Indwell (Chasing Natalie's Ghosts) (30 page)

BOOK: Indwell (Chasing Natalie's Ghosts)
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“I want you to practice your running vaults before we go anywhere dangerous,” he said as I looked around at all the beautiful flowers that were scattered throughout the big green meadow he led me to.

“Sure. Good idea,” I said getting ready to run. Carlos ran with me and when he said `jump’ I leaped as far as I could go. It was kind of like running long jump in track and field. I was fascinated by how far my jump was. I secretly thought of going back to high school and competing now.

“I think you’re ready to try a cliff, what do you think?” Carlos asked grinning at me. The expression on his face reminded me of an excited little boy.

“Sure. No problem. You did say a small cliff right?” I was feeling anxious now. I really didn’t think a few jumps in a meadow was enough preparation before going cliff diving.

“I will jump with you and if I feel you falling I will grab you, okay?” he seemed serious now.

“Yes, I’m ready, don’t worry. I can do this,” I said trying to reassure him as much as myself.

“Is something wrong Carlos?” I asked as we walked down the trail.

“I’m sorry Natalie. I’m just worried about you. I know you’re doing so well. I just worry all of this might put you in more trouble someday,” he said looking away from me.

“What kind of trouble?” I asked.

“Well, with the type of characters associated with Adam now,” he said this so quietly.

“I have Hayden to watch out for me and I really have no fear of Adam,” I lied.

“I don’t believe he would ever hurt me. He left me so that I could live a fairly normal life with another living person. He acted unselfishly. I know he still cares about me, you can’t fake that. Please, Carlos, don’t worry about me. I would love to keep in touch with you. Maybe I can come back here sometime and we can train together. I can make it an annual thing. That’d be cool don’t you think?” I asked. He looked me in the eyes, smiling.

“I would love that Natalie. Here we are,” he said as he looked up, I followed his gaze, all the way up to the top of the cliff.

“You think I can jump up there?” I laughed.

“No silly, were going to climb up and then jump down. It will come in handy if you have to scale a building, then for some strange reason have to jump off it. You just never know.” I glared at him, not sure if he was being serious or not.

“I am serious Natalie,” he said, reading my mind. Would I really have to scale a building? Who did he think I was, Spiderwoman?

“Okay, I’m game. Let’s go.” I ran ahead of him towards the cliff. He quickly caught up to me. We stopped at the bottom of a large rocky wall.

“Let’s start here. Just look for a hand and toe hold and go as fast as you can. Remember to use your senses and try not to think too hard about it. Just follow your instincts. Trust yourself. I know you can do this and I’ll be right behind you. Are you ready?” he asked. I smiled and nodded.

“I’m as ready as I’ll ever be Carlos!” I answered as I took off up the cliff. This was exhilarating. I was wishing Hayden was with me again. I was surprised by how well I was able to climb. I seemed to just know where the next step would take me. It was like I was two steps ahead as I scaled the cliff. I wanted to shout with happiness but I thought I might scare Carlos. He was so amazing for teaching me this. I hoped we would always be friends. I felt so strong and adventurous when I was with him. I wasn’t afraid or in need of reassurance. The thought of staying here entered my mind. I guess that wasn’t an option since I was being trained for duty. I had a job to do now.

“Yes, I made it!” I shouted. I hugged Carlos as he stood up beside me. He wrapped his muscular arms around me and picked me up and squeezed me gently.
“What, did you have doubts?” he asked sarcastically. I grinned at him. Nothing could break my mood at that moment. I could have kissed him but I decided I better not confuse our friendship.

“Now for the fun part!” he had such a cute, wicked grin forming on his face.

“More fun, what have I done to deserve this?” I asked poking him in the ribs.

“We will have to make a slight run for it, but you’ll notice as we jump, that our landing will be far off from the cliff, but the ground comes at you quickly. You have to brace yourself for the landing. I don’t want you to break anything or else I’ll be a broken man,” he said smiling. He was thinking of Hayden killing him and I knew he was right.

“Okay, how do I brace for the landing?” I asked, trying really hard to concentrate.

“Let me show you.” He led me back from the cliff’s edge.

“I’m just going to run for a bit and show you how I land.” He ran back into the woods. Within a few seconds he was running at me and then he crouched in the air like a cat in attack mode. He landed almost on all fours, his knees were bent and his right foot was in front of his left. His back was arched and his gaze was straight ahead.

“I think I got it,” I told him as he walked towards me.

“Show me, the exact same way I landed,” he ordered, pointing towards the woods.

“Fine, but just once,” I whined as I walked into the woods. I collected my thoughts and focused on exactly what Carlos did. I ran ahead and landed exactly as he did.

“What did you think of that?” I danced around him.

“You are having way too much fun. Do have any idea how serious this is?” he tried to be stern but I could tell he was having fun too. I poked his sides again and laughed.

“I’m sorry sir. I will try and be serious. No more laughing.” I could see the smirk he was trying to conceal.

“You’re a bad girl Miss Natalie. You torment me. Okay, let’s go. Remember though, that I will be right beside you and if I feel something’s off I will grab you and throw you on my back, understand?” he explained as he stared into my eyes. He was trying to keep me focused.

“I believe I’ve got it,” I said. As we walked back from the cliff, I reached for Carlos’ hand. I really don’t know why, but I felt like I needed to. We stopped and I looked at him waiting for a signal. I admit I was scared now. What the hell am I doing? I think Carlos sensed my change in demeanor. He nodded at me.

“You can do this,” he smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. He dropped my hand.

“Now!” he shouted and I was off. I flew. I was flying over the gorge below. I saw the ground coming at me. I had to brace now. How do I brace? I panicked for half a second, I felt like I completely forgot everything, but somehow I managed to form into the landing position, almost instinctually. I shrugged my shoulders and tucked my head in. I put my left foot in front of my right. I knew it didn’t matter which foot was in front as long as my knees were bent. I wanted to shut my eyes and wait for the impact but I knew I had to stay alert and control my landing, only a second left. I landed and rolled into a summersault. I heard Carlos land perfectly behind me. He was still on his feet as I looked up lying on my back, smiling.

“How did I do?” I asked, stunned.

“Well, can you move or are you paralyzed?” he asked, not really joking. I sat up.

“Well, I’m not paralyzed,” I replied.

“You landed perfectly Natalie. You were awesome.” He helped me up and hugged me. I was still in shock that I didn’t kill myself.

“Are we going again?” I asked, smiling at him as he continued to hold me close. He kissed me quickly on the lips then pulled away before I had a chance to respond.

“I’m sorry Natalie! I’m just so excited for you. Please don’t tell Hayden?” he begged.

“It’s okay Carlos, what happens in Argentina stays in Argentina,” I tried to laugh it off. He nodded and turned away from me.

“Good. Okay, one more time, my Mad Nat,” he said racing towards the cliff. I was quick to join him.

On the walk back to the jeep Carlos was too quiet. I hoped he wasn’t thinking of his one indiscretion but I knew he was.

“I had a great day Carlos, thank you so much,” I said as I squeezed his hand.

“You’re welcome Natalie. I hope I have done you a favor by teaching you this,” his tone seemed melancholy. Not like the Carlos I met just days ago.

“Absolutely, how can it not work in my favor?” I laughed.

“Remember, base jumping is a great skill to have, especially if I have to jump off a skyscraper or something,” I tried to sound serious.

“Hey, I didn’t say skyscraper, I said building. Please don’t give me a heart attack. Buildings, no more than five stories, got it?” he seemed angry now.

“Okay, no more than five stories, got it,” I said looking down, pretending to be sad.

“I’m sorry Natalie. I just hope you’re not uncomfortable with me. I really like your company. I didn’t mean to do anything wrong. I love Hayden too.” I smiled at him and stood in front of him, making him stop.

“I love hanging out with you Carlos and I wouldn’t trade your friendship for anything. The only thing that’s making me uncomfortable is you being all pouty faced now. Please man, chill out,” I said grinning at him. He slowly grinned back, looking absolutely wild. He was definitely a man of the jungle. No woman would ever be able to hold this man down. I kissed my finger and placed it on his lips. I smiled and ran ahead of him.

Once we reached the jeep Clive jumped out. The sun was high above us now. I wondered what time it was.

“So Carlos, how did our little prodigy do today?” he asked.

“She was just amazing sir. I don’t know where you found her but damn, she is good,” he said seriously. I couldn’t help but smile at him. Clive laughed.

“That’s what I was expecting. I’m glad she has done so well. I can’t wait to see her in action.” He walked over to me and held his arms out for a hug. I glanced at Carlos as he grinned and looked away. I hugged Clive.

“I’m starving,” I said as he let go of me.

“I bet you are, that’s why I brought you some lunch to eat on the way back, although we’re probably getting closer to dinner by now,” he announced as he opened the door for me.

“Thank you Clive, that’s so thoughtful. Carlos, are you hungry too? I can share,” I said as Clive was walking around to the driver’s seat.

“Don’t worry about him. I brought him food as well. It’s by your feet Carlos,” Clive said as he hopped in. I’m going to have to remember the supersonic ear thing. I have to learn to be a little more cautious. I gasped as I thought of Hayden. I hoped no one had overheard us in the house. I smiled to myself thinking of Hayden. I wondered what he has been doing with his time while I had been away. He mentioned he went out with Edmund hiking yesterday. I hoped he wasn’t worrying about me.

“So Natalie, what did Carlos have to teach you today?” Clive asked as we drove down the narrow path back to the Inn.

“Carlos taught me how to fly. It was amazing. I love being here. I hope to come back again soon, if you’ll have me,” I gushed. Clive smiled.

“I would love to have you as a recurring guest. If I am right in understanding your abilities then you will be. I just want you to know that you will be financially taken care of so that you can concentrate on your new craft.” He was smiling as he looked straight ahead.

“I really hope I don’t let you down Clive,” I was serious now. I really wanted to please him. He had taken me in and given me an amazing gift. He has taken the time to teach me the history of the Seekers. He had given me Liam, Carlos and Sofia. It was such a valuable experience. I couldn’t have asked for better instructions. I was so grateful.

“I believe in you Natalie. You are going to be one of my favorite Seekers. I’m sorry if we had a few rough spots in the beginning,” he was smiling coyly. I was feeling so happy now. I knew Clive was harmless. He just puts up a great front. I touched his hand briefly.

“Thank you Clive for your support and faith in me, it really means a lot. I know Hayden is a little biased. He loves me so of course he thought I would do well here, but having it come from someone like you mean's so much.” I glanced at him in time to catch his smile. He quickly frowned though.

“I want to apologize for Elizabeth too. She has no idea how important you will be. Her senses don’t compare to yours or mine or Carlos’ for that matter. I have tried to tell her but she gets the wrong idea, thinking I need you in some other way. So please don’t let her shake your confidence. I understand your devotion to Hayden too. I admit I am jealous of it. Your passion is beautiful to witness.” He looked miles away as he drove. I don’t even think Hayden knew this side of Clive. Maybe someday I could explain it to him.

“Clive, is there anything more I should know about Adam?” I asked, realizing that now would be the best time to try and get information from him. This was the first question that came to mind. His shoulders seemed to shrug, as though he was defeated. He sighed and told me what he knew.

“Adam is not the saint you once thought he was. I can tell you that he does love you. From what I’ve heard he believed that Hayden would be better for you. He was man enough to let you go, but he has been suffering ever since. He has allowed his grief to take over. He needed a distraction. He has now become separated from the pain. He is being ruled by the light now. His soul is hidden. He is different. You will not recognize him anymore. He is like a child, fearless and excitable, he is unafraid of consequences. He wants to see how far he can take this. He hasn’t crossed any serious lines yet. I know it is coming and I know once it happens only you can stop him. I also know that Hayden will not let you go alone. Just remember that when I said you don’t have to fear him I meant it, he will never hurt you, no matter how far removed from his soul he is. I know this Natalie and I know Hayden will not understand it.

You will have to find a way to distract him while you capture Adam, alone. You will have to end Adam’s torment. I know that you understand this. You more than anyone will want him reunited with his parents and put an end to his suffering. He is not the Adam you once loved, believe me.” He glanced at me quickly as I tried to hold back my tears. I didn’t want to believe him, but I knew deep down that he was right. My Adam would never harm me or even think of it. I was sad knowing it was the pain of leaving me that caused him so much anguish. He has lost himself because of me. I had to end his pain. I had no choice.

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