Inevitable (Key West #2) (4 page)

BOOK: Inevitable (Key West #2)
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Chapter Seven





I gathered up my clothes and tossed them in my overnight bag. I had every intention of getting drunk and handing my keys over to Jett. I would be sleeping in the guest room at his and Quinn’s house tonight.

A night with friends sounded like just what I needed. Quinn had it all planned out. We had good food, music, and a massive pool at our disposal. Let the good times commence.

I purposely put on my little red bikini under my jeans shorts and tank top. Tonight, I had every intention of continuing the little game of flirting Easton and I played earlier this week. He kept things interesting, he was strong and confident, and he didn’t back down from my attitude. In fact, that man could dish it out sometimes faster than I could. I wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but he made my heart race.

The party was in full swing when I arrived. I make it a point to be late—you know, to make my grand appearance and all that.

I entered through the back gate and looked around at all the familiar faces. Callie and Kade sat next to Jude at the edge of the pool. Avery and Quinn were placing all the food dishes on the table just outside of the back door. Jett and Easton were manning the grill, deep in conversation. My stomach may have twitched just a little at the sight of Easton shirtless and all manly looking, his tattoos standing out against his bronzed skin. I had to tear my eyes away. Why had I taken so long to realize just how sexy that man was?

“Well it’s about time you got here,” Quinn hollered from across the pool.

“Yeah, yeah,” I said, waving away her comment. “Just because the real party doesn’t start until I get here, don’t blame me that all your other friends are lame.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Easton staring at me. The thought of him watching me made my stomach ache with excitement. I decided to make a show out of removing my shorts and tank top. Why not make him swallow his own tongue? I wiggled my hips from side to side, shimming my cutoffs down my legs. I bent over at the waist, smiling to myself with the knowledge that I was being a total tease.

When I stood back up, I caught Callie looking at me with her eyebrow raised. I shrugged and looked back over my shoulder. Easton stood frozen, holding his beer to his lips. I shook my ass just a little, and he grinned as he tilted the bottle and took a drink.

I joined Callie just to the left of the hot tub and ignored the fact that she was still gaping at me.

“Um, hello.” She nudged my shoulder. “Do you mind telling me what’s going on with you and Easton?”

“Nothing,” I insisted.

“You like him, don’t you?” she taunted.

“Please, he’s just fun to flirt with.”

“Who’s fun to flirt with?” Quinn asked as she sat down and passed me a beer.

Before I could answer, Callie jumped in. “She just did some crazy little ass-shaking dance for Easton. She insists she likes to flirt with him, but I’m calling her bluff. I’m thinking she likes him.”

Quinn’s eyes lit up at the idea of a budding romance. She loved the idea of pinning people together in hopes that they would find the same kind of love Jett and she had. She wiggled in her seat and rubbed her hands together. “Oh, I love this. Easton is adorable—cocky, but in a cute way.”

“Did I just hear you right?” Jett’s voice boomed from behind us, and I choked on my beer. Quinn spun around and looked as if she had no idea how to answer that question.

Jett walked around to the front of the chair and bent down, getting within inches of Quinn’s face. “Did I hear you call one of my best friends adorable and cute?”

“I, uh, well, I was just…” Quinn stumbled over her words and I rolled my eyes.

“Oh get over it, caveman,” I said. “She was just trying to make a point to me. No need to get your panties all tied up in a knot.” Avery laughed and Quinn hid her smile.

Jett leaned in to Quinn’s ear and whispered not so quietly. “How about I take you inside and remind you how cute and adorable I am? I’m thinking that I need to slip your panties—”

“Okay, okay enough of that. I don’t need to hear what you want to do with Quinn’s panties.” I shivered at the thought of my brother’s sexual escapades.

“But I’m not wearing any panties,” Quinn stated. Biting her lower lip, she looked up at my brother seductively. His eyes gleamed and his face lit up with excitement.

“Seriously.” I wrinkled up my nose in disgust. “I think I just threw up a little,” I complained as I stood up and walked to the edge of the pool.

I was happy for Jett and Quinn, I truly was. I just couldn’t stomach the sexual innuendos and the fuck-me eyes they were always shooting at one another. I was a pissed-off, mouthy girl who was horny as hell. The last thing I needed was public displays of affection being thrown around by my brother. Gag.

I sat down on the edge of the pool, dipped my legs into the water, and tuned out the group behind me as I enjoyed my cold beer and the chilled water cooling my skin. The sun was blinding but felt unbelievably good. Leaning back on one hand, I looked toward the sky and closed my eyes, taking in the rays.

“This is a closer look but still not quite close enough.” Chills broke out over my heated skin, but I attempted to act unaffected. Easton sat down next to me and his arm grazed mine.

His skin was hot and smoldering, even his sweat smelled amazing. Manly and intoxicating. I had known Easton for years yet never took the time to notice just how irresistible he was.

Tilting my head to the side, I locked eyes with him. He had a cocky smirk on his lips, and I felt a knot form deep within my stomach. He was so close, yet I wanted him closer. I shifted my eyes downward to his mouth. Oh, the things I imagined him doing with that mouth only made the heat of the day intensify. Doing everything I could to hold on to the strong, confident Harper everyone expected, I looked back up into his eyes. “Not sure that offer still stands. I’m more of an in-the-moment kinda girl. I think that moment has passed.”

Easton was one of those men that dominates a room without even moving. The way he was staring at me, as if to say,
you don’t scare me
, was slightly intimidating. Who would have ever thought I could be intimidated?

I had never been the kind of person who hesitated. I never faltered when it came to my opinions or objections. Hell, if I felt it, I said it loud and clear. Why sugarcoat it? As for limits, well…let’s face it. I had none.

Right now, though, staring back at Easton as his blue eyes bored into mine caused my mouth to feel dry. He made my heart race and my stomach flip. I still wasn’t sure I liked that feeling. It made me feel weak. He made me hesitate, and he made me question my words before letting them fly. I wasn’t sure how to handle it.

I was more than sure that today was going to require alcohol—lots and lots of alcohol.









Chapter Eight





Over the next two hours I sat back and watched Harper, quietly observing the way she stood her ground with the guys and blended with the girls. She really could work a crowd. She honestly consumed everyone and brightened the party. Laughter spilled freely when she was around. Her tiny red bikini was taunting. I was pretty sure she planned that. It was a great play on her part.

Jett had caught me on more than one occasion eyeing her with extreme appreciation. I wasn’t willing to hide my interest, though. So when he took a seat next to me, I knew I was about to hear his
I am her brother, and I will kick your ass

“I’m trying to be reasonable about the idea of your interest in my sister. I’m just not sure I can,” he said, leaning back in the lounger next to me. “How long has this infatuation you have with her been going on?”

“Honestly,” I replied, “I’ve always thought Harper was attractive. But that was as far as it went.” I looked back out toward the pool. Harper laughed at something Jude said, and a tinge of jealousy gnawed at me. I wanted to be the one making her laugh like that.

“Something clicked that day in your office when she went off on us,” I attempted to explain. “She is the most self-assured, cocky, smart-mouthed woman I have ever met. She’s also strong and challenging, and somehow I find that appealing.”

She turned just enough that our eyes connected for a split second. “It’s refreshing, Jett. She’s different.”

“You don’t think I know that?” he asked. “She wasn’t always like this. Not until…”

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing. Just know that Harper isn’t as strong as she appears. Don’t get me wrong. She can lay it on thick, stand up for herself when needed, and make most men cower in the corner. But on the inside…” He shook his head, running his fingers through his hair. “She’s still that girl from high school who’s hoping to be good enough.”

His comments bothered me tremendously. I met Jett in college, so I hadn’t known Harper as long as Kade or even Jude had. I now had a feeling I was missing something vital about who she truly was.

“Just don’t use her.”

Jett’s statement made me turn in my chair to face him. “Come again?”

“If that is all you see when you look at my sister, then don’t act on it.” Jett stared at me, his expression hard. “I would say that you are one of my best friends, Easton, someone I would do just about anything for. But if I had to choose between you and her, you have to know there would be no question. I won’t stand by and watch her get hurt, not by someone I consider a brother.”

“What makes you think I would hurt her?” I had to admit, the fact that he was assuming I had bad intentions was pissing me off.

“She’s built walls to protect herself. She goes for all the wrong guys because she wants to stay safe. If she goes into a relationship with low expectations, she feels she has less of a chance of getting hurt in the end,” he explained.

“I’m not looking for a fuck buddy,” I stated as clearly as possible. “If I was looking for a hookup, I can guarantee you I wouldn’t go after Harper. I may not have known her my whole life, but I’ve known her long enough to know she deserves something good. And you…” I paused to get my thoughts straight. “Your friendship means more to me than one night of sex. I’m not willing to throw that away. No matter how hot the girl is.”

I chuckled when Jett smiled.

“I will tell you this—she could never just be a road gig. She is definitely more than that.”

I understood his reservations. If she and I had something that went south, my friendship with Jett would be lost as well. I looked over at the blonde beauty again. She was tipsy now, and her laughter was louder. She seemed less guarded. She was relaxed and she was absolutely beautiful.




As the night went on, the girls continued to drink, and when they started dancing next to the pool, Jett cut them off and lectured them about the dangers of slipping and hurting themselves. They called him a control freak and a buzzkill, but he was right.

Kade and Jude said their good-byes, and soon after, Jett dragged Quinn off to bed. I snuck off to the hot tub with a fresh beer in hand. I had paced myself all night, knowing I had to drive to my condo.

Avery, Callie, and Harper noticed where I’d gone and decided to join me, and there I was in a pool of heated water with three attractive woman. What guy wouldn’t love every second of that scenario? All three sat on the opposite side and stared at me, smirking. I had a feeling I was in for it when they all shared some sort of signal as they winked and nodded.

“So here we are,” Callie started. “Three of us and one of you. It’s late, dark, and no one’s around to witness or judge.”

Avery leaned over to Callie and whispered in her ear just before she traced her tongue up the side of Callie’s neck oh so gently.

I felt that one as my cock twitched.
What the fuck?

I looked over at Harper, who was watching me closely. I couldn’t read her blank stare, and I immediately remembered Jett’s words.
Harper isn’t as strong as she appears.

“Sorry, Callie, but I’m more of a one-woman man. And I have my sights set on one specific blonde,” I said, never once allowing my eyes to leave Harper’s.

Her expression softened and relief filled me.

“Well, I guess that’s our cue,” Callie said as she stood up and crawled out of the hot tub. She reached her hand out for Avery, who followed.

“As long as you understand that lick thing was only for show,” Avery explained to her. “I’m only into guys and have no intentions of ever going down under, if you know what I mean.”

Callie laughed and I too could no longer hide my smile. They were playing me, trying to get a reaction.

“No worries, A, I like dick too. You’re safe with me,” Callie assured her. The funniest part was the relieved expression on Avery’s face as they walked away.

“Most guys would have gone for that. Three girls in bikinis offering a night of fun without expectations,” Harper said, her voice slightly slurred.

I looked back at her. “Yeah, I’m sure most guys would have taken the bait. Three beautiful women, a hot tub, no witnesses.”

I slid off my seat and took the one next to her. Once I was closer, I could see her bloodshot eyes. She was extremely buzzed. He guard was down, that cocky attitude gone.

“I have other interests, though,” I stated, resting my head back against the headrest.

“Oh yeah, the blonde.” Her eyes drooped slightly.

“Yeah, she’s gorgeous.” I lifted my hand to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear, and her eyes closed. “She’s strong and bold, but under all that, she’s even more amazing.”

Harper forced her eyes open, and her lips curved into a smile. “She’s a lucky girl,” she whispered.

“Why is that?” I asked.

“Because she’s captured the attention of a man like you. You’re pretty gorgeous yourself, Easton Black. Any girl would be lucky to have a guy like you, to kiss, to hold…”

I leaned in closer and skimmed my lips over hers. Pulling back, I watched her eyes flutter open, locking on mine. “Do you want to kiss me, Harper?”

“Yes,” she breathed.

I pressed my lips to hers, and she wrapped her arms around my neck. Her tongue traced my lips, and I sucked on the tip. Her sexy, soft moan made me want more.

Our gentle kiss quickly became hungry, and she moved faster than a girl who had consumed a large amount of alcohol should have been able to. She placed her hands on my shoulders and straddled my lap.

The moment she started grinding against me, I gripped her hips, stopping her. “No, not here, not tonight.” She pulled back and looked at me, confusion evident on her face. “Not like this, baby.”

She looked startled as she slid from my lap, stumbled back in the water, and braced herself on the side of the hot tub, looking as if I’d slapped her.

“You’ve been drinking, Harp. I just don’t want—”

“Don’t,” she said, holding her hand up. “No need to explain. This shouldn’t have happened. None of it. I’m drunk and this was a mistake.”

I sat in the darkness and watched her climb out of the tub and grab a towel from the lounge chair as she passed it. Arguing with a sober Harper was a losing battle, but a drunk Harper? Hell, it would have been like beating your damn head against the wall.

When I heard the back door open and shut again, I groaned in frustration. Well, that was a disaster.

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