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Authors: Trenia Coleman

In The Shadows (23 page)

BOOK: In The Shadows
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 Chapter Forty-Five

Brandon walked through the house trying to keep his mind busy. He realized he’d not bathed or eaten since the day before. As he looked at the clock on the wall, he realized Katy’s flight would be leaving soon. Brandon had forgotten all about calling his mom with the news. He knew she would be devastated and didn’t think she could handle the news about Katy.

When Brandon picked up the phone to call the airlines to cancel Katy’s flight, he realized he had two voice mails. Brandon was able to cancel Katy’s flight and was told she had to use the ticket within the next twelve months.

Brandon punched in the code on the phone to retrieve his messages on the answering machine. Once he heard the first message, he immediately took a seat, nearly drained from the news. His mom had taken ill last night and had to be rushed to the hospital. She was now in intensive care, and the doctors weren’t sure if she would recover. Brandon knew this news coupled with Katy’s disappearance could send him over the edge. His mother had been doing so well leading up to the Thanksgiving holiday. Brandon wondered what could have happened.

As the next message played, he heard Ms. Tyler’s plea for him to leave Katy in Alabama until her mom was better able to care for her. Ms. Tyler said she would wait for Brandon’s call to see if he was in agreement. She and Katy’s mom had discussed this in detail, and her wish was to have Katy remain with Brandon in Alabama and start school there if something were to happen to her.

Once the message ended, Brandon knew the tears were too heavy to hold back anymore as he disappeared into his bedroom wanting to get away from everything. To have something so tragic happen on the same night as Katy’s disappearance was even more devastating than he could have imagined. He knew he needed to call Ms. Tyler, but he would postpone that call as long as he possibly could. He had to find Katy, and he couldn’t bear to tell Ms. Tyler that something had happened to his baby sister.

* * *

Katy couldn’t tell if it was daylight or dark outside. The blindfold was on so tight it seemed to be cutting off her circulation. As she tried to struggle to see through the blindfold, she discovered it was useless. She’d been unable to remove it when she’d tried earlier.

Every time she awoke, after being relentless in trying to free herself, Katy would try something new. Her arms were tightly bound with rope as well as her wrists and her feet at her ankles. Katy wasn’t sure where the man that kidnapped her was, but she knew she needed to be in a position to defend herself when he returned. Just then, Katy thought she heard a vehicle in the distance but wasn’t sure. She’d been locked away in the building for hours, and it was now becoming harder to tell fantasy from reality.

Katy had dreamt she’d seen her mother although her eyes were blindfolded. Her mom told her that she needed to be prepared for the worst when the man returned, and she needed to be prepared to fight. Evelyn assured her daughter that she would survive this and that they would be together again soon. Katy then returned her focus to listening for the vehicle in the distance, but no one came.

Brandon was on his knees praying when there was a knock at the door. Brandon had been so consumed in his prayer for his sister and mother that he’d blocked out everything around him.

* * *

After searching for almost two hours in one direction, Tonya decided to take a break and call in to check on Brandon. It was almost 10:00 a.m., and she knew she had her work cut out for her, but it would all be worth it in the end.

Although it was late fall and the sun was out in full force, Tonya was thankful for her extra bottle of water and her sunscreen. Tonya had not seen anything out of the ordinary since her search began nor had she run into any of the other searchers. She prayed their search was developing better than her fruitless search.

* * *

As Sheriff Masterson got closer to Tuscaloosa, he found himself doing something he’d not done in a while. Sheriff Masterson was praying, and he not only prayed for his daughter but for her mother too. As he prayed, he reflected on the past years and on the good times they’d shared together recently. Sheriff Masterson even thought back to just a few days ago when he and his children spent Thanksgiving together. They were so happy, and the sheriff wanted more of those happy times as he asked God to bring Katy home safely.

When Brandon finally came to the phone, Tonya was immediately concerned. “Brandon, are you all right? Are there any new developments?”

Slowly processing the question, Brandon regurgitated the same story he’d just told his father. His mom took ill last night and was in ICU. Brandon felt drained from the bad news and helpless because he couldn’t leave home. Brandon didn’t know the area as well as some of the officers who’d grown up in the Tuscaloosa/Northport area, but he would find his sister.

Hearing Brandon’s voice and the news, Tonya then understood why Brandon sounded so exhausted. “Honey, I’m sorry to hear about your mother. Is there anything I can do? I can come back if you need me,” Tonya offered.

After heavily considering the offer, Brandon knew he would be okay. “No, I’m fine. I just need to get my thoughts together. As much as I’d love to have you here with me, I need you on the ground, and so does Katy.”

When Brandon got off the phone, he knew he’d been the victim long enough. He needed to come up with a plan of action. He grabbed his notebook and locked himself in Katy’s room. After sitting on her bed, staring at her belongings she’d begun to pack, Brandon decided to unpack her things and put them back where they belonged. Putting Katy’s things away seemed therapeutic as Brandon began to enjoy some of their happier times together.

As he lined up her tennis shoes, he thought back to the outfit Katy had on when she left for her bike ride. Brandon remembered it as clear as day. He then rushed over to Katy’s jewelry box. What he was looking for was not there. She must’ve kept true to her word and wore the necklace everywhere she went, even bike riding. Brandon’s mind was racing ahead with millions of thoughts.

Not seeing the custom-made necklace her father had given Katy made Brandon’s heart stop. Brandon was back on the phone with his father before he could finish devising his plan. Surely the missing jewelry couldn’t be a coincidence. After getting more information on the necklace, Brandon went to speak to his boss and asked that the pawnshops within a fifty-mile radius be put on alert.

Sheriff Donnelly eagerly agreed to the alert after Brandon laid out his theory on the other disappearance cases.

Brandon had always been taught to never elevate an investigation unless one had a sound case or solid evidence, and he knew he was going out on a limb and trusting his gut instinct for this one. Brandon had always been able to rely on his hunch and instinct in the past and knew he had to put everything on the line for Katy.

Although the pawnshops were a long shot, Brandon felt not acting on any hunch could jeopardize Katy’s life. None of the other pieces had ever turned up. He’d even asked his team to run a search on Danielle’s ring, but nothing had turned up. Brandon knew his request wouldn’t take his men from the search. His team who’d already contacted the shops in search of the ring would simply introduce a new item to look out for. Brandon smiled for the first time that day, pleased with his plan.


 Chapter Forty-Six

Tonya had come to the end of her search and stopped for another break. She remembered when Danielle was found, and this memory gave Tonya hope. She finished off the rest of her water just as she neared the park. It was lunchtime, and in her haste to get to Brandon, she never considered what she would have for lunch. She’d skipped breakfast altogether and was thankful for the emergency snack she found in her car on her drive to the site.

Tonya decided to call and check in on Brandon. She knew he was expecting his father soon, so she was going to head into town for a bite to eat.
, she thought but quickly dismissed it with little importance as she remembered the reason for her being at the park.

As she listened to the ringing phone, Tonya wondered if something was wrong. She didn’t want to call the house phone because Brandon wanted to keep the lines open but she was almost tempted to when Brandon didn’t answer his cell phone.

Tonya immediately got in her car and began the drive back to Brandon’s. As her heart pounded into her chest, she thought back to the search party. Tonya had been so wrapped up in her own thoughts that she didn’t remember seeing anyone from the search party or their vehicles at the park.

Then driving a little faster, Tonya knew she needed to get to Brandon’s in a hurry. This time, when she made it to the fortified front, she had no problems being waved through the gate. Tonya could tell something had happened as she witnessed the deputies and other officers scurrying around the front yard like they were going to put out a fire.

When Tonya walked through the front door, Brandon pulled her to him and embraced her deeply. “Brandon, what’s going on?” she asked, shaking inside as she could not read his blank expression.

“They found something out in the woods, just off the road not far from the store.” Tonya’s heart stopped, and she became filled with emotion. Still studying Brandon’s demeanor and body language, Tonya couldn’t tell if they’d found something or someone.

“Brandon, just what are you saying?” Tonya heard her words get caught in her throat.

Then realizing how awful his statement sounded, Brandon immediately grabbed Tonya again and pulled her to him. “No, no, no, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. They found a necklace—a diamond necklace, and they’re now concentrating their search efforts in another area.”

Tonya was excited and didn’t want to doubt or question all the work that had been done that led to the discovery.

Now breathing slowly and trying to speak calmly Tonya asked, “Brandon, are we sure it’s Katy’s?” Tonya asked, not wanting to sound like a pessimist.

As Brandon’s smile slowly faded away, he said, “Based on the description of the necklace, it sure sounds like Katy’s. It has to be hers.” He pulled Tonya in again for another hug. “It has to be Katy’s.”

* * *

After Tonya had freshened up in the bathroom, she entered the kitchen where Brandon was pouring her a nice tall glass of sweet tea to go along with her ham and cheese sandwich and garden salad he’d prepared.

Tonya’s heart warmed as she took in the food he’d prepared for them. “Brandon, you didn’t have to do this.”

Cutting her off, Brandon said, “Yes, I did. You’ve been up since the crack of dawn filling in where I couldn’t. You, my darling, deserve this, and I thank you for coming to my aid.” Brandon planted a nice warm kiss on Tonya’s forehead. Accepting the kiss, Tonya simply smiled as Brandon joined her for lunch. This time she did the honors of praying over their lunch and for their loved ones.

During lunch, Tonya could see the restlessness grow in Brandon as she watched him from across the table. “Hey, do you know when your dad will be here?”

Brandon stopped and looked at the clock on the wall. “He should be here within the hour as long as they don’t get stuck in traffic.” Brandon turned away from the clock, but his attention immediately went to the outside. Tonya knew how much this waiting game was killing him. “Brandon, will the sheriff allow you to join the search once you’re relieved here?

Then for the first time since they’d been eating lunch, Brandon’s eyes showed signs of life. “Yes, just as soon as my father pulls in, I’ll update him and hand this off to him,” Brandon said as he excused himself from the table.

A few minutes later, he returned with his backpack as if Tonya’s questioning prompted him to get ready. Brandon placed his backpack, boots, camel pack, and holster by the front door as he glanced out the door again.

This time he didn’t sit, so Tonya stood slowly and approached him, wanting to reassure him that things would be okay. “Honey, will you allow me to sit here by the phone just in case Katy calls?”

Brandon frowned as he seemed to be processing the offer. Then looking at the clock, out the window, and finally back at Tonya, Brandon smiled slightly. “You know this could actually work. I hadn’t even considered you, but you’re the closest Katy has to family here, with the exception of me.” Brandon’s actions answered Tonya’s questions as Brandon seemed to let the wheels that were turning take control.

He quickly kissed Tonya on the cheek and said, “Thank you! I don’t know how I could ever thank you enough.” This time he kissed on the lips. While the kiss lingered, Brandon rushed out the door to pack his truck. When he returned, he stopped by the operations center to formally introduce Tonya to everyone. He then briefed her on what she needed to tell his father, although he offered to call him as well.

“Good luck out there, and please call me with any news,” Tonya said as she hugged Brandon tightly. She stood outside until he made it through the gate and down the road. Tonya reentered the kitchen and automatically began cleaning.

Once the cleaning was completed, she realized she was exhausted. Stationed in front of the television with the phone at her side, Tonya found herself looking through the television as she focused on Katy. She realized then that she was seriously drained from all the excitement, not to mention the double header yesterday. Tonya was mentally and physically drained as she prayed for Katy’s safe return and allowed the fatigue to take over her body.

* * *

Katy didn’t know how much time had passed since she passed out.

As she listened for movement or outside sounds, she heard nothing. It was safe for her to attempt to loosen the ties again. As Katy wiggled her wrist and ankles simultaneously, she felt her bladder fill, and once again, she allowed herself to use the bathroom on herself. This was the second time she’d urinated since she’d been taken, and she hoped it would be the last. She was still cold from wearing her once-damp workout clothes. This just made things worse, and now she had other things to worry about.

* * *

When Brandon entered the search area, he inadvertently went to the commander on the ground. Once he took a look at the necklace found alongside the road, Brandon knew it was Katy’s. He asked for permission to examine the piece of jewelry.

Brandon was given a pair of gloves, and he carefully removed the fine necklace from the evidence bag. As he examined the chain, he realized there was no damage to the chain itself. It wasn’t broken or damaged. It simply looked like it had been removed rather than torn from someone’s neck in an attack.

Then thinking back to the conversation he and Katy had after she found the picture of the earrings downstairs, Brandon was convinced leaving this necklace behind was Katy’s doing. The more he thought about it, the more he was convinced Katy had removed the necklace and left it as a clue.

* * *

Danielle was alert that day as she listened to the chatter going on in the hospital hallway. Not being totally coherent, she couldn’t figure out what was going on, but she knew something bad had happened in Tuscaloosa. Danielle wanted to wake up so badly and tell the world what she knew. She thought back to her family’s Sunday visit, which made her happy, and wondered if they were aware of what was going on. Danielle strained to hear but couldn’t make out the hushed voices in the hallway.

Yesterday a new person moved into the other side of Danielle’s hospital room. Danielle’s nurse came in and informed her of the other patient coming in that day. Nurse Bridges was very attentive to Danielle’s needs, even in the absence of Danielle’s ability to speak or take care of herself.

Nurse Bridges thought Danielle would be more comfortable with her curtain drawn to give her some privacy. Danielle occupied the bed near the window and loved feeling the daylight and occasional sun on her face.


BOOK: In The Shadows
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