Indiscretions (10 page)

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Authors: Donna Hill

BOOK: Indiscretions
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He reached up and cupped her full breasts in his palms, kneading the tight, hard nipples between his fingers. She cried out his name as his head arched upward to take a waiting breast into his mouth. Deeper he plunged, forcing Khendra to brace herself on the wooden headboard. Together they raced forward, knowing they could no longer be denied the sublime pleasure of release.

The evening breeze whipped the sheer white drapes in and out of the open balcony, almost in unison with their rhythm, caressing them relentlessly. Sean let out a low groan as the pressure built within him. He grabbed her hips, forcing her to succumb to the urgency that welled inside. Khendra cried out as the spire strained upward. Her breathing was short and erratic, drops of perspiration trailed down her back.
This can't be real,
she thought as the heat continued to radiate and magnify. Her eyes were misty, her vision blurred as she looked down onto Sean's handsome face. The glorious sensations built to a staggering tempo, the intensity frightening her with its power.

Sean grasped the back of her head in the palm of his hand, his dark eyes scorching through her. He could only grind out a single word through his clenched teeth.


He hurled himself upward in deep rapid bursts, pushing her downward with just one large hand. Khendra screamed his name as countless explosions of unsurpassed fulfillment ripped through her, leaving her drained. Sean gathered her in his arms, releasing the last shattering pitch, as he turned her on her back and covered her lips with tender kisses.


Khendra lay nestled in Sean's arms, the magnificence of the past few hours clinging to her soul, spinning her heart. She felt overwhelmed by the barrage of emotions that assaulted her. How could she feel so wonderful in this man's arms? Surely she didn't deserve the ecstasy they had experienced.

She snuggled her head against Sean's warm neck, listening intently to his even breathing and the pulse that beat steadily in his throat. She closed her eyes, feeling momentarily content and secure, and was drifting off in a satiated sleep when visions of Tony's boyish face loomed behind her closed lids. His light brown eyes and golden face accused her, and a shiver of guilt ran up her spine.

She squeezed her eyes tighter until tiny sparks of light popped like flashbulbs in her head. Her breathing slowly escalated to tiny, rapid breaths, and a thin film of perspiration covered her body. As if in a dream, she could hear the sound of sirens, high-pitched and chilling. She began to tremble as she saw the flashing red lights, and the sounds of deep, hushed voices pounded in her head.

She felt as if she were being swept away into an abyss, the nightmare becoming more real, edging closer with each beat of her heart. Any minute now, the man in the shirt would say the words. But if she covered her ears, she wouldn't hear them—again.

Then she felt herself being shaken. Someone was calling her name. The voice sounded as if it were coming from a long, dark tunnel. Slowly, the glaring lights and the hushed voices receded, and she could just make out a distant light entering the tunnel.

“Khendra! Khendra!”

The voice was getting closer. Suddenly, she jerked upright in the bed, looking frantically around the room. Her whole body was a tight, trembling coil.

“What's wrong? Tell me. What is it?” Sean took her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him.

Then she just seemed to wilt, and Sean gathered her in his arms, pulling her against his pounding heart. He stroked her hair, brushed her forehead with tender kisses, until he felt her breathing return to normal. Gently, he laid her down on the bed, fluffing the pillows behind her. Her large, sad eyes looked up at him as if hoping to find some answer in their inky depths. She took a deep, tremulous breath and slowly closed her eyes.

“I'm sorry,” she whispered in a thready voice.

Sean cradled her head against his chest. “You have nothing to be sorry about. You just scared the hell out of me. That must've been some dream. I never knew I could have such a devastating effect on a woman.” He tried a smile to lighten the mood.

Khendra eased out of his embrace and stretched her legs across the edge of the bed. Sean reached for her, and she tautly drew away. “Please don't,” she pleaded in a strained whisper, standing up and pulling a print kimono around her gentle curves.

“Damn it, Khen. What is it?” He stood behind her and swung her around to face him. “Talk to me.” His deep voice went straight through her, demanding, urgent.

“I…I can't. Not now…not yet.” The beginnings of tears christened her eyes.

He pulled her into his arms, feeling his heart thud madly against his chest. Dozens of thoughts swam through his head, but nothing made sense. What transpired between them was more than just sex. It was something he had never experienced before. He knew she felt it too. Then why was she shutting him out, and what had terrified her so? He had gone over the edge this time. He had opened a part of himself that had been closed for too long. And he had no intention of giving up, at least not yet. If she wanted time, he would give it to her—but only for a while.

“All right,” he said grudgingly. “If that's the way you want it.” He let her go and walked across the hall to the shower.

Moments later, she heard the sounds of rushing water, and the earlier, magical images came speeding back. Taking a deep, shaky breath, she pushed the visions away and headed toward the kitchen.

Sean finished showering and put his clothes on.

When he came out of the bedroom, he found Khendra sitting at the kitchen table, staring into a cup of steaming tea.

“Hi,” he said gently, cutting into her thoughts. She looked up to see him tucking his shirt into his pants. They stared at each other for an awkward moment, and then both of them spoke at once.

“Would you like some—”

“I guess I'd better—”

“You first,” Sean conceded, with a half-smile.

“Would you like some tea? It's freshly steeped.”

For a few more moments with you, of course.
“Yeah, that sounds good.”

For several moments they faced each other across the round wooden table. The only sounds were the light sipping noises as they drank their tea.

At some point she had to come to grips with her life, she thought, as she inconspicuously watched Sean's profile. Yet there was that deep, dark corner of her heart that told her that happiness was not to be hers. She must pay for what happened to Tony.

Sean looked up from his cup and saw the tortured look that hung in her eyes. A sharp pull ripped through his gut. He stretched his hand across the table and stroked her smooth knuckles.

Khendra's lips twisted into a semblance of a smile before he spoke. “I guess you think you've really hooked up with a nut case,” she said in a low voice.

“I don't know what to think at the moment. You haven't told me anything.”

She shook her head, sighed deeply and rose from the table. Sean got up from his seat and followed her. Walking toward the terrace, she slowly, painfully began to speak. The need to exorcise her heart was more powerful than she realized.

“It had been raining all day. We'd gone to the company party—Tony and I.” She hesitated.

Sean stood next to her on the terrace, his muscled arms braced against the white railing, and waited for her to continue.

“He'd been drinking and we'd gotten into a terrible argument about my work, right in the middle of the room. He always felt threatened by my success, no matter how much I reassured him.” She hesitated again, and stared out at the cloudless sky.

“There were a lot of important attorneys, judges and politicians there, and Tony began making a scene. I knew he'd had too much to drink.” Her voice broke, as hot tears crept down her cheeks.

“Shh. You don't have to tell me anymore. It's okay,” Sean soothed. He put a comforting arm around her shoulder and pulled her next to him.

“But I shouldn't have let him go,” she sobbed. “If I only…oh, God!” Silent sobs racked her body as she clung to Sean.

“It wasn't your fault, Khen. You can't go on blaming yourself.”

She continued as though she didn't hear him, compelled by something deep within her that needed release. “They said…he…just walked right out…in front of the truck.”

Sean cringed inwardly at the vision and pulled her tighter. “You couldn't have known,” he said softly.

“But he needed me so much, and I wasn't there.”

She turned dark, misty eyes toward him. “I wasn't there. How could I ever think about being happy again? I don't deserve to be cared about.” She turned and walked back into the living room.

Sean walked behind her, caught her by her shoulders and turned her to face him. Pushing her to arm's length, his smoldering eyes riveted her with their force. “Now you listen to me, and listen good! I've waited all my life to find someone like you. And now that I've found you, I'm not going to settle for what you just told me.”

“But Sean, you don't—”

“I said

Khendra instantly knew he meant business.

“There's no way you could have known what was going to happen. I'm sure if you did, you would have stopped him. But I'm here now, and you're here. We have a chance—together. But only if you're willing to let it happen. I am, and I know I can make you happy.”

Khendra hung her head. Her heart pounded in her chest. She wanted to leap into his arms, sink into the comfort of his words. Could it be possible that happiness was only a breath away? Did she dare take that chance and risk losing again? She looked up into Sean's eyes and saw the look of sincerity and genuine caring that filled the dark depths. Suddenly she knew she was willing to try.

Slowly she stepped into his arms, her eyes searching his face. Then she placed one, soft tentative kiss upon his lips. Sean seemed to draw in all the air around them as he pulled her into his arms and covered her lips with his own. His hot tongue parted her lips, rediscovering the moist cavern. He stoked her back, her hips, her thighs. Finally his fingers inched their way under her belted kimono to stroke the silken nakedness beneath.

Khendra sighed as the warmth of his touch began to methodically melt the icy doubt that had formed around her heart. She felt herself, once again, giving in to the pleasure of Sean's artful caress. Questions sought to seep into her consciousness, but she shoved them aside for the moment, wanting only to lose herself in his heady kisses.

Finally, it was he who broke the connection. “I think I'd better be going,” he said in a throaty voice, “or else you may never get me out of here.”

Khendra smiled tenderly, stroking his smooth brown face with a slender finger. “I had a beautiful evening.”

Sean put a finger to her lips. “Don't say a word or you won't get rid of me. I'm warning you.”

“All right. But I have to say one thing. I…I just want thank you…for understanding.”

“There's nothing to thank me for, Khen. I care about you.”
Maybe more than I realized.
“If we're going to be in this thing, we're in it together.”

He stood in the doorway looking down into her bronze-colored face, and was once again overcome by her exotic beauty. He placed a tender kiss on her cheek. “I'll see you tomorrow.”

“I'm looking forward to it.” And she realized she really meant it. He turned to leave. “Oh, Sean.”

He looked over his shoulder.

“Thanks for the flowers. They were beautiful.” For a moment he had a puzzled look on his face.

“Is that a hint?”

“Hint? Of course not. You did send me flowers, didn't you?”

“I wish I had. And you thought you didn't have any admirers.” He smiled and walked down the hallway.

Khendra's heart pounded in her chest, as she closed the door. If Sean didn't send them, then who did? She didn't want to think about the possibility.


For the next few weeks, Khendra floated on cloud nine. All of her hours away from work were spent either thinking of Sean or being with him. So much had happened in such a short span of time. At certain moments she still couldn't believe her own happiness. She had even told him about her initial animosity toward him when he first arrived at the firm. Now, instead of a bone of contention, it was a standing joke between them.

What added to her aura of peace was that Alex Counts was out of town on business. However, he made it perfectly clear via his personal secretary that they would talk when he returned. Even though she had immediately disposed of the flowers once she realized they were from him, she still could not rid herself of the sense of foreboding that hovered on the fringes of her happiness. Today he was due to return.

Not knowing what to expect, Khendra was agitated. She paced her office like a caged lioness. As she walked, she nervously twisted a button on her trim-fitting magenta linen suit and occasionally patted her hair into place.

Taking a halting breath, she paused in front of the large window, looking at the wide expanse of blue sky that canopied the bustling, colorful city. Momentarily, she visualized herself and Sean walking hand in hand, as they often did recently, meandering in and out of the myriad of shops and cafes along the historic walkways.

A soft smile of contentment pulled across her smooth face, lighting her eyes. As much as she was afraid to admit it, she was falling, and falling hard, for Sean Michaels.

There was no denying the powerful attraction she had for the man. Just thinking of him made the pulse pound in her head, and she felt a slow, hot flush spread over her as she relived his drugging kisses and his masterful caresses.
Slow down, girl,
she chided herself, with a silent chuckle.
There's nothing as good as being there!

Turning away from the window, her smile was immediately replaced by a look of alarm and annoyance. She didn't know how long Alex had been standing there, and it didn't matter. All she felt at that moment was a sense of being stripped bare, almost as if her thoughts had been invaded by the most cunning of voyeurs.

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