Table of Contents
Praise for the Vampire Memories Series
Memories of Envy
“Hendee has a gift for intricate psychological plots, and her characters are some of the best in current fantasy. Their motives and interactions are thoroughly convincing. The series can be enjoyed as single novels or an ongoing story.”
“Dramatic . . . part soap opera, part supernatural thriller, Hendee’s series will satisfy readers looking for blood-soaked pathos.”
Publishers Weekly
“A real page-turner. The characters really came to life for me. . . . I hope they’re around for many books to come.”
—Fresh Fiction
Hunting Memories
“A gripping tale. The action moves the story along while the characters, with their skills and secrets, keep the reader’s full attention.
Hunting Memories
is a must read in the series, and it provides many answers in the overall story line. I’ll be looking forward to the next book in the Vampire Memories.”
—Darque Reviews
“One of the year’s better vampire novels, what with realistic characters, including ghosts and vampires, who have plausible problems; an intriguing, if standard, plot; historical literacy; and a style of writing that encourages turning pages. Both fantasy and romance fans should enjoy Hendee’s commendable effort.”
“Filled with action, a bit of politics, and plenty of character-building interactions, this is a strong addition to the series. . . . Those looking for an alternative to Patricia Briggs or Ilona Andrews won’t be disappointed with Hendee’s newest series.”
—Monsters and Critics
“An enjoyable and creative (not just of new vampires) cocktail cleverly blending urban fantasy . . . with strong horror elements . . . a thriller of a vampire tale.”
Midwest Book Review
“Barb Hendee . . . knows her vampires.”
Blood Memories
“A satisfying story line coupled with engaging characters, fast action, and a hint of things to come make this a winner.”
—Monsters and Critics
“A good vampire story for the Halloween holiday, the story is fast-paced and intriguing.”
News and Sentinel
(Parkersburg, WV)
“Well written . . . a fascinating tale with wonderful characters and delicious villains who solicit the readers into loathing them. The story line is character driven although there is plenty of action throughout.... Vampire subgenre [fans] will enjoy this work as an exhilarating tale of death visiting the undead.”
“A terrific vampire stand-alone thriller that fans will enjoy . . . the story is filled with action, but also contains a strong cast who ensure vampirism in the Northwest seems real.... The heroine especially is an intriguing person.... This [is] a fine tale that the vampire crowd will appreciate.”
Midwest Book Review
“Intriguing. . . . Ms. Hendee’s fans will be gratified to know she writes just as well on her own as she does in tandem.”
—Huntress Book Reviews
“A blend of fantasy and horror mixed with the story of one young woman’s path to independence and true knowledge of self,
Blood Memories
is a unique story guaranteed to intrigue.... Readers won’t be able to resist Eleisha’s charm.... If you enjoyed
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
but were far more interested in where the older vamps came from than in the human heroine herself, this story should certainly catch your fancy. Cunning, stealth, guile, sheer evil, and a surprising amount of goodness make all of these characters alive and unique. A story line that travels from modern-day Portland, Oregon, to England in the 1800s adds interest as well. If you like vampires, then you’re certain to enjoy Eleisha’s story. Don’t miss
Blood Memories
, the first in what promises to be a fantastic new series.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“I personally liked
Blood Memories
quite a bit. I am pleased to say that it is in no way a
clone nor is it anything like the goofy paranormal romances that turn vampires into some kind of harmless nonmonster with strange eating habits. I like how Hendee explores the personalities of her characters.”
—Fantasy & Sci-Fi Lovin’ Book Reviews
“An engrossing tale of vampire death and evolution.”
—Patricia’s Vampire Notes
By Barb Hendee
The Vampire Memories Series
Blood Memories
Hunting Memories
Memories of Envy
In Memories We Fear
By Barb and J. C. Hendee
The Noble Dead Saga—Series One
Thief of Lives
Sister of the Dead
Traitor to the Blood
Rebel Fay
Child of a Dead God
The Noble Dead Saga—Series Two
In Shade and Shadow
Through Stone and Sea
Of Truth and Beasts
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First Printing, October 2011
ISBN : 978-1-101-54473-0
Copyright © Barb Hendee, 2011
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For Renate Arnzen,
my sweet friend, who found and rescued
the real Tiny Tuesday
chapter one
idautumn was approaching, and even at night, the trees lining Naito Parkway were glorious in their shades of red and yellow. Sunset came much earlier in the Northwest once summer gave way to fall.
Eleisha Clevon ran along the river, laughing once as she turned to see her companion coming behind.
“Eleisha,” he called out in a heavy French accent, “what are you doing?”
“Catch me!”
Tonight she almost felt like the teenage girl she appeared to be, wearing jeans, canvas sneakers, and a loose sweater. Her dark blond hair whipped across her face in the cool air as she glanced back once more, just in time to see her companion bolt forward, his body moving so fast it became a blur.
Before she’d run two more steps, he cut her off. His hand shot out and pressed against a tree trunk a few inches from her shoulder.
“What are you doing?” he said again.
Eleisha looked up into Philip Branté’s face, seeing his eyes glow in surprise. He was so tall, she had to tilt her head back.
She didn’t answer and ducked under his arm, dashing away, laughing again. In all her 187 years on this earth, she couldn’t remember ever being able to
with anyone the way she could with Philip. Tonight, she wanted to show him how much he had changed her. The sight of her running and laughing might confuse him at first, but he was catching on.
“Eleisha!” he called.
Then he stopped talking and ran after her, darting around her easily, leaning down, and throwing her over his shoulder. A stocky man in a baseball cap passed by and glanced over, but Eleisha was still laughing, so the man just shook his head and smiled. She and Philip must have looked like two lovers playing by the river.
Maybe they were.
“Okay, I’ve caught you,” Philip said, turning in a slow circle. “Now what?”
She didn’t bother struggling—it would have been pointless—and ran her hands down the back of his Armani coat. He leaned over again and put her down, studying her face intently as if unsure of her identity.
But he didn’t look displeased. He just looked intense, with little idea of what to say or do.
“What is this all about?” he finally asked, his accent thicker than normal.
Why are you so different?”