Inescapable (The Premonition Series) (27 page)

BOOK: Inescapable (The Premonition Series)
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JT introduces me to Owen, then he turns to Buns, Brownie, and me and says, “Ladies, you’re all dressed for sin, let us see what fresh hell we can make tonight!”

Buns laughs loudly, taking JT’s arm as Owen presents his arm to me. He escorts me to the waiting limousine outside. The trip to Ann Arbor takes less than an hour, and JT, Pete, and Owen tell us amusing stories on the way. Owen is a fairly interesting date, telling me about the first time he met Brownie and Buns during the Delt Wars last year. Somewhere between Crestwood and Ann Arbor, the ice between Owen and me melts, and I start to feel a little less awkward with him. Maybe it’s because he seems genuinely interested in my opinions, or maybe it’s because he’s really quick witted and won’t let JT monopolize all of our attention. By the time we arrive, I feel comfortable being here with Owen.

Holding my hand to help me exit the limousine, Owen tucks my arm securely in his as we walk together to the lobby. Just before entering, my Reed radar goes off, warning me that he is already inside. I knew he intended to come tonight. He’d sent me an email earlier in the week, telling me that he had made the arrangements to be here so I could attend. But, it was Buns who had let me know that Reed was bringing a date. I see them standing together immediately upon entering the wide door that Owen holds open for me.

Reed doesn’t turn around when I enter, and I’m grateful because I’m sure the look on my face would turn him to stone as I scrutinize his date. Buns had done some recon this week, finding out everything she could about Reed’s date, so there wouldn’t be any surprises for me. Her name is Caroline and she’s a junior in the Kappa house.
She is my opposite,
I think grimly, assessing her attributes. Caroline is petite, maybe 5’1”, and she looks delicate, like she’ll break apart if someone touches her. With her long, blond hair and pale-pink, empress-waist gown, she just screams the word

Thankfully, I am saved from considering Caroline any further because the booming voice coming from behind me takes all of my attention. “Good Lord, Red! Where’s the rest of yer dress?” Russell asks, only half jokingly when I turn to look at him.

I knew that Russell had been invited tonight as well. We’d talked about it at lunch this week. He was only able to make it because the Chargers had a home game earlier this afternoon. The Delts are interested in Russell as a prospective pledge for next semester, so they invited him to formal as a pre-rush perk.

A smile softens my lips because Russell is extremely handsome in his dark gray suit, white collared dress shirt, and black tie. His broad chest and slim waist make the suit jacket he wears look better than the other designer-suited men here. It’s because it is on such an appealing physique and not because it is expensive or well made.

Candace, standing next to Russell, looks as if she has been sucking on lemons the entire way to Ann Arbor while her eyes rake me from head to foot. The demure, pale-blue dress that she wears is almost floor length. She is very lovely, with her blond hair piled high on her head and cascading diamond earrings sparkling brightly in her lobes, but I can tell that there is something very wrong by the brittle smile on her face.

“The rest of my dress is on layaway. I’ll be able to afford it by next semester,” I say dryly. “You don’t like it?” I ask him, trying to smile.

“Now, I didn’t say that…” he says with heat in his eyes, and to my utter annoyance, something inside of me responds to it.

Candace sees the look Russell gives me, too. Her hands tighten on her clutch, so I hurriedly turn to Owen and say, “Russell and Candace, this is Owen Matthews.

“I already know him, don’t I, Owen?” Candace retorts somewhat rudely.

Owen takes it in stride as he says, “Yeah, we go way back. I think we had a couple of classes together last year. Are you ready to go find our seats, Evie?” Owen asks me with a conspiratorial smile. I nod, grateful for any excuse to get away from Candace.

Entering a private dining room, it is clear right away that most of the couples are already seated. In the confusion, Buns and Brownie are ushered to a separate table from Owen and me. I try not to let my disappointment show as Owen holds a chair for me facing a glass-tiled wall that cascades with water. I don’t allow myself to look around to see where Reed is seated, but I know he is close, really close, judging by the way my stomach is reacting.

After Owen seats himself, he smiles warmly before introducing me to his roommate, Scott, who is dating a sophomore named Chloe. Scott begins to tell Owen and me a funny story about why he and Chloe almost didn’t make it here tonight. But, I stop listening to Scott midway through his tale.

As Reed passes behind my chair, his fingertips graze my skin, trailing a warm, sensual caress across my back. A flush stains my cheeks at the intimate contact, and an airy breath catches in my throat. I close my eyes for a brief moment, savoring the sensation his touch leaves on my bare skin. It is as if every molecule in my body comes to life in an instant. When I open my eyes, the chair on my right side moves, and Reed seats himself next to me. Stealing a glance at Owen on my left, I see him debating the selection of lager on the menu with Scott.

Assuring myself that Owen is occupied for the moment, I whisper to Reed, “What are you doing?”

“Nothing is unconditional, Evie,” Reed says in an equally low tone.

My eyebrows rise in confusion. “What do you mean?” I reply, holding up my menu so no one will see our exchange.

Reed mirrors my action, opening his menu, too. “If your plan is to torture me, then I will not be the only victim,” he says softly.

“Are you accusing
of trying to torture
I ask incredulously, still trying to keep my voice low.

Reed’s eyes darken. “Please, don’t act naїve, not in that dress,” his replies.

“It’s just a dress. What’s with you?” I murmur, shaking my head in confusion. “I’m not the one who turned his back on us. That was you. The only strategy I’m employing here is to try to have fun and to be just a normal girl.”

“You are anything but normal,” Reed says, “and as for your date, he is a complete waste of time.”

Owen turns to me then, and asks, “What would you like to drink, sweetheart?”

Reed stiffens in my peripheral vision.
Not good.

“Water is fine for now, thanks,” I reply, trying to smile at him. Owen returns my smile warmly before giving the waiter our drink order.

“Why did he call you ‘sweetheart?’” Reed asks me in a low tone filled with menace.

I put my menu back up, pretending to read it, so that I can say, “I don’t know. I just met him. Maybe he
me.” I shut up completely when Reed’s hand brushes my thigh briefly under the table. The heat from the contact shoots through me like a conflagration.

Lowering my menu, I stare at Reed in confusion for a second, but Russell distracts me; he holds out a chair for Candace to sit in directly across from us. Candace picks up her napkin, snapping it out to place on her lap as she gives me a brittle smile. Russell seats himself beside her, frowning across the table at Reed with equal dislike.

Russell takes off his suit jacket, draping it on the back of his chair. “Reed, I’m surprised to see ya here. I didn’t know yer a Delt,” Russell says antagonistically as his eyes measure the distance between Reed’s chair and my own.

“Hello, Russell,” Reed says in a blasé tone. “I’m not a Delt. I came because a friend asked me to,” he says, gazing at me significantly.

He casually picks his menu back up and begins reading it as if he dines with all of us every night of the week. I study his profile for a moment until I realize that I am staring at him, and then I quickly hold my menu up, trying to read it. The waiter is still making his way around the table, and as he nears Russell, I hear Candace say in a waspish tone, “Russell, I need a drink. Get me a Stoli Raspberry on ice with diet Seven-up, not regular Seven-up and I want a lime in it, but if they don’t have a lime, then I want a lemon.”

“She’s a nightmare,” I murmur under my breath, and Reed laughs quietly next to me. He’d heard my comment and is savoring the fact that Russell has his own issues this evening. I resist the urge to look at Reed again because a part of me is desperate to see him smile.

“What looks good?” Owen asks, smiling at me.

“Mac and cheese,” I reply quietly without thinking, and then glance up at Reed, seeing his green eyes training on me.

“Do they have that on the menu?” Owen laughs, appearing to look for it.

“Probably not. The salmon looks good,” I reply, blushing. “What are you going to get, Owen?” I ask him, trying to cover up the fact that I can hardly breathe as I sip my water and avoid eye contact with the rest of the table.

Managing to regain my composure, I almost lose it again when I see Russell watching me from across the table; his brown eyes hold mine. I try to smile so that the concern I see there will lessen. Candace notices the direction of Russell’s eyes, so she gives me a crocodile smile as she asks, “Evie, wherever did you get that dress? It’s so…you…and not much else.”

“Buns ordered it for me online. It is me, isn’t it?” I ask, not wanting to back down from her thinly veiled insult.

“Your date is really enjoying it,” Reed says under his breath, so that only I can hear him, but I ignore him.

Owen, eyeing me appreciatively, says, “I think it’s perfect.”

“See,” Reed breathes menacingly.

I try to smile back at Owen, but I hear two sets of growls, one from Reed and the other from Russell. “Thank you, Owen,” I reply, but I’m on edge now, waiting for the next shot to be fired at me.

“Caroline, your dress is so pretty, don’t you think so, Reed?” Candace asks from across the table, but her eyes are still on me.

“Yes. Caroline is pretty this evening,” Reed politely agrees with Candace, while his arm comes up to rest casually on the back of my chair. His hand is very near my back and the proximity is making me squirm.

“Pink looks lovely on you, Caroline,” I agree, but it sounds a little strained because I am trying to leverage Reed’s arm off my seat discreetly with my elbow. It doesn’t work; he’s way too strong for that.

“Thank you,” Caroline replies in a bored tone, then she gives me the I-Know-You’re-The-Ex-Girlfriend smirk.

We order our meals, and I make small talk with Owen, Scott, and Chloe, ignoring the rest of the table, but Candace is determined to bring me back into the conversation. “Evie,” Candace smirks, “we were just wondering how long you and Owen have been dating? I’ve never seen you two together.” Her eyes are on me when she asks the question, but then they dart briefly to Caroline.

“This is our first date,” I reply, trying to keep it brief and not give away any details. I treat it like an interrogation because that’s exactly what it is.

“Oh, that’s so sweet, isn’t it, Russell?” Candace asks, giving Russell a toothy smile. “I think that’s so great, Owen. It’s nice to see you dating again,” Candace adds patronizingly as she directs her comment to Owen.

“Thanks,” Owen says, looking at me uncomfortably. Something is going on and everyone seems to know what it is but me. Looking at Russell, he is angry about something because he is glaring at Candace, but she’s ignoring him and acting nonchalant.

“No, really,” Candace says, taking a sip of her Stoli, “it’s just nice that we can all sit at the table together and not feel awkward at all.”

I almost smile, because as I glance around the table, everyone here looks to be feeling completely awkward. Everyone, that is, with the exception of Reed; he’s cool and removed from all of this.

Candace smirks, saying, “You dated Caroline, for what… almost a year, wasn’t it? That must’ve been hard when you two broke up, but now you’re moving on with Evie, and Caroline’s moving on with Reed.” She pauses to look over at Reed, and then at me before she goes on. “Caroline and Reed look so cute together, too…” Candace trails off when she looks over at Russell, seeing the murderous look he is throwing at her.

“Candace, that’s enough,” Russell says softly, and he seems embarrassed to be seated next to her.

Looking down at my plate, my mind races.
Is Candace right? Is Reed ‘moving on’ with Caroline?
I wonder as a stab of pain sweeps through me, but I realize in the next breath that Candace couldn’t possibly be right. Reed is immortal while Caroline is human and very, very breakable. Whatever they are to each other, he won’t tell her his secrets; it isn’t allowed. He can never share what he is with her, like he has with me. She’ll never know that he is an angel, but all of my rationalizing doesn’t stop me from feeling jealous of every moment that she gets to spend with him.

Owen addresses Candace as he casually puts his arm around my shoulders. “You’re right, it’s not awkward at all,” he lies glibly. “I’m very lucky to have Evie as my date tonight. I plan to make quite a habit of seeing her from now on.”

I smile up at Owen’s face even as my mind still races.
So, Owen and Caroline had dated. I wonder if Reed knew that and had asked Caroline tonight as some sort of strategy. What’s he up to? I
wonder with my eyes narrowing because this reeks of strategy.

I am grateful that once Candace let me in on our table’s intrigue, she doesn’t have much left in her arsenal. She isn’t getting the reaction from either Owen or me that she wants, and she is frustrated by it. Reed and Russell, on the other hand, are growing more and more surly as the meal progresses. No one is more relieved than I am when Candace, Caroline, and Chloe excuse themselves to go to the bathroom after dinner is finished.

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