In the Shadow of the Dragon King (42 page)

Read In the Shadow of the Dragon King Online

Authors: J. Keller Ford

Tags: #magic, #fantasy, #dragons, #sword and sorcery, #action, #adventure

BOOK: In the Shadow of the Dragon King
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David’s heart tightened and squeezed at the way Eric’s eyes scanned her face, the gash on her forehead. The way he swept her messy, tangled hair caked with filth and blood from her temples. Who did he think he was, this Abercrombie and Fitch wannabe?

The men lifted David into the wagon. His heart relaxed as Charlotte scuttled from Eric’s arms and lay beside him, her hand on his chest. A strange calm settled over him.

And then he was asleep.

Chapter 30



David woke in a canopied bed in an enormous room, twice the size of his, back home.

Moonlight slipped through the open balcony doors. A fire burned in the hearth, while lanterns flickered upon the end tables.

Slavandria sat beside him, watching.

He yawned and ran his palms over his face, then stared at his limbs as if they belonged to someone else.

“You fixed me. Thank you.”

Slavandria smiled and nodded. David returned the smile.

“How do you feel?”

“Like I’ve been beaten with a two-by-four.” He swept his palms over his face and stared at the ceiling. “Where’s Charlotte? Is she okay?”

“I’m right here,” Charlotte said, stepping into the room from the balcony, the moonlight silhouetting her body clad in a pale blue sleeping gown. She fell into David’s bed and curled up next to him.

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. “Hey, you,” he whispered as he inhaled the scent of her. “Are you alright? I’m so sorry I left you. I thought if I led Einar away from you and Trog, he’d leave you alone.”

Charlotte put a finger to his lips. “I’m fine, and I know why you did it. It was a good try.”

He combed his fingers through her hair. “How did you escape?”

Charlotte circled a finger on his chest and nestled her face in the crook of his shoulder. “Mirith, mainly, but I don’t want to talk about that now. In fact I don’t want to talk at all. Is that okay?”

David stroked her hair. “Yeah, that’s fine.”

They slipped into a comfortable quiet, David finding comfort in the need to say nothing. He let out a heavy sigh, releasing the tension that had held his body hostage for over a week. It was a relief to breathe. To feel safe. To know they were going home.

A knock at the door and Lily peeked inside. “Do you mind if I come in?”

Her voice hugged his entire being. Her eyes held a tear or two as she bent over and kissed his forehead. It hit him suddenly that he didn’t blame her anymore for not telling him sooner who she was. He would never have believed her anyway, if she had told him of a real world complete with faeries, shapeshifters, and dragons. Some things a guy just had to experience for himself.

Lily sat beside him her long fingers curled around his hand. “Honey, I’m so sorry.”

David shook his head. “No. I’m the one who should apologize.” He closed his eyes for a half second. “I should never have doubted you. It’s just everything happened so fast, and I felt so helpless, and I knew you had answers, but you weren’t telling me.”

“I know. You have every right to be angry with me. I hope you can forgive me.”

David sat up and wrapped his arms around her. “There’s nothing to forgive, I get it now, but there is one thing I need to know. How was Seyekrad able to take over Mr. Loudermilk’s body without you knowing?”

Lily stood. “He and Avida used very dark and undetectable magic, something called naching. Long ago, wizards used it to kill their victims and then take over their bodies in order to infiltrate enemy lines. Our father banned the practice after the Great Dragon War as part of the peace plan. I never suspected Seyekrad would do such a thing. He was a protector of the realm. Father used him for reconnaissance. He trusted him.”

“We all trusted him,” Slavandria said. “I’m sure Father will be quite livid when he discovers the truth.”

“He’s going to still try and kill me, isn’t he?” David asked. “Seyekrad, that is, not your father.”

Slavandria nodded. “I’m afraid so, but the next time, we’ll be ready for him.”

David considered her words. Something inside his soul ripped apart. Fear and desperation clung to his nerves, and he swallowed. “What about my parents?” he asked. “Have you heard any news?”

Lily smiled. “Yes. They have been found, and are resting comfortably.”

David’s skin tingled. Emotion bubbled up from his toes. “W-when can I see them?” He sucked in a deep breath, determined to ward off the raw emotion coming to life within him.

Lily swept his hair out of his eyes. “Tomorrow, David. They’ve been through a horrible ordeal, as have you. Is that okay with you?”

A tear fell, followed by another. He swept them away.

He nodded and took a ragged breath. As much as he wanted to see them, he understood pain and tiredness. Besides, he’d waited almost seventeen years. What were a few more hours? “Yeah. That’s okay.” The thread of worrying about Seyekrad finding him slipped away.

Lily kissed him on the top of the head. “Good. Why don’t you get some sleep? It’s been a long day. Charlotte, come with me, honey. You need to rest as well.”

Charlotte kissed David on the cheek and stood. “Thank you for today,” she said, squeezing David’s hand. “I would have died if you hadn’t killed that witch. It didn’t sink in until now.”

David stood and engulfed her in his arms. Holding her felt like a breeze funneling through his lungs. His right hand threaded in her hair, his lips pressed to the softness of her neck. “I’d die for you, Char. Always.”

Charlotte looked up at him, her eyes glistening. “Me, too.” She rose on her tiptoes and kissed him softly on the lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

David let her go, his entire being frozen in the moment. The moment when everything was right in the world. The moment when love did indeed, conquer all.

Lily and Charlotte filed from the room. Slavandria approached him and gently clasped his shoulders.

“I’m very proud of you, David. Eric told me what you did to rescue the Eye of Kedge from Einar. I cannot even begin to explain to you the value of what you have done, and there are no words that can tell you how much I appreciate what you have accomplished.”

“I take it the pendant is safe, then?”

Slavandria nodded. “Yes.”

“And Trog and Eric? Are they okay?”

“Yes, they are fine. So is Mirith, but it will take some time for them to heal. Trog’s wounds, especially, are critical.” She paused, and then said, “You saved Trog’s life, you know.”

David nodded. “Yeah. I just wish I’d had another choice.”

“Sometimes we are left with no other choice. It is sad, but true, but you have plenty of time to come to terms with it. Right now, you need to sleep and dream of a happy reunion with your family. Good night, David.”

Slavandria slipped from the room and closed the door behind her.

David curled up on his bed and stared at the patterned fabric above him. His life and everything in it had changed. There was no doubt it would continue to change, but this time, he was ready.

He closed his eyes, snuggled into his pillow and succumbed to the feeling of peace spreading through him. He’d done it. It was over.

Tomorrow, he and Charlotte were going home.

Life didn’t get much better than that.




Next to writing a query letter, I think the Acknowledgement section is the hardest part for me to write. I don’t want to leave anyone out, yet to thank everyone who has influenced me throughout my life could turn into a mini novella. With that said, I will try to be concise, and hope that everyone will understand.

To my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and His heavenly father, thank you for providing me with a stellar imagination and an extraordinary gift to weave words into vivid pictures and timeless tales. I should have listened to ‘the calling’ ages ago, but as you know, I’m a classic pantser and you’re an awesome plotter. Thank you for being patient while I traveled around the sun to get to the moon. The trip would have been much shorter if I’d listened in the first place. All I ask is you cut me some slack. I was a teenager. Forgive me.

To The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pens. Ladies, I don’t know what I would have done without all of you. For the past few years you have seen me through some rough spots, and you’ve been my friends and encouragers when I didn’t think I could go on. Each of you holds a very special place in my heart. I’d like to give a special shout out to Julie Reece and Sheryl Winters for putting your eyes on Dragon King for more times than you probably wanted. Your suggestions were spot on, and I can’t thank you enough for being such awesome betas.

To The Sixteen to Read group. Thank you for the beta reads, the incredible inspiration, laughter, friendship, and wealth of information and wisdom you provide on a daily basis. Each of you are the cream and sugar in my coffee.

To Aimee at J. Taylor Publishing - thank you for the first professional read through of my story, and pointing out all its horrendous flaws. Because of you, the novel went into a massive re-write and emerged as a piece of work I’m proud of. I owe you so much more than a few words in the back of a book. Thank you for everything.

To my very, very special beta reader and friend, Jennifer M. Eaton. Who knew when we met on Nathan Bradford’s site all those years ago as beta readers that we would both be published authors now, and true-life good friends? You have read this story so many times and banged it up and knocked it around until it became what it is today. You were never afraid to shake me and ask, “What were you thinking when you wrote this rubbish! You can do better than this!” Thank you for putting up with the tearful phone calls, the exasperating emails, all of my drama, and for holding my hand and believing in this story from the very beginning. I couldn’t ask for a better beta reader or friend.

To my publisher, Georgia McBride and Month9Books - I can’t thank you enough for taking a chance on me and this story. Your support has been more than anything I could have asked for. Georgia, you are super woman, and your enthusiasm is catching. If only you could bottle up some of that energy and give it to me.

I also want to give a special thank you to my editor, Sarita Amorim. You are an editing queen. Thank you for taking my story and making it tighter and richer while staying true to the voice of my story and characters. You rock my world.

To the design team who put together my kick-butt cover – wow!! I am still blown away every time I look at it. You completely exceeded my expectations. I bow to your greatness.

Thank you to everyone who ever read or suffered through a reading of the first (horrendous) draft of this story, and didn’t roll on the floor laughing when I said, “Someday, I’m going to get this published.”

To Dunkin’ Donuts, Martini and Rossi and the makers of Lindor Truffles – I couldn’t have written one word without you.

To my dearest friend, Diane Englund – you were and still are my angel. You left this earth way too soon, but your spirit will remain between the pages of this book and all those to come.

To all my teachers who told me I should become a writer. Thank you for believing in me.

To my son, Kevin – you always gave me your unbiased, unapologetic, sometimes sarcastic and always candid opinions of this story ever since this adventure started. You were my first fan, even when the story was worse than awful. Thank you for being my sounding board, my midnight reading partner, and my co-plotter. Because of you, shadowmorths exist. Fist bump.

To my son, Bryan – thank you for the countless laughs at my expense due to horrid character development and/or plot mistakes. You always made me laugh until my sides hurt and tears poured down my cheeks. More importantly, you taught me not take me too seriously. Thanks for all the stress relief. Trog smash, baby.

To my daughters, Clarissa and Heather, thank you for believing in me and my dream, and always being there to encourage me when I wanted to give up. Heather, I’m still waiting to see what hair color you come up with. After all, a deal is a deal.

To Mama, thank you for instilling in me a love for the written word. You always pushed when I needed it, and never let me give up. I wish you were here to share this moment with me, to see my dream come to fruition. Instead, I’ll imagine you flitting around heaven telling everyone how proud you are of me because that’s the kind of mom you were. Thank you for everything. I love you and miss you so much.

To Daddy, you were a man of few words, but the ones you did speak stayed with me all my life. It is my memory of you that breathed life into Trog, and you shall forever remain my real-life knight, hero and inspiration. I love you, Pops.

Last but not least, to my husband, Tom, who spent far too many days and nights alone while I ventured off with my imaginary friends. You are my rock, my foundation, and while we may not always see eye to eye, there is no place else I’d rather be. It seems you’re stuck with me and all the voices in my head. Just remember. I’m not crazy. My mother had me tested.

To everyone else, including present and future readers and fans – you are awesome! Thank you for being a part of my crazy life, and for reading my story. I hope you enjoy it and come back for books 2 and 3 in the Chronicles of Fallhollow trilogy. Big squeezy hugs. Until the next time.

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