Indestructible (9 page)

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Authors: Angela Graham

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Indestructible
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“All mine,” he murmured.

Yes, all his. Always his.
The man knew exactly what I needed…exactly where to touch me….exactly how to clear the sludge from my head.

I was losing control. Fierce sparks of my impending orgasm wracked my limbs, and with another buck of my hips, I exploded around him. My arms gave out, and Logan followed me down as I sank into the mattress. As I inhaled a few times to catch my breath, his hand slid gradually from my body.

I winced at the separation, never wanting him apart from me. He must have felt it too, because suddenly I was being hauled up in his arms, where he held me against his hard body.

Ah, to be spooned by Logan. There was nothing better. When he traced the shell of my ear with his tongue, I nearly came undone a second time.

“Good evening, beautiful.” His breath tickled my neck.

As much as I loved being in his arms, I needed to see him. I rolled over to face him, weaving one of my legs between his.

His glistening eyes studied me.

“Hi,” was all I could manage before my lips crashed into his and I lost myself in the sensations still fluttering deep inside me.

I clung to the perfectly tailored suit he was still wearing. My head rested in the nook of his neck as I ran my fingers up and down the silkiness of his tie. Our kiss ended in a beautiful show of light nips.

Everyone else be damned. Life was good.

“I missed you today,” he confessed in a whisper. “Couldn’t think of anything else.”


He took my hand and nuzzled my palm. “You slept well, I hope?”

“I did.” The room was dark. I wondered if Oliver was already asleep, which would mean I’d missed dinner. It wasn’t the worst thing; I wouldn’t mind eating in bed. I just hoped Oliver hadn’t worried about me. “And all day, it appears. Looks like I earned that reward.”

was just a friendly hello.”

“Mmm.” The thrill of
sounded like heaven.

“What were you dreaming about? You looked stunningly peaceful when I came in. I almost hated disturbing you.”

“Almost?” I lifted my head, a playful grin on my lips.

“What can I say? You’re a temptation I can’t resist.” He threw me a smirk and I giggled, dropping my head back to his shoulder.

“The massage felt good. Feel free to give them often.”

He shuffled us up, lying back on his pillow. My chin was propped over my arm that was splayed across his chest. I stared up at his easy smile.

“You can count on it,” he said, then took my chin and leaned down to nip my mouth. “But I am far from done with you tonight. I have some hell to raise, remember?”

“How could I forget?” I kissed him more deeply, never wanting to leave that bed.

Sunrise was upon us before either of us was ready. We’d only just fallen asleep when Logan was kissing my forehead, explaining he needed to wake Oliver for school.

I grumbled, not wanting to move, my limbs sprawled lifelessly across the mattress. I was deliciously exhausted and fully satisfied.

His body shook with a soft laugh as he attempted to shimmy up to escape from under me. I pressed my body harder against him, pinning him in place.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. You can go back to sleep, but you’ll need to release me first.”


“I adore you sleepy.” His hands knotted through my hair, shifting my head gently to face him. Despite the heaviness of sleep, my eyelids fluttered open. The room was dim, barely lit by the sunlight filtering in.

“Stay longer,” I protested, my voice hoarse. “You’re my pillow.” His body was the finest place I’d ever laid my head.

“I wish I could.” He managed to climb out of bed, and started across the room in all his naked glory.

God, he’s gorgeous.
I couldn’t pull my eyes away.

“I set a meeting for this morning under the pretense you’d be kicking me out like you did yesterday.”

I pulled his pillow closer and crushed it under my weighty head, my hair wild around me. “I didn’t kick you out. I just thought it was best you return to work.”

“And now…”

“And now I am fully aware of how good it is to keep you barricaded in this room with me. Consider it a win for you.” My lips curled.

He walked back to me and leaned down, lowering the blanket and ensnaring my nipple. His mouth gave a pop when he released it after a rough suckle. “I do.” He straightened, staring down at me with a tilt to his head. “As long as you’re here when I return, I’ll help you barricade that door after dinner. I’ll be your prisoner all night.”

“Sounds like paradise,” I said, swooning.

“Yes, it does.”

“I guess I better be awake when you get home this time.”

That familiar devilish smirk I secretly cherished crept over his lips. “I have no issue waking you myself.”

A primitive thrill shot through me. “I’m sure.”

Logan climbed back on the bed, hovering over me and caging me within his arms. I rose up and kissed him, ignoring the nag of what I hoped wasn’t terrible morning breath. I wouldn’t focus on the mood killer, though. I was too happy.

“Wake up, you dirty lovebirds!” came the booming voice of Jax as he pounded on the door. “I have to go, and the little prince is being a terror about getting out of bed.”

Logan’s head dropped down for a moment. Then slowly, with a tired groan, he sat up on the edge of the bed.

“I have to say, I think I have the wrong impression of your brother. Is he always up so early?” I asked, wrapping my arms and legs around him from behind.

He shrugged. “Sometimes, yes. He can be helpful with Oliver, but I’m not foolish enough to count on him due to his lack of consistency. Honestly, I haven’t really been paying much attention to Jax lately.” He held my ankles on his lap.

I stroked his hard length with my foot. “And why is that? You have other things distracting you?”

His head dipped back, landing on my shoulder, his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful; sated. “Many things. Wonderful, sweet things that keep me in my bed longer than I should be.”

“Oh, well. I’m sure no one minds,” I teased.

He chuckled. “I do consider that one of the perks of owning my own business.”

“Employees may ignore it. Oliver, however, I’m sure will insist on you leaving this bed at some point. That kid is too adorable to disappoint, so you better be getting up.”

“Maybe. But from the sounds of it, he too is looking to sleep in today, so…”

In a wildly dexterous move, Logan whipped around and snatched me up, tossing me under him. There was no time to react before he slid inside me, thrusting as my body stretched to accommodate his thickness. My throat singed as lurid, continuous moans spilled out. The benefit of having a gorgeous man in my sleeping place was that my body was always ready for him.

Logan’s lips covered my taut breast, his tongue torturous. My back arched off the bed and his arms slipped under me, pressing me to his chest. With each plunge, his groans morphed further into feverish grunts.

A hammering fist roared against the door. “Fuck her later!” Jax bellowed. “He’s going to be late!”

Logan never ceased, thrusting faster and harder, sweat beading over his forehead. I gripped his arms, holding on as he did just that: fucked me. His body began to quiver, and when he pulled out, careful not to unload inside me, he was grinning.

I burst out laughing, my arm shielding the heat flooding my cheeks.

“You still need yours,” he said, eyes glistening with mischief.

I couldn’t say a word once my laughter faded, my chest heaving. Yes, I needed more.

After a fierce kiss, he pulled back and stood from the bed, disappearing into the en suite. I listened to the sound of running water until he emerged, holding a wet washcloth. Running the hot damp cloth over my stomach, he leaned down above my ear and murmured, “You’ll have to wait till I return tonight.”

“Who’s the tease now?” I pushed at his chest to shove him away, a smoldering ache already present in my body.

He chuckled. “Consider it my way of keeping you here waiting for me…waiting for more.”

His devilish voice spoke to the most feminine place hidden deep in my loins.

“You know I’m not going anywhere.”

“It’s best to have assurances in place.”

His cockiness only added to my need for him.

Logan helped me up, and I’d padded halfway across the room to take a shower when he whirled me around, my back colliding against his chest. His hot breath caressed my ear.

“Tonight, I’ll have you unraveled and spread over my bed for hours and hours once again.”

“Looking forward to it.” I pivoted back, landed a quick kiss to his chin, then slipped out of his arms and retreated into the bathroom.

Logan and an adorably grumpy, sleepy-eyed Oliver sat at the table while I carried over a tall stack of pancakes with strawberries sprinkled around the platter. They were from a quick-batter recipe I’d learned from my grandmother.

“Pancakes!” Oliver squealed, his tired eyes flashing bright.

Logan chuckled under his breath as Oliver shoveled a piece into his mouth the second I’d poured syrup over the top. I sat across from them both with a glass of orange juice in hand, smiling.

“Hope they’re good. I haven’t made them in a while.”

“I love ’em.” Oliver swallowed, smiling widely. “Daddy never makes ’em when I have school.”

Oh crap!
I hadn’t even thought to ask what Oliver could eat. Logan had showered in another room—I’d guessed to avoid another sexcapade—and then had been helping Oliver get ready. I’d used my free time to make breakfast, since I knew they were behind schedule, and it was my fault. Not that I regretted my morning…at all.

I chanced a glance at Logan, who was placing a bite in his mouth, staring at me with amusement written over his relaxed features.

“Sorry,” I mouthed, my face scrunched with worry.

His eyes sparkled with delight, his smile relieving my anxiety. “They’re delicious. Thanks for making them—especially in a rush.”

“More syrup, pleeeease,” Oliver drawled, stretching his arm out, but the bottle sat on the other side of Logan. I had a feeling that was for a reason.

“You have enough,” Logan told him. “Let’s finish and get you to school.”

I felt worse. God knew how Oliver would act at school after loading up with sugar.
Great, Cassandra.

Oliver’s shoulders fell, a pout forming as he forked another bite into his mouth. Perhaps as a method of distraction, Logan reminded Oliver to give his teacher a paper in his book bag he’d signed. Soon, Oliver started going on and on about the new class pet: a lizard named Zed.

Logan was amazing with Oliver. I already knew that, but watching their interactions at the table swelled my heart. They were totally in sync and completely natural together. The bond between them was undeniable, and Logan made being a hands-on father look easy and effortless. I knew that probably wasn’t the case, but he never seemed annoyed or bothered by Oliver.

“If the teacher picks me, I get to bring ’im home!” Oliver exclaimed.

“For the weekend
,” Logan clarified.

That didn’t faze Oliver. Whether it was for a weekend or forever didn’t matter—he was simply excited about the opportunity to take care of Zed at his house.

Logan wiped Oliver’s hands when he held them up, complaining they were sticky from the syrup but with the most natural smile. He loved his boy, and I loved them both. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt so at home. It was a family morning—and one that I couldn’t help wanting to experience every day.

As they carried their cleared plates to the sink, I made a mental note to ask Logan for a list of foods Oliver could and couldn’t eat. It was for while I was staying there, but I also knew I’d need it for much longer than that.


Chapter Seven

After a bear hug around my waist, Oliver rushed out the door, calling back for his daddy to hurry.

“Breakfast was perfect,” Logan crooned against my lips, his voice decadent. “You’re perfect.”

“You’re not too bad yourself,” I teased, my mouth brushing his.

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