Indigo Nights: A Sexy, Contemporary Romance (12 page)

BOOK: Indigo Nights: A Sexy, Contemporary Romance
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“You know I don’t like it when you cover yourself.” I pulled her hands away.

She tried to turn away from me. “Beth.” My voice was even. “I want you to stand here, like this, ready for me. Trust me. I’m not going to let the room service guy in to see you.”

We stood silently face-to-face for a couple of long seconds while she decided. I wanted her to know that I wasn’t playing games, that she could trust me.

She dropped her hands, giving me what I needed. Her—naked and exposed.

I walked backward toward the door so I didn’t miss a moment of her naked body.

“Go get my cake, you pervert, then I want my orgasm.”

I chuckled. “You greedy girl.” I turned into the corridor to answer the door.

I gave the waiter a generous tip and pulled the trolley of cake inside, assuring him that I didn’t need any assistance. The delicious Beth Harrison, naked apart from her peep-toe shoes, was for my eyes only.

I swept my hands across the trolley. “Your cake.”

She arched an eyebrow at me. “I want the mousse first.”

Anything she wanted was hers.



Dylan demanded, no
, my trust. Although my instinct was to shut down and close myself off, he was able to pinpoint my anxiety, name it and erase it.

How did he do that? When even
wasn’t sure what I was feeling, what my reticence was, he knew. And that was liberating.

I’d never felt that before. Never fully trusted the man I was with, which always left me edgy, needy, wanting to please, wanting to do something to make it right—it was a constant reminder I wasn’t enough. Dylan left no room for me to doubt him, or myself.

He was straining against the fabric of his trousers, and I planned to have a little fun with him. He passed me a glass filled with chocolate mousse and grabbed my ass. I picked out the
and popped it in my mouth, then dipped my index finger into the dessert and offered it to him. He grabbed my wrist and greedily took my finger in his mouth and sucked.

He knew me, but he still wanted me. It was an intoxicating combination, one I was unable to resist.

I could trust him. And he wouldn’t break my heart, because I wouldn’t let him. This was all about my vagina; it had nothing to do with my heart.

This was going to be fun.

Twisting my wrist free, I plunged my finger into the glass and coated my lips with the fluffy chocolate. I poked my tongue out and began to lick my lips clean.

The heat in his eyes was impossible to ignore. The promise they held making my feet unsteady. He pulled me toward his hard body and licked me clean.

I liked this game.

I pushed him away before he deepened our kiss and I lost all control. “Stay there,” I said. He went to grab my ass, but I twisted away and stepped back so my ass was against the dining table—I wanted him to have a clear view of what I was going to do next. “Be patient.” I scooped a little of the mousse out of the glass and dabbed a spot under each ear, then drew a chocolate line along my collarbone.

Dylan moaned and pressed his palm against his erection. “You’re killing me.”

I brought my hand down my body, then gently circled my nipples. The cold mousse felt delicious, but not as good as I knew his tongue and teeth would feel.

Dylan’s patience ran out. He grabbed the glass out of my hand and slid it along the table. “We’ll need more of that later.” His voice was deep and thick. I shivered, knowing what came next.

He cupped my breasts in his hands and blew across them. I moaned and went slick between my thighs.

Just his breath got me wet.

He bent forward and licked me in one strong stroke across my lips, then buried his head in my neck, sucking at the skin beneath my ear. I tipped my head back, and thrust my hands into his hair, urging him on. I wasn’t sure I’d ever felt so desired by a man.

He licked along my collarbone, first one side then the other, before breaking off to look deep into my eyes.

I scrambled between us, reaching for his fly, his hard-on making it difficult to unzip his pants. My fingers fumbled, the desire to fuck him—and have him fuck me—disconnecting my brain from my body.

“Please.” It was all I could manage.

“Please what?” he growled against my skin as he dipped his head down and took my nipple between his teeth, bringing me to the edge of pain before he tongued and suckled me.

“I want to feel your dick. Please.” I wasn’t sure if the words had come out, if I was even capable of saying them, but every syllable was true. I’d never felt physical desire like I felt for Dylan. My pulse was loud in my ears—I was desperate for him.

He brushed his thumb over my chocolate-free nipple, then grazed his teeth over the other. My knees bowed as he straightened and grinned at me.

He lifted my chin with his finger. “You want my cock, baby?”

My heart was thudding against my ribcage. I nodded. I’d happily
for his cock at the moment.

He unfastened his pants and pushed them down with his boxers, his dick springing free.

I took a deep breath and reached across the table for the mousse.

Dylan raised his eyebrows and I lifted a shoulder in a half shrug.

I sank to my knees and he groaned before I’d even touched him. I scooped some chocolate mousse out of the glass. Licking my finger clean, I leaned toward Dylan’s dick. Starting at the base of his cock, I licked, leaving a trail of chocolate mousse.

I sat back on my knees and took some more mousse from the glass and placed it on my tongue, then swirled it over the tip of his dick.

I might have created my best recipe yet.

I glanced up at Dylan. He narrowed his eyes, his face so serious. “You are the most incredible woman I’ve ever met.”

My stomach flipped.

Stand down, butterflies. Men always say the sweetest things before they come.

That was what casual sex was about—giving what you needed to give to get what you wanted. He’d say anything to ensure that the next thing I did was take his dick in my mouth.

I took a deep breath and licked again from his base, around the crown, and then clasped my lips around his tip, slowly edging him farther and farther in.

His panting and groaning made me want to take him deeper, and little by little, I took more and more. I gagged when he reached the back of my throat.

His hands pushed into my hair.

“Fuck, Beth. Look at me.”

I glanced up, my sight watery from the strain of taking him so deep. His indigo eyes bore into me, frantic with need and lust. With one rough hand in my hair, he stroked the other lightly across my face, brushing my cheekbone with his thumb.

“Incredible,” he whispered.

With two hands, one above the other, I held the base of him and took him in my mouth. I dragged my lips back up and swirled my tongue around the crown.

“You taste great,” I said, continuing to twist my hands around the bottom of his dick, then taking him in my mouth again, shallower but faster this time as I began a rhythm. My heart beat against my chest and arousal built between my legs.

Dylan’s hips started to rock into me, and the hand in my hair tightened. “Baby, no. Fuck.
good.” The strain of pleasure showed on his face. “You have a beautiful mouth.”

I pulled away and licked across his dick as he stabbed his hips toward me, fighting to get back into my mouth. I gave him a small smile and sucked on his tip as I moved a hand from his base to run my fingernails across his balls.

“Fuck, no. Beth, I’m going to come.” He tried to pull away but I grabbed his ass, pulling him toward me. I wanted this. I wanted him.

I sank deeper onto him and he pulsed in my mouth, hitting me in hot squirts at the back of my throat. One touch from him and it would send me hurtling over the edge. How could his dick in my mouth be so arousing that I was a second away from coming myself?

I loosened my grip around his base and he pulled away. I leaned forward and placed small kisses down his shaft.

He stared at me, sweeping his thumbs over my cheekbones again. “You’re amazing. The best.”

“Don’t.” He didn’t need to say things like that.

“Don’t what?” He looked confused as he helped me stand.

“Pretend this is more than it is. I’ll only trust you if you don’t lie to me.”

“I say things like that because I mean them.” He dropped a kiss on my forehead. “I don’t pretend. I told you I don’t lie. That was the best head I’ve ever had. Come on. Let’s get you to bed.” He smoothed his hand down my back and over my ass and I shivered.

“Can we take the cake?” I asked.

He laughed. “Of course we can take the cake.”

I picked up a plate with a slice of lemon drizzle. “I’m not sharing, so bring your own.” I spun and headed toward the bedroom.

“Oh, I think I could persuade you to share if I wanted to, but that’s okay, I won’t make you.” He picked up his own plate and followed me into the bedroom.

My bed was huge and we sat cross-legged and naked opposite each other.

“You are so fucking sexy. Look at you.”

As I looked up, he snapped a photo on his phone.

“Hey.” My stomach churned.

“My sweet, I need a reminder of this exact moment. That beautiful pussy, wet from giving me a blow job, those inflamed lips and your relentlessly phenomenal tits. And on top of that, you’re eating cake. You can’t expect me not to want to capture this. You’re a vision.”

“I don’t like it. Delete it. I’m not adding to your collection.” I didn’t want to be one of a hundred naked women on his phone. I’d once flipped through my ex, Louis’s, cell while he was asleep to find photo after photo of beautiful, naked women. It was as if they were his possessions. When I confronted him about them, he’d gone crazy that I’d checked his phone. He’d told me they were old photos, but if that was the case, why had he kept them? He never gave me an answer and he’d never deleted them. Every time I looked back at our relationship, I felt like an idiot. There were so many unacceptable situations that I’d just ignored.

“You’re worried I have a gallery of naked women on my phone?” Dylan handed me his phone. “Delete it. But there’s no one there but you. You can check.”

I looked at the phone in my hand and then back at Dylan. “You’re saying I can look at your phone.”

He nodded. “I have nothing to hide.”

I had to stop expecting him to disappoint me. I didn’t want to go rooting through his photos. I didn’t want to be that girl.

I shook my head. “If you show it to anyone, I’ll kill you, and then my brother will hunt you down and kill you again.”

He laughed and took another picture. “I don’t want to share you.”

My stomach flipped for the second time that evening.

“So tell me about your day. What happened?” he asked, as if we were on a date rather than enjoying a casual hookup.

I put my plate on the bedside table and stretched out on my side, propping my head up. “It was good, I think. We filmed two recipes. I thought it would be more like my YouTube stuff, but they filmed one with a moving camera and then the other with two static cameras. And of course, there were so many people watching.” I was excited to see how the final version turned out.

“Did you enjoy doing it?”

“Once I relaxed and forgot about the people and the lights and just started baking, I was fine. I think they’re going to look at it and then see if they want to use it. Who knows? I’ve lost nothing if they decide not to, and anyway I don’t know how it would work. I mean, I can’t travel from London every week.”

“You live in London?”

I nodded. “I grew up here and moved after my mother died.”

Dylan reached out and stroked my cheek with his knuckles.

“You like London?”

“Of course. It’s a beautiful city and it’s home. It’s where my family is—my brother and his wife and their daughter, and my sister-in-law’s brother and his wife and their daughter. We’ve become a unit.” As much as I’d grown up in Chicago, I’d never felt as
at home
anywhere as I did in London. Perhaps it was because that’s where I’d found my sobriety.

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