Indiscretion: Volume Three (Indiscretion #3) (5 page)

BOOK: Indiscretion: Volume Three (Indiscretion #3)
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Seeming to break the spell Gabe was under, he pulled away, embarrassed based on the flush in his cheeks.

Jamie said, “Let me take a quick walk around the place and see if anything seems out of the ordinary.” He stepped out the back door and returned a few minutes later. “There are some foot prints in the garden underneath the window, but they’re all smudged. Definitely a male by the size of them, but that’s all I can tell.”

That wasn’t anything I hadn’t already assumed on my own. Most women I knew didn’t have any proclivity to break and enter.

Jamie tapped his fingers against my kitchen counter. “Because you aren’t filing a report, I can’t get a team out here to dust for prints.”

“What about the newspaper, honey? Jackie asked. “Anything you can do with that?”

Jamie walked over to the table and took a look at the article. “How many people do you figure have touched this, Chloe?”

I realized then that picking up the newspaper and bringing it over to Max’s hadn’t been the smartest thing to do. “Myself, the paper boy, probably whoever drops the papers off at the paper boy’s house…Max.” Gabe pinned me with a what-the-fuck stare, and I started to defend myself. “I brought it over to his hotel room when I went to confront him about it.”

Jamie let out a frustrated sigh.

I shrugged. “I’m sorry, guys. It’s not like I have any experience with stuff like this. I didn’t think about it,” I said, crossing my arms.

“Don’t you worry about it,” Jackie said in a tone that made it clear to the two guys in the room to drop it.

Jamie reached into the back pocket of his uniform and pulled out a pair of latex gloves. While putting them on his hands, he said, “I’ll take this back to the station with me. It’s more than likely that nothing will come up, unless the person who was in here has a record, and that’s if there are any usable prints on the thing.”

“Thanks, Jamie.” I gave him a small smile. “I appreciate it.”

“Don’t mention it.”

Jackie tugged lightly on my arm. “Do you want to come and stay with us tonight?”

“I can stay here if you want,” Gabe offered, looking down at the floor with his hands in his back pockets.

I glanced between the two of them. “I’ll be fine. I’ll make sure all the doors and windows are locked before I go to bed.”

Jackie rolled her eyes at me. “I’m not sure that’s—”

“I’ll sleep with my phone and a baseball bat by the bed, and I’ll make sure to lock the door to my bedroom.” I gave them a look that said,

Gabe’s jaw ticked. “Maybe we could all stick around for a bit?” he said, his voice hopeful.

“No.” I answered too abruptly, and all three of them looked at me like I was losing it, but I couldn’t tell them where I planned to be later tonight.

I understood why they didn’t want me to sleep in my own home, and I could only imagine how they’d feel about me out, jogging at night, by myself. Even if it was only for two or three minutes.

I tried my best to cover. “I have some paperwork I need to do and clients I have to follow up with.”

I could tell none of them liked it, but they didn’t put up any further fight.

Jamie’s voice was stern as he told me, “Just be sure you check everything before you go to bed. And if you hear anything—
—you call 9-1-1 immediately.”

I nodded. “I will. Promise.”

They all reluctantly said goodbye, and I promised to call Jackie first thing in the morning so she wouldn’t worry about me. I would’ve either way, if only to fill her in on the Max situation and get her thoughts on it.

After the door closed behind them, I clicked the lock and slumped against the back of the door, exhaling a sigh of relief. I was happy that was over. I hated having to hide the truth from my friends.

After a moment I raced up the stairs to change. I had a date for some exercise.

As I jogged down the path that ran alongside Frenchman Bay, I took a second to glance behind me. It was a relatively well-lit trail, one I had jogged on many occasions, but I was all in a jumble. Anticipation at seeing Max again had my belly waffling. Each pounding step along the pavement had my breasts bouncing up and down, causing my nipples to pebble, and the ache for him to touch them was growing. I couldn’t wait to relieve some of the stress of the day, courtesy of an earth-shattering orgasm from Max.

I was almost at the spot where Max had said he’d meet me, thank God. I couldn’t help feeling like I was being watched. I was sure it was just leftover remnants of the earlier episode at my place, or the anticipation that Max was waiting for me.

When I reached the spot he said he’d meet me, I jogged slower, waiting. After a minute, I still didn’t see him, and I was beginning to grow concerned that he wasn’t coming. All of a sudden, I saw him step out onto the path, bare-chested, wearing athletic shorts and running shoes. He’d mentioned he would be dressed like he was going for a jog, on the off chance the path was busy and someone caught sight of us, so it would seem like only a chance meeting.

I very near had to wipe the drool off my face. By this point, I’d seen his body many times, but it was still hard to hold my tongue in my mouth at the sight of his washboard abs and the deep V leading to the substantial girth hidden under his shorts.

I took a quick look behind me before coming to a stop in front of him. He reached out to grab me, but seeming to think better of it, he stopped himself. “You must be thirsty. Doesn’t look like you brought any water with you.” His gaze skimmed over my sport bra-clad chest, past my exposed stomach, and down to my clinging running shorts.

“Parched,” I responded.

“Follow me.” He winked. “I think I have something that will wet your palate up in my room.”

“I didn’t say I wasn’t wet,” I teased.

That had him groaning and adjusting himself in his shorts before he turned and headed into the hotel.

Max had left his room key in the jam of the back stairwell door. He bent over to retrieve it, and I couldn’t help but appreciate the way the muscles in his back flexed beneath his tanned skin as he grabbed it and stood back up.

More eager than ever to be alone with him, I followed him quickly through the doorway into the stairwell, only barely noticing the prickle at the back of my neck that still left me feeling as if a set of eyes were watching my retreat.

The minute we were in the stairwell, Max pushed me up against the wall, ripped my sports bra up over my breasts, and brought his mouth to my nipple, sucking hard.

I gripped his shoulders, digging my finger nails into his skin. “Ah, God,” I moaned.

“Not quite but close, gorgeous.” He bit down on my nipple, and pain burned hot before he brought it back into his mouth. Pulling back, he palmed both breasts, pushing them up, then together.

I panted and tried to catch my breath, much more so than I had been from my jog, just moments ago. “We have to go up to your room. Someone could catch us.”

Max smirked and leaned in, nipping and licking up my neck until he took my mouth savagely, thrusting his tongue into my mouth and gripping the nape of my neck. “That’s half the fun, isn’t it?” He brought his lips to mine again, while his other had dove into my lycra shorts, pushing past my underwear into the juncture of my thighs.

He moaned and pulled away. “Always so fucking wet for me.” He nipped my neck with his teeth, and a shiver raced through my body, all the way down to my toes.

I palmed his hard cock over top of his athletic shorts, wanting nothing more than to feel him filling me up. “Come on. I’ve got plans for you,” I said in a seductive, come-hither voice I didn’t realize I was capable of.

I pulled my sports bra back down so it covered my breasts and lead Max up the stairs by his cock—literally.


Over the next couple of weeks Chloe and I carried on in secret before finally deciding the week of the charity event to head out of town to Portland. Initially, there was a certain excitement that we had to keep our rendezvous a complete secret. But after the novelty had worn off, we’d both grown tired of not being able to come and go as we pleased. And since she didn’t have to be in the showroom on either Monday or Tuesday, I’d suggested a quick trip out of town. We’d planned for me to pick her up in a carpool parking lot next to the highway, then head to Portland in my vehicle from there.

I pulled up in my rental car and parked beside her. By the time she’d grabbed her purse off the passenger seat and exited her car, I was pulling her suitcase out of her backseat and putting it into my own car. After closing my trunk, I looked over at her, taking her in.

“You look breathtaking,” I said. And she did.

She’d chosen a light summery dress in peach that hit mid-thigh. It probably wasn’t the most sensible outfit, given that we planned to head out sightseeing as soon as we completed the three hour drive, but I appreciated it all the same. It had me wondering if maybe she had dressed nice on my behalf—I liked that.

“Thank you,” she murmured shyly and looked down at the pavement as she made her way over to the passenger side of the car. She was such a contradiction—taking everything I gave her in the bedroom and loving it, while blushing demurely whenever I paid her the smallest compliment.

Being that we were finally going to be able to be in public with each other, we were planning to take full advantage. She was going to show me around the city and take me to all her favorite places. I was looking forward to spending time with her in public, being able to hold her hand as we walked around enjoying the city, kiss her without worrying that someone might spot us.

I took in how her skirt revealed a little more thigh when she sat down in the passenger seat, almost regretting that we wouldn’t immediately be heading to the room. Fuck it. I was still excited to get to know Chloe on a level we hadn’t yet had an opportunity to explore.

When we were both in the car and settled with our seatbelts on, I reversed and made my way onto the highway. I hit a button on the dash so the music from my iPhone would filter into the car.

“Who is this?” She smiled. “I don’t recognize it, but I like it.”

“‘Long Way To Neverland’ is the song, but it’s by The Headstones.”

“Never heard of them.”

I wasn’t surprised. “They’re a Canadian band. A guy I went to school with was from up north in Ontario. He used to play their stuff non-stop. I became a fan through osmosis.” I chuckled.

She grinned and leaned her head back against the head rest, tapping her finger to the beat of the music on her thigh. As if I needed any further distraction from the road. Her finger bouncing up and down so close to the center of her thighs was like a beacon. I couldn’t help but glance down and think of what lay underneath the thin fabric of her dress.

I cleared my throat. This was going to be a long drive if I didn’t sort my shit out. I decided to bring up a subject I wanted to discuss with her and that I knew would take my mind far away from what lay between Chloe’s legs. “Did you hear anything back from your friend’s husband yet?”

When she didn’t answer immediately, I glanced over to see that she was deep in thought, lips pursed. “He wasn’t able to get any prints off the newspaper, so…”

“So you have no idea who the hell was in your house?” I asked, gripping the steering wheel tighter. I hated the idea that someone out there had gotten in and out of her house so easily—hated feeling helpless to do anything to stop them without revealing our secret.

“No, but I don’t want to talk about this.” She squirmed a little, uncomfortable. “Let’s discuss something more pleasant.”

Chloe was right. This was no way to start off our little getaway. She’d be safe in my company these next couple of days, so I could put off worrying about it until then. “So tell me something about you that I don’t already know.”

“Like what?” she asked, sounding amused.

I shrugged. “Just some random fact.”

“Hmm…okay. Well, the first one that comes to mind is my close friend Jackie loves to tease me and call me a word nerd.”

I smiled and lifted an eyebrow. “You’re going to have to fill me in on what exactly a word nerd is, I’m afraid.” I had no idea what she was talking about, but I was sure whatever it was would be adorable as hell.

I took my eyes off the road for a second to glance at her.

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