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Authors: Alana Sapphire

In the Dark (6 page)

BOOK: In the Dark
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I can’t believe Rick is sitting in my bed, eating, and engaging in light banter. It all seems so normal. For a moment, I thought he regretted what happened but maybe I was wrong. Reaching over, he offers a bite of his chicken. When he pulls the fork from between my lips, he leans in, and presses his lips to mine.

“Mm,” I moan, not at the taste of the chicken, but the taste of the man. “Here…open this.” I hand him the champagne. “I’ll be right back.”

I grab the sticky rice and head to the kitchen to reheat it and add a scoop of vanilla ice cream. When I return to the bedroom, he’s sipping from the champagne bottle.

“Oh, I forgot the glasses.”

“Leave them.” He motions me forward. “Come.”

I straddle his hips, and take a sip when he offers me the bottle. “Time for dessert.”

Scooping a spoonful, I place it at his lips. As he chews, I pull on the strings of my robe, undoing the bow. He pushes the sides apart as I bring the spoon to my lips. Feeling his cock harden between my legs, I reach for a condom from the nightstand, and hand it to him.

“Put this on.”

I slide back and watch as he rolls the condom down his impressive length. He holds my stare as I move forward and slowly sink down onto him. Once he’s buried deep inside me, I feed him another spoonful, deliberately getting ice cream all over his lips.

“Oh…I’m sorry. Let me get that for you.”

He smiles as I lean in. I trail my tongue across his top lip, licking the ice cream off. Before I can pull away, he covers my lips. Removing the bowl from my fingers, he sets it on the bed as his tongue slides past my lips. I cradle his face in my hands, slowly moving my hips against him. As his wander up my stomach and find my breasts, my roving hands slide through his hair. With a moan, I throw my head back. He uses the opportunity to push my robe over my shoulders. I relieve myself of the garment and drop it on the floor. As he massages my breasts, I place my hands on top of his.

“Come here,” he growls.

The moment I lean forward, he pulls my nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it.

“Oh, God, Rick!”

He curls his fingers around my neck, while his other hand slides up my thigh, and his thumb finds my clit. I move in a circular motion, faster and faster, to match the movement of his thumb. His eyes are focused on where we’re joined. A tingle shoots up my spine as I picture what he’s seeing. With that thought in my mind, I ride him like the thoroughbred he is.





I can’t remember the last time I fucked a woman three times in one night. Hell, I can’t remember a woman I’d wanted to fuck more than once. Period. As I watch Kelly, I know it’s going to become a frequent occurrence. I can’t get enough of her. When she grabs my shoulders and her eyes snap shut, I know she’s about to come. God, I love the way her pussy grabs my cock when she comes. It’s like nothing I’ve felt before. Her muscles tighten, clamping down on me, and I lose all restraint. My hips jerk up, and we come together. She cries out, her shoulders shaking, her breathing ragged. Gasping for breath, she collapses on my chest. Stroking her hair, I lie beneath her until my own breathing returns to normal.

“I should probably go,” I state reluctantly.

“You’re not moving,” she mutters, exhaustion evident in her voice.

“I can’t move if you’re on top of me.”

“Do you want to?”

. “No.” Shit. I can’t believe I admitted that to her.

“Then don’t.”

“You’re the one who’s hung up on propriety, Kelly.”

She heaves a heavy sigh. “You’re right.”

When she shifts to the bed, I instantly miss her warmth. I quickly climb out of her bed before I succumb to the urge to pull her back into my arms. She watches me as I get dressed, chewing on her lip.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” She drops her gaze.

“Not ‘nothing’. You’re chewing on your lip.”

“I just…when will I see you again?”

She’s worried and I know it’s my fault. She sensed the change in me earlier and now she’s insecure. Kneeling by the bed, I stroke her cheek. “ASAP.”

A brilliant smile lights up her face. “I’ll walk you to the door.”

While I’m tying my laces, she heads off toward the living room, returning with my shirt.

“You might need this.” She waves it at me.

I return her smile, taking it from her fingers. As I pull it over my head, she trails a gentle finger down my stomach. My muscles jump at her touch.

“How often do you work out?” she asks.

“Three times a week. I was supposed to meet my trainer this evening.”

“Well, you can tell him you got a different kind of workout.” She giggles.

“I think I enjoy this one more.”

She raises a brow. “Think?”

“You’re right. I
enjoy this one more.”

Her pretty little smirk makes me want to rip my clothes off again. The woman is a good eight inches shorter than me. How can someone so small have this huge effect on me?

“C’mon,” she says, slipping her arm around my waist.

I stare down at her perfect breasts. She has to know what she’s doing to me but she doesn’t even seem aware that she’s totally naked. At the door, she turns to me with a sigh.

“Good night, Rick.”

“Good night, golden eyes.” I close the huge gap between our lips, and kiss her gently. When I pull away, she buries her face in my chest.

“I don’t want you to go.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll figure it out.”
And so help me, I will



I wake up with a huge grin on my face. I had dreams of Rick as usual, but this time they were of things that actually happened. Jumping out of bed, I head to the bathroom, eager to start the day. If I catch even a glimpse of him at work, I’ll be a happy woman. I just hope if I do, I’ll be able to control myself and not give anything away. Inspecting my reflection in the mirror, I giggle at the sight that greets me – sex ravaged hair, unusually bright eyes, and the five hickeys Rick left on my body. There’s one on my neck, which I’ll have to cover up, and two on each breast. With a mischievous grin, I retrieve the iPhone and snap a picture before hopping into the shower.




It’s been a miserable morning. This breakfast meeting is incredibly boring, and I want nothing more than to crawl back into bed with Kelly. When the iPhone vibrates in my jacket, my fingers itch to pull it out. I shouldn’t, but I could use a dose of her right now. I glance around the table, hoping the other men won’t even notice what I’m doing.

I fish the phone from my pocket, and read her message under the table. Under the text ‘Good morning from the twins!’, a picture of her gorgeous breasts greets me. My leg twitches, hitting the table, and everyone turns to me curiously.

“Gentlemen, will you excuse me for a minute?”

I walk over to a quiet corner, and take the time to fully appreciate the magnificence before I dial her number. The hickeys I left on her look even better in the daylight.

“Good morning,” she answers in a sultry tone.

“What are you trying to do to me?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m sitting in a meeting discussing millions of dollars, and now all I can think of is ‘the twins’ as you put it.”

She giggles. “You should have known better than to be reading personal messages during a business meeting.”

She has a point. “I guess you’re right.”

“Well, I’ll let you get back to your meeting, sir.”

It’s a title I hear all day, every day, but it’s never sounded so sexy before.

“Make sure you call me that later.”




I haven’t been able to concentrate all day. Half the time, my mind drifts to last night, the other half, I’m wondering what he has in store for ‘later’. When lunchtime rolls around, I happily head to the break room so I can daydream in peace. That’s exactly what I’m doing when Jimmy interrupts me.

“I wonder who’s put that look on your face?”

“Hey, Jimmy.”

“Don’t tell me someone’s stolen you away from me?” he asks as he takes the seat across from me.

“We would have to be together for someone to steal me away.”

He places his hand over his heart in jest. “You wound me, Kelly baby. Who’s the extremely lucky man?”

“I didn’t say there was a man. You’re assuming.” Rick’s phone vibrates in my purse, and I start to get antsy. “Excuse me, Jimmy.”

“Okay, pretty lady.”

He just never gives up.
Picking up my purse, I rush to the bathroom, where I lock myself in a stall and read Rick’s message.

Rick: What are you doing?

Kelly: I was having lunch…what are you doing?

Rick: Sitting in a meeting…stocks and bonds and such. All very boring.

Kelly: Tsk tsk, mister. Focus!

Rick: I am focused…just not on stocks and bonds.

Kelly: I don’t know…they can be very entertaining. I’ll show you later ;)

He doesn’t reply so I head back to my desk. Before I dive back into my work, I receive a text from a strange number.

2123000000: I know.

I read it with furrowed brows. Is this about me and Rick? No. It can’t be. It has to be a wrong number because it doesn’t even look valid. I shake it off, and wake up my computer.

“Kelly, honey?” Walter cracks open his office door, sticking his head through the space.

“Yes, Walter?”

“Do me a favor, will you? I wanna take the Mrs. somewhere fancy tomorrow night. It’s her birthday. Can you take care of that for me?”

“Sure. I’ll see what I can do.”

How sweet…to be that age and still so in love.
Luckily, I have a friend who manages a fine dining restaurant. Hopefully she can get me something on such short notice. I pick up the phone and dial her number.

“Debbie Morgan,” she answers in a curt voice.

“Hey, Debbie. It’s Kelly.”

“Hey, girl. What’s up?”

“It’s my boss…wife’s birthday tomorrow. Can you help me?”

“Let me see.”

I listen to the sounds as Debbie taps away on her keyboard.

“You’re in luck, Black. I’ve got an opening at eight-thirty.”

“I’ll take it. Name’s Walter Banks.”

“Got it.”

“Thanks, Debs!”

“No prob. We should have drinks this weekend.”

“Definitely. I’ll call you.”

“See ya.”

After hanging up with her, I inform Walter of his reservation. He’s one happy camper.

“You’re an angel, Kelly!”

“I know.” I give him a bright smile. “What are you ever going to do without me?”

“Fall apart, that’s what.”

“You’ll be fine. Is there anything else?”

“Not right now.”

The rest of the day is pretty quiet. Rick, too. I don’t hear from him until Rosa and I are on our way out of the building. I’m itching to pull out the phone, but I have to wait until I’m in the car. I can’t deal with Rosa’s questions.

“Are you going to tell me who this guy is yet?” she asks.

“I can’t.”


“He works here,” I answer. I have to give her something or she won’t leave me alone.

“So? There are no rules against that. Believe me, I’ve checked.”

“I know. I just want to see where this is going first.”

“And you can’t tell

“He asked me not to say anything.”

?” she asks again.

“I promise I’ll tell you everything soon, Rosa. Just trust me. Please.”

“Okay,” she agrees reluctantly. “He better look like Henry Cavill. Shit.”

I laugh, throwing my head back. “Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.”

We part ways and I hop into my car, digging the phone out of my purse to read Rick’s text. It’s an address.

Rick: I’ll meet you there. I have a few more meetings. Someone will be there to let you in.

Kelly: Ok…see you later.

I start the car, unable to contain my excitement as I make plans. I just need to make a stop before heading home.

BOOK: In the Dark
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