Indestructible (18 page)

Read Indestructible Online

Authors: Angela Graham

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Indestructible
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I wrenched to a halt and snapped my head his way. “
Time to time?
Meaning you do this often?” I gaped at him. “And Caleb knows? Does Logan?” My chest burned with my held breath as I waited for his answers.

“Yes, Caleb knows—and he agrees Logan doesn’t need to know.”

“What!? It’s
house, Jax!”

I was stunned to hear Caleb was okay with keeping a secret from Logan. But then again, I had hidden my own secret from him.

After a pause, my head dropped and I released a sigh. “That’s what you were hiding the other day—your tattoo equipment?” Shaking my head slowly, I smiled to myself, remembering the pixie-haired girl who’d left his room the previous day. She hadn’t slept with him after all, which was a relief considering he’d screwed her roommates.

“Let’s just say Logan wouldn’t be pleased to know I’m doing this, whether here or elsewhere—which is why I need you to keep your yap shut.” His voice was rough, but his eyes were pleading.

With a huff of annoyance at the situation, I balked. “I won’t lie if he asks.”

“Fair enough. Just don’t bring it up. I’m doing it here to save money to open my own shop. If Logan shuts me down—or worse, kicks me out—there’s no place left for me to go. I’m enjoying my reprieve from the city, and not looking to return just yet.”

“Why not explain to Logan about your goal to open a shop? Maybe he’d help. I mean, he could partner with you or something. Isn’t that what he does—owns businesses and all?”

His face fell and his voice grew hard. “Not tattoo shops. Logan’s like my father: wants me to pay my dues and all and thinks tattoos won’t earn me a living. He won’t see that it’s the only thing that I want. It’s what I love to do.”

I felt for him. He was following his dream. How could Logan try to shut that down?

Jax continued, his eyes lighting up. “Caleb gets it, though. He knows Logan will eventually see that I can earn my way and open my own place without his help. So, seriously, can we keep this between us?”

“I guess,” I answered after a long pause.

“Good. Just like your friend’s bun in the oven.” He shot me a smirk. Playful Jax had returned, and was about to meet the angry bitch from the previous night.

I pointed my finger at him, a tight scowl in place on my face. “If you ever try to mess with me again like you did last night, I’ll not only tell Logan about this little venture of yours, but I’ll also make sure Caleb finds out you knew about the baby and didn’t tell him.”

He held up his hands. “Fine, you win. Last night I was more irritated about Courtney insisting we eat dinner with you guys than anything. I knew Logan would be pissed, and when Julia stopped over, I was screwed. My sister’s a protective one—twins and all. So, yeah, it was a dick move to take it out on you. I’m sorry. Friends?”

Did I just receive a sincere apology from Jax West?
My smile was huge. “Apology accepted. And yes, friends.”

He moved to reenter the room as I asked, “So,
, how about I borrow your car today?”

He looked back. “I thought I could taxi you again.”

“Nope. I’d rather drive.”

He rolled his eyes. “You know Logan has other vehicles in the garage, right? He’d gladly loan—”

I shook my head. “Nope.” I held out my hand.

He dug into his pocket. “Fine. But if I have to go anywhere, I’ll be taking one of Logan’s.”

“Works for me,” I said excitedly as he placed the keys in my hand.

“Be gentle with her.”

Now I was the one rolling my eyes.
Men and their cars.
He and Luke would get along well. “You got it. And be gentle with that kid in there.”

He chuckled. “Not my fault he can’t stand a little pain.”

“Right. I’m sure it’s more than a little.”

I’d started walking away when he asked, “You don’t have any, I take it?”

“Tattoos?” My brows shot up.

“Yeah.” He grinned.

I shook my head. “No, not my thing.”

“Well, if you change your mind, let me know. It’s on me.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I said, turning back away toward Logan’s room.

Once I was dressed and climbing into Jax’s Mustang, I sent a text to Luke.

What time can I bring Scout by?

His reply came when I was halfway to Main Street.

Anytime. I took a sick day.

A sick day? He’d seemed fine twenty-four hours earlier.

Are u sick?

Who’s asking lol

I smiled as I replied.

I take that as a skip day then.

Whatever u want to call it. I’m home so bring him by any time. Apt 20A

K be there in an hour.

I arrived at Logan’s office after shooting him a text saying I’d bring lunch by if he didn’t have plans. To my pleasure, he didn’t. We ate tucked away in his office with clothes strewn about, the door locked and blinds shut.

“I better go.” I stood, grabbing my bra that had been tossed over his desk chair.

“Why?” he asked. His eyes were closed peacefully.

“Because you need to work,” I replied, giggling.

His eyes shot open, and he dragged me back down. “I could use another break.”

“As tempting as that is, I have to pick up Scout.” Reluctantly, I pulled away and straightened myself, scanning the room for my shirt.

“Now? I thought that was this evening.”

“It was, but Luke took the day off so I told him I’d bring him by…” I checked the clock. “…twenty-five minutes ago.”

With a groan, he sat up. “Too bad. I haven’t had my fill.”

“You rarely do.” I smiled.

“Very true.”

“I’ll see you tonight—unless you have some wild Friday-night plans out on the town.” I hopped into my pants.

He thought it over, a wicked gleam in his eyes. “I could take you out. Anywhere you want to go.”

Standing over him, I watched as he buried his head in my navel. “How about a movie night with Oliver, and after his bedtime…”

He looked up at me with a soft smile. “I love that you care for my son…that you truly care for him.”

“Always,” I told him before stepping out of his hold to find my blouse.

Logan stood gloriously naked. “He’s excited about our surprise for you tomorrow.”

“Right, the one where I have to wear an old turtleneck and ratty sweater. How could I forget?”

His smile grew as he gazed at me with a look that seared my soul. “Stay with me through the weekend,” he murmured.

“I can’t.”

“Why not?” he asked, sliding on his shirt.

I stepped back to him and placed my hands on his biceps, which bulged against the silky fabric. “Because on the way here, I called the school to confirm I return next Monday and they said I could return this Monday instead if I was up for it.”

A frown settled over his lips. “Were you talking on your cell while driving?”

“What?” My brows furrowed.

“You said it was on your way here, which implies that you were talking while driving.”

I snorted. “
what you took from what I just said?”

He was deadly serious. “My girl putting herself at risk is the only thing that struck a chord.”

His concern for me warmed me to my toes. “Your girl, hm?” I whispered across his lips.

“My girl, my angel, my lover. So many descriptions, but only one question remains.” His head moved back slightly so he could read my eyes. “Were you talking while driving on snow-covered roads?”

My shoulders sagged. “Yes, okay, but I was at a light for most of that time. And for the record, I can look out for myself. I’ve been doing it for quite a while now.”

His lip quirked, his arms encircling me. “I know, but now you have help. So tell me about this parked-at-a-light explanation. Are you lying?”

“Maybe,” I muttered, my eyes cast downward.

He chuckled, and I jumped when his hand swatted my ass. He kissed the tip of my nose and murmured, “You’re so damn adorable.”

“I thought I was hot,” I teased, kissing his jaw.

“You’re everything I could want and more.” He kissed me softly, then moved away to grab his pants. “So, are you sure you’re ready to return to school?”

“More than ready, which is why I can’t stay through the weekend. But I will till Saturday night. I need Sunday to get organized.”

“Spend Saturday night with me, and I’ll release you bright and early Sunday.”

“Release me?” My brow cocked.

“What would you call it—set you free to return every evening?”

My teeth dug into my bottom lip to catch the laughter that was bubbling inside me. “You might want to skip the poetry.”

Finally fully dressed, I grabbed my coat and purse and placed a kiss to his lips as he stepped into his trousers.

“See you later, lover,” I purred.

“Looking forward to it.” His eyes glistened with adoration, and I sauntered out his door with an intoxicating high.

Scout slept soundly in the passenger seat, his head resting on my bag. The vet had explained everything I needed to know to help him heal quickly and safely, and had even given me a printout for Luke.

I stroked his back, wishing I could take him home. It wasn’t an option, though. I wouldn’t do that to Oliver—or Scout.

Once I’d parked at Luke’s apartment building, I scooped up Scout, swaddled him in a thick blanket, and made my way upstairs, cradling him like a baby.

The apartment wasn’t hard to find; it was the first one on the second floor. After I knocked once, Luke opened the door looking anything but sick. He stepped aside, allowing me to enter, and there sitting on his futon was Julia.

“Hey Cassandra,” she said cheerfully, standing and approaching me.

I should’ve felt surprised to see her, but instead I was simply happy for them. There was a natural vibe between them that spoke more loudly than anything else. They’d be good together.

Julia cupped Scout’s face. “Hey there, buddy. How you feeling?”

“He’s still a little sore, but he seems happy to be out of that place,” I explained. My gaze was on Luke, however. He was standing slightly behind Julia, admiring her kindness for Scout.

She looked up to me. “I bet. They don’t like to be out of their comfort zone for too long. We had a dog growing up, and he hated whenever we were away or he’d have to go to the vet.” She looked away thoughtfully. “Miss him. He was family.”

“What was his name?” Luke asked sweetly.

“Larry.” She looked back at Scout, a cautious grin tugging at her lips.

“Larry?” I laughed.

“Did you name him?” Luke asked.

She released a breath, obviously debating whether she wanted to answer. My curiosity was piqued.

“No, I would have preferred something stylish for him. Larry, however…” Her body suddenly shook with laughter. “You don’t want to know.”

“Oh, no you don’t! Now you
to tell us,” Luke teased.

“Maybe you should ask Logan,” she suggested.

I slouched down on the futon and petted Scout, who was on my lap. “No, no, I’d rather hear this now.” I chuckled, readying myself for what could have Julia of all people chewing her perfect nails.

“All right. Larry was the name of Logan’s imaginary friend,” she confessed.

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