár

Imre Megyeri Tutor and guardian, Sárvár

Gregor Paisjártó Vice Castellan, Sárvár

Benedikt Zalay Paymaster, Sárvár

Ferenc Török Squire, Sárvár

Baltasar Poby Castellan, Sárvár

György Tarnoczky Judge in Beckó

István Vagy Administrator, Csejthe

Pál Beöd Vice Castellan, Sárvár

Bulia, Barbera, Käte Servants, Csejthe

Susanna Servant, Sárvár and Csejthe

Sara Baranyai Staff

Helena Kotsis Staff

Anna Geonczy Staff

(István ?) Kozma Staff




Dr. Martinus Pharmacist

Nicolaus Krestyan Carpenter

Adam Pollio Craftsman

Ambrosius Borbély Plaster/paving

Erzsébet Miava (Majorova) Occultist




Kata Berényi

Kata Fekete

Lady Zsuzska Zelesthey

Lady Anna Ztubyczay

Susanna Tukynzky

Anna Barbel

Elizabeth Jezernyczky

Lady Zichy

Szabattkay girl

Draskóczy girl

Lady Sittkey

Ms. Modli

Lady Nagyvathy

Lady Belanczky

Jánosi girl

Szabo girl

Szoltay girl





Rev. Michael Fabri Pastor, Kosztolány

Rev. Nicolaus Barosius Pastor, Verbo

Rev. Janós Ponikenusz Pastor, Csejthe

Rev. Michael Zvonaric Pastor, Sárvár

Rev. István Magyari Pastor, Sárvár

Very Rev. Élias Lányi Superintendant

Rev. Phythiaräus Pastor, Keresztúr

Rev. Andreas Barosius Pastor, Csejthe

Rev. Zacharias Pastor, Leszetice


SOME OF THOSE PRESENT ON THE NIGHT OF THE ARREST (along with Thurzó, Megyeri, Zrínyi, and Drugeth de Homonnay)


Rev. Nicolaus Barosius

Martinus Waychko

Rev. Janós Ponikenusz

Rev. Zacharias

Janós Krappmann (church servant)

Andreas Butora

Andreas Pryderowyth

Stephanus Bobochay

Michael Horwath (Csejthe Castellan)

György Kubanovich

Martin Jankovich

Martin Krsskó

Janós Valkó

Andreas Ukrovich

Ladislas Centalovich

Tamás Zima




Erzsébet : Elizabeth

Ferenc : Francis

György : George

Ilona : Helena

Janós : John

Dorottya : Dorothy

Katalin/Kata : Catherine

Miklós : Nicolas

Mihály : Michael

Mátyás : Matthew

Pál : Paul

András/Andreas : Andrew

Orsolya/Orsika : Ursula

Tamás : Thomas

István : Stephen

Benedek : Benedict

Imre/Emory : Emmerich

Márton : Martin

László/Ladislas : Laslo

Gergely : Gregory

Gábor : Gabriel











Reviczky, Bertalan v.,
Elisabeth Báthory
, Piestány (1903), pp. 18-19.

Thurzó Letter to his Wife, December 30, 1610


Károlyi, Á., and Szalay, J.,
Nádasdy Tamás nádor családi levelezése
, Budapest (1882), pp. 242-45.

* Two Letters of Erzsébet Báthory to Ferenc Nadasdy, 1596

* Letter of Orsolya Nádasdy to E. Báthory, 1604


Statny oblastny archiv Presov
, Packet Drugeth Humenné, inv. C. 718.

Chronicle of Castle Csejthe


Magyar Országos Levéltár (MOL)
, Budapest, Packet E 142. Act. publ. fasc. 28. No. 18.

Letter of Mátyás II to Thurzó, Jan. 24, 1613, and Thurzo’s reply from Feb. 5, 1613

* Letter of Thurzó to András of Keresztúr, March 5, 1610

* Report of András of Keresztúr, September 19, 1610

* Letter of Thurzó to Mózes Cziráky, March 5, 1610

* Report of Mózes Cziráky, October 27, 1610

* Letter of Mátyás II to András of Keresztúr, Jan. 14, 1611

* Report of András of Keresztúr to Mátyás II, July 28, 1611

* Report of Mózes Cziráky, December 14, 1611

* Report of the Court at Újhely, Jan. 9, 1612

* Last Will and Testament of Erzsébet Báthory, Sept. 3, 1610,
at Act. publ. facs. 44 no. 25.

* Letter of Ponikenusz to Lányi, January 1, 1611,
., Packet E 196. Rksz. 3. Fasc. 7. no. 69.

* Mátyás’s Letter to Thurzó, January 14, 1611, ,
., Packet E 196. Act. publ. fasc. 8. no. 7.

* Letter of Mátyás II to Thurzó, Feb. 26, 1611,
., at publ. fasc. 8. no. 40.

* Letter of Mátyás II to Thurzó, March 18, 1611,
., at publ. fasc. 18. no. 9.

* Letter of Mátyás II to Thurzó, April 17, 1611,
at publ. fasc. 23. no. 22.


Statny oblastny archiv Bytca (SOBA), Faszikel OK-Thurzovska korespondenicia
, sign. II-Z/24.

* Zrínyi Letter to Thurzó, December 12, 1610

* Thurzó Letter to His Wife, December 30, 1610,
., at sign. III-T/12

* Zrínyi Letter to Thurzó, February 12, 1611,
., at sign. II-Z/24

* Nádasdy Letter to Thurzó, Feb. 23, 1611,
., at sign. II- N/2

* Letter of Stanislas Thurzó to György Thurzó, Aug. 25, 1614,
., at sign. II-T/22


R.A. v. Elsberg, Elisabeth Báthory, Breslau (1904), pp. 262-69.

* Letter of Thurzó to Mátyás II, March 30, 1611

* Letter of Hungarian High Chamber to Mátyás II, March 31, 1611

* Letter of Mátyás II to Thurzó, April 17, 1611

* Second Testament of Erzsébet Báthory, August 3, 1614


, Prague (1817), vol. 1, No. 31, pp. 241-48 and July 1817, vol. 2, no. 34, pp. 270-73.

* Trial transcripts of January 2
and 7
, 1611.


Tóth, István György,
Literacy and Written Culture in Early Modern Central Europe
, Central European University Press (2001).

* Letters of Tamás and Orsolya Nádasdy











Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, Budapest

Magyar Orsazágos Levéltár, Budapest

Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, Budapest

Státni Knihovna Ceske Socialisticke Republiky, Prague

Státny Oblastny Archiv, Bytca

Státny Oblastny Archiv, Presov

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna

Österreichisches Staatsarchiv, Vienna













Franciscus Hipolytus Hildensheim,
Euchai gamikai Apollinis et Musarum. Ad spectabilem et magnificum dominum, D. Franciscum de Nádasd, sponsum: Et generosam ac magnificam virgiem Elisabetham de Báthor, sponsam
. Viennae Austriae ex officina Stephani Creuzeri, Anno MDLXXV.




Protestaria Elisabetha Bathory,
fol. 210 liber II
Archives of the Cathedral Chapter of Graner (1609)

Civitate libera regia Tyrnavense feria II, proxima ante festum S. Martini episcope et confessoris 1609.
Archives of the Cathedral Chapter of Graner (1609).




László Turóczi:
Ungaria suis cum Regibus compendio data
, Dum Illustrissimus, Rev. ac Doctissimus Comes Franciscus Barkoczi De Szala, Tyrnaviae, Typis Academicis Soc. Jesu per Fridericum Gall. Anno MDCCXXIX. Mense Septembri, 8., 245, pp. 188-193.




Mátyás Bel,
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, sive collectio miscella, Monumentorum ineditorum partim; partim editorum, sed fugientium, Posonii, Typis Joannis Paulli Royer, A. MDCCXXXV, pp. 353-80, pp. 366-67, and p. 370.



Abschrift des Zeugen-Verhörs in Betreff der grausamen That, welcher Elisabeth v. Báthory, Gemahlinn des Grafen Franz Nádasdy beschuldiget wird. 1611
, Prague, vol. 1, No. 31, pp. 241-48 and July 1817, vol. 2, no. 34, pp. 270-73.




Zichy, Edmund,
Bethlenfalvi gróf Thurzó György Levelei
, Budapest (1876).




Ferdinand Strobl von Ravelsberg (R.A. v. Elsberg),
Die Blutgräfin. (Elisabeth Báthory) Ein Sitten- und Characterbild. Mit Illustrationen.
Breslau: Schlesische Buchdruckerei, Kunst- und Verlags-Anstalt v. S. Schottlaender 1894, rev. ed. 1904.




Chronik der Burg Csejte
Történelmi tár
(1899), p. 722f.




Dezsö, Rexa,
Báthory Erzsébet Nádasdy Ferencné (1560-1614
), Benkö Gyula Udvari Könyvkereskedése, Budapest (1908).




Sándor, Payr,
Magyari István és Báthory Erzsébet
, Protestáns Szemle, Budapest (1912), pp. 185-203.




History of the Transdanubian Evangelical Church, Vol. 1, Székely & Társa Könyvnyomdájában, Sopron (1924).




Níznánszy, Jozó,
Cachtická pani
. Prague (1932). Four Parts.




Penrose, Valaentine,
Die blutige Gräfin. Erzsébet Báthory
. Verlag der Europäischen Bücherei H.M. Hieronimi, Bonn (1965) (English version, 1969).




Périsset, Maurice,
La comtesse de sang. Erzsébet Báthory
. Editions Pygmalion, Paris (1975).




Keller, Paul Anton,
Burg Lockenhaus: Landschaft und Geschichte
. Lockenhaus im Burgenland (1976).




McNally, Raymond T
., Dracula was a Woman: In Search of the Blood Countess of Transylvania
, Robert Hale, London (1984).




Katalin, Péter,
A Csejtei Várúrnö: Báthory Erzsébet
, Helikon Kiadó, Budapest (1985).




Farin, Michael,
Heroine des Grauens: Elisabeth Báthory
, P. Kirchheim Verlag München (1989).




Ammer, Vladímir. Cachtice. Bratislava: Alfa-Press (1997).




Katalin, Péter,
Beloved Children: History of Aristocratic Childhood in Hungary in the Early Modern Age
, Central European University Press (2001).


Tóth, István György,
Literacy and Written Culture in Early Modern Central Europe
, Central European University Press (2001).











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Bloodcult, The: The Magazine for Dark Souls and Vampire Lovers. Crete: The Nocturnal Summoning V.S., 2001


Burtinshaw, Julie: Romantic Ghost Stories. Edmonton, Alberta: Ghost House Books, 2003. Contains "Love Gone Astray: Castle Csejthe, Hungary."


Cachtice 1248-1998. Multimediálne CD o obci Cachtice. Nové Mesto: Visgra s.r.o., 1998.


Canale, Ray. Nightfall: The Blood Countess. (fiction) Paperback Audio, 1990 (text) 1998 (recording).


Carillo, Carlos. Para Tenerlos Bajo Llave. (fiction). 1994. (Contains Legado de los Carpatos).


Codrescu, Andrei. The Blood Countess. (fiction) (manuscript); publ. New York: Dell, 1996.


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Glut, Donald F. True Vampires of History. New York: HC Publishers, 1971.


Farin, M. Heroine des Grauens. Wirken und Leben der Elizabeth Báthory. Munich, 1989.

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Glut, Donald F. The Dracula Book. The Scarecrow Press, Inc., Metuchen, N.J.: 1975 Republished as The Truth About Dracula, New York: Stein and Day.


Kocis, Jozef. Alzbeta Báthoryová a palatín Thurzo: Pravdo a cachtickej panej. Vydavatel'sto Blaha, 1996.


McNally, Raymond T. Dracula Was a Woman. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1983.


Manguel, Alberto, ed. Other Fires. (fiction) New York: Clarkson N. Potter, 1986. (Contains The Bloody Countess by Alejandra Pizarnik)


Melton, J. Gordon. The Vampire Book: The Encyclopedia of the Undead. Detroit: Visible Ink Press, 1994.


Newton, Michael. Bad Girls Do It! Port Townsend, Washington: Loompanics Unlimited, 1993.


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Pérez, Carlos D.: Siete Lunas de Sangre (fiction). Buenos Aires: Topía Editorial, 1999.


Perisset, Maurice. La Comtesse de Sang: Erzsebeth Bathory. Paris: Pygmalion, 1975.

Peters, Robert. The Blood Countess. Cherry Valley, N.Y.: Cherry Valley Editions, 1987.


Pirrotta, Luciano: Erzsébet Báthory: Una Visione - Incubo Rosso (play). [no city], Italy, Sallustiana, 2003.


Requiem: Archives du vampirisme Montpellier: Cercle d'Études Vampiriques, 1998.


Rexa, Dezso. Báthory Erzsébet Nadasdy Ferencne. Budapest, 1908.


Ronay, Gabriel. The Truth About Dracula. London: Gallancz, 1972. Repr. New York: Stein and Day, 1972.


Seabrook, William. Witchcraft. New York: Harcourt, 1940. Repr. New York: Lancer Books, 1968.


Szádeczky-Kardos, I. Báthory Erzsébet igazsá 1983.


Thorne, Tony: Children of the Night: of Vampires and Vampirism. London: Indigo, 2000.


Thorne, Tony: Countess Dracula. The life and times of the Blood Countess, Elisabeth Bathory. London: Bloomsbury, 1997.


Turoczi, Lászlo. Báthory Erzsébet. Budapest, 1744.


Turoczi, Lászlo. Ungaria suis cum regibus compendia data. Nagyszombat, 1729.


Twiss, Miranda: The Most Evil Men and Women is History. London: Michael O'Mara Books, 2002.


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