In the Garden of Temptation (30 page)

Read In the Garden of Temptation Online

Authors: Cynthia Wicklund

Tags: #1800s, #bath, #beautiful, #carriage, #castle, #england, #handsome, #historical, #horse, #lady, #london, #lord, #love, #marriage, #regency, #romance, #sensual, #sexual, #sexy, #victorian

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I thought we could comfort
one another,” he said.

You’re not here to make me
feel better. You’re here to make yourself feel better.” She was
angry. “And what would that comfort entail? A quick tumble? There’s
one big difference between your situation and mine, Lord
the source of my pain. You can offer me no comfort.”

I made a mistake, I see

He looked sober now, whether from the tea or
the weighty conversation, she could only wonder. Perhaps it was
both reasons.

Helen sat down next to him. “I loved you, my
lord…Adam. I love you still. It is not something that disappears
simply because the object of one’s affection disappears. At least,
it’s not that way for me. But I’ve had to learn to survive without
you. If I allow you back in my life, the hurt will be unendurable
because you don’t love me and you never will. Can’t you see you ask
too much?”

I’m a selfish bastard, I
know. I wanted to be cosseted and pampered and told everything will
be all right.”

He was so forlorn she took pity on him. “It’s
been hard, hasn’t it?”

He looked directly at her, and the misery she
saw lurking in the depths of his intoxicating blue eyes made her
want to hold him to her breast and will the suffering away. Helen
wanted to run her hands through his thick, curling hair and put her
lips to his brow. But then, would she be giving or taking? Some
sense of self-preservation forced her to acknowledge the trap she
set for herself. No, he must go this one alone and, because she
loved him, she prayed his agony would not be prolonged.

You are not surprised by my
predicament. I suppose it is common knowledge?”

She could hear the hurt pride in his voice.
“Only that you courted an unsuitable lady. She’s left town and you
are displeased by her absence.”

We fought before she went

Oh,” was all she could
think to say.

You are the only person to
whom I’ve admitted that.”

I’m sorry I could not be of
more help to you, my lord,” she said, her tone turning impersonal.
She stood up and moved away from him. His confidences created an
intimacy that was difficult to bear.

Yes, well, it’s time I was
on my way. Please forgive my insensitivity. Mix a little self-pity
with a great deal of wine, and you have a sorry fellow to be sure.”
He smiled sheepishly at her as he rose to leave.

Helen patted his arm. “You’ll come about, my

Adam brought her slender hand to his lips and
gazed into her face. “You are wrong about me not loving you, my
dear. Were it not for Catherine…who knows?”

Lord Ashworth would never be aware of the
bittersweet longing he left behind when he departed a moment




Is this moldering place
inhabited?” Lord Wimberly said aloud as he sat astride his mount
and surveyed the scene before him. He had approached the baron’s
castle from the circular drive in front, and he could not imagine a
more unpleasant sight—which is not to say there was a better angle
on the structure, for it looked unsightly from all

The place was weedy and unkempt, and pieces
of loose stone lay strewn about, having fallen from the outer
walls. Daniel wondered why anyone would choose to live in this
worn-out relic.

He dismounted and, since no servant greeted
him, he tethered his horse to an overgrown bush growing alongside
the drive. Picking his way through the broken stones, he climbed
the steps and reached for the knocker. Several minutes passed, in
fact so many minutes, Daniel thought he must have made a mistake.
At that moment the heavy door eased back on its creaking hinges,
and an ugly little man stuck his head out at him.

What do you want?” the man
barked rudely.

Taken aback, the viscount blinked. “I say…”
He cleared his throat. “I’m an acquaintance of Lady Bourgeault.
This is her residence, is it not?”

Who wants to

Daniel Evans, Viscount
Wimberly. I was in the vicinity and thought to stop in and see how
your lady faired. Is she home?”

The servant looked Daniel over from head to
foot before answering. “I’ll have to see,” he said. “Wait

Not even the courtesy to invite him in off
the doorstep, Daniel thought. What kind of household is this? He
looked over his shoulder at his horse. If he left right now, he
could be down the drive and out of sight before that horrible
little person returned. If he had not promised Charlotte to
undertake this mission, he would have done that very thing.

The servant returned after only a few
minutes. “Come in.” His manner was grudging. “My master will be
with you shortly.”

The viscount stepped into the darkened hall.
A quick glance told him the interior was in no better condition
than the outside had been. It was chilly and dark and, quite
frankly, a bit spooky. He tried to imagine the beautiful baroness
thriving in this dreary place, but the image eluded him.

Lord Wimberly, good to see
you.” Lord Bourgeault appeared, smiling in welcome. “What brings
you to our humble abode?”

I was passing by and I
thought to say hello to Lady Bourgeault. I told her I might do so
if the opportunity ever arose. I hope my visit does not pose an

Daniel had never told the baroness any such
thing, but he didn’t know how to explain his presence here. He
prayed she would not expose his little untruth.

Good, I know she’ll be
happy to see you.” The baron was positively jovial. “You’ll join us
for supper, of course.”

Of course.”

Daniel was surprised by his host’s effusive
reception. The viscount could not remember having met Lord
Bourgeault, yet the baron acted as though they were old friends.
And something predatory gleamed in the man’s eyes that was
altogether unnatural. Strange, Daniel thought, very strange.

The baron turned to the wizened servant who
still skulked in the shadows. “Willy, show Lord Wimberly to a guest
room where he can freshen up.”




Catherine, let me

Why are you shouting,
Edgar?” The baroness opened her chamber door so her husband could

Wouldn’t you know it?” He
chuckled gleefully. “I’ve been wondering how to begin anew, and the
answer falls in my lap.”

What are you talking

We’ve a guest, my dear, a
man and he’s come to pay a call on you.”

You must be jesting. Who
would come to see me?”

A young lord by the name of

She looked blank. “Lord Wimberly? Here?”

You do know him, don’t
you?” he asked, eyeing her closely.

Yes…I simply can’t
understand why he would visit.”

He said something about
having told you he might do so if he were in the

Now you mention it, I
remember him saying that.”

She turned from him, moving to the cradle
where her child slept so he could not see the confusion on her
face. She had spoken to Lord Wimberly on a very few occasions, and
she was positive he had never told her such a thing.

This is the moment we have
been waiting for, wife.”

A nuance in his voice caused her nerves to
vibrate with alarm, and she whirled around to stare at him.

Edgar, you can’t mean

What do you think I’ve been
talking about since I came in here? Certainly, I mean

But I’m not ready

If I left the matter in
your hands, there would never be a right time. This is a perfect
opportunity, and I don’t intend to let it slip away.”

I can’t do it. He’s—” She
stopped suddenly. She had started to say that Lord Wimberly was
Adam’s good friend, but she wondered if it might be a mistake to
reveal that information.

He wasn’t listening to her, anyway. “You
promised me, Catherine. Our bargain was that you keep your daughter
if you provide me with a male child. I’ve not changed my mind.”

I don’t know how to go
about this!”

You’ll think of something.
Hurry now and dress. He’s staying for supper.” He smiled then. “It
will be your job to see he stays the night.”

I’m not wearing one of
those hideous gowns.”

The baron waved his hand at her. “As you
will. You know, though,” he said, smirking at her as he prepared to
leave, “a little bosom would not be out of order.”

Oh!” she screamed. She
rushed forward and kicked at the door as it closed behind him.
There might have been some pleasure in venting her temper, but the
baby decided to be disturbed by the ruckus and began to holler as
well. And worse, she could hear Edgar’s delighted laughter as he
made his way down the corridor.

My poor darling, what an
inconsiderate mother you have.”

Catherine moved to the cradle and, lifting
the babe into her arms, gazed into the tiny face. The infant looked
back at her through Adam’s blue eyes, and a lump of emotion lodged
in her throat. She felt guilty for having brought this child into
an uncertain world, yet her love for this little person was so
intense, she could not find room for regret.

She shook her head in resignation. Edgar was
at it again. But Lord Wimberly, why had he come? She tried to
control the excitement that seized her when she thought of what
this could mean. Perhaps he had news of Lord Ashworth. Perhaps Adam
no longer hated her and the viscount had come to let her know. That
seemed a remote possibility, but she could think of no logical
reason why Lord Wimberly would call on her.

The baby had calmed and was sucking on one
dimpled fist.

I suppose this is your way
of telling me it’s time to eat. Come on then.” Catherine entered
the hall in search of the nursemaid.




Lord Wimberly, what brings
you to our little corner of the realm?” Catherine entered the
shabby parlor and extended her hand.

Daniel, alone in the room, rose from his
chair. He was sipping on a glass of port.

As I explained to your
husband, I was in the vicinity and thought I would stop in and say
hello. It was on impulse. I hope I haven’t inconvenienced

We have so little company
it’s a welcome break from the monotony. It’s a pleasure to see you.
You bring good news of all our friends?”

From the look on Lord Wimberly’s face, she
suspected he knew about whom she actually inquired.

Everyone does well, and
yourself?” he returned.

I go on,” she said—a vague
reply, carefully noncommittal.

I see. Is your husband to
join us this evening?”

He was called away
unexpectedly, and I’m not certain when he will return. I hope you
are not disappointed.”

He raised his eyebrows, clearly surprised,
and Catherine felt her face burn with embarrassment.

On the contrary,” he said
gallantly. “I shall enjoy the company of a lovely lady. It will
give us a chance to catch up on all the latest gossip.”

I would like

They proceeded to the dining table and a
substantial if unremarkable meal was served. The viscount kept his
promise to reveal all the news. Catherine enjoyed the telling, for
he stressed the humorous in his stories, but his words were never
unkind. As the dessert plates were removed, they returned to the
parlor to partake of tea and more congenial conversation.

Catherine glanced up as she took a seat on
the settee next to Lord Wimberly, and she saw Willy lurking in the
hall outside the parlor door. She felt a fissure of alarm quickly
followed by indignation.

Willy,” she called to the

My lady?” The servant moved
into the room.

I would like you to close
the door and go about your duties.”

Yes, my lady.” He started
to leave.


He stopped and looked at her again.

I will be unhappy if I find
you have been trying to listen in. I do not want to be spied on, is
that clear? I’m capable of telling my husband what he wants to
know. I have my own informers if you choose to ignore

Willy stared at her for a moment as though
weighing her words, then shifted his regard to Lord Wimberly. The
viscount viewed him without expression save for an impassive
watchfulness. Willy looked at his mistress again before lowering
his gaze.

I will see you are not
disturbed, my lady,” he said and withdrew, pulling the door shut
behind him.

An uncomfortable silence followed his
departure. Catherine had brought a sticky problem out into the
open—not something she had wanted to do. But what choice did she
have? Edgar expected her to woo the viscount, however, she had no
intention of carrying out his demands with Willy’s salacious ear
plastered to the keyhole.

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