Infamous: A Bad Boy Sports Romance Novel (11 page)

BOOK: Infamous: A Bad Boy Sports Romance Novel
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he look
on his face went from questioning to animalistic in two seconds flat. I was reeling from the abrupt change in his demeanor when he lunged forward and yanked me down the bed by my hips.

I yelped in surprise, but the noise trailed into a squeal when he sealed his lips over my clit and sucked.

Jared flicked his tongue rapidly over the sensitive nubbin and I gripped the bed sheets as I writhed—trying to squirm away from the overwhelming sensation.

He gave me a brief reprieve in order to dip down and run his tongue over my slit, letting out a muffled groan before he pushed it inside. A finger began to work my clit while he slowly fucked me with his tongue, making me desperate to have his cock replacing it.

Jared pulled away and sat up on his knees, but kept the thumb rolling slowly over my clitoris. He tipped his hips until his cock was pressed tight against my thigh and began to rock it in time with the movements of his hand, spreading the slick pre-cum on my skin.

“Love the way you taste, sweetheart. Absolutely delicious. If I wasn’t in such a bind myself, I’d gladly spend hours giving you orgasm after orgasm.”

As incredible as it sounded, I was on the exact same page.

“Jared, fuck me.
,” I begged, propping myself up on my elbow and reaching out for him.

I had no idea why—but he froze. The hesitation was written all over his face, but it disappeared as quickly as it came. He accepted my hand and crawled up between my legs, caging me to the bed with an arm on either side of my shoulders.

I spread my legs wider and reached between us to guide him to my opening. But he gripped my wrist and pinned it tightly to the bed, shaking his head before he gently said, “Hold up. I need a bag.”

Jared rolled off the bed, going over to his suitcase and pulling out an unopened box of Magnums. He quickly sheathed himself before he placed the box on my nightstand and rejoined me on the bed.

Again, he hesitated before settling between my legs. I shot him a confused look, but he only swallowed hard and shook his head before he muttered, “It’s nothing.”

I might have pressed him to tell me if I wasn’t so drunk on lust as I was. But the moment he positioned himself at my opening, the thoughts evaporated into thin air. I tried to arch my hips, but he pressed me down and shook his head.

“Hold up,” he said, grinding his teeth together as he tried to lean over and return to our earlier position without slipping inside. Despite the slowness of his motions, the head still pushed inside just enough to give me a taste of what it was going to feel like to have him stretching me.

And god help me, I wanted more. When he was finally into place and staring down at me with a heated expression, I was about to beg.

But I didn’t have to. He sank forward, struggling to keep his eyes open and locked on mine as he buried himself to the hilt. A long, drawn-out moan tore out of my throat from the bliss and he inhaled sharply, his tense muscles shuddering as he fought to keep still.

“You feel incredible,” I said softly, smiling up at him and reaching to touch his cheek. “Move, Jared. Fuck me.”

But he didn’t. I tried rocking my hips beneath him, but all that earned me was a choked-off grunt and a firm hand on my hip that was intent on pinning me to the mattress.

“Are you all right?” I asked, trying to understand what the hell had gone wrong in the last three minutes that I had somehow missed. Wasn’t this what he wanted?

Jared’s eyes closed and he shakily exhaled, before he finally let go of my hip and pulled back… and out.

Before I had the opportunity to voice a protest, he was tugging me up and turning me around. Then he was pushing me down until I was on my hands and knees.

He hoarsely stated, “I fucking hate missionary,” before he realigned himself and slammed into me.

Whatever it was that had gone wrong with Jared was shoved out of my mind by the brutal force of his thrusts. I was thankful that he had so thoroughly turned me on—because if I hadn’t been as wet as I was—this definitely would have hurt.

As it was, there were still a few particularly hard thrusts that made my cries of pleasure turn into startled grunts of pain. But the two seemed to blend together to create a cocktail so potent that my body began to shake from the sensations.

“You fucking
this, don’t you?” Jared grunted between the hard pumps of his hips, ending with a sharp slap to my ass. “I knew you needed it, baby. From the moment we met—I knew you needed a good pounding.”

If I hadn’t been on the edge of an earth-shattering orgasm, I might have been a little offended. But his dirty talk was the last of my concerns as the pressure exploded—my eyes slamming shut as my body shook and spasmed. My scream echoed in the bedroom, but I was too enraptured to care about my volume.

Jared’s grunts turned to short moans behind me and his rhythm faltered. The pace slowed, but he pumped harder and harder until a long, deep groan rose from his chest as he buried himself to the hilt and let go.

My walls were still spasming around him, but I could feel the way his cock twitched as he spent himself. My toes curled at the sensation and I lost the battle to hold back an incredulous burst of laughter.

. No wonder the man was so cocky. I had never come that hard in my entire life—not even with a high-powered vibrator. And the fact that it was done mostly by his cock hitting my g-spot was even more impressive.

When Jared finally slipped out and let go of my hips, I allowed myself to ease down and collapse on the bed. The laughter had mostly died off, but I was still slightly shaking from it when I rolled myself over to watch him frown as he removed the condom.

“What’s so funny?” he panted, swallowing hard once he met my eyes.

“Nothing. It’s just... I get it now. Why you’re so popular with the ladies.”

Jared grinned, but there was something off about it. “Oh yeah? Good to hear.”

I sat up and grabbed his elbow, stopping him before he could move off the bed. He licked his lips and looked away, making my eyebrows draw together with confusion.

“Is everything okay?”

“Never better,” he lied, the tightness of his voice giving him away. “I need to clean up. Be right back.”

If I hadn’t been convinced that there was something wrong before, his abrupt departure from the bedroom was more than enough to cement it as truth in my mind. I sat up and propped myself against the headboard, getting under the sheet and pulling it up to cover my chest.

I honestly didn’t know whether or not I was going to be welcome to sleep with him when he came back and the ironic thought of being kicked out of my own bed made tears begin to well in my eyes.

The sounds of his movements in the bathroom eventually came to a stop but it wasn’t until minutes later that I heard the door open and close. I brushed the forming tears away and steeled myself for the confrontation.

But when he reentered the room, there was nothing amiss. The distance and coldness on his face had primarily evaporated into thin air, but I could still sense a bit of hesitation as he slid into bed beside me.

“You good?” he asked as he reached for me, pushing me down to the bed by my shoulders. “You seem tense.”

I almost blurted out,
‘Are you for real?’
before I thought the better of it. Maybe I had imagined some of his behavior in my head. Maybe he always had a moment like that after sex. I’d heard quite a few horror stories from friends in college about strange post-sex behavior.

Jared was moving himself to hover over me, staring down at me seriously as he asked me again if I was all right.

“I’m great,” I replied because honestly? I was. The only part of me that wasn’t okay was the part that thought I had done something wrong.

Jared grinned and flopped onto his back, pulling me to straddle his hips shortly after.

“Then you up for another round?” he asked, biting his lip while he thrust up and rubbed his cock against me. “Cause I sure fucking am.”

With a sly grin, I stretched to reach for the box of condoms.

In for a penny...


. Roll over, sweetness,” I softly whispered while I gently urged her to roll onto her side and let up the pressure on my arm.

She murmured in her sleep, but moved where I needed her to go. I winced when I sat up before stretching my arm out in front of me, willing the feeling to return to it. After taking a final look at April and making sure she was still sound asleep, I stood and tiptoed out of the bedroom.

I grabbed a bottle of water—wishing it was a beer—before making my way into the living room to sit down. I lowly chuckled at the towel, still sitting where it had all started earlier in the evening. After I dumped it to the floor, I plopped down in its place and ran a hand through my hair.

Well. It was too soon to tell, but it looked like coach had been right.

My dick
get me into a lot of trouble.

The thing that made this time different than the others, though, was that from the moment I first entered her… I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to leave.

What a fucking mess. My heart was still beating erratically just from the thought of April sleeping in the bed where I’d fucked her until the point of mutual exhaustion.

Never in missionary, though. It was just too… intimate. After that initial slide in, I was too much of a pussy to take her like that. To look into her eyes when we made—


If any of the guys on my team had explained this situation to me, I would have laughed in their faces and cracked an invisible whip. But now that it was happening to me?

Not so fucking funny anymore.

I couldn’t like her. I
couldn’t love her. I was incapable of it. Or at least that’s what I always thought, considering my extreme distaste for anything even remotely romantic.

Nothing about this made sense. Right after we’d finished the first time, I was so totally thrown by how fucking intense the sex was that I’d taken off like a bat out of hell so I could compose myself in the bathroom. I took a few minutes to stare myself down in the mirror and it was enough to convince myself that after such a build-up, one time simply wasn’t enough to fuck her out of my system.

Neither was twice.

Neither was the third time.

Maybe the fourth time was the charm, but I didn’t have another round in me. I spent too much energy during the third round when I twisted her body into all the positions I could possibly think of that didn’t require eye contact.

I was pretty sure she noticed what I was up to, but she was too blissed-out to comment. She’d promptly fallen asleep, but I had a feeling I’d be presented with questions in the morning.

Questions I really didn’t want to answer. Not even to myself.

So, logically, I knew that the best course of action for me to take was to act completely normal. Or at least as normal as I typically was. I could dodge any questions easily enough. Assuming she wasn’t going to wake up with a load of regrets and refuse to ever do it again, I could always resort to distracting her with sex.

With my mind made up, a pulse that had returned to normal, and a blatant refusal to acknowledge any emotions that might or might not have been blossoming deep in my chest for April, I headed back to the bedroom and lied down.

I purposely lied on my side facing the opposite direction, but she sensed the bed dipping in her sleep and soon enough, she was curled up against my back.

I stiffened further when her arm slung around my waist and a content murmur escaped her lips, the sound muffled against my shoulder.

My pulse went wild and I immediately knew that I wouldn’t be sleeping much that night.

* * *

espite the fact
that it had taken me a long damn time to fall asleep, the few hours I got were incredibly restful.

So restful that when I awoke to the sensation of April biting down on my neck, I swiftly rolled onto my side and pulled her against me.

She let out a squeak of surprise at my sudden alertness—the sound turning into a squeal when I took her into my arms and lifted her right off the bed.

“Good morning,” she gasped, totally bewildered. “Where are we going?”

“Shower. Sex. Breakfast,” I grunted, setting her down next to the sink in her bathroom and reaching into the shower stall to twist on the water. I gave her a pointed look and said, “Stay.”

I quickly rushed across the hall to grab a condom and rolled it over my morning wood, deciding that I might as well put it to good use since the desire to piss wasn’t nearly as strong as the desire to fuck again was. When I got back to the bathroom, April was frowning at me with confusion until she glanced down and saw my cock.

She grinned and propped herself up on the edge of the sink, spreading her legs wide open.

I didn’t speak nor hesitate—I simply took my place between her knees and pushed back into her. I was barely able to stifle my moan as I placed my chin on her shoulder and began to pump.

Even I wasn’t vain enough to stare at myself in the mirror while I had sex, so I closed my eyes and focused my mind only on the sensations. Not only on the feeling of her pussy wrapped around my cock, but also of her nails as they dug into my back, of her strong legs as they wrapped around my hips and forced me deeper inside.

Then there were the noises.
, the way she breathlessly chanted my name made me want to keep her for a hell of a lot longer than three more days. A dangerous thought, but it couldn’t be helped.

All I could do was get my fill and hope that one of these times would set me free from the crush.

April dragged me out of my thoughts with a whine and I realized that she was tugging at my hair, pulling me back.

I didn’t meet her eyes—just smashed our lips together like she wanted. When she pulled away, I could sense her looking down and I automatically followed suit.

She was watching my cock slide slowly into her depths and I’d be damned if it wasn’t the most erotic vision I’d ever seen. I chanced a look up at her face since her eyes were otherwise engaged.

Her pupils were blown wide with lust and she was gently biting down on her lower lip, but not hard enough to stifle the noises she was making. Even over the sound of the shower running, I could still hear the breathless moans as well as the slickness of her pussy as I sped up my hips.

Her chin began to tilt up and I pulled her from the sink—ignoring her weak protest and carefully stepping into the shower. I roughly shoved her against the wall and continued to pound into her, the warm water cascading down our bodies to where we were joined.

“Harder,” she grunted, twisting her hands into my hair as her eyes closed and her head tipped back. “
, Jared.”

Yes, ma’am
, I thought with a smirk as I began to pound her in earnest. The wet slap of our skin echoed in the shower stall along with her increasingly loud cries of pleasure and my animalistic grunts.

I hated the fact that I was teetering on the edge already. April was close—but I somehow sensed that she was going to take a hell of a lot more than I could give her this time.

“Rub your clit, sweetness,” I choked out, pulling back and forcing myself to make eye contact in hope that it would push her to follow my orders. “Make yourself come for me.”

One arm let go of my shoulders and she struggled to get it between us, but managed. I could feel her finger occasionally touch my cock as she furiously rubbed herself and soon enough, I could feel her walls beginning to flutter.

“That’s it,” I groaned, pumping harder and harder and grinding my teeth together to keep from blowing my load as I croaked, “Come with me, April.”

!” she cried out, her eyes opening wide and staring up into mine as she began to come.

The instant the waves of bliss began shaking her body—her eyes slammed shut and freed me from the exquisite torture of seeing the way she gazed at me while I took her.

Her walls clenched down tight and I let go—my vision going white as I slammed hard into her and spurted my release with a long groan. My legs shook so I leaned harder against her, hoping her back wouldn’t slip on the wet tile and send us both toppling over.

But at the moment, I couldn’t bring myself to care about the possibility. After an orgasm that hard, I just wanted some more fucking sleep.

April began to squirm in my arms so I eased her down to her feet and slowly slipped out of her in the process. She continued to pant heavily as she leaned back against the wall, a happy grin stretched across her lips.

I braced one hand on the shower wall and used the other to pull the condom off, frowning down at it when I realized it felt fairly light in comparison to the load I just shot off. I pulled at the latex to inspect it and couldn’t see a split, but the steam and water was making it hard to tell.

“That was fantastic,” April said with a sigh, opening her eyes and frowning when she saw the look on my face. “Is something wrong?”

“Nothing at all,” I told her as I leaned out to toss the rubber in the trashcan. After I made sure I sunk the shot, I reached out an arm and said, “Now come here so I can clean you up.”

“You’re only going to get me dirty again,” she remarked with a roll of her eyes.

“You’re goddamn right I am.”

BOOK: Infamous: A Bad Boy Sports Romance Novel
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