In MIB Custody [The Service Club 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (11 page)

BOOK: In MIB Custody [The Service Club 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“You didn’t give me a chance five years ago.” The cold accusation in Lowell’s tone had Zane clearing his throat.

So much for the truce.

Danica shot a look at him, but her attention immediately settled back on Lowell. “I’m not giving you a chance now either.” She started walking for the kitchen doorway without a backward glance.

“Where are you going?” Zane asked more out of reflex than anything.

“To the bathroom.” She tossed a gaze over her shoulder. “I suppose I’m supposed to ask permission to do that?”

“No, of course not.”

“Good.” Her lips unfolded into a sultry smile. “You get five stars for the fajitas, by the way. They were delicious.”

“Danica.” Lowell’s curt call of her name stopped her just as she reached the kitchen doorway.

Zane saw her shoulders rise and fall as she took a deep breath, then slowly turned to look at Lowell.

“My leaving the room right now is my way of attempting to honor our truce for the night.”

“And the gift box you’ll find in the chair in the living room on your way by is my way of honorin’ our truce,” Lowell countered.

Her eyes narrowed, but Zane didn’t miss the sparkle in their depths. “Gift box? What’s in it?”

“Somethin’ for the three of us to enjoy.”

A wickedly questioning look moved over her angelic face, conveying the vixen they were unleashing in her. Her gaze flicked to Zane. He lifted a brow, and she nodded then turned and left the kitchen.

He waited he knew she couldn’t hear before he asked, “Do you think she will put it on?”

“She’ll wear it.” Lowell sipped his wine. “She wants it, the sex, at least.”

“She wants more than that, too.” Zane had to believe it. He felt the emotions pumping off her in waves when he touched her, when he and Lowell touched her together. He saw her heart in her eyes when she gazed at both of them. The depth of her feelings for Lowell hadn’t gone shallow over the years. What she felt for him may not be as strong, but it was there. She had fallen for him, too, just as he had for her.

“I’ll do it. You know that, right?”

“Leave the bureau to stay here with her?” Zane nodded. “I know you will. We both will if that’s what it takes to keep her.”

Lowell flattened his hands on the tabletop and pushed himself up. “Then I say let’s get started takin’ away any lingerin’ doubts she might have that she wants to be kept.”


* * * *


“He can’t be serious.” Danica lifted the lingerie out of the gift box with the thumb and index finger of both hands and let it unfold. There was barely enough leather there to hold with more than her fingers.

“One thing about the man, he definitely knows how to put your thoughts exactly where he wants them.” She had come to the bathroom for an escape, needing a minute to gather her thoughts and her emotions. Lowell couldn’t be serious about staying in Horn Hill. She knew that. Still, it didn’t stop her longing heart from wanting him to, from wanting both him and Zane to stay. The three of them had a lot to talk about and every bit of it would blow the truce they had made to smithereens, especially between her and Lowell.

“Talk tomorrow. Play tonight.”

Oh, yeah, the lingerie he had bought her was meant for nothing but play and a whole lot of domination. She turned it, studying what must be the back, then rotating it to scan the front. It was a full body stocking, but there was little full about it. Two thin leather straps with silver fastenings to clasp behind the neck led to even thinner leather bands enclosing fine wire meant to curve beneath the breasts and lift them for display. The leather widened to completely encase the abdomen and belly, narrowing again at the hips to connect with slender strips of more leather that stretched down the front and back of the thighs, finally widening once more just above the knees to form full stockings for the lower part of the legs. Her tits, ass, and pussy would be masterfully framed, exposed, and totally vulnerable.

“Which, of course, is the whole intent.”

Her entire body went hot and then cold as she thought about the myriad of things Lowell and Zane could do to her in this outfit. The orgasm they had given her in the kitchen had helped to ease the years of torment Lowell had delivered in her dreams and the months of sheer hell Zane had added to the mix when he had began to invade her fantasies with Lowell. Still, her pussy burned for more. Her ass clinched around the plug Lowell had positioned inside her. He would replace that plug with his cock soon.

Please, Gods, let it be soon.

Her hands shook with equal part nerves and anticipation as she put on the leather body stocking. She couldn’t help but wonder what other interesting treats they had brought with them. The plug Lowell had materialized seemingly out of nowhere was obviously something he’d packed away in his suitcase. The gift box that had contained this lingerie had apparently been there, too.

She took a deep breath, turned right and then left as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror, and gulped. “There’s only one way to find out what else they brought.”

Her hand still shaking, she pulled open the bathroom door and walked down the hall on legs that threatened to buckle. They nearly did when she reached the living room and saw what they had done to it.

Her heart picked up a cadence that threatened to pound it right out of her chest as she scanned the way they had rearranged the furnishings. They had pushed her recliner aside, pulled the coffee table further into the middle of the floor, and dragged one of the end tables closer to hold an array of items that had juices leaking from between her folds. Wide-eyed, her attention danced over a fur-lined paddle, a set of nipple clamps, a blindfold, and other toys she couldn’t define in a glance.

Instinct more than plan made her take a step back, only to slam into the hard wall of a male body behind her.

“You’re not thinkin’ of runnin’, are you?” Lowell’s breath moved the hairs on the side of her neck. His fingers closed on either side of her waist. “You know you want this. You know you’ve dreamed about it. You agreed, too, remember? Anything we want, anything we say.”

Danica gulped. Yes, she wanted it, she had dreamed about it, and she had agreed.

Zane stepped into her line of vision, his handsome face a mix of tenderness and authority. “You have your safe word,” he reminded her. “You have the power to use it whenever you want.”

And it would all stop. It was exactly what needed to happen. She knew that with every fiber of her being. It was exactly what she didn’t
to happen. Every emotion, every erogenous zone in her body, screamed to let it all happen.

Lowell’s hand glided to her ass, the pad of one finger slipping between her cheeks to push on the plug in her anus. Her eyes fluttered closed on another wash of the pleasure-pain her body now accepted with ease, now longed to feel when the sensations subsided.

“Are you going to use your safe word before we even get started?”

“I don’t have any intentions of using it now or later.” Despite the quivering in her veins, the word came out steady and clear. “You’re right. I do want this.” She wanted everything she saw, everything she thought she might get in the immediate future. The need that unfolded inside her should’ve made her feel dirty, shamed. Instead, it made her feel empowered, oddly in control even though she knew the only power she was about to have would be in the single word she refused to say.

“Good.” Zane reached for the fur-lined paddle on the end table. “Come here.”

Lowell’s hands fell from her body, but she hesitated, her gaze locked on the paddle. She licked her lips and met Zane’s patient stare. “What am I about to be punished for?”

Zane pursed his lips. “Who said you were about to be punished?”

Danica lifted a brow. “You’re holding a paddle. I’m not dense. I know what you’re planning to do with that.”

He chuckled. “No, Dannie, you aren’t dense. I suppose we could punish you for the liberties you have taken tonight, touching when you weren’t given permission, moving when you were told to stay put...”

“The sassy mouth would definitely earn you punishment with most men,” Lowell added.

Zane nodded once, then shook his head. “Punishment isn’t supposed to feel good, and I’ve got a feeling you want to be spanked.”

Tingles exploded in her ass cheeks, causing them to flex on the butt plug. There they went again, reading her like a book.

“Come over here, stand in front of the coffee table, and Lowell will do the rest.”

“Go.” Lowell’s hand flattened on the small of her back, and he propelled her gently forward.

She moved to the center of the living room, wishing with each step that her legs would stop wobbling. She wasn’t terrified. She wanted this. So why in the hell was the simple act of walking, even breathing, without shaking out of her skin proving to be so difficult?

Lowell walked toward her, circling her slowly, his gaze sliding up and down her in a way that felt like a physical caress. “I like this look on you.” He hesitated in front of her, lifted a hand to her shoulder, and traced the leather that outlined her breast. “You’ve always been amazingly gorgeous in leather. This outfit is the best of both worlds. It suits you and your personality, while givin’ us full access to everything we want to pleasure tonight.”

All parts in question tingled at the idea of giving him and Zane that full access they wanted. Her nipples were hard and throbbing. Her pussy was so slick she could feel the juices leaking to glide beneath the leather encasing her inner thighs. Her ass clenched, the muscles tightening around the butt plug and sending a zing of pleasured torment ricocheting through her system.

“The question is, do
like the outfit?” Zane asked.

She couldn’t see him and didn’t try to look for him. She kept her gaze transfixed on Lowell as she nodded. “It’s not one I would wear in public, but you’re right, it suits me.”

“You would wear it in public if we told you to.” The authority in Lowell’s tone made his words an absolute rather than a question.

Danica gulped as a wicked excitement danced through her blood stream. Yes, she would. She would do anything they told her to do and love every naughty, devious second of it.

Lowell’s lips unfolded in a slow, knowing smile. “We’ll do that one day.” He continued to circle her again, stopping this time behind her. “Remember your lesson from the Circle M?” He reached around her, stretching the blindfold in front of her eyes, pausing to let her see it before he tied it around her head.

“Focus with the senses that you don’t take away,” she said even as those senses immediately took over. She felt the heat of Lowell’s body behind her, registered more warmth as Zane moved closer, heard their even breaths, and smelled their innate scents mixed with the sweet aroma of arousal.

“Exactly,” Lowell said. “Now, let us do all the work.”

She did, though reflex made her want to resist each inch as Lowell’s arms enveloped her.

“Bend your knees,” he instructed as he bent her forward over the coffee table. He didn’t allow her knees to touch the carpet, but draped her over the cold wooden surface so that her breasts hung free over the edge. He stretched her arms down, and she felt leather straps encircle her wrists, heard the faint clank of the chain that she realized extended from the cuffs to where they had fastened it to the wrought iron bars beneath the table. More cuffs closed around her ankles and her legs were spread wide. Her toes dug into the carpet, giving her a sense of stability despite her teetering position.

“This ain’t the ideal setup for this, but I think it’s gonna work. Is it too uncomfortable?” Lowell’s voice was controlled, but compassionate.

The last thing Danica was thinking about was comfort. Besides, she had done enough research into the BDSM world to know the submissive being
comfortable could sometimes be part of the power play, part of the excitement for all parties involved.

“No, it’s fine.”

“Christ, would you look at that view?” Pure male appreciation rang in Zane’s whisper.

“Sexy as hell, ain’t it?” Lowell chimed in. “You might wanna take a deep breath, darlin’.”

The word was on the tip of her tongue, but Danica swallowed it. She didn’t want to know what he was about to do. She only wanted to feel. She took a deep breath that whooshed from her lungs as twin darts of pleasure and pain collided in her center. An impossibly wide dildo entered her pussy at the same time that cold, hard clamps closed on both her nipples. A mewling cry escaped her lips as her body adjusted to the sensations.

“Do you like that?”

The pleasure and pain mixed to a level of insanity that left her unable to decipher which man spoke to her. “Yes. Gods, yes.” It felt wildly, wickedly, amazingly good.

She heard one of them chuckle and realized it had probably been Zane when he asked, “How about this?”

Suddenly, the plug in her ass and the dildo in her pussy began a simultaneous and fierce vibration. “Oh, wow.”

“I’m gettin’ the feelin’ we’re not gonna have to worry about her using that safe word you gave her,” Lowell said to Zane, amusement dancing in his heated voice.

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