In Too Deep (16 page)

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Authors: Ronica Black

BOOK: In Too Deep
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“I’m fine.” The words sputtered out like a car that couldn’t quite start. Erin tried to back up, but she couldn’t move quickly enough.

“Do you like George Michael?” Adams was pressed to her, pinning her against the pool wall.

Thrown by the question, Erin shook her head. “Huh?”

“George Michael. Do you like his music?” The question was like a soft purr, pouring out of those inviting lips.

“Sure, I guess. I haven’t really listened to him in a while.” She was nervous and rambling, her body screaming for this woman’s touch.

“His music gets me hot.” Adams leaned in and nibbled on Erin’s earlobe.

Blood pounded up to her cheeks and she felt her skin come alive. Adams pressed further and Erin had no choice but to wrap her legs around her and cling to her in order to stay afloat.

“I thought you promised to keep your hands to yourself.” She was quickly losing control of her body, but she was too turned on to be angry.

“I am.” Adams moved away from the wall with Erin still wrapped around her. “I haven’t touched you with my hands.” She leaned in again and kissed Erin’s neck with soft, lingering kisses. “Shh, just relax and listen to the music.”

Erin breathed deep and tried to control her senses. The soft kisses, the feel of the strong, sinewy body beneath her, sent her mind reeling along with her flesh. Adams moved her mouth back up to Erin’s ear, where she began singing. The words were like velvet, softly playing to Erin’s libido.

She gripped Adams harder as the feel of the hot breath in her ear became too much to bear. The other woman took full advantage of the reaction and wrapped her hands around Erin’s butt, holding her tight and rocking her body against Erin’s as she continued to sing the suggestive lyrics of the song.

The pool, the desert night, even the song lyrics became distant and foggy as Erin felt her blood pump wildly and heavily throughout her body. Adams purred in her ear like a lioness seeking a mate, and Erin couldn’t help but move in rhythm with her, trying desperately to ignite the spark that was pulsing between her legs. Adams moved her mouth to Erin’s neck and bit down lightly, causing her to buck her hips and nearly orgasm. A raspy groan escaped her throat, smacking her back into reality. She pushed herself away and Adams reluctantly released her grip.

“What’s wrong?” She moved back toward Erin, slinking in the water.

“Uh, nothing.” Erin had to think fast. “Restroom. I need to go.”
Brilliant, Erin, and so tactfully stated.

“I’ll be right here…waiting.” The words floated up to Erin as she climbed out of the pool. “Katherine?”

Erin turned to her as the water once again lightened a shade.

Adams stood grinning in the pool, looking her up and down like a ravenous predator. “You remember where the bathroom is?” The question was a stall, obviously a tactic for Adams to examine her standing there in the white bikini, dripping like a wet dog.

The warm wind blew, puckering Erin’s nipples. She looked around for a towel but saw none. “I remember,” she said and headed into the house. She was freezing, but it wasn’t just the cold that made her shiver as she switched on the bathroom light.

Catching her reflection in the mirror, she knew right away why Adams had wanted her to turn around in the wet swimsuit. The wet bikini was virtually see-through. The fabric molded to her breasts and her dark honey nipples like a second skin. She glanced down at the bottoms and saw the shadow of her hair.

“God damn it.” She clenched her jaw as she looked into the mirror.
Whoever said going after a woman would be easier oughtta be shot.
She was angry and she felt incredibly exposed. Frustrated and cold, she sat on the toilet to urinate but found that she couldn’t go. She wasn’t worried about J.R. hearing her; she knew that he couldn’t from inside the tank. At most it would sound like an echo, and he deserved to hear people piss. His mind was always in the toilet anyhow.

She felt pressure like she needed to pee, yet nothing was happening. With a wad of toilet paper, she reached down to wipe out of habit. The paper slid across her and she brought it back up to examine it.

“What the hell?” She was wet. Not wet from the water, but wet with slick juices. She dropped the tissue paper back in the toilet and touched herself with her bare hand. “Oh my God,” she whispered to herself as she discovered the abundance of warm silk. Never before had her body reacted this way, so strongly, spinning such an elaborate web of silk.
Is this what it’s like to be truly turned on?

A scratching came from the door and she jerked her hand away like a teenager caught masturbating. “Uh…just a minute!” She jerked up the cold swimsuit bottoms and washed her hands in the sink. The scratching came again, along with a snort from the bottom of the door.

She dried her hands and yanked open the door. One of the Dobermans stood staring up at her, wagging its stubby tail. “Hi there, puppy.” She patted his head and walked out of the bathroom. Looking down the hall, she saw it was empty and tiptoed to the end. Slowly opening the door, she looked into the dimly lit master bedroom. A massive bed sat to one side of the large room, accompanied by lightly stained furniture with dark marble tops. She knew the room was Adams’s because she could smell her cologne.

Not wanting to get caught by spying cameras or eyes, she pulled the door carefully closed, knowing that she should return to the pool.

She was just about to turn around when a deep growl came from behind. Turning slowly, she came face-to-face with the larger Doberman. He was showing his teeth at her, just as he had done when she had first arrived. His head was held low, his tail unmoving.

She held up her hands in mock defeat. “Uh, nice puppy. Good boy, Apollo, or whatever your name is.”

“Actually, that’s Zeus.” Adams stepped into the hallway. “And Ares is in the other room.”

“Oh, well, they look so much alike.” Erin tried to laugh, but it came out in weird squeaks. “Where’s that bathroom again?”

“It’s down the hall on your left.” Her voice was low and she looked Erin up and down again, clearly enjoying the see-through swimsuit.

Erin trotted off past her, cursing herself mentally for almost getting caught. Thank God she hadn’t walked into the room. What did she think she would find anyhow? The smoking gun?

Back in the relative safety of the bathroom, she stripped off the suit and retrieved the wire, placing it in her jeans pocket. Too bad if J.R. couldn’t hear. She had to get out of this place and clear her mind. She ran her hands through her hair and exited the room, convinced that Adams would be more than willing to get rid of her nosy new friend.

Down the hallway, a flickering light came from the master bedroom. Adams lay on the bed, wrapped in a towel with the remote in her hand. The footboard of the bed housed a massive flat-screen TV that apparently rose up at the touch of a button. Two women were kissing on the screen.

Avoiding the image, Erin said, “I thought maybe you could take me back to the club now. I’m feeling a little exposed.” Her voice was back under control, as well as her firm tone.

Adams pushed a button and the TV shut off and descended back into the footboard. “I was hoping you would watch my new movie with me and tell me what you thought. It’s not every day that I meet a writer, you know.”

She was trying to flatter once again, but Erin was too keyed up to let it affect her. “Some other time, maybe.” She shoved her hands in her back pockets.

Adams rose and stripped off the towel and black bikini, apparently not caring if Erin saw her naked. “Okay, then. I’ll take you back.”

Erin looked away from the gorgeous body and stared at the floor. “I had a really nice time tonight. Thank you.” She didn’t want to end things badly; she needed to keep their suspect intrigued and coming back for more.

“I’m glad.” Adams pulled on her jeans. “I hope we can do it again, then?”

“I’m not sure. Things got a little…”


“You broke your promise.”

“I thought you wanted me to.” Adams eased into her black cotton shirt. “You reacted to me. I felt it.”

“I am attracted to you, Liz. Physically. But I’m not attracted to your games.” Erin brushed past her.

“You think I’m playing games?” Adams caught her arm. Her face was very serious, her cheeks flushed with color.

“I’m not sure,” Erin replied.

Adams reached out to stroke her face with a warm hand. “I want to see you again,” she whispered. “Please say yes.”

Erin hesitated, momentarily overcome with the powerful stirrings of her insides. “Okay.”

Adams smiled softly and dropped her hand from Erin’s arm. “You won’t be sorry.”

Chapter Eight

The ride back to the club was uneventful. The only difference from the earlier ride was the pulse of excitement and wetness that was now beating between her legs. Erin clung to Adams, having no choice in the matter, which fueled her physical flame of desire. Resting her cheek against the stronger woman’s back, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the freedom of the ride.

It didn’t take long before she felt the bike slow, and she opened her eyes as they pulled into the parking lot of La Femme. A few lonely cars dotted the parking lot, leaving them virtually alone in the darkness.

Adams drove out to where Erin’s white Honda sat patiently awaiting her return, came to a stop, and killed the powerful engine. She quickly stood and turned on the bike to face Erin.

Erin expected her to speak, to attempt to slather on some more charm, but instead she tilted Erin’s chin gently with her hand, and looking deep into her eyes, lowered her head, planting a warm, lingering kiss on her sensitive lips.

The kiss was soft and gentle, yet completely demanding. Erin knew she should pull away, for the kiss was too warm, too tender, too much for her to handle. But she remained locked, frozen in a world where she herself was melting.

Adams drew back slowly and stroked Erin’s jaw with her hand. “I’ll call you.”

Erin stared into the blue abyss of her eyes and nodded. Then, willing herself to move, she crawled from the bike and went to her car. As she started it up to drive away, she turned, and her eyes took one last look at the woman with the midnight mane straddling her black stallion. Heart dancing in her chest, she gripped the wheel and forced herself to look away. As she drove, her pulse eventually calmed and her mind soon settled. But hard as she tried, the image of Liz remained.


Kristen Reece had been staring, transfixed, at the security monitors, each one flashing a different location, all capturing the same moment in time. One monitor in particular had consumed her attention for several minutes and she squinted at the grainy image, wishing she could zoom the lens in closer to get a better look.

Liz was straddling her bike, facing the cute blonde Kristen herself had first laid claim to. As she watched, Liz leaned in for a kiss, and Kristen was surprised at how gentle it appeared. Tenderness was not something she had experienced with her dark friend. Sex between them had always been incredible and powerful, an erotic battle. Soft, tender kisses would have no place in that battleground. But it didn’t mean that it wasn’t something she had wished for.

“Christ.” She walked away from the monitors and flopped down on the couch.

Here she was, tense, worried, and panicked, while Liz was off fucking another stranger, another conquest. Why should she be surprised? This was how it always was, how it always had been. She was always the one who was left doing the dirty work—or sweeping up the dirty work of others—while Liz focused on her own needs and kept her hands clean of everything.

She got up and paced the room, too worked up to sit still. She was quickly growing weary of Liz and the way she ruled with absolute power and nonchalance. Kristen knew she was the one who should be running things. She was the one who cared, who thought things through, who paid attention to every last detail. And what did she have to show for it? Nothing. Not a thing. A shitty job tending bar, maybe the occasional bit part in one of Liz’s movies. Hell, she didn’t even have Liz. And if she was honest with herself, that was what she really wanted, regardless of how unobtainable she knew the woman was. But it was so easy to fall for her, to kid herself into thinking that she was the one who could change her. To get her to settle down, to be the one to finally reach her.

Liz was the reason Kristen had gotten involved in this mess in the first place. Because there was a time, not so long ago, when she would’ve done anything for Liz. But not now. Now she wanted control, and she wanted out. And she was the only one who could take care of things. Like the cops and the numerous loose ends.

“What the hell are you doing in here?” Liz stood in the doorway, her hands clenched by her sides.

Kristen turned and smiled coyly. “Waiting for you, darling.”

“What are you doing in here?” Liz slammed the door closed and walked over to look at the monitors, her gaze focused on the same one Kristen had been watching moments earlier. Whoever the cute blonde was, she sure had Liz’s full attention.

“So did you fuck her yet?” Kristen demanded, ignoring the question. Liz clenched her jaw, her fury obviously growing. “None of your fucking business.”

Kristen laughed at the touchy reply and flopped down on the couch, arms folded across her chest. “Whoa, guess that answers my question.” She wondered what was going on with the blonde. No one turned Liz down, especially in the bedroom. “Serves you right, you know. Especially since I saw her first.”

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