Read In the Arms of an Earl Online

Authors: Anna Small

Tags: #Regency

In the Arms of an Earl (28 page)

BOOK: In the Arms of an Earl
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Alice gestured toward a large room, glittering from the glow of hundreds of candles in ornate chandeliers. “Charlotte has the best parties. Only the most fashionable members of the
are ever invited. You are welcome, of course, because of my friendship with Charlotte. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Prince Regent himself stopped by.” She fluttered her fingers in a wave at someone behind Jane. “There’s Lord Bates. He’s brought his
mistress. She’s on the stage, you know.” She inclined her head toward a salon, which overflowed with guests. “Whatever you do, my dear, do
go into that room. You’ll be swallowed alive, I daresay.”

They reached the dining room at last. Alice thrust a plate into Jane’s hands and filled it with marzipan sweets, candied fruits, and chocolate drops.

“Only eat a morsel, I warn you. A lady never eats at a ball. Country balls, of course”—she sniffed—“but not in town. We’ll eat when we’re home.” She nudged Jane sharply in the ribs. “Do smile, Jane! Do you see that tall gentleman approaching us? The one with the scarlet waistcoat? That’s Lord Winters. He’s the most fashionable man in England and the most devilishly handsome.” Her pale cheeks flushed pink, and she pushed Jane forward. “If you could seduce him, you could have anyone. Try to look approachable. I’ve told him all about you, and he’s simply dying to meet you.”

Alice’s wicked plan coiled around her so tight she couldn’t breathe. The clawed grip on her arm prevented her from fleeing. Lord Winters towered over her and kissed her hand with a loud smacking sound. A pungent whiff of his cologne made her eyes water.

“This enchanting creature must be the Countess of Falconbury.” His pockmarked skin shone greasily under a layer of powder. Watery black eyes peered at her from beneath his plucked eyebrows. He didn’t appear to be the handsomest man in all of England. Frederick was literally far above this man in height and appearance.

But she wouldn’t think of him just now. He was, as Alice said, off with his mistress. Alice nudged her.

“Speak, you wretched thing,” she hissed beneath her breath.

Jane bent her knees in a slight curtsy. “How do you do?”

“All the better since meeting you. Where has Blakeney been hiding you?” His gaze dropped to her bosom, and Jane could almost feel his eyes through the layers of gown and corset. She shrank back, but Alice tapped her with her fan.

“Winters, you scandalous puppy! How was your time in Bath? Every party since you left has been simply ghastly.” Her fan fluttered violently.

Jane’s hand still captive in his, Lord Winters regarded Alice. “Bath was dreadful, just dreadful. I couldn’t wait to come back to civilization. Now, I wish I’d never left.” He threaded Jane’s arm through his. “I must attach myself to you, dear countess. Tonight, you will have no other dancing partner. Alice, tell her she must obey me. I will punish her most ardently if she does not.”

With a deft turn of his yellow silk shoe, he steered Jane into the ballroom. She stumbled to match his brisk pace, while Alice hurried behind them, chortling behind her fan.

“I don’t know this dance.” Jane eyed the assembly lining up. Her toes pinched in Alice’s tight shoes. She’d have a horrible blister in the morning. Worse than the blister was the sensation of her skin crawling with a million tiny insects every time he touched her.

“Allow me to instruct you, my lady. I’m a most excellent teacher.” His pointed red tongue swept across his lower lip. She shuddered, but he must have thought it a sign of lust, for he took her arm again. Alice nodded encouragement from the edge of the ballroom floor, her hands twitching as she gave Jane silent instructions.

Realizing the odious Lord Winters would never release her until they danced, Jane stood where he indicated. A few other men looked at her with some interest, and she wondered if it was because the most rakish of the lot had chosen her.

The music started, fast-paced and raucous, and the dancers whooped and laughed around the floor. She didn’t need to know the steps. Every time she encountered Lord Winters, he swung her around until her feet skimmed the ground. Just when she thought it would never end, the dance finished. Lord Winters motioned to a servant carrying a tray of Champagne, and Jane took her chance, fleeing the room through the only open door.

She collided with someone who caught her before she could fall.

“Careful, there!” he cried.

Jane opened her mouth to apologize and stared at the man in disbelief. “Mr. Parker!”

Jeremy Parker gaped at her. “Miss Brooke! I mean, Mrs. Blakeney…Lady Falconbury! What on earth are you doing here?”

He gave a little bow. She curtsied, torn between admonishing him for his terrible behavior the last time she’d seen him and thanking him for his presence. His familiar face relieved her more than she cared to admit.

“I’m here with my sister-in-law.” She dabbed her gloved fingers at her damp forehead. Lord Winters’ voice came through the veranda door, and she scurried to a dark corner. Jeremy cast her a startled glance as Lord Winters stepped onto the veranda.

“I say, did the Countess of Falconbury come through here?”

Jane pressed against the cold stone wall, trying to merge with the shadows.

Jeremy shrugged. “I’m alone, sir.” Winters muttered a curse and turned on his heel. Jeremy chuckled.

“You can come out now.”

“I am so grateful…”

“Why are you here with the likes of him?” His brusque tone startled her.

“I am not here with him. I’ve never met Lord Winters before tonight. Alice—”

“Where is Falconbury? Does he know you’re here?”

She lifted her chin. “My husband is away this evening. My sister-in-law, Alice, brought me here. Lady Harrington is a friend of hers.” Through her discomfort in seeing him again, she was defending Alice, which seemed almost distasteful.

“Friend? Ha! Charlotte is a trollop who enjoys making trollops of young women like you.” His brows knitted in anger. “I will take you home at once. Have you a cloak?”


“Alice can take care of herself. She should have known better than to bring you to a place like this.” He shook his head, his lips tight. “Good heavens, Lady Falconbury—you’re hardly covered. It’s no wonder a man like Winters is hunting you. Is this a new style you’ve adopted?”

She crossed her arms over her low décolleté. He removed a silk handkerchief from his pocket. “Arrange this across the front. You’ll be halfway presentable while I escort you from this wretched place.”

She wanted to ask what
was doing in this wretched place but bit back the retort. The handkerchief looked silly, but she was grateful. Jeremy continued to scold her.

“It’s a good thing I was here. Hopefully, we can get you home before Falconbury finds out.” He offered his arm. A tall, familiar figure blocked their exit.

“Falconbury has found out. Good evening, Mr. Parker. And may I ask, if you please, what the devil you are doing with my wife?”

Frederick’s voice was calm—pleasant, even. Jane froze in her tracks. Jeremy’s arm stiffened beneath her hand.

“I was about to see her safely home, though I would wonder why she’d come here without your protection, or at least, knowledge.”

Frederick’s gaze was unreadable. She wanted to protest her innocence but the words died in her throat. With a swift gesture, he plucked the handkerchief from her bodice and handed it to Jeremy.

“Yours, sir?”

Jane stepped between them, her heart pounding so she feared her ribs would crack. “Frederick, please! Mr. Parker is only trying to help. I’ve lost Alice.”

He stared at her. “I met Alice outside. She was looking for you. She told me Lord Winters, the most scandal-ridden fool in London, had invited you. I came as quickly as I could, but I see you’ve already found a friend.”

Tears of outrage at Alice’s betrayal stung her eyes. “She must have left me. I’ve only been here a half hour or so…”

“Ah, there you are! Freddie, will you dance with me? I can’t seem to find…Oh!” Susanna Olivier appeared on the veranda. Her startled expression vanished, and her face settled into a carefully blank mask. “Good evening, Jane! I didn’t expect to see you.” She stared at Jeremy before dropping into a curtsy. “Mr. Parker.”

He bowed. “Miss Olivier.”

Jane stared at Frederick. He didn’t even have the heart to look ashamed.

“You’re here with…” She hadn’t wanted to believe Alice. Despite Frederick’s many absences lately, she’d kept hope he was nothing like his brother. But the irrefutable evidence stood before her in blue silk and pearls.

Susanna stepped forward and kissed Jane’s cheek. “Fancy finding you here! Will you come to the refreshment table with me? I must confess I’m famished.”

“I don’t want to eat. I don’t want…” Her voice broke, but she straightened her shoulders. “I want to go home.” Only after she’d spoken did she realize she meant Hartleigh.

Frederick took her firmly by the hand. “Let’s go. Parker, you and I shall discuss this another time. Susanna, I am astounded you came to Lady Harrington’s on your own. You will shame your poor aunt.” He untied his neck cloth and began draping it over Jane’s bare shoulders.

“You’ll make her an object of derision.” Susanna snatched the cloth and shoved it back at him. “Jane,” she began, drawing Jane’s arm tightly through hers, “walk out of here with me. I’m not certain what happened tonight, but it will be fine, I assure you.” She glared at Frederick before pulling Jane toward the ballroom.

Dazed, Jane allowed Susanna to lead her past the bawdy guests. This was not the first time she’d left a ball in humiliation. Lord Winters caught her eye but turned away when his gaze settled on something, or someone, behind her. Frederick muttered beneath his breath, and his hand pressed the small of her back.

“What on earth were you thinking?” Susanna whispered through the side of her mouth. “Lady Harrington’s parties are notorious.”

Jane wanted to speak but didn’t dare for fear she would burst into tears.

“How fortunate Frederick stopped home and found you gone,” Susanna continued, steering her through a crowded salon. “Goodness only knows what might have happened had he not arrived when he did. Lord Winters was involved in a dreadful scandal last season. I’m surprised he can even show his face in society.”

An obviously inebriated young woman proceeded to undress to the raucous crowd. Susanna gasped, and Frederick was immediately at Jane’s side, swearing under his breath and almost pushing them toward the exit. He ordered his coach in short, clipped words. Susanna seized Jane’s hands and gazed fiercely into her eyes.

“London can be a dreadful place, filled with all varieties of sin and temptation. Be careful, Jane. There are many who would try to usurp you in Freddie’s affections.” She gave her a little smile. “He’s just as angry with me. I was coming here to meet a…a friend and found Freddie just outside the door. He was fearsome to behold, I must say.” Her blue eyes sparkled with gaiety. “But I need not listen to your stuffy Earl of Falconbury.” She said the last in a louder voice. Frederick gave her a stern look. “Good night, Jane.” She kissed her cheek. “We need to visit. I know we will be such good friends.”

Frederick pointed to his coach. “Inside, Susanna.”

“I regret I am headed in the opposite direction of Falconbury House,” she began, but Frederick cut her short.

“You will not persist with this unladylike behavior! We will see you home.”

Jeremy ordered his own coach. Jane wished she could do something to ease his discomfort, which surprised her she should care what his feelings were. Since Frederick’s arrival, he was positively reclusive.

Susanna turned to him. “Mr. Parker, may I prevail upon you to see to my aunt’s house? She lives in Hyde Park.”

“I would be delighted…”

Frederick glowered at them both. “Out of the question!”

His eyes were darker than usual. Jane wanted to say something to calm him, but nothing came to mind. The painful memory of the assembly ball resurfaced. As hurt as she was, she would not see him humiliated again.

“Yes, please come with us, Susanna.” She was surprised at her pleasant tone. A passerby would never sense the turmoil and confusion in her heart.

“I’ll not ride home with him.” Susanna jerked her head toward Frederick. “Jane, please persuade your husband to allow Mr. Parker to drive me home. I’ll be perfectly safe.”

“It isn’t your safety that concerns me, but your reputation,” Frederick replied through clenched teeth.

Jeremy offered his arm to Susanna. “He has no claim on you, Miss Olivier. That is, no
claim. I would be honored to escort you to your aunt’s.”

They swept out of the house and into Jeremy’s coach. Speechless, Jane turned to Frederick, anxious to see his reaction to Susanna’s flaunting her independence. His jaw clenched but relaxed when he looked at her. He draped his heavy cloak over her shoulders.

“You’ll catch your death. Where did you get that gown? I daresay it is not part of the set I had made up.”

“Alice…loaned it to me.” Her limbs trembled as if she had walked several miles.

“I’ll have a word with her, though it won’t do much good.” He chewed his lip. The footmen were nearby. “It’s impossible to speak here. But I must say, Jane, I am quite at a loss.”

She gripped the ends of his cloak around her like a shield. The footmen helped them inside the coach, and Frederick sat opposite her, his face turned to the window.

BOOK: In the Arms of an Earl
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