In Your Arms (16 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Goings

Tags: #Historical Fiction

BOOK: In Your Arms
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“Better hold on to me, lady,” he whispered with a grin right before he kicked Pete into a gallop.


They were riding too hard and too fast to make any sort of conversation practical. So instead, Melissa wrapped her arms around his waist and held on tight. He felt so good pressed close against her that she closed her eyes and rubbed her cheek on his shirt. She wished she could hold on to him forever.

Why exactly had he come back? And why had he barged into her wedding and hauled her out of there before the ceremony was complete? His words to Timothy had her blushing. He’d said
Lissa’s mine
in a tone that had left no room for argument. What did he mean by that?

After what seemed an eternity, Marcus finally slowed Pete to a trot. They’d reached the foothills, and he seemed to know where they were going as he urged Pete forward. The sun was low on the horizon when he finally brought his horse to a halt. To Melissa’s surprise, Jasper’s Creek gurgled through the hills not more than a few yards away.

“Here we are,” Marcus said as he swung off Pete and pulled Melissa down with him.

After such a long ride on the horse, her legs were weak and she had to clutch onto his shoulders or risk falling over. Nothing was said as she held on to him, staring hard at his chest. He didn’t seem willing to let go of her.

“You smell like Shirley,” he whispered, making her glance up at his eyes.

That was a mistake. She couldn’t look away.

“Damn, you’re beautiful, sugar.” He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her.

His lips moved against hers tentatively, as if he wasn’t sure what she’d do. But Melissa was teetering on the edge of sanity. She’d missed him so much. She wanted to feel him in her arms again. With a cry of desperation, she threw her arms around his neck and melted against him.

Their kiss turned ravenous, tugging, teasing, tasting. Melissa rejoiced as his tongue slid into her mouth while his hands roamed up her back and through her hair. She felt tears well up in her eyes as she drew his bottom lip into her mouth, running her own tongue along the soft flesh inside as both of her hands rested on either side of his face. His stubble scratched her palms, but she didn’t care in the least. Her body thrummed with desire as she pulled him closer, whimpering into his mouth, feeling her nipples tighten as he caressed her breasts through her dress.

What the hell was she doing?

Pulling away from him roughly, she panted as she stared into his eyes. A fire blazed in his golden depths, and it was all she could do not to return her mouth to his. He still held her in his arms, and she shoved his shoulders to force him to let go. Once he did, she raised her hand and slapped him hard. He seemed to take it in stride, turning his head back to her, his eyes still burning. Even though her hand was stinging, she managed to slap him again.

“How could you, Marcus? How could you!”

She backed away from him. When he lifted his head once more, she could see his cheek was now a bright red.

“I deserve that,” he said quietly.

“You’re damn right! If I were stronger, I’d… I’d punch you!”

“Go ahead, sugar. I’m not gonna stop you.” Spreading his arms away from his body, he just stood there.

With her breath hitching in her throat, Melissa stepped close once again and hit his shoulder hard with a closed fist. Then she hit his other one. Again and again she hit his shoulders, releasing her anger but getting no response from him.

“Why?” she yelled through her tears. “Why did you leave me?

Her punches were losing steam as her tears fell in torrents. Marcus wrapped his hands around hers and stepped closer, enveloping her in his warmth. Too exhausted to fight him any longer, Melissa collapsed against him and wept into his chest. She knew her body was trembling violently, but she couldn’t think beyond the man holding her.

“I missed you so much!” she cried, her voice muffled.

“I’m so sorry, Lissa. You can’t even imagine how sorry I am.”

“Why did you leave?”

“I was scared.”

“Of what?”

He didn’t answer, but he didn’t have to. Melissa knew already. Taking a step out of his embrace once again, she wiped her eyes.

“You don’t have to answer that, Marcus. I know why.”

“You do?” He looked shocked.

Nodding, Melissa turned away and walked slowly over to where Pete had wandered off, scratching his soft nose.

“You were afraid to tell me. You left so I could figure it out for myself.”

“Figure what out?”

Leaning her head on Pete’s, she whispered, “That you don’t love me. That you never loved me, and that you never could.”


“You thought our time together was a mistake.”

“It was.”

She looked at him sharply.

“It was a mistake, Lissa. One that shouldn’t have happened without a proper wedding.”

Melissa’s empty laughter echoed off the hills. “That’s amusing, Marcus. Really it is.”

“I’m not laughing.”

“Well, I was going to have a proper wedding, but you stole me away from my husband!”

“That old man isn’t your husband!”

“Not yet he isn’t.”

“Not ever! You’ll be marrying me.”

Melissa stared at him in shock. “What did you say?”

“I think you heard me.”

“What makes you think I’d even want you, Marcus McCaide?”

“That kiss just a few minutes ago gave me a clue.”

“Oh, go to Hell!”

Lifting her skirts, Melissa marched along the shoreline of the creek. She didn’t care where she went as long as it was away from him.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he demanded as he yanked her to a stop.

“I don’t know. I don’t care.”

“You’re not going anywhere until we settle this, woman.”

“It was settled six weeks ago when you left me, Marcus!”

“No it wasn’t. I was a coward, just like you said. I was running away, but not from my feelings for you, Lissa. From my own past.”

“What does your past have to do with anything?”

“I’ve killed people. Aren’t you concerned with that?”

“I would be, Marcus, if you would just tell me!”

He took a deep breath as he gazed at her, running his hands through his hair. The silence stretched out between them, and Melissa lowered her gaze. Shaking her head, she tried hard to fight the tears behind her eyes.

“Goodbye, Marcus.”

Turning away from him, she began walking once again, determined to walk all the way back to the Gulch if she had to.

~ * ~

Marcus panicked. Without knowing what else to do, he called out to her. “Lissa, wait! Please!”

She didn’t stop.

Marcus could feel his despair welling up inside of him. Swallowing his pride and facing his fear, he fell to his knees and wept.

“I killed a little girl, Lissa.” His voice cracked as he stared at the ground. He didn’t know if she had stopped or kept on walking, but he continued his confession regardless. “It was an accident--I didn’t mean to--but I was a sheriff. I was trying to stop a gang of bank robbers. They were shooting at me, and I had to shoot back, but one of my bullets ricocheted and hit her. Killed her instantly. She couldn’t have been more than four years old. God, Lissa, I killed a baby!”

Covering his face with his hands, his shoulders shook as he cried at the memory.

“Her mother was screaming--screaming so
, and… blood was everywhere--”

He broke off as he felt Melissa’s arms wrapping around him, pulling him close. Shuddering with relief, he pulled her down on the dirt with him and buried his face in her neck.

“There’s more,” he croaked brokenly.

“Tell me,” she whispered, stroking his hair. Lifting his watery eyes, he gazed into her soft green ones.

“I killed my brother.” He heard her gasp and looked away. He tried to stand, but she held him fast.

“Don’t hide from me, Marcus. Don’t walk away. You wanted to settle this, so settle it.”

Biting his lip, he sighed but nodded.

“He was caught up with that gang, and I had no idea. He was shooting at me, Lissa! He had to know it was me. I don’t know why he decided to knock over a bank in my town. I… I didn’t even know it was him until someone else pulled off the bandanna he was using for a mask.”

Marcus broke down and sobbed as he held her.

“Why did he do it, Lissa? Why?”

“I don’t know,” she whispered, tears in her own eyes. “I don’t know, Marcus, but you’ve got to stop blaming yourself. Your brother made a decision that cost him his life, and it was your duty as a sheriff to protect the people and uphold the law.”

“But I killed that little girl.”

“It was an accident. A tragic accident, yes, but an accident nonetheless. You couldn’t have known it would happen. You have to forgive yourself.”

“I can’t…”

“Marcus, look at me.” Melissa tilted his head up to hers.

He felt her fingers threading through his hair, but he closed his eyes.

“Were you afraid I’d hate you because of this?”

“Yes,” he confessed, feeling more tears in his eyes at her gentle expression.

“I don’t hate you. I could never hate you.” Drawing closer, Melissa gave him a few soft kisses. “I’m in love with you, and nothing can change that. If you can’t forgive yourself, then I forgive you for it, Marcus. I forgive you.”

With his eyes wide, he crushed her to him and breathed in her sweet scent. “Oh God, Lissa, don’t leave me. Please don’t leave me. I’m so sorry for all I’ve done, but don’t leave. I can’t live without you!”

“I’m not leaving you, Marcus.”



“Lissa, I…”

“Tell me. Don’t be afraid.”

Taking a deep breath, he gazed into her eyes and whispered, “I love you, sugar. I love you so damn much!”


“You love me?” Melissa stared at him in disbelief. Her vision blurred through her tears as she covered her mouth with her hand.

“Yes, I do. I don’t know how, I don’t know when. All I know, Lissa, is I woke up a few days ago and it hit me.” Sniffling and wiping his eyes, he smiled at her. “When your father found me and told me you’d be marrying Dr. Newcomb--”

“My father found you?”

He nodded. “Said he’d been looking for me.”

“He told me he was going to check out a new vendor for the shop!”

“Guess he told you a fib then, sweetheart. He found me and knocked some sense into me.” He rubbed his jaw meaningfully.

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