In My Veins (2 page)

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Authors: C.A. Madden

BOOK: In My Veins
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 “So tell me… what did Lana say? She was
freaky legit right? My aunt’s neighbor’s daughter went to her and she told her
that her boyfriend was cheating on her. And guess what she found out a month
later. Her boyfriend was cheating on her!”

“Well… according to her I’m going to
bump into a fire breathing lizard with a tattoo because I want to get knocked

“What? She said that?”

“I might have reworded it, but pretty
much.” I mumbled looking around as we awkwardly stood next to the hostess

Two guys approached the hostess as she
let them know about the long wait. They were okay with it as they stood across
from us.  They were both extremely fashionably dressed guys. The dark haired
one had a perfectly tailored suit on and his hair was styled effortlessly but
at the same time looked so hot. The dark blond on his right looked younger and
he was just in a dress shirt and pants.

Something about them made me want to
know them. Especially the dark haired one. I wished I was brave enough to
actually talk to people I didn’t know when I was interested.  I wonder
where they're even going to sit, it's packed here today.

“Are you even listening to me?” Tiffany

“Um…I was. But I zoned out… sorry.” I
cringed. “Repeat please.”

“Zoned out? What were you looking at?” She
said and looked in the direction I was staring. She smirked and took out her
phone to text me,
“Blondie or brunette?”

“Are guys even called brunettes?”

“I don’t know. But which one?”

“For some odd reason… I’m curious
about the one with dark hair.”

“Odd reason? He’s effing hot!”

“Very true.”
both laughed causing the gorgeous guys to look at us. I smiled shyly and looked
at the hostess who was approaching us again.

“So sorry about the wait. The only table
available right now is a large booth. Would you all be okay with sharing it or
still want to wait?” She asked referring to us and the guys.

“It’s okay with us.” Tiffany said
quickly making me glare at her. But inside I was jumping for joy and hoping
they approved.

“Sure… it’s not a problem.” The blonde
one replied for them.

“Are you insane?” I whispered to her as
we were led to our booth. It was in their outdoor patio and for some reason
that comforted me but I was still nervous.

“Why not?” She shrugged.

“How much you want to be their married”

“Or they’re dating.” She agreed.

Tiffany and I scooted into the booth
first as the guys reached the table. It was a weird U shape in the corner of
the perimeter of the patio. Well more like a square with one side missing, so
we ended up sitting across from them.

It was awkward at first. Do we say
hello? Do we ignore them and just go on with our own conversation? What was the
proper etiquette to sharing a table with people you don’t know? It felt like an
awkward surprise blind date.

Now that I could look at them better
without being a total perv I realized they were unrealistically cute. I didn’t
notice the scrubby stubble on his strong jawline. That was always a win for me
on any guy if they could pull it off. There is a fine line between lazy and hot
when it comes to going for the unshaven look. And he was

I had to force myself not to stare at
his gorgeous grey blue eyes. But it seemed like he didn’t want to be ignored.

He cleared his throat to get our attention,
“Hope we’re not intruding. We had a business meeting nearby and this was the
only sushi place that we could see. We had to head back soon so---”

“Oh don’t even worry about it! It’s not
a problem at all.” Tiffany quickly replied.

For some reason I was speechless. I
didn’t know what to say. The dark haired one looked at me and smiled before
handing me the sugar packets next to him. Even his smile was gorgeous. I
started to wonder if his ‘business meeting’ was some sort of model convention.
I wouldn’t be surprised with it being L.A. and him being gorgeous.

I forced myself to smile and thanked my
genetics for never making it obvious when I blushed. I quickly looked away and
avoided eye contact by drinking my iced tea hoping it would help me cool down.

“Good then. Well I guess we shouldn’t be
strangers right.” He said as I looked up from my drink and both our eyes met
before I looked away again, “My name is James and this is my
He emphasized cousin as if he knew what Tiffany and I were thinking before.

“I’m Tiffany and this is my best friend Karina.”
She said way too chipper.

“Pleasure to meet you both.” They both
said. I didn’t fail to notice when James looked straight at me when he said it.

Tiffany started talking to Chris about
her job. I listened to their conversation and Tiff asked him about his. Apparently
Chris works for James at his production company, Carmichael Media Productions. The
name of his company sounded so familiar but I wasn’t sure where I had heard it

“Oh I’ve heard of Carmichael Productions!”
Tiffany started, “You guys do everything. Music, publishing, and movies too
right? Is it here?”

“No, it’s in Burbank.” James replied.

“Oh…” she replied before elbowing my
side to get me to talk.  I didn’t know what to say though.

“What do you do?” James asked looking at
me. My eyes met with his again and I couldn’t help but smile.

“I’m in Marketing. Advertising to be
more specific. I work at W&D.” I replied confidently and happy that it
didn’t come out as a squeak. James nodded looking interested.

Kristina, our favorite waitress, brought
our sushi along with a complimentary plate of extra tempura. She looked at the
guys and winked at us before walking away.

After talking with them for a bit and
eating more sushi than we could, we exchanged numbers and parted ways. James had
slipped his credit card to Kristina when she walked by him and he ended up
paying for our meal. I hated it when people paid for my meal, especially since
I didn’t know him, but he did it so skillfully I let it go.

I looked back at him as we walked away
and he looked back at that moment too. He smiled before nodding goodbye and
turning back in the direction they were walking.

“Look at that. He was totally into you.”
Tiffany gushed, “It was like a surprise blind date.”

“Who was?”

“James, you idiot! You two were eye
fucking the whole lunch.” She said and smacked my arm. I looked around making
sure no one heard or saw that.

“Hey, I don’t even know the guy.” I said
as we walked down the street to the bigger mall when I suddenly had a
realization, “Blind dates. Please tell me you didn’t plan that. I mean what are
the chances that we’d be here on the day your cousin Kristina was working and
two hot guys would have to sit with us.”

“I swear I had no idea who they were.”
She promised. I glared at her not totally believing her but gave up when she
didn’t budge. 

“If you say so…”

“Can’t deny that he is cute though.” She
nudged me with her elbow and wiggled her eyebrows.

“I never said he wasn’t. I just don’t
know him. So we found out the guy was his cousin not his lover, doesn’t cross
out the possibility that he is married or has a dark dungeon room in his house
to spank me.”

She laughed, “You act like it would be a
bad thing.”

“I never said that either.” I winked.

“See! If he calls you, go for it! And you
can find out what this one’s issue is by the second date.” She said referring
to every other guy I have turned down, “Or
should call him.”

“Yeah. I will be right on that when I
get home,” I said sarcastically, “But if he calls… I guess I’ll give it a


 “Want to do something fun tomorrow? I
need some change…” I mumbled feeling all of a sudden kind of down.

“You mean self-defense isn’t fun?” she

“Oh! There’s a new club in West
Hollywood. We haven’t done anything like that since college. Want to?”

“Hmm… why not?”

Chapter Two




next day was typical. Woke up exhausted since I could only get an hour of sleep
from being sucked into my new favorite book. I got ready for my day and decided
to stop by the Starbucks nearby before running my errands. It was definitely
one of those days that I could not pass on the extra caffeinated energy buzz.

My plan was to order my favorite latte
and ran off around the city and get things done before tonight. Maybe dancing
at the Club will help me get exhausted enough to sleep at a normal time when I
get home.

But unfortunately, like every coffee
shop in L.A., it was extremely busy in the morning. I waited in the long line
that curled around the store all the way to the door. I was practically glued
to the door and I prayed no one else would come after me till the line moved up
a little.

I mentally groaned when the door opened
almost knocking me back. I refused to move forward since I was going to be
sandwiched between the guy that looked like he didn’t shower in front of me and
whoever just came in. I took a quick glance to see who it was so I could glare
at whoever it was so they wouldn’t make me move.

But I was surprised when I turned around
and saw the familiar grey blue eyes look into mine. It was James.

“Good morning.”  He said with his
heart melting smile. He was wearing a dark grey suit today and still looked
deliciously unshaven to perfection.

“Good morning…” I said staring into his
eyes. They were hypnotizing.

The guy in front of me took a step back
almost pushing me into James’s chest. I tried to sway to stay out of his
personal bubble but my stiletto slid causing me to almost fall back. James wrapped
his arm around me preventing me to fall on my bum in front of everyone, and

“Are you okay?” He asked looking down at

“Yeah I’m so sorry…” I said trying to
stand up straight. Even with my stilettos he was much taller than me.

“Don’t be…” he smiled. I think we were
both secretly thankful. At least I know I was. “Um… so what are you up to this
morning?” he asked trying to change the subject as we were crammed even closer
together when the line moved back again..

“Seriously, does no one make coffee at
home anymore?” I mumbled to myself as my back pressed into his chest.

James laughed, “You know you came here
for coffee too right?”

“I could have come here for the food.” I

“Did you?”

“No…” I mumbled, “I was just grabbing
coffee before I went out for some errands.”

“Ah…” he said thinking to himself.

“What are you doing today?” I asked as
we walked up the line together.

“Grabbing my coffee before I stop by
work.” He smiled.

“Work on weekends?” Is that a good sign
or a bad sign? Could go either way; Good because that means he’s hard working.
Bad because that means he works

“I was just going to go by and check on
some of the artists. Nothing too urgent.”

“Oh…” I said quietly. We walked up the
line again and I cursed the barista for suddenly becoming fast at the coffee

“Karina.” He said my name so smoothly I
almost didn’t reply, “Do you maybe have some time to spare this morning?”

“I’m sorry?”

“I’d like to treat you to coffee if you
keep me company?” he nodded trying to convince me to say yes.

“Shouldn’t I be the one treating you to
coffee? Sushi last time…”

He smiled, “No. Just say yes.”

“Well if you want company…” I smiled
already knowing the barista had my information ready. Since this location was
literally a block away from my home I frequented so much when I was just
starting out looking for a job that I ended up paying monthly for my coffee in
advance. I saw an old guy do it once and thought it was brilliant. Made coming
in and out for coffee quicker.

James was surprised when the barista
knew my name already and put it on my ‘tab’. I had the biggest grin and
shrugged, “I drink a lot of coffee.” I admitted.

“You must if you have a tab at a

“It’s my addiction.”

We took our seats in the cozy little
table near the window just as the barista called out my name. James stood to
grab our drinks and pastries. Like any coffee place in the city, the locations
are usually small but once you can find a seat, they are a coffee scented
heaven. We were lucky that there was even a table available since it was so early
in the day and busy. But I guess it was one of those grab and go days rather
than stay.

“So… you work at W&D Ads? What
exactly do you do there?” He asked.

“Depends on who we’re marketing for and
what they want us to do; marketing plans, themes, campaigns, product placement,
commercials, and magazine ads. Things like that.”

He nodded, “How do you like it?”

“I like it. I started out as a total
newbie but now I’m trying to get promoted. So it’s a little stressful at times…
but I like it.” Feeling awkward about talking so much I decided to change it
back to him, “What about you? What exactly do you do with your company? Tiff
made it sound like you did everything.”

 “Basically anything in media.
Production mostly but we manage a few artists as well.” He smiled, “My favorite
is our music though. I write sometimes.” I could tell he was truly proud of his

“Can you sing or play instruments?”

“Yes. Piano and guitar but I could
figure out other instruments if I’m given a few minutes. Music used to be my
passion but I decided to take the business route of it instead.” He said giving
me his killer smile again.

“Nice.” I imagined him shirtless with a
guitar and I had to force myself not to swoon. Could he
more perfect?

 “I could show you sometime…”

 I smiled wondering if I accidently
let my fantasy slip out loud, “I’d love that…”

We had an awkward moment of silence till
he finally broke it again, “So… are you…seeing anyone?”

“No…” I answered as I took a sip of the
coffee.  “Are you?”

“No.” he answered and the question of
him possibly married was gone. Maybe he was perfect after all. But I still
don’t know if he has the dungeon at his house.

We chatted a little more. I found out
some of my favorite artists are under his record label and actors I loved were
managed by his company as well.

His phone beeped as a reminder and he
looked disappointed, “I have to get going now. But I was wondering, would you
maybe want to go on a date. Let’s say…tonight?”


“That is if you’re not busy…and if
you’re interested.” He said cringing at his own forwardness. The thought of
going to the club with Tiffany came to mind but I realized she would be the one
who would tell me to say yes to him.

“No, I’m not busy. Um… I’d love to.”

We said our goodbyes and I tried to
finish my most important errands quickly. I called Tiffany the minute I got

“We’re going to a place called Lucianna’s

There was a pause on the other line. I
wasn’t sure if she was still there or not, “Hello?” I said looking at my phone
to check if it was still connected.

“I just looked it up. He owns it.”

“You’re kidding.”

 “Oh my…” she mumbled to herself, “He’s

“I don’t want to know anything off the
internet Tiff. I’d feel guilty if I already knew something he tells me. I suck
at acting.”

“Yeah well… I don’t see any issues with
him so far.” She said completely ignoring my plea of no cyber stalking the guy
I was about to go on a date with.

“I am going to hang up Tiff.”

“In this day and age girl you have to
cyber stalk a little to know he’s safe to date.”

“Just tell me if there is anything I
should worry about. Other than that, I want to be surprised.” I said picking
out my outfit.

“Well I looked up Lucianna’s Pub. It’s a
Scottish Italian fusion restaurant. It’s casual dressy because one side is a
pub and the other is a restaurant. So I say go sexy business casual or slutty
librarian with your hair down.”

“This isn’t Halloween.” I laughed. But
still eyed the blazer and cardigan in my closet.  “But my blazer is calling out
to me.”

“Good call. Save the slutty librarian
for your first day at his house. Or better yet, if you ever go somewhere with
books. Guys all have that fantasy.”

I rolled my eyes but took a mental note

“Call me as soon as it’s over!”

“I will…” I said before saying my

I ended up deciding to wear my usual
dressed up but not super dressed up style. Black blazer, cleavage friendly top,
and perfect butt skinny jeans. I paired it with some signature stilettos and
faux diamond stud earrings and I was ready to go. I had one last look in the
mirror and when I was satisfied I grabbed my keys and forced myself to ignore
my nervousness.

Against his wishes, I met him at Lucianna’s
Pub instead of having him pick me up. First time I’m meeting the guy on purpose
so I figured better safe than sorry. Lucianna’s Pub was nice. It had the cozy
aspect of a pub but had a more restaurant feel to it. The hostess took me to
James who looked as good as he did when I saw him that morning but he had
changed into a white button up and blazer combo.

He stood when I reached the table and
pulled out my chair for me. The innocent touch of his hand on the small of my
back leading me to my chair said a lot but I forced myself not to over think
it. I still had to wait and see how the night played out. So far extra points
for the chair.

“You look stunning.” He said as I sat
down. Another point for not calling me hot.

I never took well to compliments though.
I felt my ears heat up before I smiled shyly, “Thank you. You look good

“Have you been here before?”

“No I haven’t. It’s nice though. What do
you recommend?” I asked as I looked at the menu. I hoped I didn’t somehow give
it away that I already knew he owned it.
Thank you Tiffany for making me
feel like a gold digger.

He was about to answer when the waitress
came over, “Hi Mr. Carmichael, what can I get you today?”

She batted her lashes to her boss as he
told her whatever he was telling her. I wondered how often he ate here. Did he
always bring dates to here? Or maybe not often because she called him by his
last name and not James.

“Karina…” he said trying to get my
attention. “Do you need more time?”

“Um…” I said looking at the menu as if
it was written in a different language, “You know what. Since it’s my first
time, could you pick for me? I’m not a picky eater so nothing is off limits.”

He eyed me, “Nothing?”

“Nope…” I said nervously wondering if we
were still talking about food. “Surprise me.”

He told the waitress to just bring me
the same order he had and I wondered what it even was.

“Scottish Italian? Why that fusion?” I
asked as I took a bite of my fried ‘tatties’.

“How did you know it was mine?”

“Confession? Tiffany told me…but the
waitress made it obvious too.” I smiled mischievously.

He smiled, “It’s mine but I got it for
my parents really. My dad is from Scotland and my mamma’s from Italy. Grew up
with the fusion. As much as they are crazy about each other, they didn’t want
to give up their favorite foods.” He said simply.

“That’s where they draw the line.” I


“Can you speak Italian?” I asked
wondering if it was possible that he could get more perfect.

He rolled his r's and said the most
beautiful sentence ever.

And it was possible. “What did you say?”

“I only know enough to not starve in
Italy.” He looked guilty, “Like literally I only know food.” He laughed.

I couldn’t help but laugh too, “Not
perfect after all.”

“Far from it.” he said seriously.

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