Inequities (7 page)

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Authors: Jambrea Jo Jones

Tags: #Wereshifter/Paranormal

BOOK: Inequities
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“For what?”
Russ kissed Vivian’s forehead.

“Just—being you. That’s all. You could have thrown us out, but you listened to
and let us help. I know you were disappointed with the way things turned out with
being an escaped soul possessing Djimon. But you’re strong and true and I think I’m falling in love with you.” Vivian whispered the last words.

Russ pulled her closer and kissed her lips, truly happy for the first time in years. He’d watched David and Max find their true
and didn’t really think he would have that luxury. Running the pack would have been enough. Now he knew how hollow that was.

“I love you,” he stated. No thinking about it. This woman had his heart in her hands.

It was a good feeling. Not all mates could love each other. Most did, but he’d heard horror stories and he was more than happy that he would have a love match.

Now to keep her safe.
Russ got on the bike and held out a hand to help her on. Vivian wrapped herself around him and they raced off.
Pack safe house. They should be there in a couple of hours.

Chapter Six




Vivian rested her cheek on Russ’ back. The vibration from the motorcycle strummed through her body. She was a little sore from last night and this morning, but there was no way she was complaining. Things were looking up. She couldn’t wait until
returned. She missed her friend and protector. Vivian hoped things were going well with the group charged to destroy the Vessel and bringing
out of the darkness after so many years of being repressed in his own body. She couldn’t even imagine being an onlooker while someone else controlled her body.

Enough negative thoughts. Hopefully the trip to Africa went smoothly and things could start to become more normal.

They’d been on the road for a couple of hours. Finally a house came into view. It wasn’t as grand as the pack’s true home, but it was beautiful. She could tell it was a replica, but on a smaller scale. Russ’ pack wasn’t small; she wondered how they all fit in the building.

The bike slowed to a stop and Russ hopped off before helping her. It didn’t take long for a group of men to emerge from inside. They looked fierce and Vivian was glad they were on her side.

“What the fuck took you so long?” Max was the first to speak.

“I wanted to make sure we were alone and Vivian had to call her parents. And since when do I answer to you?” Russ cocked a brow.

This was the true alpha coming out and Vivian was in awe. Russ was brilliant.

Max shifted his eyes away and tilted his head to the side, baring his throat. Vivian went and kissed it like she had with Peter and Everett.

“What the hell?” Max’s eyes widened and he backed away.

Russ chuckled. “Let’s go inside. We have too much to talk about as well as having me formally introduce my mate.”

Max nodded and turned to the house.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—it’s just—it was natural and I did the same thing with—”

“Don’t apologise. Max wasn’t expecting it. He tends to be a big warrior man and is probably afraid Valerie will kick his ass for letting another woman touch him.”

“Well—I didn’t think of that. I should—”

“Valerie will be fine. You’re their alpha now too. It was a show of your respect.
Nothing more.”

Vivian nodded. What a way to stick her foot in it before she was even introduced as the alpha’s mate. It wasn’t like Valerie didn’t know. She’d been there the day the mates were declared, but it hadn’t been consummated yet and the other woman had no way of knowing that things had changed.

“Stop worrying.” Grey had fallen to her side.

Vivian looked around but didn’t see Peter anywhere. Had things gone bad?

“I can’t help it. You know how I get. I want everything to be all right.”

“It will be. No worries.” Grey squeezed her hand and went inside ahead of her.

David and Everett were two steps behind Russ. She needed his strength right now and hoped it didn’t make her appear weak. Vivian reached for his hand and he pulled her close. They entered together. Vivian stopped in her tracks when she saw all the faces in front of her. The whole pack was staring and she felt a little intimidated. She thought she’d have a little more time before the announcement, but it looked like things were going down now. She gulped.

“I see that you’re all here.
Safe and sound.
Good. I have an announcement, then if anyone has any questions they can ask before we eat.”

The crowd nodded.

Russ never let go of her and she was grateful. She saw a few familiar faces. Cord was there, as was Peter. Grey had edged closer to his mate, but Peter moved away. Grey looked crestfallen, but held his spot. David and Everett joined Max in front.

“First I wanted to let everyone know we won’t be here for long. We’re just here to regroup and I didn’t want the young hurt. Second, I wanted to introduce you to my mate. Vivian
is mine. You can introduce yourselves once we get back home. Third, someone is trying to take her away from me and I won’t have it. The individuals who broke our wards are from her old pack and under the mistaken impression that Vivian will be returning with them. We’re going to show them they are wrong. Now, any questions?”

Vivian looked over the group, but no one said anything until Everett finally spoke up.

“Yeah, can we eat now? I’m starved.”

David smacked the other wolf on the back of the head and the other wolves laughed.

“See, nothing to worry about.” Russ kissed her in front of everyone.

Not used to such public displays, Vivian knew her face must be red. A whistle from the crowd pulled them apart.

“Dinner,” Vivian reminded Russ.

Russ led her down the stairs and into the foyer. The wolves parted for them and all bared their necks as they passed. Vivian had the urge to kiss them all, the same way she had with Max, but Russ continued to pull her along until they reached the dining area.

Again it looked like the other house on a smaller scale. There was no way they would all fit in there to eat. She really shouldn’t have questioned it. Most of the wolves grabbed food and left. The only ones remaining were the pack betas, their mates and Greycen. He fit in with the bunch. As the table filled there were only two spots left side by side. Peter had no choice but to sit next to his mate and he didn’t look too pleased about it.

Vivian wanted to help so badly, but knew it wasn’t time. Some instinct told her to back off; that things would progress when they should.

Dinner was a loud and boisterous affair. The way it should be. Max and Valerie were snuggled together. They hadn’t been mated long, but you couldn’t tell by looking at them. Off to the other side, Everett pulled Peter into conversation while
listened. And she turned to see Bella holding David’s hand. Vivian’s gaze met Bella’s and Vivian didn’t break eye contact. Bella nodded with a smile. It had been a test of some kind and it looked like she had passed.

“I don’t know who cooked this, but it’s excellent.”

“Thank you.” Valerie and Bella spoke at the same time.

“Do you do the cooking at the pack house as well?” Vivian wanted to find out as much as she could.

“Not usually. We have a cook, but she isn’t feeling well so Valerie and I offered to fix the food. It’ll be okay. I just wanted you to know that.” Bella sounded so sure of herself.

“I don’t understand.” Vivian was confused until she remembered that Bella could see the future and read minds.

“Don’t worry, I can’t read minds as well as I used to. David helped me with a block and I’ve never been able to read shifters. But I do get visions. And the one I had last night had us back in the house with you and Russ at the head of the table.
was back with Djimon and Joy and Zareb were there as well.
A family.
All settled in. The way it was meant to be. So this too shall pass.” Bella grinned and went back to eating.

For a woman who claimed not to be able to read shifter’s minds, she had Vivian pegged.

“Don’t worry, Vivian. We’ll head back to the homestead tomorrow, take out the trash and get to know each other the way we should have before all this happened.”

And there he was again.
Her big strong alpha ready to take control.
It looked good on him. She just hoped he didn’t lose it again when the others returned. She knew that having Max, Bella and Valerie strong in both shifting and magic around still made him question himself. She wished he could see himself the way she and the others saw him.

“With you by my side?
No worries.” Vivian grinned and sneaked a kiss. Under her breath she whispered, “I’m worried about Peter and Greycen.”

Russ looked over at the two. Peter was on the edge of his seat as far away from Grey as he could get.

“I’ll take care of that too. If we don’t hear back from Zareb and
soon I’ll send the guys after them to find out what’s going on. The trip should help bring them together. I mean—it seemed to work for us. As a matter of fact it worked for David and Max as well.” Russ grinned.

Her man was devious when it came to matters of the heart. That was good to know.


Vivian insisted on helping with clean up. It was a good way to bond with the other women and she actually enjoyed the work and standing after being on the motorcycle for so long. Her legs still vibrated.

“How are you two settling in with pack life?” Vivian asked.

Russ had told her that Bella and Valerie were new to the pack and had their first changes recently. She hadn’t been aware that humans turned into wolves when they mated. Probably because her pack refused to mate until it was with other foxes. What a shame. They didn’t know what they were missing.

“I’m good. It’s still weird, but I love David and couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.”

Valerie nodded in agreement with Bella. Another woman had joined them in the clean up. Bella had introduced her as Erin.

“They’re naturals.” Erin smiled.

Between the four of them they had the place spic and span in no time. Vivian wondered if she could get them to help her when they got home.

It really would be hers and she couldn’t wait to explore all it had to offer. She still had to meet everyone and find out what exactly her position was. She knew she was considered their alpha, but at home that just came with a title and Vivian wanted so much more than that. She knew she could get all that she craved with these wolves.

“Excuse me. Are you finished? If so, I want to take Vivian out back so we can shift.” Russ stood in the doorway.

It took all of her control not to throw herself at him. She wanted to mate again.

“All done.”
Vivian put her hand towel on the counter and walked closer.

Russ held out a hand and led her to the back door. She was nervous. Russ had never seen her in her fox form.

“We can leave our clothes here. Bella will wash them and get your old clothes back to you by the time we return. She went shopping for some new things on the way here.
Must have had a vision that we might need them.
She’s gotten stronger since her mating. I hate having
scent on you.”

Vivian rushed out of her clothes. Being a shifter, she wasn’t usually so modest. She’d changed in front of her den all the time. But somehow this was different. It was Russ and he was used to wolves.

Before she could lose her courage, she shifted. It was a smooth process for her. One moment she was a human, the next a fox. Her pelt was blonde, like her hair. She used to wish she was red like
, but she’d come to terms with that long ago.

She turned to see Russ had also shifted. He was magnificent and so big. He dwarfed her in this form. He nipped at her heels and they raced off into the night. It was good to run. If she were in human form she would have laughed at the pure joy of racing in the wind and through the trees.

Where Russ was, she’d have it.


* * * *


Finally he’d found it. It hadn’t been too hard to find the safe house. Sanders had managed to track some bank account. Ryerson wasn’t about to question it. He was here now and he’d take care of business. He should have brought the others. He didn’t realise how many wolves there really were. No matter. He’d have Vivian dead by nightfall.

Ryerson couldn’t believe his luck when Vivian stepped outside and shifted. One of the wolves was with her. He imagined it was her ‘mate’. Vivian’s parents had told him about the call, but he was able to persuade them to let him check for himself.
The wounded ex and all.
They’d played right into it and here he was. Ryerson didn’t chance a shift. The wolf was bigger than him when shifted, but none of that matter now. He had the magic in his system, he could conquer anything.
And if not?
His gun would work just fine. A nice wolf pelt might come in handy during the winter months.

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