In Love with Ezra (Love Unaccounted Book 2) (24 page)

BOOK: In Love with Ezra (Love Unaccounted Book 2)
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My heart pounded with predatory excitement as I used the thick cotton belts to tie to each of her wrists. I then extended them to the back of the chair and to her ankles until her left arm was connected to her left foot and the same with her right side. I felt the blood rushing in my head as I made each knot in the rope. Once done, I stood back to observe her round hind cheeks in the air, her glistening pussy wet just for me, anticipating my chastisement.

“Pick a number from fifteen to twenty-five, beloved.” I couldn’t help the groan in my directive.

I heard the breath that forced its way through her nostrils as she realized the extent of her punishment. Seconds later she grounded out, “Twenty-four,” through clenched teeth.

I chuckled sinisterly. My kitten was so bold.

I slapped her right cheek then groaned, “Forever my little rebel.” My hand stayed in place, waggling the dense meat I couldn’t wait to meet with my balls.

She squealed her tortured excitement.

“Very well, my kitten. Now, pick a number between two and five.”

Through impatient breaths, she uttered, “Five.”

“And what’s your safeword?”


At that, I dropped to my knees behind her, thrashing my tongue in her wet folds wildly. I ate her like the starved man I was. Before last night, I hadn’t tasted my wife in days, hadn’t felt the enticing squirms from her excitement. I licked and sucked until I felt the familiar bucking of her hips into my face, working her to the pinnacle. Then I withdrew.

Alexis let out a high-pitched whimper. “Please,

“If you don’t keep quiet, I’ll gag you!” I shouted my lie.

I wouldn’t dare deny myself of the sounds of her sensual torture. I lived for it, was addicted to it. After a few seconds, I went back in, lapping with the same urgent speed, driving her to the brink again. And again, I pulled back when her pelvis began trembling against my head. I felt the chair vibrate when she slammed her head frustratedly into the seat of the sofa.    

The menacing predator in me savored her irritated state. She asked for five missed orgasms and I doled out each of them, relishing in her coiling near the edge before her impending pleasure retreated. After the fifth time her breathing was wild, to the volume of a fit.

“Quiet!” I ordered as I gripped the flogger in my palm, appreciating the feel of armor it gave me while I peered hungrily down at her sienna cheeks, begging for coloring.

I flung the implement and watched with rapt eagerness as the tendrils smacked against her plump tissue. Alexis’ frame jolted and tensed.

“Count ‘em!” I barked.

“One,” she shrieked, fighting against the initial cutting sting.

I landed another swat and heard the wisps in the impact. My hardness now pushed painfully against the fabric of my linens.

“Uhhhhh,” she trilled, squeezing her cheeks together. “Two—”


Another swing before she could completely ride the wave of the previous one. That fleshly sound set me off, igniting the inner beast. I began with a series of thwacks, never striking the same area, but covering her full globes, hips, and upper-rear thighs. Alexis began to squirm around the eleventh one. That’s when her
fight or flight
response kicked in. She’s a former street fighter. As a kid, she physically battled males and females threatening her well-being. Combat was a keen reaction for Alexis, the reflexive one. She could very well struggle—
—up until her energy was fully depleted. It was a key detail I had to be aware of as I inflicted this reprimand.

Her shoulder jerked as she pulled, violently, against the restraints, temporarily deciding to fight. However, until she uttered her safeword, I was clear to push her to her limits. Between lashes, I paid a moment to her pussy. It was trickling with a substance that tastes like manna to every receptor of my tongue. My patience was fraying. At that reminder, my pelts sped up; I couldn’t linger with her in this head space. I needed to move her on to the next mental state: when the pain and pleasure intersected. And then to where, just beyond that, pain transmuted into pure mind-numbing desire. It wasn’t until the 17
swat landed that I no longer heard the grunting whimpers sprouting from her gut and her body didn’t tremor with rage. That’s when she floated in a headspace where fear or pain couldn’t co-exist.

By the 24
her words slurred.    

“Twent-fur,” she breathed, intoxicated by endorphins.

My balls pulsated in anticipation. I swung the last flog and didn’t wait for what I understood wouldn’t come. Alexis was too far gone, couldn’t call the last strike. In less than seconds, my linens were untied and pants and boxers to my ankles and knees, respectively, as I rammed into her, coursing her sex in one vicious thrust.

“Christ!” I cried out at the feel of snug, wet heat casing me. My testicles meeting her aching flesh. 

I took a moment to gain my balance, seized by her sensual potion. My guilty pleasure. My one vice. Once collected, I reared back and began my onslaught of hyper-charged drives into her heat. I couldn’t be gentle in my thrusts like last night. After the throbbing impressions the flogger left, my plunges had to be brutal to maintain her climb.

My knees buckled at the first of her clenchings. I hadn’t made it to my fifth impale before her orgasm tipped. I gathered as much of her wild mane as I could, needing to hear every cry that poured from her lush lips.

“Per-permiiiish!” she sputtered urgently.

“Granted!” I grunted over high-powered thrusts into her quivering core.

My kitten cried out in a pitch that only came after a good spanking. Heat spread through my frame at the affirmation of my deeds. She crested, was in full ecstasy. I was satiated, even before my own ascension. Alexis had never failed to impress me with her submission. Week after week, I observed her evolution that transcended my sick need to possess her sexually. The way she transformed her mind, yielding to new concepts and possibilities. The way she applied patience to the opportunity of new resolutions amazed me. There was no way I could let her go. Couldn’t be more satisfied with this gift that I’d been bestowed. Almost every day I was reminded of the power of covenant.

My balls drew up painfully, prepared to release the blast of passion I held for my beloved. A guttural howl flew from my lungs as my hot liquid shot from me, landing in
Eden. My body jerked violently over her soft frame as I savagely unloaded into her. Whimpers from her lingering orgasm propelled my coital state.

When I was able to feel my limbs again, I pushed off of Alexis and immediately freed her ankles and wrists. I scooped her into my arms and ushered her into the bathroom where I set her on the toilet to relieve herself while I started the bath. When I left to discard the rest of my clothes, I did a time check. We had a plane to catch this afternoon and I didn’t want any delays in having her in my bed where she belonged tonight.

Once the bath gained enough volume, I stepped in with a feeble Alexis in my arms and sank down, arranging her loose frame on her side at the opposite side of the gargantuan tub. I then situated myself at the opposite end where I began to rub circulation into her ankles before moving to her wrists. I decided on pleasant silence through this process of caring for her, understanding she was still coming down and processing the events that led us up to this. I began washing her body, carefully wiping over her bottom.

Can’t wait to see the hues…

Then came the first of her sobs. It pained me to see her stifling them. Fighting it made her body tremble in a way that didn’t please me. I shifted her around until her back was on my chest and wrapped her in my arms, almost to the point of smothering her. My chest tensed in pain at her internal struggle.

“Who told you, you couldn’t cry?” I’d been dying to ask, but pacing my inquiries of her past.

I needed to know, felt the rage build in my veins at the vision of a young kitten being scolded for being human.

Alexis fought to speak. “My dad.”

My arms tightened around her. Her soft palm squeezed me, encouragingly. I could kill that man. I had a special disdain for men who wielded their God-given influence irresponsibly. Many women are wired to yield; it’s sickening when they’re governed by unsuitable men.

“Baby, you can cry, especially in front of me. I’m here to protect you, not to rebuke you for exposing your softer side. I want it all,” I murmured in her ear.

Her muted response was another squeeze at my lower arm as I rocked her soothingly. She fit perfectly in my fold, like no other woman before her.

There was another pregnant pause filled by my soothing cradling.

“I wasn’t irresponsible last night.” My neck jerked at her coursed plea. “I got tired out of nowhere and needed to call it a night.”

“What tired you out?” I asked above a whisper, enjoying the slowing of her diaphragm; she was submerged that deeply into my embrace.

Alexis let out a shaky breath. “I’ve been
since the day after we made it out here. I didn’t understand why, but on top of that, Ny was throwing so much shade. When she did talk to me, she tried taking jabs at you, but in a way asking questions about you…about us. But last night, she was good. I was at the bar getting water. Tasche came over, showing me a woman’s IG profile…Taylor’s ex-girlfriend, who he’s clearly still sleeping with. Seeing that put me in a place that made me…tired and I was done for the night. That’s when I went for my key and realized I didn’t have it. Tasche was right there and offered to let me into the room. Nyree wasn’t anywhere around. I doubt she even knows when I left.”

I paid a moment to process her story, her easy disclosure. She definitely confirmed what I’d discerned: Alexis’ girlfriend was resentful of her marriage. I suspected it actually ran deeper than that, but couldn’t verify it without knowing various patterns of their relationship.

“Your sudden tiredness last night,” I started, “could it have come from you considering how you’re a newlywed and married to a man you hardly dated? Do you feel you run the same risk of infidelity, but at the same time you know in your gut you don’t? Is it that guilt that overwhelmed you? Do you feel you have a security in our marriage that your friend hasn’t been bestowed in her long engagement period?” 

I saw from over her head when her lashes flew into the air. Seconds later she yanked around in the water to face me.

“Part of it,” gushed from her lips in amazement. “Yes.”

I withdrew, taking a relaxing breath, resting my head against the wall as her stark gaze drove into me like daggers. I was afraid of what I knew was coming next.   

“The other part is?” I asked calmly, impassive.

That’s when her eyes fell and lashes fanned her cheeks in doubt.

I took her by the chin. “Now, beloved.”

She chewed on the inside of her lips. Her eyes flew into the distance above me as she uttered, “I…ummmm…,” she attempted, rubbing her nose distractingly. Then she took a deep breath. “It’s just different not seeing you after being locked at the hip for so long, okay?”

When she tried to turn her back to me in shame, I took her at the shoulders, shifting her so I could stand. After lifting her from the water, I stepped into the shower and lowered her to turned on the water. I grabbed the hotel’s shampoo that I expected her to refuse, but she was so thrown by my brisk actions, she didn’t move until I prompted her to once the water warmed. I wet her hair and applied the shampoo, allowed it to lather as I massaged her scalp. This act soothed me more than it did her. She wasn’t comfortable with me washing her hair, but I did it anyway.

After rinsing and rubbing in the conditioner, my thoughts had settled.

“It’s natural to endure that period of melancholy and/or longing after spending copious amounts of time with a person and experiencing the highest levels of intimate expressions. It’s a primitive response.”

Alexis’ eyes strained, still red from earlier wretched emotions as she tried to gain revelation. “Like missing them?”

I shrugged. “Yes, I guess so.”

“Have you been feeling that way? Did you miss me?”

That unexpected question jarred me. It forced me into a space of revelations, too. I scoffed, “Beloved, you’re mine. It’s hard to miss what belongs to you. If I wanted you so especially—”

“You would’ve just come to me,” she spoke over me, eyes empty.

I steeled in place. I didn’t know how to respond in a manner that wasn’t offensive because that’s what I was inclined to do when confronted or cornered, which rarely happened.

“Did you miss me?” the imprudent words fell from my mouth without proper evaluation.

This time my kitten’s eyes squinted in indignation. “I guess you’ll never know, Ezra.” She turned to rinse the conditioner from her hair as I stood frozen like an idiot. When she was done, Alexis turned to me, patting me on the shoulder, patronizingly. “Thanks for curbing me earlier. I guess if you didn’t wisely come out here, I would’ve been in that Puerto Rican jail cell after all.”

I watched as she left the shower.

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