Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (42 page)

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Dr. Matthias Sawyer (d. 1835), James Norcom’s partner, was the father (not the brother) of Samuel Tredwell Sawyer.

My Master Goes to Washington as Member of Congress-He Is Engaged to Be Married-Wedding Trip to Chicago-Canada-New York

My Escape from Slavery

Samuel Tredwell Sawyer was elected to Congress in 1837. He served one term only.

Sawyer boarded with the family of Lavinia Peyton (c. 1818-?), whom he married in August 1838. Her sister, Cornelia (c. 1810-?), lived in Chicago. See Jean Fagan Yellin, ed.,
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself, by Harriet A. Jacobs. Edited by L. Maria Child
(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1987), 280-281.

The Sawyers and John S. Jacobs were staying at the Astor House in New York, where Harriet Jacobs lived with the Willises.

Sensations of Freedom-Self-Education-A Whaling Voyage-I Meet My Sister, and Hear from Her About My Friends at Edenton-Tbe Fugitive Slave Bill

Mary Matilda Norcom married Daniel Messmore (called Daniel Dodge in
in 1846. See Jean Fagan Yellin, ed.,
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself, by Harriet A. Jacobs. Edited by L. Maria Child
(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1987), 287.

Cruel Treatment of Slaves

The Fugitive Slave Law-Slavery Opposed to Natural Rights and to Christianity

Dr. James Norcom, Jr., had a brother named William, but evidently not a brother named Josiah. See Robanna Sumrell Knott, “Harriet Jacobs: The Edenton Biography,” unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1994, 157. The other two doctors mentioned are Matthias Sawyer and Josiah Collins III.


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The poison of a snake is a powerful acid, and is counteracted by powerful alkalies, such as potash, ammonia, &c. The Indians are accustomed to apply wet ashes, or plunge the limb into strong lie. White men, employed to lay out railroads in snaky places, often carry ammonia with them as an antidote.—EDITOR.


The writer of these autobiographical sketches has, since his escape from slavery, held positions of trust in free countries, and every statement may be relied on, although it is not thought advisable to publish names in full.

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