In the Shadow of Vengeance (10 page)

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Authors: Nancy C. Weeks

BOOK: In the Shadow of Vengeance
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Spencer tore the seal and a familiar fragrance wafted around him. Instead of handling the contents, he turned the envelope upside down and dumped them onto the instrument tray next to him. He immediately recognized the vintage sterling silver hairbrush and crystal perfume decanter. One glance at the three photos and his heart slammed into his chest wall.

The photos weren't recent. His wife sat in an unfamiliar rocking chair and held an infant in her arms. But it wasn't Erin. The way she stared in wonder at the child, there was no doubt the infant was hers. Several questions bombarded Spencer at once, but one stood out: Whose child was she holding?

Thirteen years slipped away and raw hatred coursed through him. She was his wife, took vows to stand by him. Living on the hate from her betrayal was what got him through the numerous surgeries that first year.

“A man can live on vengeance for a long time.”

Spencer slowly raised his head. “Where did you get these?”

The man remained quiet for several moments. “We have a lot to discuss.”

“It would seem.” Spencer choked back the bile in his throat. “So this is an information trade. Again, what can I do for you?”

“That can wait for the moment. Go ahead and ask the questions plaguing you the most.”

“Do you know where my wife is?”


“And the child she is holding?”

“Your son. Born six months before she testified against you and the De Rousse organization. Did you believe she died in the tornado?”

His son!

The bitch stole his son. Spencer's gut clenched tightly as blood rushed to his head.

He had to gain back the control. He took in a cleansing breath, held it for the count of ten and then exhaled. “No. She had to be alive. No one else close to me would dare go against me. What do you want?”

“Dr. Pegler, I would have thought you learned patience in the last few years. Vengeance can't be rushed. It must be savored like a fine glass of wine.”


The way his heart pounded, he was surprised he didn't stroke out on the fucking floor. Spencer redirected his focus on the man's dark eyes and almost took a step back.


This man understood firsthand what Spencer was feeling. Without a single word spoken, he agreed to the plan.

“Good. We do this my way, understand?”

Spencer nodded. “When do we begin?”

“It's already begun.”

Chapter Ten

Elizabeth's hand shook as she coiled the last section of Erin's hair around the heated flat iron. After a couple of seconds, she slipped the loose ringlet around her fingers before allowing it to drape freely down the back of her daughter's sapphire satin ball gown.

Erin and her partner were going on stage in a few minutes to perform their final number. Elizabeth usually enjoyed watching Erin dance, but tonight she couldn't shake the disquiet that seemed to take root in her gut since the break-in two weeks ago.

The luxury hotel in the center of Baltimore that hosted the dance competition was so noisy, with masses of people herding from one part of the hotel to the other, it was playing havoc on her nerves. Crowds in general made her uncomfortable. She lost control in large groups of people, vulnerable to the threat of her two worlds colliding.

“Mom, are you okay? You're making funny breathing noises.”

“Sorry, sweetie. I think I'm nervous for you and Alex,” she said, placing the flat iron back on the dressing table.

“Mom, we've got this. As long as I don't trip during the foxtrot, we'll breeze through.”

Elizabeth hugged her daughter tightly. “If you could bottle that enthusiasm, we would be rich.”

“It's all how you look at it. Beat yourself up in practice and love the dance at the performance.”

Danny stuck his head in the doorway and held out a bottle of water to his sister. In the last week, the swelling had gone down in his cheeks, but the bruising still made her maternal instincts cringe.

“Hey, you look great. Alex said he's ready to stretch if you are.”

Erin gave herself a quick check in the mirror. “I'm ready.” She picked up her shoes. “So, Mom, afterwards, some of the dancers are going for pizza. Alex's mom said I could ride with them. Is that okay?”

The one syllable word shouted in her head. With as much calm as she could master, she choked out, “That should be fine. Is this a family thing or a kid-only thing?”

“I think everyone is going, so there'll be a parent table and a kid table.”

She let out a breath. “Okay, that sounds fun. How about we meet you at the stage door after the award ceremony? Maybe between the three of us, we can get your trophy to the car.”

A huge grin appeared across Erin's face. She gave Elizabeth a quick wave and left the room. Turning back to the dressing table, Elizabeth began collecting the assortment of makeup and hair products that was the life of a dancer.

“Mom, should I stay with you or follow Erin?”

Danny's words seemed to get caught in his throat.

“If you are worried about Erin, then go with her. I'll get this stuff packed up and meet you by the side door. We can go into the ballroom together.”

He stepped into the hallway then froze. “Oh, Mom, Erin invited Noah tonight. If you see him, please try to be nice.”

She bit back a groan. That man would send her poor nerves over the deep end. “I'm always nice, Danny.”

“Not to Noah. It's like you don't like the guy.”

She lowered her head and placed the last items into Erin's backpack. “I like him. He's just …”

Opinionated, arrogant, pigheaded.
The list could go on and on.

“Just what?”

Elizabeth glued a smile on her lips. “I'll be nice. Promise.”

They both headed out the door, but Elizabeth gave the room one last glance. Erin's flat iron still sat on the dressing table. “Danny, go on, and I'll catch up.”

She watched him until he turned the corner.
Relax. They're safe

There were so many dancers and parents in the area, Danny and Erin couldn't walk two feet without bumping into an adult. She needed to take a serious chill pill and enjoy the evening.

She tested the iron with the tip of her finger and placed it in her pack. She shut the door and headed down the long corridor toward the waiting area outside the ballroom. Even from this distance, she could hear the constant rumbling of dancers as they sat in groups playing cards, rested against the walls, or readied themselves to go on.

She spotted Danny, Alex, and Erin at the end of the long hallway and waved. Erin took a swig of water just as a man in a hotel security blue blazer tapped her on the shoulder. A chill prickled up Elizabeth's spine. He was tall, way too tall, and angry. No one was ever angry with Erin. Whatever he said to her, Erin shook her head and scanned the area. Their eyes held for an instant before Erin pointed at Elizabeth. The man turned. The next instant, he grabbed her daughter's arm at the elbow and began tugging her toward the stairwell.


Elizabeth's warning was lost in the noise. Erin yanked her arm free while Danny shoved the guy in the ribs. The dancers resting on the floor squirmed out of the way. A second man grabbed Erin from behind, lifting her off her feet, and swung her around behind him, placing himself between her and the guard. He said something to Danny, who joined Erin. A gun appeared in the guard's hand and the stranger kicked it free.

Elizabeth was so intent on her kids, she didn't hear anyone behind her until she was yanked to abrupt stop, hitting a hard chest. A man's beefy arms grabbed her around her middle and lifted her feet off the floor. She twisted and tensed her muscles. Arching her back, she slammed her heel into the top of his foot.

“Fuck! You bitch,” he roared in her ear. “Try that again and I'll break your fucking foot.”

He brought a cloth to her face, pressing it over her nose. Elizabeth jerked her head to the side and let out a loud screech. Twisting her body slightly, she brought her elbow up, striking him in the nose. All it accomplished was to make him angrier. He gripped a chunk of hair at the nape of her neck, wrapping it around his fist. He gave a hard tug.

The man wasn't tall. With her heels, they were almost eye to eye. Elizabeth couldn't remember much from Danny's martial arts, but if he got her alone, it was over. She kicked back, striking him in the knee. He stumbled, losing his balance. For the first time in her life, Elizabeth thanked God for the ten extra pounds she carried. She used her weight to shove him to the floor, tumbling down on top of him. Before she could find her equilibrium, he spun her off him and stood, yanking her up by the hair.

The garlic scent of his heated breath and the overpowering cedar and spice of his cologne made her gag. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Erin's backpack. Just as he brought the cloth back to her face, she gripped the straps and swung it with everything she had in her. The heaviest part of the backpack hit the side of his head but didn't have any impact. He pressed the cloth back over her mouth and nose. The pain eased in her head and her eyelids grew heavy. An instant before she slipped into the darkness, an angry male's voice bellowed on the other side of the void.


Chapter Eleven

Noah charged into the entrance of the hotel and made his way around the hordes of guests in the lobby as he headed toward the elevators. It had been years since he had visited this hotel, but the floor plan was coming back to him. He bypassed the elevators and followed the wide, plush corridor toward the ballroom.

A loud scream echoed from the end of the hallway. Several young teens rushed from around the corner.
Shit, now what?

Noah set out in a run. He turned the corner and came to an abrupt stop. The double doors of the ballroom were closed, but several people made a circle around a hotel security guard and Adam. The guard held a large switchblade in his right hand. His brother circled him, his breathing light. The guard had a split lip, and his left eye was closing fast.

“Adam, what are you doing?” Noah asked, gently.

“This asshole tried to grab Erin Merlot. I stopped him.”

Noah's hand went to his gun as he searched for Danny and Erin. Danny stood in the corner, his eyes wide, angry. Both of his fists were clenched and spread out to the side, shielding his sister who stood behind him.

“Noah, check on Elizabeth,” Adam said.

His eyes scanned the crowd. “Where in the hell is she?” he asked, his heart dropping to his stomach.

The man lunged at Adam, the knife slicing an inch from his throat. Before Noah could blink, his brother whipped around, kicking his foot hard into the bastard's stomach. The guard hit the floor. Adam dropped, flipped him over, and pinned his hands behind his back. “He has friends.” Keeping his voice low, he nodded to the hallway. “I heard her scream before the guy knocked her unconscious. He carried her out the exit to the parking garage. I'll take care of the kids, but tell them who the hell I am. The boy looks like he wants to go for my throat.”

Noah held his arm out to Danny and Erin. They raced into his arms.

“Mom's gone. A guy in a sport coat like this guy took her,” Erin cried, nodding to the fire exit.

“Danny, you remember me telling you about my brother, Adam, right?”

Shock edged into the teen's expression, but he shook his head.

“That's him. He's a good guy and you can trust him. I want you and Erin to stay with him until I come for you, understand?”

“Just find our mom.”

Noah gave both kids a reassuring hug and jogged toward the exit. He pulled his weapon and eased open the door to the parking garage. He moved behind a cement pillar and searched the semi-lighted area. A vehicle screeched to a stop in the next row. Noah could just make out male voices but couldn't tell what was being said. He moved between the cars, keeping his head low.

A sedan was parked in the middle of the lane with the trunk open. Pressing his back against a second pillar, he caught a glimpse of a shoe heel just as it disappeared into the trunk.

Anger sliced through him. Searching the area, he spotted only one man who strolled around to the driver's door and dropped into the bucket seat. Noah moved from behind the pillar and leveled his Glock at the man's head.

“Yo, assbite. That's no way to treat a woman.” He charged closer. “Don't do it,” he said as the man's hand went for his weapon. “I would just love to splatter your fucking brains all over the interior of your car.” Noah opened the door. “Get out.”

The man mumbled something in a language he didn't recognize. Noah didn't doubt the bastard spoke English as well as he did. He gave him just enough room to step out of the car then turned him so his front was leaning against the hood. As he read him his rights, he secured the man's hands behind his back with handcuffs.

Scanning the garage, he spotted a short cement wall with a railing installed above it. Taking the guy's hands from behind, he marched him across the lane, the bastard fighting every step. At the short wall, Noah shoved him into a sitting position, brought his hands above his head and secured them to the railing. He ran back to the sedan and hit the trunk release button.

One glance at Elizabeth's seemingly lifeless body and hatred clouded his senses. He pressed his fingers at her neck and a strong pulse bounced back. He let out a breath of relief and shot a glare at the bastard. He had dumped her into the space like she was a sack of garbage. He deserved the same treatment. Adam wouldn't have thought twice about beating the guy to a pulp. Sometimes Noah wished he were more like his older brother.

He focused smoothing out his heart rhythm and relaxed his jaw. Elizabeth didn't need to wake up to his temper.

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