In the Dark (24 page)

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Authors: Alana Sapphire

BOOK: In the Dark
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G: Are you still awake?

After a few minutes and no reply, I figure she’s asleep. But then my phone buzzes.

R: Sorry. My hands were a little busy ;)

Holy fuck. Is she…? Does that mean what I think it means?
I dial her number and she answers with a moan.

“Jesus Christ, Raven. Are you touching yourself?”

“Mm hmm.”

A soft whimper goes straight to my dick and I’m instantly hard. Her moaning continues, and I have to prop the phone between my ear and shoulder so I can adjust myself. “I shouldn’t have told you to do that.”

She gasps and a vivid image of her pops into my mind. She’s lying in bed, legs drawn up, fingers in her wet, tight pussy.
Fuck me.


“Because it should be me. My hands should be the only ones to make you come.”

“I was thinking about you.”

Fuck. Her breathing changes; it’s heavier, coming in short puffs. A series of breathless whimpers has me releasing my dick. I felt like it was going to break in two the way it was straining against my jeans. I grab it, squeezing the base as I listen to her pleasuring herself.

“Oh, God,” she whispers. “I’m…I’m going to…”

“Come on, doll. Let me hear you.”

“Oh, my God. Gage!”

I never knew I could want someone so much that I physically ached. My dick, my balls, my head, my whole fucking body is thrumming with pain. No other woman, no pain meds can help me. Just her. She’s like fucking Ibuprofen. No, stronger than that. More like Hydromorphone.

She giggles and lets out a satisfied sigh while I’m left with a stiff dick and nowhere to put it.

“Oh, wow.”

“It was that good, huh?”

“It was
.” She sighs with what I’m sure is utter contentment.

“And what about me?”

“What about you?”

“You’ve left me with quite an obvious problem.”

“One that’s easily solved.”

“We can’t.” Now it’s my turn to sigh.

“You know, I did some research earlier and found out an interesting bit of information. Not sure if you’re aware of it.”

“What’s that?”

“The age of consent in Georgia is sixteen. We don’t need to wait.”

Fuck. When did that happen? If I turn around now, I can be at her place in fifteen minutes tops. The tires screech as I make a U-turn but I don’t get far before I stop on the side of the road. Fuck! I slam my palm on the steering wheel. When the fuck did I grow a conscience?

“I can’t, Raven. It just doesn’t feel right.”

“Well, it doesn’t have to be me.”

“What are you saying?”

She takes a deep breath as if preparing herself to say what she wants to.

“There are plenty of women who can help you out.”

“And you’d be fine with that?”

“You’re the one who doesn’t want a relationship. Are you saying you’re going to be a monk for the next couple of weeks?”

“I’m trying, Raven.”

“Yeah, well...let’s see how long you last.”

I can do it. It’s not like I’m some horny teenager who can’t keep it in his pants. I can wait. I
wait because I know she’ll be worth it.

“I have work tomorrow. I’m gonna go to bed.”

“Okay, doll. Good night.”


I contemplate her words all the way to the clubhouse. She actually expects me to fuck around and she’s not being a bitch about it. It’s crazy, considering what I just went through with Cassidy, and all the jealous bitches I’ve had to deal with in my lifetime. Is Raven just trying to play hard or could she be the exception to every rule? So far, she hasn’t conformed to any conceptions I have of women. She hasn’t even come close.

I’m only semi-hard by the time I drive through the gates, so I’m able to tuck my dick back in my jeans. Inside, the party’s winding down. I navigate through passed-out bodies and make my way to the bar where Motor and Lonnie are sitting. Booker hands me a beer as I sit on the stool next to Motor.

“Tough night, Prez?” Motor asks.

“Yeah. Had to handle some shit.”

Lonnie walks over to me as I take a pull of my beer.

“Maybe I can help you relax.”

She slides her arms around me, biting her lip seductively. I grab her wrist and pull her to a quiet corner.

“There’s some shit we need to get straight.”

“What do you mean?”

“This brother you want to claim you. It’s me, right?”

Her eyes brighten, her expression hopeful as she gazes into my eyes.

“Gage, I’m so glad you finally realized –”

“Listen to me. You’ve been around here long enough to know that I’m not that dude. I’m not looking for an old lady. You need to set your sights somewhere else.”

Somewhere far, far the fuck away

“But, Gage –”

“No buts. I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but I gotta be straight. Get that thought out of your head. You and me ain’t gonna happen. Got it?”

She nods weakly and I head to my room, leaving her standing there. Britney tries to intercept me but I wave her off. Even she won’t do it for me tonight. Only one woman can, and I can’t have her yet. I grab my phone, punch ‘Georgia age of consent’ into the search bar, and sure enough, a big, fat ‘16’ stares me in the face. I can kill a man without blinking, but taking something I want, which is totally legal, is grating on my morals.
Fuck my life.



I wipe the sweat from my forehead with the small towel I have thrown over my shoulder. It’s fucking hot in the kitchen. I have a newfound respect for the kitchen staff. One of the cooks is sick and I volunteered to help out. Apparently, I volunteered to work in Hell. As Sheila shouts out an order, I add some spices to the black beans I’m working on.

“Girl, that cake you made is a hit! Some dude just bought a whole one.”

I turn to Sheila with a shy smile. Her brown eyes are twinkling as she smiles back.


“Really. You gotta give me the recipe. I’m gonna try it out on Johnny. I swear I’m gonna grow old waitin’ on that man to make a move.”

“He’s a fool. You’re gorgeous, for Christ’s sake.”

And she is. Long brown hair, perfect skin, and she has more curves than I do. Nice ass for a white woman, too. She’s only a few years older than me, but from her stories, she’s quite…experienced.

“Thanks, sweetie. I’m gonna get back out there.”

Just after the lunch crowd, Millie comes in and peeks over my shoulder. I’m making sugar cookies, but decided to make use of my artistic abilities and have been cutting out different shapes.

“Wow! You’re really good, sweetheart.”


“I got someone out here who wants to give their compliments to the chef.”


“Yes, you. Come on.”

I wash my hands and wipe my face as I head out to the dining area. I wonder who it could be. Millie nods toward the end of the counter and I turn to see Mr. Hunter regarding me with a grin. My girly parts tingle and I return his smile as I approach him.

“Hey, babe.”

. He called me ‘babe.’ I don’t know how I’m still standing on these jelly legs.


“I just had one of the best meals I’ve eaten in a long time. Imagine how much better it was when I found out that you made it.”

I blush, staring down at the floor. “Thank you.”

“Seriously. It was so good I might have to get you to cook for me every day.”


I link my arms behind me, dragging the tip of my Keds back and forth on the tiles.

“Look at me.”

I slowly lift my gaze and stare into his baby blues.

“What are you doing later?”

“Why? Are you asking me out?”


“You’re not?”
. Why would he ask what I’m doing then?

“No. I’m gonna tell you what time I’m coming to pick you up.”

Jesus. I’m trying so hard right now not to climb over this counter. The struggle is real.

“I got some shit to do, but I’ll call you later, okay?”


He grasps my chin between his thumb and index finger and smiles.

“See you later, baby doll.”

“See ya.”

As I watch him walk away, I meet Chrissy’s shocked, open-mouthed stare. Fuck! I don’t know how much she saw, but I know it was enough. I’m in total panic mode. I grab her hand and pull her over to an empty booth. She sits across from me, eyes wide, mouth still hanging open.

“What the fuck, Ray? What did I just see?”

“Chrissy –”

“Are you cheating on my brother?”

“No –”

“Oh, my God. You’re breaking up with him, aren’t you?”

“It’s compli–”

“I knew it! Ever since that day we met, I knew there was something between you and Gage. I saw it in his eyes.”

“Will you calm down for a minute and let me explain?”

“Okay, okay. Go ahead.”

“You’re right. By the time I met you, we had already kissed a few times.”

Her eyes bug out once again and her lips form an ‘O’.

“But then he found out my age and pretty much left me alone.”

“And you started dating Chris.”


“But now he’s back.”


“What are you going to do?” she asks, eyes so wide I think they might pop out of her skull.

“I really like Chris, but Gage…”

“Is hot.”

“So is Chris,” I tell her. She might not want to think of her brother that way, but he is. I can’t help it.

“Gage Hunter is in another galaxy of hotness.”

“What would you do?” I ask.

“Me? No clue. Never had two hot guys chasing me.”


I fold my hands on the table and drop my head on them.

“I’m so confused.”

, I’m not getting in the middle of this. You need to figure out who you want. If you pick Gage, my brother will be hurt,
we all have to look out for our own happiness,” she explains.

“That’s just it. I don’t want to hurt him.”

“He’ll get over it, eventually. Gage…just make sure you know what you’re getting into. He may not be who you think he is.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, intrigued.

“There’s just…stuff. I’m not going to repeat rumors.”

“If there’s something you think I should know –”

“It’s nothing.”

“Chrissy, tell me.”

“He got into some trouble with the cops a while back. Nothing stuck, though.”

That’ll happen when you’re a killer.
A murderer. Holy shit. Am I really getting involved with a
? Wouldn’t Daddy be proud? Jesus. I really didn’t think this thing through, did I? If I’m honest with myself, it doesn’t bother me that much. Actually, knowing what he’s capable of turns me on.
Fuck. I’m a sick bitch.

“What did he do?”

“Don’t worry. He didn’t kill anyone. Frankly I don’t think he did it. They couldn’t prove it.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

“We should go out tonight,” she says, trying to change the subject. “Forget about guys for one night. Just you and me.”

Whatever. I’ll just ask Gage about it. “I have to work tomorrow.”

“Stop being such a pussy. We can go to that new place, Chiquita’s. I heard they have a sick DJ.”  

“I don’t know.”

“Come on. We’ll hang out, dance our asses off, and then go home. You can teach me how to twerk.”

That coaxes a smile from me. “Well, I
the twerk Queen.”

“See? Come over after work. We’ll get ready and go.”

“Okay. But I sorta made plans with Gage. I have to let him know.”


I grab her hand as she slides out of the booth.

“Chrissy, please –”

“I won’t say anything. Not my place.”





“Girl, you look amazing.
¡Muy caliente!

I turn away from the mirror and toward Chrissy with a smile. “You, too,

I look at my ass in the mirror and consider my outfit – jean shorts; black, layered chiffon tank top; gold fashion jewelry; and black and gold wedge sandals. We decided to match outfits so Chrissy is dressed the same, only in white.

“We are gonna break some hearts tonight, honey,” she says.

“Hopefully not mine.”

I spin around at Chris’ voice. He walks in, his eyes dragging over me from head to toe.


“You like?”

“I can’t let you leave the house like that without me.”

“Oh, really?”

He wraps his arms around my waist as I raise a defiant brow at him.

“Can’t have anybody looking at my woman.”

I pull away, guilt racking my body. “Can’t stop people from looking, Christopher,” I tell him.

“Get out, Chris, before I tell Mom. You’re not going to ruin our night.”

“Fine, fine.” He kisses my neck and then strokes my hair. “Have fun, and call me if you need anything.”

“We won’t,” Chrissy says.

“Whatever, sis. Take care of my girl.”

“Boy, ‘bye! She’s my bitch tonight. You’ll be lucky if you get her back once she’s had a taste of me.”


Chrissy sticks her tongue out at him and I burst out laughing.

“Come on, Ray.”

I grab my leather jacket and we head downstairs. Chris drops us off at Chiquita’s in his dad’s car, kissing my cheek before I get out.

“Call me when y’all are ready.”


We walk in to the sound of nineties hip-hop – Juvenile’s “Back That Azz Up,” the clean version. Better yet, let me say, the
version. Chrissy is bouncing like she’s ready to hit the dance floor. A few guys whistle as we walk by and Chrissy wiggles her fingers at them. We’re shown to a table and immediately start people watching as we look through the menu.

“There are some hot guys here,” Chrissy says, eyeing a group of men in a corner.

“I thought tonight was about us girls?”

“Hey, you have two. I’m just playing catch-up.”


“Raven, I know you like him and all, but…”

“But what?”

“Don’t you think he’s a little old for you?” she asks, quickly getting serious on me.

“His age doesn’t matter to me. Besides, you know what they say – a new broom sweeps clean, but an old broom knows every corner.”

I wink at her and she throws her head back, laughing.

“So, he’ll be sweeping your corners?”

“Chrissy, I wish I could explain to you how I feel when he touches me.”


“Frickin’ Fourth of July
New Year’s rolled into one.”

Her eyes widen and she loses her smile. She holds my stare and nods in understanding. I’m so glad I can talk to her about this without judgment.

“I got you.”

She squeezes my fingers and brightens up once more.

“Enough of that. No more deep stuff. We came here to eat and shake our asses, right?”

“Right,” I say with a smile.


We listen and sing along as the DJ plays some more Cash Money hits, Ruff Ryders, No Limit, Biggie, Pac, and a whole lot more.

“You were right. The DJ
really good.”

“I know, right?” 

We jam our way through chips and salsa and some
before the music changes. It’s as if the DJ is playing especially for me. He slows it down and plays Sam Smith’s “Leave Your Lover”. Chrissy’s eyes meet mine and she shrugs. Then he plays “Stay With Me” and “Like I Can.”

“Is this a sign?” I ask. The lyrics of each song are hitting way too close to home.

“Don’t concentrate on that. How’s your

“Good. How’s your Mahi Mahi?”

“Here, try it.”

She extends her fork to me and I do the same, offering her a bite of my steak.

“It’s good,” I tell her.

“Mm hmm.”

My phone vibrates on the table and I look down to see a text from Gage. He tried his best to hide it, but I could tell he was disappointed when I called him earlier to cancel our plans.

G: Having fun without me?

R: So far…eating right now.

“Which one is it?”


“What did he say?”

“Just wanted to know if we’re having fun.”

“That’s nice.”

G: Don’t worry about the bill. I got you.

Chrissy must have seen the confused look on my face.

“What is it?” she asks.

“He says he’s taking care of our bill.”

. If I’d known, I would have gotten the lobster.”

We laugh and she raises her glass for a toast. I tap mine against hers.

“To not worrying about our bill,” she says, giggling.

I send him a quick thank you before Chrissy starts jumping up and down in her seat. The music has changed and the DJ is now playing Gusttavo Lima’s “Balada”.

“I love this song! Let’s dance,” she squeals.

We throw off our jackets and she grabs my hand, pulling me to the dance floor.
Here we go.

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