Incompatibly Yours: Charity Anthology Supporting Fertility Research (17 page)

BOOK: Incompatibly Yours: Charity Anthology Supporting Fertility Research
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We all thought it'd be great fun to watch the first two
Friday the 13
movies. You know the ones, the movies with the crazed maniac named Jason Voorhees running around the campgrounds, killing unsuspecting camp counselors. Yeah, those movies.

When I noticed Camp Crystal Lake bore an unsettling resemblance to Camp Glen Hollow, I found myself thinking
maybe these movies weren't such a good idea, after all.

I then rethought that observation.

After all, the scary movies were giving me a reason to move closer to Sebastian on the sofa. The only problem was I
was kind of scared. Like, a frightened-half-to-death variety of fear.

That was why after the movies ended, and everyone had retired to their respective cabins, I hid under the covers in my bedroom. I fought against it, but I kept imagining some lunatic in an old-school hockey goalie mask bursting through the door and doing me in. Probably in some overly imaginative style, like in the movies we'd just watched.

The wind blew outside my window, making the glass rattle, and that was it for me.

I jumped out of the bed and raced down the hall to Sebastian's bedroom. I didn't even care I was wearing old gray sweatpants and a ratty tank top. There was no way in hell I was staying alone in my own room. That Voorhees dude was not going to get me. Hell, no.

I was so frightened that I didn't even bother to first knock on Sebastian's closed bedroom door. I just barged right in and jumped unceremoniously onto his bed, waking him up in the process.

"Jesus, Brooks," he exclaimed. "What the hell are you doing in here?"

He sounded startled, not angry, so I squeaked out, "I'm scared."

He rubbed his eyes, and asked, "Do you want to sleep in here, then?"

I nodded sheepishly, and he pulled me into his arms. Falling back against the pillows, I wiggled under the covers and nestled up against his bare chest.

I have to say I was relieved to discover he was wearing some kind of bottoms, since I hadn't considered how I'd ever be able to sleep if Sebastian had been wearing nothing at all.

Sebastian. Wearing. Nothing. At. All

Those were my thoughts as I drifted off to sleep, snuggling with my new friend, Sebastian Kain.


Chapter Four

Acorn Attack!




I awoke the next morning in a bed devoid of Sebastian.

Where was that wily guy? The clock told me it was only six thirty. Activities with the campers didn't begin until ten, so we could have slept more if we'd wanted.

Sebastian hadn't, though, and now I didn't want to either.

I hopped out of bed, ready to start the day with an early morning hike.

Wow, I was never this energetic this early in the day. It had to be due to my restful sleep with Sebastian.

And that made me wonder…. Maybe the gang would be up for watching parts three and four of
Friday the 13
sometime this week. Bring on the marathon of fright if it meant me getting to sleep in Sebastian's bed again, where I'd wake up the next day feeling like a million bucks.

After I showered, I threw on my cute Camp Glen Hollow regulation tee and shorts, and then headed down to the kitchen to toast a bagel for breakfast. I needed some carbs to prep for my planned hike.

Sebastian returned just as the bagel popped up in the toaster. He sauntered into the room, looking delicious in running shorts and no shirt, even as he swiped away sweat from his brow. His morning workout had him all flushed and his muscles were bulging.

"Ooh, someone was working out this morning," I observed.

"Sure was," he replied, eyeing the bagel I was now buttering. "I had an amazing run."

"Mmm," I murmured. "I was thinking I could use a little exercise myself. I was planning on a hike to start the day."

The guy looked so über hot, his body pumped from exertion, that I couldn't help but imagine how much more rewarding a workout in a bed with Sebastian would probably be, instead of a silly ole hike.

I stared at his body for a beat too long, and I was promptly busted.

"Brooks, are you okay?"

The accompanying raised brow told me he knew what had distracted me—him and his too-hot-for-words body.

"Just peachy," I retorted as I turned away and bit into half of my buttered bagel.

Sebastian snickered, and then the bastard slyly grabbed the other half of my bagel.

"Hey," I protested. "That's mine!"

I tried to grab the half of a bagel back, but Sebastian was much too fast. He ended up taking a bite. When he saw my crestfallen expression, though, he offered it back to me.

"I don't want it now," I said, pouting.

Really it was all just an act. The bitten-into bagel didn't gross me out in any way, shape, or form. This was Sebastian Kain we were talking about here, after all.

"Oh, come on." He took a step closer. "I feel bad. Please take it back… for me?"

Who could resist Sebastian? Not me, apparently.

Next thing I knew Sebastian was feeding me the bagel he'd pilfered. And damn if I didn't love every second. 

Sebastian didn't stuff the bagel into my mouth. No, no, not at all. Instead, he tore away tiny pieces and nudged my lips apart gently so I could nibble each bite. The effect was a dizzying and romantic experience, and, yes, even erotic in some ways.

By the time he was done, I wanted nothing more than for him to snatch me up in his arms and finally kiss me.

But, alas, Sebastian had other ideas.

"Hey, let me take a quick shower. Then, how 'bout I go on that hike with you?"

More time alone with Sebastian? Yes, please

I nodded enthusiastically, and tried to sound casual. "Sure. I'd like that."

A short while later, Sebastian and I were midway through the most grueling hike I'd ever been on. He'd chosen this route on purpose, I concluded, to see how in shape I was. I could have saved him the trouble and told him, not very.

Trudging up a steep embankment, I huffed and puffed. And by steep, just to clarify, the thing had to have had a ninety-degree incline.

I waved my hand toward a nice grassy area off to the side, in the shade of a big tree, and practically begged, "Can we please rest for a minute?"

Sebastian chuckled. "Sure, Brooks."

We detoured over to the tree.
Thank God
. I was beyond exhausted.

When I crumpled to the ground and flopped unceremoniously to my back, Sebastian peered down at me and said, "Maybe you should think about running with me tomorrow morning."

"Think about it?" I blew out a breath. "Sure. Actually go with you? I don't think so."

"Aw, come on." Sebastian sat down next to me. "It'll be fun."

"Sorry, but I don't find torture to be fun."

"Running isn't torture."

I sat up and snorted. "That's debatable."

Sebastian gave up on recruiting me to join him on his run, and we soon fell into an easy silence. After a bit, we began a conversation about the campers. Sitting side-by-side on the grassy hillside, he told me how he'd taken it upon himself to tame the unruly Seth Darling.

"He's a good kid at heart," Sebastian insisted.

Wary, I replied, "If you say so."

"He is, Brooks. He just craves attention."

"That's a nice way to put it," I said dryly.

Sorry, but it was going to take a while for me to be converted over to a Seth fan, if that were even possible.

I swiftly changed the subject. "So, what are you majoring in at UNC?"

Sebastian scooted closer, our hips almost touching. "Are you ready for this one?"

He smiled charmingly, and I nodded.


"Wow." I stretched my legs out in front of me, and when I looked up Sebastian was staring at my limbs, want and longing in his gaze. Or so I hoped.

"Um," I went on. "That
an unusual major."

He leaned in and said, "It's my passion, Brooks."

Oh, my!

"You should definitely follow your passion."

My words were a reminder to myself, as well. And what my passion was at that moment was for Sebastian to kiss me.

"Definitely," he whispered in agreement, his lips almost brushing the lobe of my ear.

I was feeling warmer and warmer as he asked, "What are you majoring in?"

"Art History?" I squeaked out.

He pulled back. "Is that a question, or your major?"

"No, no." I shook my head. "It's my major."


He leaned in close again, and this time I turned to him. We were in position, and there was nothing to stop our lips from meeting.

I mentally fist-pumped the air. Yes! My first kiss, finally. 

But then—BAM!—all hell broke loose.

A bucketload of acorns rained down on us, ruining the moment in spectacular fashion.

Jumping apart, I shielded my head from the painful onslaught. "Ouch, ouch, ouch."

When the acorn storm stopped, Sebastian muttered, "What the fuck?"

Peering up into the thick branches, he slowly shook his head and rolled his eyes. Hmm, I had a feeling I knew where all those acorns had come from, and the accompanying giggle confirmed it.

"Seth," I hissed under my breath.

"Get down here, right now," an authoritative Sebastian barked to our mini assailant.

"Told you he wasn't 'darling,'" I mumbled.

Obeying Sebastian, the little brat shimmied down the trunk of the tree. But as soon as Seth's feet hit the ground, he was off.

Sebastian jumped up and took off after him.

And me, I was left sitting in a pile of acorns, another kiss interrupted.




Chapter Five

Lost In You




The final night of camp there was a pizza party planned for the kids down at the pool. I knew it was also my last night to potentially kiss Sebastian.

The days had flown by with a flurry of activities with the campers. There were more nature hikes, lots of swimming, art classes, and a raucous game of softball where I tagged out Seth Darling.
Go, me.

Through it all I'd hung out with Sebastian—a lot—but he still hadn't kissed me.

Alas, perhaps he'd been frightened off by all the foiled attempts. I hoped that wasn't the case, but who knew? Still, hope was a persistent bitch, and she held me in her clutches.

At the end of the day, and after the kids were sent to their cabins to get ready for the pool party, Lacey and I returned to the main cabin. I'd promised to let her pick out which swimsuit I should wear for the party. Oh, and Lacey also insisted I let her do my hair and makeup. She'd been very insistent on all those points.

But, midway through the makeup part of things, I had to ask, "Why are you doing my makeup, anyway? It'll just get washed off in the pool."

Lacey instructed me to close my eyes so she could get my eyeliner just right. "You'll be fine," she said. "Just don't go underwater. Besides, I'm using mostly all waterproof stuff."

All righty.

After my hair was curled and fluffed to perfection, and my makeup complete, Lacey inventoried the three swimsuits I'd brought to camp. She quickly vetoed the two modest one-piece suits, and threw me the black bikini I was rapidly regretting packing.

"Lacey, this is too skimpy," I protested, though I knew my reservations would be ignored.

She held up her hand to silence any further protests. "Trust me on this one, okay. Wear the black bikini."

Guess who won
battle? A half an hour later, there I was, arriving at the pool in the black bikini.

The kids had eaten their pizza earlier, and the party was in full swing. The campers were splashing around in the pool, having a great time. Mike and Ginny were on lifeguard duty, their usual gig, and it seemed Tim had been appointed deejay.

Sebastian, Lacey, and I were assigned to keep an eye on the kids, to make sure everyone played nice.

So, where's Sebastian?
I mused as I scanned the area.

Finally, I spotted him.
Aah, there he is
looking as amazing as ever.

Sebastian sat on the edge of the pool, his strong calves submerged in the water. He wore a pair of black swim trunks that hung low on his waist, giving me a tasty view of his defined abs and torso.

While I was busy ogling Sebastian—my new favorite pastime—he shot me a curious glance. Though when he took in my bikini, it seemed it was
turn to be ogled by

His eyes traveled down my body, unapologetically, and seemingly in appreciation, leaving me overcome with happiness.

"Thank you, Lacey," I whispered.

I was glad she had insisted on the bikini… and the hair… and the makeup. It had turned out to be a trifecta win for me, based on Sebastian's reaction.

"I'm going to see what Tim is up to in the DJ booth," Lacey said. She nudged me toward the pool. "You should go talk to Sebastian."

That was fine with me, especially since Sebastian was smiling at me as if I were the prettiest girl on the planet. It was with newfound confidence that I walked over to the pool and sat down on the edge, right next to Sebastian.

As I lowered my legs into the warm water, he said, "You look very pretty, Brooks." 


I kicked my legs lightly in the water. An effort designed to distract myself from staring at Sebastian's chiseled chest.

Flames of several flickering Tiki torches illuminated the pool, the resulting amber glow making Sebastian appear more breathtaking than ever. Despite having spent a ton of time with him over the past several days, I now found myself tongue-tied.

Within minutes, though, I began to relax, and Sebastian and I engaged in small talk.

"So," I said at one point, "I can't believe this is our last night."

BOOK: Incompatibly Yours: Charity Anthology Supporting Fertility Research
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